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Y&R: February 2024 Discussion Thread


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-- Anyone else disgusted with plotting that has Jack ask Lauren to replace Nikki at Newman while she's a drunk?

WTH??? In what world would this take place? Newman is supposed to be this enormous Fortune 500 corporation, yet there's no one to replace Nikki Newman??? And why is the CEO of JABOT coming up with this?

This show is now centered on business stories -- uniformly terrible business stories -- and this is more proof that Josh Griffith can't do any of it right.

-- Speaking of which....

Abby needs a new manager at Society because she's on Devon's Board of Directors? Again, HUH??? And she asks Tessa, who has NO business/restaurant experience -- to take over for her?


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This week it seems they are all trying to be super business-y and it just rings dumb. I don't need to hear Adam and Nick discussing work details. Then there's Tucker and Audra talking business while having sex. Jack and Lauren, Devon and Abby, Victor, Sharon, etc. Freaking Abby wants to be back in corporate business? She's an airhead!

Anyone being brought in to help Nikki is not going to make anyone think she shouldn't be in a locked-down rehab for a month. I want Ashley and her stupid memory of her fight with Tucker to end yesterday. It's funny when they show her having a flashback of Tucker's version. How would she have that memory? lol

Tess? Why are they rolling her out of storage for this? Is she going to get more airtime now as the "day manager" at Society? Which probably means Mariah and the stroller kid will show up more. No thanks.

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Lauren can take time out from running an international department store chain to be an exec assistant. OK.

Meanwhile Tessa, a super successful performer and spokesmodel now works at a local restaurant.

I'm surprised Abby didn't open Society in LA, NY and London.

Does a drunk Griffith scribble this nonsense on the back of a napkin.

STOP the business stories!

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And all these plot points lead nowhere.

With no budget to depict business stories and inept writing, they need to steer away completely.

Have Victor retire.  Dispense with Newman Media. Jabot has to sell of Marchetti and Fenmores to stay afloat etc.

Scale everything back. Have most characters working at Jabot like the good old days.

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When Griffith fired the breakdown writers, was that a purely financial decision? Listening to posts about episodes from the past few days makes me believe that Y&R viewers may be living with that decision to fire the breakdown writing staff. It can’t all be about nickels and dimes all the time.

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And look, I love Eric Braeden as much as anyone. He's a daytime legend and icon.

But he can no longer remember his lines. He spends most of his screen time looking down at the notes on the desk or table in front of him. It's so distracting, and there's almost no eye contact with the other actors.

I don't know what the answer is. Giving him fewer lines might make the problem more obvious, and EB is not likely to quit until he's carried out of there.


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The Black Eyed Peas•Let's Get It Started (Spike Mix)

Some of the cast of @youngandrestlesscbs are getting their “throws on” in the anticipation and excitement of this Sunday’s #SuperBowl This is for the fans! We love you! 

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#yr #theextendedversion #superbowl58 #football #justhavingalittlefunyr @cbssports

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Tues. Feb. 13, Wed. Feb. 14, Tues. Feb. 20, and Wed. Feb. 21:
Soccer will override Y&R and B&B in some western USA timezones.
It will not affect the Canadian broadcasts.
You may need to set your DVR manually for those dates, as it might air at a different time the same day, later that night, or on a sister channel.
OR you might need to watch online.

*important to note that this doesn't affect eastern USA, so they will not consider any of these dates to be a preemption.  They will consider it to be an aired episode.    If you miss it, watch online. 

Full info here:


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Hey, these shows have been on a long time and most of us are old who are still around to watch them. It is what it is.

Can someone tell me how today (US) Ashley went from pounding on Tucker's door of his suite (while he was on the couch with Audra), to them cutting to Ashley sitting alone downstairs in the GCAC lobby having a martini while Tucker and Audra are getting it on under the sheets? That was quite the jump.

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