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GH: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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So I guess Cam is gone for good, huh?

As better off as he is without that disgusting piece of trash in his life, I was hoping we’d see him again just to see him get back at her somehow. I’m sure he would be written as the bad guy though but I’d be on his side 100%

This crap with Mo’s son is just a trap.

And, I’m glad about Aiden as well. Hopefully, we actually see his storyline. Liz’s kids should be front and center. I wonder what the original plan was for Aiden back in 2018. 

Maxie and Spinelli need to reunite and go off together with Maxie’s brood lol and just pop in from time to time. 

Charlotte and Violet just need to away and never come back

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Also, that’s a hell no to a Stella/Marshall pairing.

And, wtf is this obsession with Christina Comes Home for Christmas?  

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I haven't watched GH in ages, but my twitter timeline blew up today about Aiden coming out. I decided to check it out. While short, very well done. I loved how Liz picked up on Aiden using neutral pronouns and went along, didn't assume he was talking about a girl, which made Aiden comfortable in revealing it was a guy that he has feelings for. Perfect. If GH was smart, they try to go after the Heartstopper crowd. Give Aiden a love interest, give it decent airtime and don't make it a toxic misery fest. 

Edited by wingwalker
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HAHAHAHAHA!!! It's back!!


I always felt that was a strictly RC writing thing...since it started on OLTL and carried over to GH when he wrote it...so it warms my heart to see that FV keeps having it pop up.



Awww this makes me so excited for when I get to these scenes. 

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I really liked those Liz/Aiden scenes too.  I didn't expect him to come out to his mom so quickly.   I might be in the minority in this, but I would've liked to see how this gay Aiden story play out years ago when the writers obviously going there.  Though I can see why it was dropped because the actor was so young.  I've just never seen a TV show have a gay character at that young of age, and thought it would've been interesting to see how Aiden's mom and brothers dealt with him as he grew up.  If William Lipton isn't coming back, they should recast Cam.  I want him to be part of this story as well, and see how all three brothers interact with each other.  

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Oh I definitely think Cam and Jake know, like how Liz knew.  I just would've liked to see their reactions years ago when they discovered that their brother was gay.  We could've got some really good scenes with Cam/Jake discussing it, and then have Cam/Jake/Liz scenes as well. 

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I really think that before now, Aidan was too young for them to be PC enough to discuss it. It was kind of being insinuated back then. Aidan started being featured as a fantastic baker when he was in Charlotte's 4th grade class, which would have made them about 10 years old. No need to have brought this up that many years ago. JMO

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I did want to reiterate how beautifully and subtly that was played, because it was down to earth. They gave Becky the beat and the close-up the instant Aidan used a gender-neutral pronoun to refer to the person in his class before feeling safe enough to say it was a boy. They let her note it but didn't overegg it, and she just let him lead and waited for him to say it. It was gentle and very real, those kind of scenes happen everyday IRL and should happen more often. It's the kind of education soaps excel at. Would it be nice if the scenes were longer than 90 seconds per sequence, sure, but that's Frank for you.

Edited by Vee
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I saw a clip. It really was perfectly played by EH. I actually thought the brevity/compressed nature of the scene worked here (partially because the young actor is so green), although these shouldn’t be the norm. And yes—GH opens a lot of interesting doors and quickly slams them shut to focus on the safe “faves.” 

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