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GH: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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I would probably wear that sweater, tbh lol.  I just don't think such oversized and intentionally distressed clothing looks that good on screen for anyone because some viewers probably think she's really just wearing a sloppy sweater when it's actually probably pretty expensive and absolutely meant to look that way.  Not the worst of her outfits by far though.

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Jason = Harris, Harris = Jason

Harris is Jason without the black jacket and pants.

I enjoyed Tracy and Brooklyn scenes.

Jason's return... Haven't we've seen this a million times? 

PM has his work cut out for him.

Edited by Soapsuds
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  • The return of "Stone" Cold is one we did not need to happen. At all. Money wasted when we could have upped some other long-term recurring players to regular status (ie: Jon Lindstrom, John J. York).
  • The scenes between Brook Lynn (THIS is how it's spelt, yall) & Tracy were a nice change of pace; these have speckles of Elizabeth Korte's interim period mixed into them.
  • Adam J. Harrington works as Cates, however, they easily could have asked him to throw an Americanized Australian accent on and cast him as Jasper Jacks. Also... Harrington & Maura West have some fücking FIRE chemistry (but that's no surprise with West involved).
  • Jeff Kober was an amazing hire... but I am done with Cyrus Renault's involvement with the canvas. It's time to cut the cord and write him out. Send him on a missionary mission or something, preaching his gospel around the world... somewhere out west, and away from Port Charles PERMANENTLY! And he can take Heather Webber with him.

Overall, these final scripts by Chris Van Etten & Dan O'Connor are barely tolerable, and the clear re-writes by Korte are standing out more and more... but I need Patrick Mulcahey's material ASAP! That's when things will really change. And I need guns / violence to stop on this soap, please!

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As much as I rag on Jason and think he's played out, I do think he belongs on the canvas more than people like Drew and Finn.  I guess I just prepared myself for Steve to eventually be back, so I've made my peace with it.

I know how to spell Brook Lynn, but I always want to add an "e" to the end of Brook because it just looks weird without an e when I am spelling it.  I have the same urge with Brook Kerr.

AH would have made a perfectly fine Jax.  I could probably even deal with no Australian accent to be honest.  Ingo's Australian accent had diminished significantly throughout the years anyhow.  It just disappeared entirely since he was away.  I'd buy it lol.

I can't believe Cyrus has been on the canvas this long.  I feel like I have been over him for at least a year.  JK may be great, but I just can't stand the way he speaks and delivers his lines.  Why does he speak them so slowly and drawn out like the people he is having conversations with are young children or mentally disabled or something?

Edited by carolineg
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I had suspicion as soon as the vaccine mandate was [unfortunately] lifted he would be back on-set, as we see: we were right. I'm just semi-stunned Days of Our Lives cut him. But it seemed like they might've known that with the mandates lifted, he'd want to automatically go back there.

Same; but I also know why it's Brook Lynn, as an ode to Brooklyn, so for that I accept no "E," but both names would benefit from it being added, LOL!

I agree: the Aussie definitely lost their accent by the end (which I am sure they've very happy about). I would buy it and I think Harrington would excel as Jax... even though I don't think the role if needed. I just want it stuck to the former Jax.

That is just how Kober acts; in the others role I've seen him in he's done the same thing, ie: Buffy the Vampire SlayerCharmed & Enough. It's just his style.

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I feel like Days probably just needed the extra money and Harris is a pretty dead end character.  Although once they got rid of Steve, Harris is now doing more than ever lol.

I always wondered if Ingo intentionally tried to drop his accent.  I still say Jax has more purpose on the show then Jagger, but I don't really need him either.  I also wouldn't mind, if say, Jax got ill or injured off screen and Joss had to go to Australia to care for him for a long while.  Years even lol.

Well, my apologies to Mr. Kober, but I do not like this choice lol.  I could see it working for some characters, but I find it obnoxious on Cyrus.  Not that he cares what I think though.

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I sort of assumed the decision was mutual on both ends.  Steve knew Harris wasn't ever going to be the star of Days.  He was just paying the bills until he'd be allowed back to GH.  I would assume SBu knew his contract was up and put feelers out and the deal with GH was done before he was even let go on Days.  Just my thoughts.

Even if Steve was canned unexpectedly, I doubt he's too torn up about now lol. During the vaccine mandate era and scarier times, I never, ever thought we'd seen the last of Burton or Jason on GH.  Unlike Ingo, who we will never see again, Steve was rather low key about the whole thing.  

Edited by carolineg
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I loved Jeff Kober in many TV shows and movies playing the go-to creep in the 80s and 90s, so I was pleased and impressed when GH hired him. But it has never worked. Cyrus has never come off menacing or compelling to me, just feeble and phlegmatic. I don't blame the actor, I blame the lame material and whatever direction they happen to get. He just wheedles on, croaks about his plans and occasionally tells that ludicrous story about how he accidentally on purpose ran over his and Laura's dad with the family car in the driveway. It's ridiculous and I feel nothing for this crotchety old mobster who now has a radio sideline as the Voice of the Night. I have never been intrigued. He should've been gone long ago. They should've played this imprisoned kingpin like a truly psycho, Manson type when he first came on - like some of Kober's classic roles - and instead he just mouths tired 'bad guy' schtick and mumbles about family and God. 

It was inevitable Steve would be back the day he left. I never had any faith that ABC would stick to principle with him. I am also resigned to it and just hoping better writing will make him more tolerable.

Edited by Vee
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