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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I can't wait 'til the Q's watch it all take place on the TV. That's supposed to happen, right?

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I know it's been awhile since I've made one.

Aww, thanks! And thanks for the advice on the purple-tint. It didn't seem too dark on my computer, but I'll keep the lighten effect in mind. About applying the effects to only part of the clip...You use the button to the left of the camera button (in Windows Movie Maker). It splits the clip, and it allows you to apply different effects to the same clip. And special thanks to nex who was the one who showed me you can split clips in the first place. :D (I hope this makes sense!)

Glad you loved it! And LOL about Oh, Baby. Hopefully, I'll get an update up soon. Maybe as a Valentine's Day present to show my LOVE!!!
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Hello all. I've peeked in here a few times, but have never posted. I at first thought this was some exclusive group because many of you I haven't seen around SON before. :lol: It isn't, is it? lol

Anyway, I adore Tracy Quartermaine. The best thing on GH right now IMO. Even though I am a huge L&L fan, I love Luke with Tracy!!!!!!!! They are so fun to watch. I hate how Luke recently practically deserted her recently when Laura woke up. I can't believe he had the nerve to have the ceremony between him and Laura, fake or not, in Tracy's own backyard! :angry:

I love how Tracy has been featured more lately, even if it was just for some supporting role in Sam's story. I also have LOVED the scenes between her and Scotty and they really bring back the memories.

Tracy has always fascinated me....when she first came to Port Charles I immediately fell in love with her and she became my favorite character at the time. Even though it's been sad how she has been banished, it makes her so unique and really makes her Tracy Quartermaine as we know her today. Jane Elliot plays her so fantastic and precise I just love every aspect about her.

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Ms. Q, I loved the new vid! The purple didn't seem to dark on my computer either, but since they have dark clothes in some of them I can see how they may look very dark on a computer with a darker setting. Otherwise, I thought it was great.

I'm looking forward to all the scenes coming up soon. And for Hooked, my dvds will be in soon. The guy emailed me and they are done today, so I'll get them shortly and I can get you that link. I have a lot of the recent stuff, but I have some in the 90's of her and scotty, her and Paul (dating and wedding), the fam, the one in 1993 when she was banished and the one when she came back in 96. (not possitive on the last 2, but they are there as long as he found them, last I heard he was checking to see if he still had them). I'll let you know when they come in and if I can upload them somehow.

and welcome Days

Edited by knh
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Hi DaysFan, Welcome to the Tracy Quatermaine LoveFest. No we're not exclusive. But everyone here LOVES - LOVES - LOVES Tracy Quatermaine! Many of us are also HUGE LuNacy (Luke and Tracy) fans. I can't speak for the others but I myself only visit The TQ LoveFest on SON.

Yes, Luke and Tracy are fun together. Actually they are a fun AND sexy couple!

Pinkpopsicle, Thanks for the screencaps! I see that you captured Luke's expression right after the kiss! YUM!!

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If I didn't already have a goddess, I'd have to worship you. Very nice video. You are so CREATIVE, and you're getting very very good!

That little flick made me very very happy (And I don't even like that Averel girl. Under normal circumstances, she drives me wacky. But not when you run her song under LuNacy pics!!!)

And oh -- I LOVED the very very very end, when you put "LuNacy in 2007." :lol: You said it!

ta ta,


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Hello! And thanks for the greetings! I'm a huge Tracy fan too! I LOVE her to death! She's always a treat and a very large bright spot on GH right now despite it being mob-centric.

I am a LuNacy fan too, but why is there an "N" in the name? Does that stand for "and"?

Edited by daysfan
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pinkpopsicle, thanks for the screencaps! As I said before, they are SO clear, like extremely high quality. I LOVE them.

MinervaFan, I have yet to edit all of this week's scenes, but I'm working on it. I'm sure nex or I will get them up soon.

daysfan! Welcome! I used to post all over SON, but for the last um, year or so, LOL, I've pretty much just stayed in the Love and Hate threads, mainly this one. And the "N" is like "and" as in 'n. So, it's Luke 'n Tracy = LuNacy. :DEdit: I just realized you asked if it stood for "and." Oops. LOL. Anyway, you're correct.

knh, oh, I hope you're able to upload those for us! Think of the videos we could make! LOL. And it's always fun to watch stuff from the past. Thanks for the feedback on the recent video, by the way! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

Lainey, glad you enjoyed the LuNacy video! And yeah...It had to be said. LuNacy in 2007!

TracyLuv, somehow I knew you'd enjoy that part. ;)

*waves to Keith*

And finally, I'm in the breakroom for now: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Its late and I am still up <_< I have spent the entire day on my computer editing and cleaning up all my GH clips. Who would have thought, over eight hours on my computer and I haven't made a dent. ;)

MinevaFan, here is Thursday and Friday's clips, I put both days together because I actually wanted to keep the entire episodes intact.


Credit goes to both Shazzer and Geena.

Ms.Q, can I just say how much I love your vid. :D:D:D I must have watched it ten times today. You really should post your videos on You Tube for everyone to see..........really!

Welcome daysfan, come in and join in the party, we love newcomers!!! Were a very cool bunch! B)

Welcome back Keith, glad to see you haven't forgot about us.

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