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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the link, Drw50. This will be a treat!

I've been entertaining myself with some of the 1978 GH clips, recently. I need to try to see them in order (I love the longer scenes, and sometimes superior writing!)

What I watched this morning must be early days of Luke's arrival, he and Bobbie are plotting to get Laura in trouble--I love that. Bobbie and Laura clearly hate each other. :)

Tracy refers to her absent son as "Neddie". :) And Edward's apparently not on screen, just yet. Only Alan and Monica and Tracy.

Luke and Tracy are on the same eps, but not in the same scenes (I've only come across one short clip with them speaking to each other, perhaps 1980?--when she asks Luke if she's invited to his and Jennifer's wedding, with a curious undertone.) In 1978, though, they are both unattached, as far as I can gather. *sigh* What missed opportunity! This requires some fanfic wish fulfillment, I think, in the form of a short-term tryst, which one or both may not recall, later. Nothing to change

events as we know them, but something to add a little interest to their later interactions, maybe?

On the other hand, though it would be a delight to have seen them get together earlier, on the show, I think it's for the best that it happened in the time frame it did; their history makes them the fascinating people they are. They're probably better suited to each other, now, than they would have been 30 years ago. (and personally, I prefer both of them, older. Definitely I like Luke, older. That delicious voice...)

I have nothing more current and relevant to say. Blah. WHEN will she be back? I think I've only watched one ep, this week!

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There is some fanfic that dealt with Tracy/Luke c. 1978, but I can't remember who's. Back then the only scene I remember seeing shown again of the two, was a conversation in Kelly's. Otherwise, that's one of TG and JE's frustrations from back in the day, and one of the reasons TG pushed for LuNacy a decade ago.

As for posting, I come and go. It's hard to get super excited when the show isn't giving much to talk about. The whole 'Fluke' thing was only saved this month, and then TG went on vacation, my life is crazy and JE has been MIA. Hopefully we will get something more soon.

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I read that Luke/Tracy had a blurb in Soap Opera Digest or maybe Soaps in Depth under May Sweeps... I think Tony is gone most of May, so maybe it will come at the end.

My real life is driving me nuts, so I've actually been coming here more. I have to go to bed now though. Early meeting tomorrow and then another meeting during my planning period. sad.png

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Genie's return was announced -- shocker -- only not!

I'm glad -- maybe she can be at Luke's recovery and Tracy can be moved into the ELQ story! :)

Here is a TG interview from emmys -- he mentions Jane at the end


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Hello, hello, hello all! So it is I, infamous for leaving for very long periods of time and then dropping in to say hi again and catch up. I've never seriously mentioned how much I enjoy this board but I very much do! Gh is pretty ehh right now but I'm enjoying all of the Corinthos chaos! All 4 of those actors play off as family very well. Congrats to Chad Duel, Maura West, Donna Mills and Tony Geary for their Emmy wins! I'm upset that Jane probably won't be on for the live show or the Nurses ball sad.png

It's always fun to see all the characters attending the events, and not to mention, just seeing Tracy on-screen.

Since the last time I posted on here back in Feb, I mentioned how I fell into American Horror Story and Jessica Lange and to reply to you halee I was also disappointed in Freak Show, but I did enjoy it, especially Elsa. Ahs never fails to deliver! I'm still sad about jess leaving but I understand and respect her decision.

My life has been busy and eventful. A few birthdays, including mine. Spring Break was awesome this year! I went to a Fleetwood Mac concert and it was the best experience of my life, hands down. I've never mentioned my love for them on here before but Stevie has been there for me since childhood and I hadn't even known it at the time. I love the band so much so that was a very, very special moment for me. All of my favorites have a special place in my heart.

Anywho, enough about me. What about you guys? How are you, what's up? What have I missed?

Thanks for the interview hooked!

Oh I almost forgot! I actually published a "new" GH fanfic! Tracy (and Luke) centered obviously. (I put new like that because it been literal years since I updated or even posted on my other GH fics)

It was months in the making but I had a super hard time starting it. I've also written for AHS. My writing career has grown TREMENDOUSLY! If you all want to read it here's the link :) It's just gaining it's footing.


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If they do something stupid like have Laura part of Luke's story at this point, then why bring back the character at all? Surely there is something better they can do. As bad a character as Laura is, there are other stories she can play into, like Lulu's increasing jealousy of Valerie. TPTB have reestablished LuNacy, so I'm not going to get too concerned about yet another version of "Luke can only ever, ever be with one person".

I do hope they have something going forward. Regardless, the stories seem to be do-overs no matter how you cut it. Mob wars, corporate take-overs, drugging people for manipulation, identities that are secret or misrepresented. Right now, when I flip in, about the only thing that really seems interesting is the stuff with Spencer and Michael/Sabrina. TG once said Soaps' glory is when the characters open themselves up and bleed. He's right. I'll tune back in when I see more of that happening. I didn't think anything could be less interesting than Jason/Sam. I was wrong - Patrick/Sam is worse.

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Hi, all.

Sam and her droning voice is boring, with Jake, with Patrick, with Silas. Ugh! Agree, Remos. She tops my list of least faves, she and Maxie.

Hookedongh, thanks for the article. I'm glad TG mentioned Jane; I hope we see her, SOON! I'm happy to know TG's back to work, this week, so the wait won't be too long. It's been a couple of weeks--long enough in the world of GH for Luke's recovery, surely! :)

I'm weary of the constant rumors of his retirement I see elsewhere, so I'm equally relieved to hear that he doesn't hint at such an event.

News of Laura's return makes me feel sick and depressed and annoyed. WHY, WHY do they have to do this?!

We've heard her name so many times lately that it shouldn't have come as a surprise. Luke and Tracy seem well established, yeah, but I fear we will still have to endure comments from others that imply Tracy's only his second choice, or some such rubbish.

PartyPerson, glad you got to enjoy the concert! (Seeing Cher was like that, for me, a few years back.) I'm not a huge fan of SN--I like 20s-30s jazz, lately - but I love her "Trouble in Shangri-la" CD. Hey, that Nomad/Candlebright song is a good one, for Luke, isn't it? :)

And, I'm enjoying your story! Continue, please!

Okay, so I'll be brave. here's the link to mine, it's still a work in progress. Fluke stuff. It WILL be completed.


I'm a bit insecure about writing for these characters, I'm still learning about them. But there were so many gaps in the SL, that I HAD to try--and I figured only about two people would read it--which honestly wouldn't trouble me. :) I'm open to thoughts of any kind, suggestions for improvement, or possibly collaborations in future. I have ideas for other non-Fluke-centric stories.

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Thanks, Remos.

I'm crushed, guess it will take a few days to adjust to the idea, but at least I know what to expect. That's almost as sad as the thought of Jane leaving.

I love what he says about her!

Sounds like it's going to be an emotional couple of months.

If they can't find anything for her to do when Luke's not around, I'm not very optimistic about Tracy's SLs after he leaves.

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