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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I will edit in more stuff later, but for now, I basically just want to let everyone know I'm in the breakroom. I got nothing else going on right now, and I've been off the computer for much of the day, so I figured there was no harm. :D


Eeeeeeeeeeee! She was on! She was on! She was on! And...She said "crazy ass stunt." LOL. I didn't realize how much I missed Lulu/Tracy scenes. And the part where Tracy said something along the lines of, "Whatever you're up to...I hope it helps you miss Laura a little less because I know what it's like to lose a mother." And then Lulu responded, "Thank you, Step Mon--Tracy. Thank you." That was SO sweet. Also, I didn't watch the Lulu/Laura scene, but I read she had some nice stuff to say about Tracy. All together now: Aww.

Oh, before I forget, much thanks for the video feedback! And TracyLuv, I put in that face touch just for you! nex, you're right. That refrain of your video is awesome, and your clips worked so well! About Oh, Baby...I know I said I'd get more up (in the breakroom last night), but give me time. Sorry for the delay. Oh, MinervaFan, I PM'ed ya!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OHMYGOD!!! After I watched today, I had TWO reactions. The first one was VERY VERY GOOD. The second one was VERY VERY BAD. I will tell you about both reactions.. and I will also admit: yes, I do over analyze. (I'm a Cancer. Deal with it. It's what we do ;) )

What I thought was VERY VERY GOOD!!!!!!:

-Tracy was on!!!

-She was being maternal with Lulu!!! (Well, as maternal as Tracy can be).

-Tracy identified with Lulu!! And she was being very, very kind to Lulu (It will win her MAJOR points with Luke later, but I don't think this is why she did it. I think she genuinely cares about Luke and Lulu).

-Lulu was actually NICE to Tracy (I couldn't believe it!). She refused to call her Step-monster, and later, when talking to Laura, she back tracked on Step-witch. She said, "I shouldn't call her that. She's a witch, but she's being strangely empathetic. She knows what it's like to loose a mother..."

-The writers made Tracy a little vulnerable (Well, as vulnerable as Jane Elliot will allow Tracy to be!).

-Lulu mentioned Tracy's relationship with Luke, and she referred to it in a NICE, SUPPORTIVE way and even though Tracy dismissed what Lulu said, at least the writers WROTE it!!! So I thought to myself.... 'hmmm... why did they write that, and why is it airing today?' And then I thought.... 'ahhh... they're getting ready to bring Luke back, and they have to start setting up Tracy's emotions toward the return.' And I was thrilled at the prospect of Lulu supporting the relationship, because then it means she won't "fight it" when it starts to really gel. So all of this had me THRILLED... for a little while, before I started to over-think it (hint: see the VERY VERY BAD section below!).

-Lulu brought up Tracy when speaking with LAURA!! I thought that topic was a 'no no.' So, I LOVE THAT IT HAPPENED.

-AND OH- you're going to think I'm NUTS on this last point, but I'll type it anyway: Tracy was holding her robe closed, and she had her arms crossed across her body for the two scenes with Lulu. Sure, it could be Jane acting-- trying to show that Tracy is trying to protect herself while being 'vulnerable.' However, I have chosen to believe that's not the case. I think she's hiding a much thinner body. I think she's loosing weight like mad, and I think it's because she's getting ready for some hot LuNacy Sex scenes. Sure... you think I'm nuts.. but you wait until LuNacy sex happens and Luke comments on how fabulous she looks... you just wait!!!!!! :lol:;):lol:;):lol:;)

What I thought was VERY VERY BAD:

-Um... the back of Laura's head made an appearance today. Ummm.. That's bad my friends, very very bad. Last time that happened for the 'first time,' was when ABC announced via an article in USA Today that Laura was returning to GH. The minute I saw that head, I did a google news search to make sure there were no newspaper articles today (there were none.. whew). But this is not good. Reminding viewers of Laura's existence is not good... it makes viewers think she's still around, and opens the door to her return.

-Lulu actually told Laura that she wanted to solve the mystery of Rick Webber's murder so that Laura could come back. She's never said that in such a black and white way before. That, too, leaves open the possibility that Laura will return.

-Today, for the very first time, I noticed a Genie Francis picture in the upper left of SOC (you know where they have rotating pictures of GH characters). I have NEVER seen Genie there before today.

-I'm worried, friends. I'm waiting for a "Laura Returns" announcement anyday now. GOD... I hope this is just TIIC F-ing with us again. I hope so. I hope so (but I don't think so). Ugh. :( :( :(

On other things:

KNH, Your picture is amazing!!! Bravo!! Bravo!!!

Ms. Q, I'm downloading your video now. Based on the reviews here, I can't WAIT to see it!!

Nex, your video gets downloaded after Ms. Qs!!! I LOVE new vids!

What I also love is new fic... Regency, I can't wait to read whatever it is that you're now working on!!!

Ta ta from La La Land,


EDIT: Ms. Q, I am Crazy about your Crazy video! I just watched it like five times. Totally awesome.

Nex, you're still downloading.. and I don't think I'm going to make it... so it'll be on the screen when I wake up in the morning. What a fun thing to wake up to!! nite nite.

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I hate to disagree, but if that happened I wouldn't be here, so i have to defend my mob folk! Well, the real ones anyway. I'm italian and i know it is a huge stereotype and people will get all wiggy over it, but there are reason we have many stereotypes (don't get me wrong, not all, not even most, but some) and this one happens to apply to my fam. Then again, as far as I know they were all from when the mafia had some class (sort of) and only hurt the people who crossed them and they didn't go after families and there was alot more involved than just getting pissy at someone and having a rumble. So I have to thank my nanna for ignoring that whole "they should stay out of procreation" thing. That being said... my nanna was the most fabulous person I know who raised my grandma away from the mafia and did it very well... and from that time on, I agree that most of them should stay away from anything under the age of 20, let alone having them, especially on tv (this means you Sam and Jason)!!!

I just felt the need to defend the real ones a bit. Plus it makes for a really colorful family and even better stories to tell, so I kinda like my mob ties!

As for todays ep. I loved what little we got. Tracy was being very nice and very caring, but still had the "it" factor that makes her Tracy. I also liked that Lulu is sort of accepting her and dare i say liking her. She was greatful for the concurn (sort of) and she tried to ease Tracy's fears about Luke's leaving. She made a consious effort to call her by her name and not Step witch. I thought it was all good!!!!

Edited by knh
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Nex, Your vid was fabulous!! Loved it! The lyrics don't have to match litterally - they matched in sentiment - talking about in the midst of all the goings on of day to day life - I miss what I see when I look in your eyes - Perfect!! -especially with Luke and Tracy since their time spent together is so few and far between.

Ms. Q, Thanks for including the OTHER HS face touching just for me :)

Lainey, I thought she kept her arms folded across her chest to keep the robe from slipping open like most of this type of robe tends to do - cause in the first scene I think she might have been holding it closed with her hand at some point. Whatever the case you are right, our girl is totally lookin slimmer for sure!

Oh, Ms. Q & Nex, I hope both of you upload your vids (all of them) to you tube. You should really share the Tracy Love of these vids and all of your others with everyone.


Lainey where's the fic you been workin' on? *tongue hanging out*

Edited by TracyLuv
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Oh, I just meant the fictional ones. I don't deal with genuine mob. Have no reason to. But Sam and Jason don't need kids. They just don't. That kid'll be a plot point in no time. It isn't fair. However, I'm not much invested in JaSam or at all, really.

Topic: *sighs* Tracy is involved in "Another Nasty Scandal" in my latest fic. In the one before, Tracy's in a plane crash and Luke has to accept that he may have lost her forever. In a different fic, Tracy ends up being romanced--genuinely--by Jasper Jacks.

And I need a vacation from the internet. I will see ya'll on Thursday.

Edited by Regency
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I was shocked to see Tracy today, but happy. I just wrote a fic that actually had Tracy and Lulu hugging. They didn't do that today, but it was close. :)

I was almost hoping Luke would walk in the door after Lulu left. I know he's not due back yet, but I was daydreaming.

I think Lulu has liked Tracy for a long time, but didn't want to admit it.

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I was so happy I Tivo'd soap net as there was some chemical leak that pre-empted the first half of Gh today in Houston! I would have been so pissed off if I had missed those great Tracy/Lulu scenes.

I watched them last night. I thought that the writing in them was actually great for a change. She basically showed her "concern" for lulu and how much she cares when she raised her voice and said "I'm worried about you Lulu". I loved when she related her saying "I'm fine" back to all the times she said she was fine when she pulled "crazy ass stunts". I was surprised to hear her say "ass" in there, but thought it was great. She totally sees Lulu has her younger self. And afer reading all those fan fics on the fictathon these past few weeks (the old ones as I am new to this site so I was trying to catch up), it seemed right on the money.

I also loved how Lulu was trying to "console" tracy into realizing that Luke didn't leave her this time, but ran away from Laura. I felt Tracy was actually considering what she said even though she told her it was a brilliant deflection. Lulu is the ONLY person who hasn't mocked her feelings about Luke or made snide remarks to her.

I also liked how she seemed like she wanted to intervene as she somehow felt resonsible for lulu getting pregnant this summer for lack of supervision.

She does seem very protective and concerned about Lulu. Why do Lulu and Dillon live there anyway when they are in college. Hello....what about dorms and teens wanting freedom? Although it is much more fun to having htem all living under one roof.

Anyway, it was a very good Tracy day in my opinion.

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Thanks to all who got the PMs to me so quickly. I'm going to try again tonight at Kinko's, hoping against hope they won't say a word about the stories themselves. It's a whole different world from when I used to do zines back in the 90s.

As for Tracy's appearance yesterday--she looked gorgeous, her (tiny) screen time was perfect Tracy. Yes, she's not the Queen of Mean anymore, and I for one am glad of it. I don't like villians for the sake of villains. There has to be substance there, and Tracy is just chock full o'substance. They are definitately setting up LuNacy, and I'm pretty sure they're laying the groundwork for another GF return. I'm taking the Zen approach to this whole thing. I believe we will get excellent LuNacy scenes in the next few months, up to and including a "get-together" around May (their 2nd anniversary). We'll probably get about a month of connubial bliss before TG takes his summer vacation, and then Laura will return to muck things up.

Whether LuNacy is endgame or not is anybody's guess. But I'm certain we're going to have a real relationship before this is all over.

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I'm doing to go with the possitive spin on the "we saw laura's head" thing. I think maybe they are doing it because she was just on. It's not like they need to rmind anyone of her exsistance since it's her and it hasn't even been a month without her yet, so maybe it's aaclosure thing. They brought up tracy being the stepmother in the hosital room between lulu and laura b/c Laura doesn't know about it and b/c she is catatonic, so lulu can show that she's starting to like her and connect with her without anyone else really knowing yet. That will, of course, set it up for when tracy and luke end up "really" together later on and that lulu is accepting her. She now sort of ses that her mother is gone, even though she's trying to bring her back by solving her mystery. I think they will set it up to bring laura back again (b/c why not beat the dead horse just a little more, it doesn't feel it), but I don't think they'll be doing it any time soon... Or at least not that soon.

as for another costar... I'm not sure yet, but I'll keep thinking about it and come up with an answer for ya later

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I'm going to try for the whole zine thing again tonight--thanks to those who PMd their permissions so quickly. I don't think it'll be a problem with the stories so much, but knh's artwork was a definite sticking point.

So, anybody think we might...you know...get some Tracy today? Maybe?

Oh, and I have officially removed "To Be A Quartermaine" from the 100 Situations. At the suggestion of several people, I'm seriously considering changing the names and places and trying to market this as an original novel when it's done. I'll still hang on to the Tracy version, so that my friends can read it, but at this point, it's no longer even close to fanfic. Oy. OTOH, I have a great bunny for the next prompt, which is "Neutral," so 100 Situations will not languish.

Now I must go. Lunch hour is ovah.

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First off I wanted to start out by saying "Welcome to The TQ Lovefest" pinkpopsicle glad to see you here! :)

If I could pick who I would want to bring in as a new costar for Jane, all I could say is that I would want that person to be a woman. Tracy has no friends and I think she needs a girlfriend to talk to. How about Julia Barr from AMC? After 30 years on that show they gave her the pink slip, and Julia and Jane are close in age, are they not??

Ms.Q and TracyLuv, I'm glad you liked the vid and TL I probably will be putting it on You Tube. Speaking of You Tube look what I found, its a clip of Alan and Tracy from 1993, they are discussing/arguing about Ned and Monica having an afair:


**waves to Keith and MinervaFan**

Edited by nex4evr
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Yeah Minerva!!! I have been missing the 100 situations! Glad to hear there are stories to come!

Also, on the subject of the zine, that was a lovely introductory letter you wrote. I am sure Jane will be very touched.

knh, your picture is beautiful! What a perfect cover!

Happy Tuesday and hoping for some Tracy today :)

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