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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*Elphaba struts out of the thread's armoire*

Nice try, Galinda. I don't buy your Goodness spiel. Sorry. Being realistic may be a [!@#$%^&*], but well, you should be used to that by now.


I have no hope, dudes. If I'm proven wrong, I don't know that I'd even be happy.

ETA: However, page 169.

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spoiler talk

SOD is mostly LnL....and what I thought was true, that Laura will have no memory of the last four years.

Which means either luke is going to have to ask Tracy or FORCE Tracy to not tell Laura that they are married at first...because the doctor tells Luke not to force Laura to try and remember.

That means they won't be living in the Q mansion kiddies.

My guess? The Haunted Star...because someone spoiled (was it Wizard?) that Luke would take Laura back to the place where it all started.

Now if he means the LnL marriage....that'd be the HS. I could see him taking her there and living there and him telling her he sold the house etc etc

If he means the start of the cause of the breakdown....I have no idea.

So I doubt they'll be living in the Q manse.

What does this mean for JE/Tracy?

Hmm. I think it's likely if Je waves bye bye...that TIIC will have her be the cause ....on purpose or not, of Laura going back into catatonia.

They may make her be the reason anyway...even if Tracy stays.

Who knows?

My guess is that Laura hearing the truth will shock her back into catatonia...now if it's Tracy or someone else or she overhears a conversation....?? I have no idea.

I'm kinda like Keith.....I'd love for JE to stick around but there lies the undeniable indesputable fact that she's being wasted and even if Lacy grows more serious she probably still will be, with TG's vacations and all.


In about six weeks we'll know something hopefully.....right now TIIC are still thrashing around about another actor's contract. Jane takes less precedent so.....we must wait.

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Oh and about Tracy speaking or not speaking foreign languages....I've often wondered myself why she doesn't use foreign words more cause you know she knows SOME.

But then I remember that IMO while Tracy loves Europe, there's something undeniably AMERICAN about her....that, and there's just something pretentious about constantly speaking in another language when you know the other person can't understand you....that would irritate Tracy. Not because of the pretentiousness of it and not in deference to the other person's feelings necessarily...but because #1 Lila DID teach her to be a lady...and doing something like that is just plain rude..and #2 Tracy Quartermaine expects people to listen and understand when she speaks. LOL

I think she'd consider German a barbaric rough crude language and she likely hates it and never speaks it.

I think she loves French but can never get the accent right and was once told by a Frenchman she was in love with that she "mangled" the words when she spoke...and ever since then she only speaks it when she has too..ie if she's in Paris.

Same principle with any other language....Tracy loves Europe and feels quite at home there but I think she only speaks whatever language when she has too and therefore has a limited knowledge it.

I can't recall EVER hearing JE as Tracy speak any language other than English.

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This is hypocritical coming from ME of all people, but...[small voice] Why the negativity? [/small voice] It's hard. It is, but...Come on, TQ fans. I'm assuming most of us don't want to come in here and read all this sad speculation, right?

So, let's focus on...HAPPY THOUGHTS! *throws confetti* HAPPY THOUGHTS!

Tracy's in the spoiler pictures for next week, and she's standing next to her husband. There are what? 10 other people in that room that she could be standing next to, and she's standing next to LUKE.

And Guza (forget that he lies) said Tracy would be one of the people that Laura interacts with. We're going to have to get something.

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Well I'm not sad.


If she leaves, if she stays....I'll be happy for me if she stays (and her too if she's happy to stay) and happy for her if she leaves(because even Guza is not stupid enough to FIRE laDiva...so if she leaves it'll be voluntary.)

And I'm sorry if that makes others on here sad. But ignoring the fact that she *might* leave (and honestly I don't think she will...I think she'll sign on for at least another year (HEY that's positive !) is really kinda.....eh.

But we can't talk about other actors or characters.

We can't talk about her daily scenes unless she actually you know...HAS them.

We can't talk about her spoilers because there aren't any.

So what's left?

maybe fics? Good. Let's talk about fics then.

I want someone to write a YOUNG Tracy story...something fun and flirty *eyes Debbie* about Tracy and her young Frenchman who made fun of her accent and what Tracy did for revenge when she came in one day to find her young Frenchman *gettin Frenchy* with someone else.

His name of course would be Jean Claude.

Or ....here's irony: LUC.

Yeah ol' LUC's about to get busted and get chewed out by Tracy in perfectly flawless gutter French.


Um yeah......... :P

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I'm going to stay positive and force all the evil negative thoughts away!! (evil thoughts are are just too much fun hehe)................. anyways, can someone please explain to me *why* was she not permitted to say anything during that scene the other day (was it just me or did it look like Jane was just itching to say something)!?

Hopefully she'll get to be on *and* have lines!! Girl's gotta dream right, lol. But yeah speaking of 'lines' I've got monologues to memorize for Thespian Society, tootles for now!!

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ITLQ, my memory may be shot, but I think the agreement was not to TRASH other characters on this board, as opposed to not discussing them at all. I doubt it's possible to discuss Tracy/Jane Elliot while completely remaining mum on everybody else on the show. But it is possible to discuss her and the others in a civil and respectful manner. That's what I've been going for, anyway. (Mah Mama always tole me--if you cain't say somethin' nice about somebody, just smile and say nothin'.)

JE is not leaving. She's not. *glares at Keith for pulling out the Elphaba pessimism* She's NOT.

*stomps foot and gives a pretty, pink, peppermint popsicle kind of pout!*

About the fic request, ILTQ, unfortunately, I'm about three bunnies behind at the moment, and my AU story is eating all my writing time. (I'm at 28 pages and only half through....) But I will definitely keep it in mind for one of my future fics, unless one of the more multi-lingual members of the writing force (stares at Staci and Lainey and TracyLuv and Regency) want to tackle the challenge. (I took three-ish years of French and one of German, but all I got was theese shtupeed accent!)

And MsQ! Tracypics, Tracypics, Tracypics!!!!! From next week. I'm totally happy.....

Now...was the wardrobe from Sears? ;)

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Je t'aime mes amis. (ETA ) I love you my friends ! (I hope I got that right)

Laissez Le Bon Temp Roulez !

(and the above is something Luke would say ....LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL !

And Debbie...who is a Louisiana girl...knows exactly what that means !

Mais non?

And about the talking about the other characters...with a possible exception of a few Quartermaines....I'm just not interested enough to bother.

But ya'll feel free.

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All this negativity is bring me down!! :( We NEED to think positive!! Jane is not leaving! Lacy will continue! Tracy will have her own storyline separate from Luke! Guza will make her happy! (ok that last one was a long shot, hehe)


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If it makes you feel any better, I'm not from any place cool. At least not unless you're from here also. I'm from Cowtown, USA, Southern Ct. For a big old yankee state, I've got nothing but cows and horses around me... with the occational donkey and llama thrown in for good measure.

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Hey MF, I'm with you on the JE's going to resign thing for all the aformentioned reasons, but also... b/c I have some damned good karma and I just want it that way. Things tend to work out for me so I'm hoping it extends to this also!!!

I also agreed with I don't know whose oppinion on the language thing. For the most part I agreed with MF on that one, but I don't thingk she'd speak too much german unless it was neccessary. I think she probably can, but doesn't b/c it isn't a sophisticated sounding language... plus French is also an offical language in Switzerland, equal with German, so she could have avoided it all together.

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Sorry! It was me who started it, I think. :(

I was just SO disappointed yesterday! I should have edited myself.

**hangs head in shame**

I do have some **good news** however.

I woke up this morning with a sexy idea for "chapter 2" of the piece that I'm now calling Discoveries Along the Road (It's no longer called "Stalled," although the project has definitely been "stalled" at chapter 2)


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Okay I tried three times to post...and each time it ate the post...and the third time I just put in a bunch of numbers and it TOOK the post.


Mmm okay

let's play a game: I ask a Tracy related "what if?" question and the first person to offer an answer gets to post their own question and on down the line.

Anyone wanna play?

And BTW in the below scene Tracy is the only one quoted as doing any speaking.


Tracy has cancer and is dying and after deciding to tie up loose ends, say her goodbyes....she remembers :) that she forgot someone....the most important person of all.

She puts on her robe and lies on her bed (BTW I'm picturing her final end to be at home with her family but for now she's in Europe alone) and picks up the phone to call someone.

She doesn't even have to look up the number. She knows it by heart even after all these years.

When she hears the voice on the other end of the line her voice catches in her throat and she widens her eyes to keep the tears at bay.

"It's so good to hear your voice," she manages to say.

The person on the other end informs her they heard of her illness.

Tracy talks small talk for a minute and has pretty much lost her nerve and is just about to hang up when she takes a deep breath.

"I don't know if I'll see you before I"....

The person on the other end waits.

"But I just wanted you to know that you were the first person I thought of telling when I heard the news. But I was afraid. And then when I heard that song on the radio you used to love I thought about telling you again...."

The person on the other end is silent, waiting, and Tracy thinks she hears the person take in a sharp breath as if choking back a sob. Tracy bites the inside of her cheek to keep from crying.

Not now. She's always been the stronger one and they both know it. She'll take her father's advice once more and cry in private. But for now...

" I just wanted you to know that I'm glad I knew you. That I'm glad I got to know you. Even though it wasn't always nice or neat or good. Because let's face it those things are sometimes overrated.

But I *am* glad to call you a friend. And I'm so lucky to know that I was loved by you. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather call the love of my life and my best friend.

Oh some people may have looked at us in our lives and thought we were insane.

But I always thought we made perfect sense. I will miss you. And can I be a hypocrite one last time and say to you...that when someone tries to reach out to you, let them? For me? Don't be afraid to love while there's time...because time slips away so fast...."

And then they say their goodbyes.

All right. No that didn't really happen in case anyone is confused. LOL Just my "what if" about one of Tracy's final goodbyes in fanfic land. So someone tell me...who do YOU think Tracy would say this to on her deathbed?

Who would she consider to be those things to her?

It can be anyone...it doesn't have to be a romantic relationship.....

Someone give their opinion and then post another question or scenario.

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