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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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I don't really have a problem with how quickly the story is moving, although it does feel like more setup was in place for a custody battle or a 'redemption' for Finn - maybe that is still the plan if/when Easton returns. 

Is Gio just there as a backup in case viewers don't accept Joss/Dex? Or as serial killer fodder? For all the talk about him being there for Trina, he doesn't seem to have any real interest.

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Trina, unfortunately, still largely feels like an afterthought anytime she appears. I wish they'd give her a completely separate friend group - they can still keep her friends with Joss, but give her other characters to bounce off of. Otherwise, they're not going to even bother with her given how they currently use her. 

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I think Gio showed interest in Trina early on. The problem is that I don't think the show wants to give him to her; they seem awfully enamored of him, but anyone who was invested in Trina in recent months or years seems to have left the building BTS.

Gio is an adorable kid but I fail to see what the story would be there even if there was an investment in the two of them together. He just seems very nice and very musically talented and it's not exactly a recipe for huge drama, unless it goes to a kinky psychosexual place where she's like, deflowering this hot innocent who vaguely resembles Spencer lol. He would need to show more facets to his character than he has so far.

Edited by Vee
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Some of her fans have pointed out that in her rare appearances now, she is often seen standing in the background, while the characters we're meant to care about like Joss are at center stage. I wonder if that is unintentional. They never had plans for her to be as popular as she ended up being, and I imagine they hated being dragged into one of their unbalanced fans going on a racist tirade (also going on one about Y&R until Eric Braeden gave her a smackdown).

I think there would be a simple enough story showing her trying (and possibly failing) to move on - if they don't even want to do that it tells you just how little use they have for her.

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Well, that was a pretty good cliffhanger.


Tracy is at her best when she's scheming. And even if this is well intention scheming, she was pulling it together. I honestly can't believe the writers put a kid who was already traumatized over her dear grandfather dying in a position to walk in on her passed-out father, but it does give the dramatic-ness of the situation. Finn's story keeps getting juicer. And I must admit it's nice to see Chase/BLQ as a united (if conflicted) front.


And then this cat and mouse game with Anna and Valentin. That whole conversation felt like we were heading to Val's end honestly. And it was the prelude to that with them discussing their relationship. It was interesting to see them put on the appearance of putting their cards on the table while we the audience knew they were doing anything but.


And now Carly knows what Wagger has over Jason's head. I mentioned it before, but I love how something that happened before the writing team came on has been used to build this whole Jason return/Pikeman story. But oh, lord...you know Carly is about to do what Carly does...smh. So...A EK story then? lol.


On a whole trivial note...Chase in that shirt and those jeans...WOOF. He's looked good enough to eat all week. And this has been a great week from start to finish. Like I said a few pages back, we are hitting the middle of the stories. And this week's promo I hope means this current week is going to keep the momentum.



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And it's very obvious.  I am not the most observant person, but even I was thinking why is Trina just standing in the background listening to Joss and Gio talk?  I want to think she's just so over Sonny and hearing about him, but the optics of the scenes gave me the ick.

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IDC what the reason for it, was. IT WAS ABSURD. They've gone too far when they block a scene that way. And, whoever it was directing, which I think it was Gary Tomlin, who dam* well should know better, should've changed it, even at the last minute. How could they miss how appalling it would look??!! 

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Out of context, it's like TA's facial expression and body language are saying, "Really???".

Meanwhile, I give it 'til the end of the day before people on Twitter start spreading a rumor that EM instructed the director to have TA stand far, far away on account of her being Black and "smelly."

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