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B&B: How to fix the mess that the show has become?

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As someone mentioned, more of Los Angeles needs to be brought into the show. None of these people feel like they live in LA. We basically have three sets...the two Forrester offices (where people just have sex or talk about sex...is there an HR office in this place? LOL) and Deacon's Pizza Shack. It's soooooo claustrophobic. Hollywood is right outside their studio. Can't they do some budget location shoots? Even that outdoor gym set they had at one point made the show feel more "open."

There are so many characters that need to be rested...looking at you Liam. Time to go! I would even argue Ridge is an albatross around the show's neck, and I like TK as an actor. But, Ridge is just sooooo insufferable. 

The show is set in LA and in the fashion industry, but the show feels like something written from the 1950s. Where are the gay people? The Latinos? I, mean, hello?! This is LOS ANGELES~ I know this is a 30 minute show, but there is still room for a lot more diversity to make the show feel modern, current, and now which could get more young viewers interested. Instead, we're getting recycled stories from a 1950s WASP soap. What little diversity they have...Walton (the sad sidekick) and Zende (the possible rapist) is just a disgrace.

More than one storyline an episode! The show gets so hyperfocused on one story, and if I'm not into the story, I turn it off. Having an A and B story every episode would work to keep more of the audience interested.

A true story for Brooke that does not involve running after Ridge's toxic ass. She needs to dump him and move on...OR...have Brooke and Ridge remarry and then he drops dead from a heart attack...maybe because Brooke had her famous "accidental sex" with someone. But, as a result, she inherits Ridge's part of FC. Now that would give Brooke, Steffy, and Hope something to really fight over. It would reshape the whole show with endless NEW possibilities.

We need an underdog. Right now, everyone is SUPER UBER SUCCESSFUL. Even Luna became the world's BEST intern ever in like five minutes. Yawn. Where are the upstarts clawing their way up the top? Like, the "young Brooke" maybe Latina with eyes on RJ and ready to knock Luna out of the way. This is why the original Spectras worked so well. We need that contrast.


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 A "forever" couple. Ridge and Taylor would do at this point. The show (and the Forrester family) needs some stability and structure. Steffy could be the family bιtch, perhaps I would keep RJ around as well. Steffy could be fun in a bickering marriage with Liam. They are married for business reasons. 

Brooke will never be a new Stephanie. Make her the underdog, kick her out of Forrester, have Ridge leave her for Taylor, have her lose everything and seek revenge and be the antagonist. In charge of a fashion house like Sally Spectra? Perhaps. A niece who is trouble. A fun trans assistant. A gay designer. A young Latina who idolizes Brooke. I would pair Thomas and Hope in order to cause drama between the two worlds. 

A younger husband for Brooke. A designer. She wants to make him the next Ridge Forrester. He could have an affair with Steffy. 

A young black couple moves to LA. He is a photographer, she is a model who dreams of becoming a fashion designer. They are our eye to this world. They are not rich, they want to make it big and they might have to choose sides. 

Structure. Diversity. Drama. LA vibe. 


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The editing and sound of this show needs to improve. This is something that's irking me lately. I just watched in 1.5 speed the last 2 episodes and boy, even in the fast-speed, I managed to notice how many bad shots (not the best light), unflattering angles, shots revealing shabby furniture and ageing set, strange choices of takes (was that all they got?), constant Lifetime-thriller-style sound effects and screams (Poppy's scream will haunt me to my grave) are just making the show even cringier than it is.  And the background music... Boy, oh, boy. The strange lollypop cheap tra-la-la that sounded like it came from a free trial of some editing program... while Brooke was reliving her Slut era in front of everyone - was truly bad choice of music. I imagine this scene would have looked amazing with the proper music and editing. KKL sure looked hot as hell. 


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Why can't they hire people with your creative thinking for the writing staff?! Any of these ideas would help bring the show into the modern century. We are instead treated to endless tired love triangles with a borderline incestuous family. They are desperately trying to recreate Brooke vs. Taylor with Hope and Steffy, I guess with Brooke as Stephanie, but it does not work. It just seems like two annoying heiresses feuding over bland men with a hypocritical nymphomaniac playing morals police. 

The lack of diversity on B&B has always bothered me, particularly the lack of gay characters on a show set in the fashion world. I would love to see a manipulative gay or bisexual male model or designer end up somehow tied to the Forrester family. 

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To start with, rest Hope for a few months to a year.

Allow young characters to behave like actual people in the fashion industry i.e.   drugs, eating disorders, etc.

Fashion reporters pulling all-nighters at parties/clubs.

Steffy should not always get her way. It's been a while since she took a real loss. Her Grandmother got her comeuppance more than once, she should get a few hits as well. 

Zende should be out getting ass all over Los Angeles, not pining for his cousin's  girlfriend.  (That means guys and girls). Does he really just sit in that poolhouse and draw at night?   I wouldn't if I looked like that....

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Another thing: why Brad Bell never got into models and their agents as characters boggles me.

He could hire two unknowns as models and Kristian Alfonso as a ruthless modelling agency owner, and you'd have an incredible storyline that could tie in with the Forresters and stand on its own.

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I agree with you, Nothing but attitude! I would actually keep a few, but get rid of the rest and bring back some former characters as well as new exciting ones that have something to do with the fashion world. BOLD definitely needs an overhaul. Their cast is boring!

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