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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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don't be too harsh - I just saw the yearly numbers, and JE is in 9th place, with a respectable number of shows, and it's only August.

I wonder how many know Connie and Tracy were friends. Right now they seem to be focused on AJ's legal status and the fallout of the immediate family members.

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I think it's more than fair to be harsh about a show that has a character learn one of her only friends was just killed, and then NO follow up.

That's just stupid. No ifs, ands, or buts. For some reason, they want this show to have this big, overblown cast. Fine, whatever. I don't like it, but what can you do? However, I think the size of the cast shouldn't have anything to do with how they do this all.the.time.

Take Franco for instance. We know he's "missing" and it takes THREE episodes to pick back up and show he's climbed out the window.

The pacing is horrible on this show. By the time they return to a plot point, people either have forgotten or lost interest. I always thought it was a rule, never leave your audience hanging for long. A Friday cliff hanger should always be addressed on Monday, for instance. Not the following Wednesday or Thursday, if at all. And that is the equivalent of what they are doing. The cliffhanger loses emotional impact when you have to wait more than one episode for the reactions. I mean, Tracy and Dante are obviously not still standing in the Q sitting room. So the next time we see Tracy, her reactions to Connie's death will be old news. Especially if she's not on at all for September.

They just missed a great opportunity for JE to do some good emotional work. And for what? What is going on, story wise, that is just SO important, they couldn't spare JE a five minute reaction scene to Connie's death? Nothing, that's what. And that is what is so frustrating. I could almost excuse it if a major, hot story was playing out and they couldn't spare the time for Tracy's grief. But there is no such thing happening just now. I can't think of a single story or plot point I'd call riveting or "hot". It's not that the show is boring, really. But there's nothing earth shattering going on, either.

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partyperson, I had these saved on my computer (and not on a CD in a box in a kitchen cabinet - ha), so I was able to upload them quickly. These are the ones I used to make those gifs on Tumblr.


Includes 4/28/05 and 6/1/05. smile.png Original clips from Geena of HellaGood and Misty.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I think this has got to be the longest period of silence on this board ever!! Anyhoo, here are a few small tidbits via SoapZone:

Franco simply tells Tracy the truth, outing himself as the one who tainted her and AJ's relishes.

Tracy, in this one special case, does not kick Monica when she's down. Quite the opposite.

That's all I got for now. :)

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I just know that without Tracy, GH doesn't interest me. And since she isn't on, I can't really think of anything to post. LOL In some ways, this is just like Guza. The only difference is, Jane's material, when she gets it, mostly has more depth and heart. OTOH, it's really weird because there have been times in this new regime when she's been even more one dimensional than Guza wrote her. But then she'll have great moments, like the speech to Luke about not wanting crumbs. Obviously some on the writing staff "get" her, and some don't. I am afraid to take GH off the DVR because I might miss an unspoiled Tracy day, but I have been doing nothing but deleting episodes since she was last on, so....IDK.

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Hey everyone

Haven't been posting much because haven't had too much time to focus on GH stuff. Going through a lot of personal/family issues this summer so GH and online stuff has taken a backseat

ILTQ. Tracy is on TH and then JE has only taped one other day and that was Monday the 9th so I wouldn't expect to see that until you see spoilers for a christening for lulu's baby.

It stinks but she seems to be back on the backburner.

I saw that guy HNY post that last minute rewrites to Luke's story are responsible for her lack of airtime and the ELQ battle is now not being about Tracy/AJ anymore and it is more of an overall Jerome story.

I don't really see what story she really has, but hopefully something will change soon. According to HNY poster on DD, the Laura/Scotty divorce was last minute and I guess pretty much cut Tracy and Scotty out of the story. Also he said Laura's deception arc was mostly scrapped and that story will be minor and involved lucy/scotty mostly I think.

Meanwhile neither Kin nor Genie have taped in weeks, nor Lynn nor Jon but guess it is coming up.

Hope every had a good end of summer.

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Wardrobe update - I would like to point out that Tracy had a new outfit for the 9/10 episode.

Today, she was back in a recycled outfit - that long purple gown, which I am NOT a fan of. sad.png

Good Monica/Tracy scenes today. Check out my gifs. smile.png



Monica: My job became my life after I lost Alan. It filled up all of the hours in the day. Gave me a reason to get up in the morning. And now all of a sudden, it’s just gone.

Tracy: We have not yet begun to fight, sister.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks hooked for the info. I hope things are going better for you, on a personal level.

I thought I had read that Genie was not on contract anymore (I never realized she had a contract) and was put on recurring, and if so, who knows when she'll be back? Of course, I feel Jane is almost recurring herself, which really frustrates me, as there is so much that can still be done with Tracy.

I really liked the Q stuff yesterday, and I felt sorry for Franco all alone on his birthday. I think the mystery person at the Q's may be a back from the dead Emily. Just speculation, of course it would have to be a different actress as NL is on some other show, isn't she?

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the person lurking around is heather

Tony taped this past week some scenes with jerry jax I think and he taped some with Helena and tracy

I think her is hallucinating Helena taunting him after he collapses sick somewhere close to the trail of Jerry

I think Tracy is a hallucination or dream too but not sure

Finally Jane taped twice this week on M and F

Monday with the group for lulu's christening

yesterday with Julian and also luke

Really hope her taping picks up.

I don't think she is on again until Sept 27th

Genie, Kin, Lynn, Jon lindstrom have not taped since July.

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