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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Remos it was just a fun quick couple scenes. I liked seeing someone trying to blackmail Tracy and Tracy just drinking it in. I'm sure there will be more to come so you don't need to go back and check it out really. I just enjoyed it.

And Jaquen that Tracy/Scotty couch scene is from July 9th 1990. If that helps you in your search.

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I Youtubed it.

Clearly this is the beginning of the road back for LuNacy. Clearly. She laid it on the line. Said basically, 'this is what I need from you if you want me back.'

If they weren't setting up a story where Luke tries to prove himself, then they would have used different language.

In fact, they wouldn't have needed the "break-up" scene at all... because LuNacy have been broken for awhile (Since I stopped watching).

And I apologize to the old timers here who don't agree... but when we started going nutso on this board (and made it the number one board on this site) it was because we were all going NUTSO wub.pngwub.pngwub.png over the LuNacy pairing (2005.. 2006.. something like that). Sorry, but this board was born in LuNacy's infancy, soared in LuNacy's heyday... and the bulk of us have been angsting over their breakup. This board wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for LA LUNACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

So, as far as I'm concerned, if you like Tracy you're welcome. But if you like Tracy, AND you hate LuNacy... then you either need to keep it to yourself or go elsewhere, please. You have plenty of places on the web to tout your love for TG's lesser pairing. We have THIS space.

Thank you very much. Bye-bye. raspberry.gif

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I agree with Lainey. I've noticed the ups and downs do relate to LuNacy scenes. An upswing here mirrors more LuNacy on GH. Look at us right now.

Halle: thanks for the explanation. If I've got a few spare minutes I might go to the end of yesterday's show, but I'll follow your advice and not waste my time.

Hooked: Sometimes I feel like a broken record so I don't always say it, but Thank You for the updates and taping information.

ILTQ: I like the Tracy/Connie friendship as well. I wonder if they will even hint at that now with the so-called "Integration". Connie standing up for Tracy was one of the best non-LuNacy scenes Tracy has been part of in ages. They really have something there, so I hope it's just a matter of TPTB having so many characters they have to work through them rather than something dropped. I'm already annoyed we haven't at a TraLu scene in forever.

Jaquen: long time no post, how you doing, buddy? Crazy on my end, but (Mommy Bragging Moment) my kids have been keeping me busy. My daughter has earned her Canada Cord in Girl Guides, which is our highest honour and can be used on her future Resume. My oldest son has been working on his Chief Scout Award, the equivalent in Scouting, and will be finishing it before December, and my second son has just finished Cubs with all but 4 badges, and will be starting his Scout level in the fall towards his own Chief Scout. My last son has gone from being a non-reader a couple of months ago to reading prayers and making announcements in church. Very busy but accomplished little people. And I'm Front Row Centre!

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I'm over the relish thing. Maybe the mysterious NotTodd will put that story out of its misery and we'll see Tracy and AJ pull together to close ranks against the interloper trying to take over ELQ.

In the "get prepared to feel old" files, my kiddo just turned 4 on May 11. He's awesome and hilarious and just pure walking-around joy. He has some visual impairments (loss of peripheral vision), but we're rolling with it. He was significantly speech impaired for a while, but he's pretty much caught up now since having speech therapy twice a week at preschool. No other signs of significant delays at this point so I just always marvel at the miracle he is considering where he started.

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I like Tracy an hate lacy! Don't like it honey sorry but you need to DEAL. I dont need your permission to post in this thread. I dont care what you think about me being here. I dont care how you feel about LnL! I came here cuz I like Tracy an support her an if you cant handle that dear than scroll baby SCROLL! tongue.png

Edited by LnLLover
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Good job not being antagonistic and rude everyone. Wishes really do come true! wink.png

Check your PM's.

*Edit* Oh yes and I forgot. Star, after I reading your post about your son I went to "like" it, forgetting I wasn't on Facebook.

Such nice news to hear!

Edited by halee
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Wow, considering how small and challenged he was once upon a moon, that is just amazing. I'm so happy for all of you. But 4 already? Seriously? Geez, I really have missed time somewhere. Mind you all the babies in our gang are growing up. I only have one more under the age of 10, and when we started they all were.

And a funny... I was in the grocery store with 3 of 4 (for those wondering, yes I give my kids Borg designations) yesterday, and he was pointing out the condiment packages for BBQs. He asked me what the green stuff was, and I had to choke out the word "relish" - GH has made me detest a condiment!

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Mag update for this week

Looks like Tracy is on T W TH and F with Luke

Also says Tracy gets a new roomie on the 6th (must be Kiki) yuck and luke doesn't do what he is supposed to for his health etc

Also the story in SOD this week is about luke/tracy. I haven't seen it but I saw a summary that RC talks about luke/tracy getting a big story and how it wasn't easy to not do Luke and Laura but they decided to not go that route. and that luke and tracy explore what their relationship means to each other and luke's health plays into it. It says in Laura's preview that luke and laura will continue to interact through lulu. Sounds like Laura may be getting a story about what does she want to do with her life. I would actually like to see a stronger Laura getting a career or something back. It seems that was what genie wanted to explore as well.

Again, just a summary I saw, so Grain of Salt until someone posts the mag

Not sure how i feel about that one, but all I care about is Jane getting story!

So I'm a happy, happy JE/Tracy fan right about now!

Edited by hookedongh
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You know, Laura has never been a character I've even particularly liked or enjoyed, BUT I don't LnL has done her any favours after the early-80's media frenzy. She needs to be able to grow without the constant expectation that she will only be for Luke, just as much as Luke needs to grow beyond the constant expectation that he will only be for Laura. Serial Monogamy is not a bad thing.

I'm glad they are picking up LuNacy for more reasons than just because I'm a LuNacyFF. I think the relationship basically ended when Luke ran away from the hospital the first time with Syke's help, and if TPTB are taking us back to that place and towards another conclusion, then I will be extremely happy. Up until that time, LuNacy was building beautifully. It was after Luke ran away that winter, that the downward spiral to Harpy Tracy and Drunken Luke began. Prior to that, they were pretty solid in themselves as well as each other.

The roommate thing? That sounds odd considering Tracy doesn't even live in her own home. Why would Tracy have need of a 'roommate'?

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