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GH: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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I believe he was. I will never forget his and Dr. Sarah's kinky softcore photo session where she like ordered him around under the hot lights lol. But I thought someone had him model for half a second too.

As far as the last week or so goes I actually enjoyed a lot of the Carly/Wagger chemistry test, with the exception of the occasional rambling about Nina. The stuff with Carly talking about how much she'd invested in her time with the Metro Court was solid character work for me, and I could see something of the throughline from Sarah Brown's working-class Carly to the older woman who finally got to live out her dreams of being at the center of a luxury hotel and then lost it. I of course liked Drew and Nina, and the stuff with Alexis re: her license and talking about it with Molly and others has been consistently character-based and well-written, almost making me forget the presence of Contest Winner/Crewmember's Relative Molly #8. I think Tracy and Stella was in there too, and I have been very surprised to enjoy the Heather recovery stuff. The rest is a blur, but there's also been too much Sasha for me to tolerate and a lot of silly stuff I just don't care about, like goofball Nina rushing in to tell 3 different men in a business meeting all about Carly and Wagger. I like Nina as the crazy socialite but who cares? Why did they all sit through that lol?

Also pleased to hear that apparently Cyrus' radio preacher man thing is over. Thank you, PM/EK.

Edited by Vee
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Oh, boy, that Sarah/Lucky stuff was awful.  No wonder she's never returned to town.  Too embarrassing.

I have to say I did enjoy the Carly/Wagger scenes as well.  I just think it felt too predictable.  

At least Nina got the point of view yesterday that the hotel took up too much time and effort and that she didn't like it.  It makes me feel better about Carly taking over.

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I am tentatively open to more Carly/Wagger but I agree that blond on blond is a hate crime lol. And yeah, I don't care about Nina giving it up. Giving it to her always seemed arbitrary on par with the endless job carnival nonsense on Y&R; just a timefiller, not something she would actually care about. I still prefer Carly going back to her humbler roots at Bobbie's though, so I hope she'll keep that.

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Again, I feel like Carly/Jagger look like siblings, but I didn't feel that way about her and Jax.  Maybe it was the accent.  Anyway, it's just another man that's at odds with Sonny and Jason, another guy who was with Brenda (although that's completely non-relevant at this point), another guy that's going to be sad when she runs to Jason/Sonny eventually and protects them etc.  It's just so obvious and done before.   I just don't know how the show is going to make this pairing new or different.  I am willing to see it out though.

I really hope Carly keeps Bobbie's too.  It worked for her.

Nina has so many jobs now I am fine if she ditches one (or two).

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I don't care that much about it either, but I do think they have some chemistry and nice interplay. But I have also never seen Laura shortsell a pairing yet, ever. She didn't put him down or disengage, she was right there. Dear God he needs a haircut though.

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SOD says:

— human error.

There was a mix-up and Canada ended up airing Wednesday’s episode. But our friends up north will not miss out on anything because tomorrow, they will get the Tuesday episode, while the U.S. will get the regularly scheduled Wednesday episode.

That means by Thursday, everyone will be watching the same scheduled episode of GH.


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I have never seen Laura phone in a pairing either.  She tries no matter what.  I just wish the show were to give her something a bit different with a love interest.  And, yes, Jagger needs a haircut.  It's giving 2010 Dante Chachi hair vibes.

Edited by carolineg
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It's barely been 30 days of aired episodes, and there is over ten years of bullshït to clean up. I'm giving them May Sweeps to really lean into things, but even they're going to need time beyond that.

Sean Kanan's AJ was a missed opportunity; he had chemistry with so many, and yet he was failed on all accords. He, like Drew, was a stand-in Jason replacement.

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