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Y&R June 2024 Discussion Thread

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The other side of that is, Y&Rwill write dozens and dozens of episodes of grief episodes centering Victor and Jack and perhaps some Ashley, followed by years of tribute episodes. 

Those episodes would eventually drain the show and all for a character who made relatively little impact, after her “Naked Heiress” days.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I wonder why the character has never really worked. Writing? The actresses who have played her? But, she always seemed like more of an afterthought which is really sad since she's Ashley's only child.

Even the relationship with Devon, there's just no real chemistry, nothing. Of course, besides Hillary, Devon has never had a viable love interest.

And, now Dominic has the most convoluted backstory ever on his birth...and that's saying a lot for a soap character.

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I have started to rethink the idea of chemistry.
Over the weekend, I watched one of those roundtable discussions between actors and interestingly enough, Nicole Kidman said she hated the reliance on chemistry tests because she believed a “lack of chemistry” was usually due to a lack of rehearsal and/or a lack of a director doing their job properly. One of the questions I have continually been asking about daytime soaps over the last 15+ years is whether the director is actively working with these actors to produce the best results on screen. I think sometimes people dismiss the role of the director in television but it is still important.

Speaking of afterthoughts, I don’t think Abby or Devon or Noah Newman or Chance for that matter have been written for with much consideration over the past several years. For Noah and Devon, the most comprehensive stories which centered their characters (I’m not talking about stories where they were involved in, alongside a bunch of other people) were done in their teenage years. Chance, well, did he much of a chance? His relationship with overpowering Chloe-had they kept her as Kate Valentine, the daughter of the maid involved with Chance, the son of a Chancellor and grandson of Jill Abbott, corporate impresario- it should have been interesting but both characters are underwritten, (Chance more than Chloe) so it was forgettable (I admit to tuning out during most of that time). Cassie could have been a well developed character, as we got to watch her grow up but the show decided to inexplicably kill her off in favor of giving Nick yet another avenue to jump into bed with someone other than his wife (and let’s face it, wasn’t that what the story really boiled down to? Oh yeah and we got the runaway teens storyline, which wasn’t half bad but not worth flushing an actress who could actually act).

I know people say they are bored with the Devon character (which sometimes reads as them not liking Bryton, it’s hard to distinguish which one) but Devon and Hilar worked as a couple and the actors had entertainment value as those characters interacting with each other, that’s something you don’t always get on Y&R

Okay, to actually answer your question, I see it as a combination of factors but lack of consideration for writing both the characters and situations (sometimes it feels as if whoever is writing doesn’t know these characters at all) as well as poor direction in terms of how scenes and stories play out is another. 

One thing I always want to know is, what is said character’s fears, dreams, what do they want? I don’t mean professionally but as a human being. Does Abby or Devon or Noah have any fears about their personal relationships? Look at the way Abby and Devon got together…are there any fears about the fidelity of their relationship? Because there should be, given each of their histories. Are there any temptations? There should be. There ought to be some tensions there, or else, why even have them be a couple? This is not the time to have them function as an offscreen couple. If there is no conflict, there’s no drama and there’s no point. This goes for every other character. 

Most of what I read gives the impression that many of these characters are treading water dramatically. 

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Dut to timing and lack of rehearsals in modern soaps, it seems like soap directors direct traffic but there just simply isn't time to actually *direct* the actors to show character traits.

Sometimes it seems to me that (maybe) the actors are given only scripts and blocking -- and the actors are left up to themselves to decide on emotions.  Of course, I'm just guessing.

Edited by janea4old
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Abby doesn't get enough story for me to care that much about her.

I know many here dislike Melissa Ordway, but when she gets story, she's fine. When Abby isn't included in family drama, that's on Josh Griffith.

Of characters who don't appear much at all, I'd get rid of Mariah and Tessa before Abby. Those characters are complete wastes.

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I agree with what has been written above.

To me the problems began when the character was suddenly aged with Hayley Erin in the role.

She was just kind of a bland teen. Then the Naked Heiress nonsense. I really couldn't see Ashley putting up with that shlit.

Under Ordway Abby is just there. I don't think she's the worst actress but she plays what's on the page-happy Abby, sad Abby etc.

There's no depth to the writing because Abby has never been clearly defined. When she was aged up, there should have been a clear character analysis as to who Abby was and how being part of the Abbotts and Newmans affected her. What were her relationships like etc?

Actors like ED and BM benefitted from Bill Bell's writing and to this day know their characters and pretty much able to keep the essence alive.

The actor can make a huge difference. look at how Misheal was able to bring Hilary to life and Zuleyka Silver as Audra is rising above the muddled material. Heather Tom playing Victoria today would be far more interesting than AH. So it's a combination of the writing, acting and directing.

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I agree that Zuleyka Silver has been very good as Audra, but the writing for her is all over the place.

Since she isn't really attached to anyone in town, I think a character like her is in danger of not lasting. Does she really like Tucker, or any guy? We have no idea. All we know is that she wants to "run a company," even though we don't know what that even means.

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I wonder if these days, Josh has any sort of character bible for new additions eg Audra.Is there a sketch of her background, family, events in her life that shaped, details of how she came to work with Tucker etc, things that may or may nor be used onscreen over time.

A document that the actress, directors and other writers can reference so everyone has a clear understanding of who the character is and her motivations.

Somehow I doubt it...

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I doubt it, too, Paul. It all seems like off-the-cuff-spur-of-the-moment writing with Josh Griffith. We don't know ANYTHING about Audra, including what she does at these companies she works for.

And now we're getting ANOTHER return to pitting Adam as the outsider in his father's company. How many times have we seen this? Victor has never been able to articulate a reason for any of it. Why? Because no explanation would work.

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