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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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^^^ I think it's July 27th. smile.png

Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon) Interview with Michael Fairman: Click here.

Here are the parts about Jane...

It bugs me that Michael Fairman didn't ask what specific advice Jane had for Robert... There are like 2 paragraphs on Tony's wisdom... Jane has wisdom too! Come on!!!

Edit: Tracy is on tomorrow! Denise (Ava) and Tracy at the Q's. Denise (Ava) wants to know where Avery is.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Oh, good! Tracy and Ava should be fun. (I'm ready for Ava/Denise to lose that accent, though!)

I wish Michael hadn't handed Avery back to Sonny. Why not just let him visit? If the point was to keep Avery safe, she still needs that.

And she'll miss her auntie Tracy. :)

How many relocations/kidnappings has the poor baby lived through, now, in the six months of her life? Good thing it's not real!

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"I cannot imagine what you want, but Vegas is THAT way."

Ha! She has the best lines.

"If I were you I'd run like hell for the hills, because after the last few days I've had, I am itching for a fight."

She misses Avery. And misses Dillon too. Aww, my poor Tracy.

Mentioned Franco, too. Sometimes, it takes very little to make me happy. LOL

And in Laura's very own, very clear words: "My marriage to Luke was over a long, long time ago. ... I really want to put that chapter of my life to rest."

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Haven't gotten to watch yesterday yet, hopefully will soon.

MsQ, since you are so good at finding clips, IF you have time: can you find the one where Tracy is in Jenny's hospital room apologizing to her after the hit and run?

Jane did such fabulous work, of course she always does, but I really loved her stuff during her last months in 93. I'll never forget her hiding in the garage with the car afterwards, almost curled in a ball, especially when Marco came in and found her. *chills*

I am so looking forward to the first Tracy and Paul scenes! Dying to know if JE and RB have any chemistry. Also really interested in the possibility he's back to work for Nikolas at ELQ, because honestly, why else would he come back, unless he knows Dillon is in town? But even that, I kinda figure he'll have an agenda.

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Here are a couple clips with Tracy and Jenny in the hospital you can download. I love that whole time too. Too bad Gerald Anthony is dead. I always loved Tracy and Marco scheming together and against each other.

6-7&8-1993 https://www.sendspace.com/file/jk7rqr

6-9-1993 https://www.sendspace.com/file/rx8lje

And I forget who was asking about Jane on Twitter but if you hashtag #GH after or before Jane's name you don't get all of the other sociologist Jane Elliot tweets and you usually don't miss much.

Edited by halee
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Thanks halee for the clips and for that Twitter searching tip. smile.png

Jane Elliot was #3 in the episode counts last month (behind Michael and Dillon and tied with Sabrina, Luke, Lulu, and Dante). The last time she was in 17 episodes was May 2013. I thought it would have been longer than that, but then I remembered she did get a lot to do in the relish story.

I don't like that the ratings were so low last month. That's not supposed to happen with Jane so high up! Not that the problem is Jane or any story related to Tracy, but still...

Looking forward to seeing where Tracy and Paul's relationship goes...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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So it's me again, dropping in after months of not posting on here. I'm always on the board reading what you all are posting but never giving my opinion. A silent watcher. I've obviously missed alot by not posting, like Tony's leave which has got me super upset. Well wishes for him, it was just the worst blow after the fact that Jessica is leaving AHS and Finola is gone as well. I came in to this show on a Luke & Tracy relationship and hopefully it will end on that note. I wrote Tony a letter and mentioned Jane alot and Luke & Tracy as well. Tracy has been getting some good screen time which I greatly appreciate. Dillon back is AMAZING, I just miss SC. Glad that Nathan Parsons and JJ are back for Tony. I miss Ethan :(

Aside from GH, I hope all of you are well and good :)

And another thing, I know I already mentioned it once, but my L&T fanfic is solid & found it's true place in my writing repertoire. I've gotten some pretty decent feedback on it. If anyone is interested I'll just leave it here https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11197093/1/A-Labor-of-Lunacy

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Halee, thanks for giving us some Tracy, on a day when GH didn't. Those are some great clips (new to me). Very powerful scenes, with Edward, and then Lila--I liked how she held E. responsible, in part, too.

Will you post them on Youtube? They should be there.

Hi, PartyPerson. I hope you speak up more often; I really enjoy reading everyone's thoughts. And good luck with your writing.

I really need to get working on mine, again, but the news of Luke's impending departure seems to have zapped my motivation. It's all just too sad for words. I'm sure dreaming up some fic might help, actually, if I let myself think about it.

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The bolded is what I am most excited about. I am sad, that there will be no more Luke and Tracy. I will miss TG. I will miss Luke. I hate that the show's best actress and best actor were in a pairing and the opportunity to make them great was mostly squandered.

But now, I'm ready for change. I'm happy for Jane that they seem committed to giving her material. It does seem though, that Sam and Jake are going to have a bigger part in getting ELQ back than Tracy will. And that's just crap. Seriously, show? Please don't do that. If Tracy doesn't have a major part in reclaiming the company, it's going to feel like such a fail.

Anyway, I know Jane and Tony are going to play the rest of their material for all it's worth. I know I'm gonna cry through most of it. But I'm ready for what comes next for Tracy. I'm a TracyFF. Unapologetically. I feel out of all Tracy's "stories", one of the most wasted and unfinished was Tracy and Paul. Now, I don't even know if RB will act like Paul of old-but what I most care about, is will RB and JE have chemistry? Because I know he's a good actor, so really...what counts is how they connect. I want good material for JE out of this. I don't want a triangle with Tracy Paul and anyone else, unless it's another man fighting for Tracy. Interestingly enough, Paul will be around for Luke's last few weeks. I wonder if they'll meet. THAT will be a must see moment.

Anyway-I don't want Tracy fighting another woman for another man. She's had enough of that in her lifetime. Time for the tide to turn. Plus, I just really hate triangles. Like, haaaate them. I'd much rather see a couple with internal issues like trust and personality conflicts and other things.

So, in short-I want Tracy involved in ELQ heavily, I want a chem test with Paul and (yeah right like they would) maybe even some other man. I want good Tracy scenes with:Luke, Dillon, Sam, Sabrina, Lulu, Paul, Michael....everyone.

I want *heart*, and I want TPTB to realize what idiots they are for not making TQ a leading lady a long time ago.

I want Jane on twice a week, with something to do.(Okay, I'd like her on four times a week every week, but HA !)

I find it curious that there is no word on RB's and JE's first scenes yet, maybe because I don't think it's "official" that he'll be playing Paul?

Do we even have confirmation he's supposed to be a "love" interest?

I guess we'll find out if they click, next week. My thoughts are that Tracy doesn't leave town to regroup, she leaves to go find Dillon and Lulu when Dante tells her he thinks Dillon and Lulu are having an affair. No ELQ jet anymore, so Tracy Q has to fly commercial. The horror. LOL

And she never makes it on the plane because she sees Paul.

Me.Excited. I haven't been this happy about a TQ spoiler since the early days of Lacy-and that was TEN YEARS AGO, people.


Happy Fourth to everyone, if I don't check back in !

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Below is a LuNacy gif set I made...The date of the episode is July 4, 2005, so 10 years ago!!!




Tracy: I know that you think that Director of the General Hospital Charitable Endowment is a frivolous title - something to give a rich, pointless woman something to do. But it goes much deeper than that for me because it is one of my last links to my mother. And she’s someone that I have loved more than anyone or anything on this earth and, Luke, I won’t give it up.

If I am remember correctly, Carly's father, Durant, was going to sue the hospital, but Lorenzo Alcazar had the money to keep things quiet and to keep the hospital open. Lorenzo would hand over the money if Tracy gave her position to Carly.

I loved the follow-up to the above scene:

Luke: Tracy, before you go in there, we need a word. Look, the ugly reality is whether Durant settles or sues, we still have to have Alcazar's money in order to keep the hospital open. Now, don't worry. Carly's got the attention span of a gnat. I guarantee you her tenure as head of the endowment is going to last about two months.

Tracy: Gee, am I to construe that as you consoling me?

Luke: I didn't really understand your attachment to the job before, and I do now. I loved Lila. She was an amazing woman. And so are you, in your own way. You got to go in there with your head held high. Don't let them see you sweat. And remember, this is only temporary. I guarantee you that we will get your job back.

Tracy: Will you go in there with me?

Luke: I would be honored.

Luke then walked over to her and put his hand on her back. I think this was one of their first "real" scenes as a couple. wub.png

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks for the clips halee and MsQ ! I love clips like the charitable endowment ones because they prove Luke and Tracy were more than a joke. I call scenes like that definitely proof of their caring for one another. Not that we need proof of it, because we've actually watched the show during most of their scenes. :)

I'm just excited Jane is getting fresh material and Tracy is going in a new direction. I'm *really* curious to see if RB and JE have chemistry. I just hope they don't do any triangle with Paul and Laura and Tracy.

Why would anyone choose Laura over Tracy? About the only thing Laura has going for her, is the fact that she's younger. She isn't smarter, wittier, funnier, more sophisticated, or anything else more than Tracy.

A man would have to be an idiot not to realize what an amazing woman Tracy is.

I'm okay if Paul and Laura date-as long as he isn't dating Tracy at the same time, and as long as Tracy isn't dumped for Laura.

I just feel, it's beyond time for Tracy to truly come first, to be someone's first choice, etc.

Just me, or does anyone else think Tracy "bumping" or "running" into Paul is going to be literal? Guess we'll see tomorrow.

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