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DAYS: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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You'd look tired, too, if you'd just gotten over being radioactive. 

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IMHO, it is poor form to comment on pirated video from YouTube.  It's like taking a croissant out of the trash and complaining that it's not fresh.  At the very least, don't tell on yourself and admit where you stole it from.  If you want the production values to rise, pay for the subscription.

 I'm pleased that they remembered the DNA results in the safe.  But, I hate that so much happens off-screen.  Apparently Mr. Shin is in town for the board meeting, but nobody's talked to him about Gabi?  And the idea that Kristen got the job and EJ didn't know seems especially odd given that he has both an assistant in the company who would tell him about a board meeting, and he just bought more stock.  (#bringbackEJ'sassistant)

The Julie/Chad stuff is cute.  But, she seems like an ill-fitting surrogate for either Jack or Jennifer.  I know there are rumors of Jack's return.  Which makes sense, because despite her protests, Julie shouldn't be running around Chicago, and Doug should not be watching Chad's kids.  I think this is a perfect opportunity to bring Stephanie back into the fold, and encourage a Chad/Stephanie friendship, which would bring a new challenge to the Chad/Gabi reunification (not that his sleeping with Ava is going to stay secret for long…)

Finally, no signs of an exit storyline for Harris.  I hope they don't just wrap him up in a day, like they did with Sloan and Konstantin.  I still have whiplash from how quickly those two were dispatched. 

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I'm fascinated with those establishing shots because they look NOTHING like anything else on the show. They reek of high school intern.


Jackee looked a good bit thinner at the Daytime Emmys. My guess (now pretty much always my guess) is that she's hit the Ozempic.


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I’m behind so I just watched Monday’s episode tonight. My absolute favorite part was when Xander got the gun and they’re like don’t shoot him he’ll kill Theresa and Xander’s like “I don’t care”. I burst out laughing in my living room. He was fabulous. 

anyhow, glad to be rid of Kon the con. ✌

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Yeah… Stefan trying to be a tough guy won’t ever work. Him getting one over on EJ today and EJ being so beholden to him just didn’t feel right. I would imagine that EJ would always have one more trick up his sleeve instead of letting Stefan win. Plus, couldn’t Stefan just go to Melinda and ask her to reopen Gabi’s case? Has the show forgotten that Melinda was supposedly in love with him lol 

I have mixed feelings about Theresa/Tate too. I feel like they’re missing a beat in this storyline by having Tate immediately find out what really happened between Brady and Theresa. Maybe it would have been better if he had first overheard them talking about their night together and mistakenly believed that they were getting back together. And based on the spoilers that I’ve read, the truth could come out at prom, which could have led to good conflict between Brady/Theresa/Alex and Tate/Holly as well. 

Tate should be a messy, angsty teen like Holly lol 

Plus, I really hope that Tate being so anti-Theresa and pro-Brady today doesn’t mean that Ron is letting his biases write the show for him again. 

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RonC vilifying an online community is his most obvious projection. The Concerned Citizens of Salem are really just the tool of a one-man conspiracy against a person trying to do their job sounds slightly familiar. As does the writing that the target of their vitriol is obsessed with reading it. 

However, Tate's been anti-Theresa since he landed in Salem.  He seems to have warmed toward Brady, but he was always out of step with his mother.  Perhaps, he's just being nice to Brady because there are few sights more pitiful than seeing a man clean up after his ex-wife who is upstairs boffing a guy half his age.

Juneteenth Eve turned out to be a very long day.  It started with Maggie's wedding, and now Nicole is still at the office with Eric.  I guess she hasn't had time to quit since her discussion with EJ about staying home with Jude.   Even though working for The Spectator seems like the perfect WFH job.

Salem Prom is not only on a federal holiday, but also on a Wednesday?  That's inconsiderate both to the school staff, and the memory which the holiday commemorates.  Kind of a dumb move to have DAYS honor the occasion annually with Abe and Paulina's anniversary, but also ignore it completely in the teen story.

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Kinda puts the whole situation with whatshisname in a completely different light, doesn't it? 

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This doesn't put the whole situation with firedguy (the former EP) in a different light - he was still a creep.  There were about 25 or 30 actors who complained about firedguy, according to the Deadline reports.

This demonstrates that all people can be victims of crimes, regardless of their political views.  There are good, medium, and bad people who get victimized. 
As per Law&Order SVU, Captain Benson goes after abusers, regardless of who the victim is.

The other cast and crew of DAYS (regardless of their politics) were still victims.

AZ has long been a Republican (from her social media) ... and I cannot support that at all.   I cannot support Camila Banus' politics either.  at all.  But they were still victims of firedguy on the DAYS set.

I don't want AZ to be a Republican but she is.  At least I'd hoped AZ was an independently minded "never-Trump" Republican.  But apparently not.   It's very upsetting to me.

To reiterate, regardless of how she votes, the other Days cast and crew were still  victimized.

Fyi, that tweet was just a clip.
The entire interview is an hour and 13 minutes, here:


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Personally, it is always a disappointment when people vote based on the mistaken belief that the federal government's role to protect their income versus their civil rights, but that's a discussion for another thread. 

And I wish people would move this discourse to the behind the scenes thread, where it belongs.  If only because I dislike when our banter gets derailed by BTS BS which is off-topic of what is streaming currently.  I understand that people get excited about knowing more about actors, and I don't expect people to listen to my concerns.  But, it seems like the purpose of other threads is to be able to separate the artist from the art (even if calling DAYS art is a bit of a stretch, I think you know what I mean).

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