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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Is this a legitimate spoiler that's been verified by someone reliable? Because otherwise, I don't believe it. If it IS true, and he is killed or written off, there goes my enjoyment again. I don't want to see Tracy with someone like Scott Baldwin. I'm sure Jane would rock ANY material, but been there, done that. Joe is different and fresh and I like it.

I know he's done heinous stuff, but some of it can be explained away. That which can't, well....I'll deal when the time comes. They don't bore me-and quite frankly, Tracy and Luke were boring me long before I stopped watching. I LOVE Lacy as friends, though. But as a couple, I think something really wild would have to happen to get me invested in them again.

I want Joe/Tracy to work things out. Somehow.

If they kill him off....UGH....I don't know. I will still watch for a while, for Tracy, but if she goes back in the vet closet, there goes my viewership. I cannot think of one other couple or character I'm so invested in, that I'd watch for them.

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seemed from recaps good tracy/monica today

Tracy didn't take joe's calls

Monica recaps story of Joe Scully and mentions Lucy Coe again and noted tracy was in europe during this time

Monica doesn't say i told you so

Tracy decides she will be willing to hear Joe's side of story

Tracy/Joe in previews for tomorrow

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Love how they keep bringing up history! But they just never play it out,they dont bring back people like Dillion,Ned,Brooke Lynn (2010-2011 ther then gone). Hate it but love it. =/ Dont like how they're dragging out these certain storylines,th writers are really honestly starting to get on to me,than again love the history thing.

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I dont' know about you guys but I am actually loving the show right now

I love Todd

I LOVE tracy/joe and am kind of over romantic luke/tracy

I am good wiht them being friends

Love that duke is going to be back

love anna (JUST NOT anna/luke so glad hopefully it will be anna/duke winning out)

Love Love Love Tracy/monica interaction today--hilarious convo and great dialogue--can't remember them having convos like these where they are actually talking instead of just its my house

They would be crazy to waste the chemistry between Tracy/Joe

Tracy is in preview at the Q mansion with Joe tomorrow in a different outfit

RIP cook whose funeral was today! LOL

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Did anyone else get the feeling the show was dropping hints yesterday that Joe and Connie are married? Trey said something about Joe telling him they were married, then Joe said it was just to keep him from getting upset. I can buy that, but the whole thing with Connie and Johnny yesterday, where I guess it's implied that she is talking about them getting married so she can't marry Sonny.

I think they won't be able to, because they'll find out Connie is already married to Joe.

Maybe both of them thought it was annulled, but the annullment was never final. And in the end the reason the marriage won't be valid is because it will come out it was one of the alters that married him and she was not legally competent at the time.

Okay, so I'm just guessing off two random events from yesterday. Just seems strange it would be mentioned in the same episode.

Of course, there's the first Skate wedding, and you would think it came out then-but maybe Kate hid it from Sonny.

I do think it's possible this is Joe's "big surprise" I've seen spoiled. He plans on objecting at the ceremony of Sonny and Kate.

Meh. Now I'm just babbling.

Yesterday was good with Tracy and Monica. I think we need those scenes with them in the Q sitting room, once a week at least.

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Hooked, i'm with you I love Todd I think because he goes on and on about how he is not a nice guy. There is none of this "i'm just misunderstood" BS that Sonny and Jason have going on, he owns the [!@#$%^&*] he does and makes me laugh while he's doing it. He is different he is a funny good bad guy. I also find myself watching the whole show instead of just ffw-ing through most of it, I actually want to see whats happening with the other characters. I did love Tracy and Monica yesterday and I do think this needs to be a once a week kind of thing like ILTQ says.

As for Lacy and weather or not they are done, I won't discount them just yet, it just means they are like everybody else on the show. I mean JaSam were on/off off/on for YEARS and the second they get married BAM they are over. The same can be said for Sonny/Brenda, Sonny/Kate, Maxie/Spin, Maxie/Matt, Flea/Mac a wedding means death on a soap and if they last it's because TPTB aren't writing for them. So to me this just means they are being treated like everybody else no different, no less.

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joe kidnaps kristina for sure but I think its a quick thing and Trey rescues her like maybe it wasnt really his plan but I read spoiler sonny does something to trey at his bachelor party so maybe it is retaliation.

I think joe was just saying that he told trey they were married when he was a little kid cause it sounded better

I don't think the skate wedding actually happens and connie is trying to make sure it doesn't -- I think from the SOD it doesn't happen and I think Connie reveals she already married JOhnny or something like that is her plan for johnny

That will blow up carly/john too who I cannot stand!

Edited by hookedongh
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I LOVE Todd ever since he was the original Todd on oltl and I was around 5. I sti think my fave line on Gh so far was to starr about " you know that guy is the French word for shower". HISTERICAL!!! Todd is so fun.

As for the rest I'm with you hooked. I will still always hold out hope for lunacy but I am starting to accept that maybe if wont happen and if not I am loving what's going on now. Especially a the history references the possible comebacks and the amount of vet play. This is why I live the oltl writters

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I think anna and luke and duke are the story there

Hopefully luketracy still friends

Today's show joe came to give his side of story

Tracy listened. He explained the rape etc

She asked if he thought his last name would scare her away and he said yes

He said something like with the water poisioning all I could think about was saving your life (didn't tell her about the cure he gave her)

He kissed her but then she stopped it and he asked her to look him in the eye and deny she felt anything and she said she couldn't but she has been fooled so many times and never again...she wanted him to leave cause she doens't know if she can trust him. He didn't want to go, so she left and told him to see himself out

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