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DAYS: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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It screams "new producer", like when people try to do a new opening, or a new set.  Very low impact on the actual show, but enough of a flourish to get people to notice a change.

I recall when AMC did the same thing, and as a long term viewer it interferes with my imaginary internal map of the town.  But, it is fine.

Edited by j swift
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I liked the Julie/Everett scene and Julie telling Everett stories about the Horton family. Susan and Blake have always been a real interesting combination lol. But Idk about Julie telling Everett that he looked like Nick though. Nobody noticed that until now, not even Gabi, and I hope it doesn’t mean that Everett gonna turn out to be a twin or something. 

The Marlena/Paulina scene was nice. Paulina’s fears and concerns are very real considering the situation that she’s in. I think Jackee did pretty well too. 

But I still don’t understand, and probably never will, why Ava can use her mob connections to break Clyde out of prison but can’t use them to finally kill his annoying ass.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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All of this with Julie relating stories & history is well done. In interviews, SSH has spoken of how many monologues they're giving her & she is just knocking them out, one by one.  She's also coming across as the clan matriarch now & she wears the mantle well. The Nick mention kinda threw me. Not sure what their point was with that at this juncture. 

I only recently realized how short she is & they gave her a line about that, too!

I know they give Marlena everything that could possibly go under the umbrella of head-shrinker but they're practically making her the shaman. They give her such power. I don't feel like this kind of acting is Jackee's strong suit but she too is methodically  working it both as poor pitiful me, scared out of her wits & feeling physically very ill all at the same time 

Just sick of him. I hate thinking it of him, too, because James Read is such a fine actor & Clyde is less than worthless!

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I have long suspected Everett would somehow be tied to Nick, but the lack of anyone noticing the resemblance until now threw me off.  I wonder if they re-worked the direction of this story.  Honestly, with the glacial pace this story moved at in the beginning, I am wondering if they just hired Blake Berris first and Ron was just writing this story on the fly.  I don't know if I can explain how I feel about the story, but it's never felt like it's had a solid direction in the way the other stories on the canvas do.

I don't think Jackee is a great dramatic actress at all.  I think she's much better at comedic or OTT moments.  I am pretty used to her delivery now, so the Marlena/Paulina scenes were fine to me, but I still don't think this type of material is Jackee's strong suit.

I barely even think of the logistics of this Clyde stuff because it makes no sense neither Ava nor Stefan can get rid of Clyde with all their connections.

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Blake Berris really plays enigmatic well.  His performance is the entire reason that the BobEtte story is working for me.  Every time he's on the screen, I wonder what he's thinking, unlike certain actors playing cops who appear completely dead behind the eyes.

I'm mixed on the Julie scene.  On the one hand, I like that Julie is a vital part of the BobEtte story.  I think DAYS has done an admirable job of keeping her in the lives of the younger generation without being overbearing or judgmental, which is a trap that befalls many older characters.  On the other hand, when characters are self-aware about the outrageous nature of their history, it distracts me.  For example, if Julie had a list of how many of her loved ones returned from the dead, it would seem impossible for her to still be surprised.  Which would impede future stories.  So, I am happier when they are less reflective. 

Although it is ironic that from Tommy to Hope, Alice was always the one to figure out her family's true identity.  In a house full of doctors, you could depend on Alice for knowing the truth.  She was truly a clever one, or rather a clever bun in her case.

The Marlena/Jackee scenes were very sad, even though I questioned that pairing for that scene.

Edited by j swift
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Jackee was actually a really solid dramatic actress when she appeared on Another World in the mid-'80s as Lily Mason.

She was only about 30 then, and I don't know what's happened since. She's good with the comedic stuff, but the serious stuff is not landing at all.

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I think Jackee is probably just more comfortable doing the comedy and OTT stuff because that's what made her famous.  Or maybe it's a bit like Deidre Hall and she just settled into a campy style for whatever reason.  It could even be the lack of direction, vibe, or fast pace of soaps now.  I'll have to look up some of her work on AW though.

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I also think it doesn't help that Paulina's defining characteristic is that she is a wealthy woman who happens to dress, walk, and talk like Jackee Harry.  There is very little to differentiate the character from the public persona of the actress.  And, they've put no effort into making her unique from Sandra Clark or Lisa Landry (I had to look up her other character's names because they're all just Jackee in my mind).  Arguably, Lily was more of a multidimensional character, and it was before Jackee settled into her 227isms.

That being said, and despite the rushed timing from diagnosis to dying breath, I thought the idea of expressing the fears of a terminal patient was a laudable and creative effort, and it moved me.

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Jackee most definitely settled into a 24/7 campy style. On AW, you can recognize that camp and see Jackee in her, but it's much more nuanced and subtle at times.

I found a compilation clip on You Tube. The quality is lousy, but you can still see Jackee without the camp and exaggerated faces.

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Wow, I can't believe any soap, let alone AW, played one of my all-time favorite songs, "Sugar on the Floor," by Etta James, as background music in one of their scenes!

I definitely think it could be the lack of direction.  Even an okay director who had more time with the actors could modulate Jackee's performances better.

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