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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I think what we are saying is that the general audience sees Tracy as a snob, and years ago her snobbery was a lot more pronounced. Now personally I think she's always been able to get to know the people she WANTED to get to know, and didn't bother with the others, and many people misinterpreted that as snobbery. But don't most people do that, although on different levels and for different reasons? At any rate, my personal opinion is that she's not so snobby anymore.

But as Ms Q and I were saying, it's ...."awkward" (to say the least) when employers and employees form friendships. Sabrina is not technically Tracy's employee, so I'm good there. But like old Reginald the butler for instance, even though I thought they were adorable and even felt Reggie had a bit of a crush on her, they would have never worked.

This is television, "upstairs,downstairs" relationships happen. But either fictional or IRL, they are rarely a good idea. I don't hang out with my boss outside work, and the few times we have been in a social setting outside work, I don't have a problem with it. But I wouldn't make a habit of it, for obvious reasons.

I totally have faith that Tracy will understand why everyone lied. I just don't expect her to be happy about it; who would be? Few people get giddy at being lied to, for any reason. I do think the hurt and betrayal will be the strongest from Dillon and Lulu, even stronger than from Luke, at this point. I do think she'll forgive them fairly quickly, but IDK.

I think, TVFan, that you are confusing JE with Tracy. Of course anyone would benefit from scenes with JE, but we were simply pointing out that Tracy, at one point in her tenure as a character, would not associate with anyone who wasn't at her same "station".

For lack of a better term. I do think, as already stated, that Tracy over the years has proven most of that is just talk anyway. I also think she cares less these days, as already stated, because of her dwindling family.

Time has a way of changing your outlook on many subjects, and I think Tracy has realized that a free offer of friendship is something she can't afford to turn away.

As far as Dr. O, I think she has too much disdain for Americans in general, and I also think in several negative ways, that she and Tracy are too much alike. I still think Nina or Ava would be much better choices for friends with Tracy, because there's the right amount of differences versus things in common.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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MsQ, regarding the ELQ shares, Sloane (who I can't stand, btw, he always sounds to me like he's reciting lines, not at all natural) told Nikolas yesterday, that he got BrookLynn's shares, by threatening to make it known that Olivia's baby is alive; Brooklyn was looking after the baby, apparently.

And I agree with the rest of you--I just adore this Dillon! He's my hero. :)

He should have simply gone off and told Tracy what he found out, instead of TELLING Luke that that was his intension. Announcing it only ensures that someone will talk him out of it, or stop him, in some other way. It's such an aggravating, common occurrence, on GH. Act, don't talk!

I miss Ned.

Oh yes, because each of them has such a strong personality, I'd love to see Je/Tracy in scenes with Ava, Nina or Dr. O. Franco, too. Any of these combinations would be comical, and pure gold. ... I just think Ava's too dangerous, and I don't want Tracy in the Jeromes' orbit. Liesl is the best option; clever writers could make it work.

Hmm, maybe Nina can befriend Laura. They have that coma thing in common. LOL

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Thanks truenorth. I didn't know that about Sloane. I am only watching some of the stories.

Jane Elliot rocked those Haunted Star scenes today. Tracy is going to be devastated when she realized Dillon lied to her, especially after that speech about appreciating his trust. And then tomorrow, Dillon is supposed to comfort her. My guess it's because Luke and Laura left town "engaged." Dillon was the one who made up the engagement, and now he is comforting her over it. When all is revealed, this could really turn Dillon and Tracy's relationship upside down. It would have better just to tell her the truth. She's not going to put Lucky's life in danger...

But this story is so stupid anyway... They are just waiting around for this kidnapper (who gives little details) to call. A kidnapper who wants Luke and Laura together? Someone speculated it's not about Luke and Laura being together, it's about getting Tracy away from Luke. Someone guess Nik because then she will be too distracted to focus on ELQ.

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Are we certain it's Dillon, and not Sabrina, Michael or someone else, who comforts her? One spoiler said Dillon, another said "someone close", which okay Sabrina isn't yet, but....

Does anyone know?

I can't wait to watch. Oh, Dillon. Dumb, dumb Dillon. I don't think it will ruin Tracy and Dillon, or Tracy and Lulu, permanently, but I do think there's going to be a rift there and a big blow up and hurt feelings for a minute. But Tracy loves them too much, and they her, for it to last long.

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Oh, Dillon! Why?!

Wouldn't it be terrific if Tracy, on her own, came to the conclusion that there's more to this than she's been told? She's been living with Luke and his family and enemies for long enough now, that this should occur to her as a possibility. Because this just does not make sense, otherwise! Sooner or later, she should realize that.

I'd love it to be Tracy, who has some key part in helping them fix this... whatever it is. But I just want JE involved in everything. LOL

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New SID article gist of what RC says

its a Luke and Tracy love story even though she's not there on the adventure. We'll see Luke's love for Tracy while he overcomes obstacles.

Genie gave soaps.com interview saying there is no Luke Laura romance going on because Tony has played that he has moved on for a long time and played he is in love with Tracy and he is very protective of his characters and it would t make sense

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The scenes today weren't as bad as I thought, and Dillon is obviously conflicted. Every time he tells Luke off, I SWOON, people. It's about time Tracy had someone in her corner fighting FOR her. I love him. Please don't ruin this, RC.

Well, I think TG is totally playing it like Luke loves Tracy. He and Jane have had me near tears several times, and the only time I normally cry at a soap is when someone dies. But they aren't getting the bulk of the last days together. So it's kind of a draw in the LnL versus Lacy debate. One gets most of his last airtime, but he loves the other one. I am shocked but pleased at the number of Facebook fans on the GH site who love Lacy. It's about fifty/fifty in reference to them versus Laura/Luke.

I have to wonder though, if Tracy isn't going to blame Dillon and Lulu for not being with Luke anymore. Oh Tracy, please don't. She's gonna need her boy and her girl.

Well crap. I edited and it ate it.

Anyway. Maybe that's a sign I should hold my tongue. Night everyone!

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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I also think that Tony is playing it like Luke loves Tracy. I am really surprised by the Soaps In Depth article. I thought for sure that Luke and Laura would reconnect. Maybe they reconnect, but non-romantically?

No Dillon (or anyone) comforting Tracy today, so it looks like that got cut. sad.png Dillon checked in with her in the morning, and then he visited Lulu while Sabrina and Tracy remained at the Quartermaines.

Lulu and Dillon rehashed their past, and he got to meet Rocco. Meanwhile, Tracy and Sabrina discussed Sabrina and Michael's relationship, Dillon's relationships with Georgie and Lulu, and ELQ. Seemed like the writers were trying to catch up any new viewers on everyone's history.

Tracy is in previews with Sam. Jake, as we know, thinks Sam is working to take ELQ away from the Quartermaines, and now he thinks Tracy is her boss. laugh.png Worst security ever. But I do think Jake works better with the Quartermaines than with the mob.

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I liked today, and I liked Dillon with Lulu. I was afraid my infatuation with the new actor playing Dillon was due to the "JE is queen of all" thing. But he had good rapport with her. Not sure if I would want anything to come of it. Didn't Tracy say once way back when that she and Dillon would kill each other if they were a couple? Can't remember.

Dillon is certainly more like Luke, though, and I think in the end, Lulu will end up with someone like Luke. Dante does not seem to have anything in common with Luke, IMO. By like Luke, I mean having no problem with picking up and going on an adventure at the last moment, etc.

Yet again another anvil about Tracy and Dillon, with her saying how he's the only reason she's staying sane, etc. With him looking guilty and making tracks over to Lulu's right after. I so am looking forward to-and dreading-the confrontation from Tracy to Lulu and Dillon. I have a bad feeling that TraLu may be forever damaged, and that we won't be getting many Tracy/Lulu interactions after TG leaves. I hope I am wrong.

So, aren't Dillon and Lulu supposed to take off and join LnL?

And yes, Sabrina was ogling Dillon's naked chest today. :)

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Me too!

As much as I loved Lunacy, I think RC really prefers to write for Tracy as Tracy Q

For some reason I don't think Tracy being pissed off at Lulu and Dillon will be some huge confrontation. I think it will be blown over like everything else on this show

Seems like the Luke and Laura adventure is going to be at least 3 -4 weeks. I think they will run into Jennifer Smith, then Holly, then Skye on their trail of hints to find Lucky so Luke can have some closure with them. I think ultimately once he returns to Port Charles he will have closure with Bobbie and Tracy -- maybe even scotty and sonny too.

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I don't know about "huge", but I do think there will be some sort of confrontation, I think they keep making too much of the fact that Tracy trusts Dillon to tell her the truth. I also thought it was weird the way Tracy talked about Lulu yesterday-maybe I'm reading into it but it was just a feeling I got.

I do think she'll forgive them, but....well I guess we have to wait and see.

Forgot to mention that I loved the "fist bump" moment with Rocco and Dillon. I do that with my 2 year old nephew all the time. :)

I'm okay with Tracy Q-I just think she deserves a love interest, too. Not that I need to see one right away, but in a few months, maybe.

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I'm pretty sure RC is an LnL fan... I'm confused how the LnL adventure may be about Luke's love for Tracy...

I don't need Tracy to have a love interest - just screen time.

I do hope Tracy/Dillon and Tracy/Lulu do get scenes about the 2 of them keeping quiet. It doesn't have to be huge, but I do want something.

Tracy today - a lot of characters in one room - Tracy, Michael, Sam, Jake, and Sabrina - so everyone had to take turns with dialogue, lol. Tracy in previews tomorrow... Unless I blinked and missed one of them leaving the room, I think all the same characters are there.

Dillon is considering giving up half his ELQ stocks to Nikolas - something to do with Nik financing his film.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Well for me, it's about the fact that a romance of any kind with someone not Luke, should mean more screen time. If all she gets is ELQ, that's not going to be much, and I'm greedy. There's also the fact that IMO I don't see GH lasting much longer. Soaps are and have been dying for a while now. I'd like Tracy Q to get her enchilada, so to speak. I am going to hope for the best, that they'll care enough to write her a love story worthy of Tracy's Q's eventual exit. As we were saying earlier, the fact that she's just a woman crying out to be loved (didn't WK actually say little girl in his quote?) defines her. And yeah there are all kinds of love, and if that's the conclusion she comes to by the end of JE's run, that all along she's had that love in one form or another-and that she doesn't NEED a man to love her and define her, that's fine. I just look around at all the people on this show who certainly aren't any morally better and some of them no nicer, who have pairing after pairing. If they can have that, why can't Tracy finally find The One? Now, if GH IS still around in two or three years, and they do the story justice and bring him back long enough to write it well, I could go for Luke coming back to get her. But honestly, this last stunt has put him on my list, and I just don't care about Lacy as a couple right now. He'd have to do SO much growing as a person to be worthy of La Diva, and I just don't think TG will ever play that kind of man again. Not even for a short stint, not even for JE. It's what I've always wanted for the character. It's her perfect ending.

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