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General Hospital: October 2023 Discussion Thread

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Oh, yeah, Portia! Does anyone have any insight as to where that 180 came from? She looks at pictures from Trina's NY weekend getaway with Spencer & proclaims that obviously she loves him & he loves her & she is an adult & is capable of making up her own mind! Whoa! Talk about whiplash. With no warning at all, Portia dropped her overbearing, controlling, mama bear perspective where she actively disliked Spencer & definitely mistrusted him while also mistrusting Trina's level-headedness & judgment of people. Voila! I was totally amazed! I used to love Portia & now if this is sincere, I can go back to that. 

Now Michael I am ready to hang up by his thumbs! I don't mind even one bit that his impulse is to hold this over Nina's head. But the very idea that he would control who Willow saw or not is extreme & completely out of the question.

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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  • Is this a third horse at the stables? Maybe, if horse number one doesn't work, don't recast them... Whew... and, let me say: Josh Kelly & Sofia Mattsson have fantastic chemistry! Much more than Kelly & Kelly Thiebaud.
  • WTF do they have Jordan wearing?... that sweater looks like a kid's size with adult sized arms. C'mon, wardrobe, fix yo messy [!@#$%^&*].
  • I love how supportive Dante & Kristina are with Nina & Sonny! But Michael continues to be an insufferable piece of [!@#$%^&*]. Can he go now?
  • Josslyn working more at Kelly's? No thanks. Ugh.
  • WTF is this hair scene between Finn & Liz?? Finn acting like a damn 13-year old school girl? No thanks.
  • Stella telling Felicia to "write a check" was the ultimate, "IDGAF! This ain't my problem!" Haha. But seriously, I love seeing Felicia at G.H., but she does not belong there. Her and Anna should've opened a private investigative business together.
  • A Survivor mention? Wow. Cross-network promotion? I'm surprised. But this date sounds horrible... can someone get Finn away from Liz, please?
  • Nina, darling, you don't lie so well. Work on it, or just tell the truth. Enough is enough.
  • Oh Michael, Michael, Michael... your plan is already unraveling before your eyes, and I love it.
  • On her way to the airport... did Sasha get a dyejob and a blowout? Because, that hair is done!
  • Willow, outside of Michael, is less insufferable. I'm liking her connection with Nina, too. It's about time.
  • Michael, once again, Drew not only did NOT save Willow's life, but Nina is NOT the reason Drew is in prison, where you should be, too! Your mommy and faux daddy did some bad things. They're the wrong party, not step-mommy Nina.
  • "You're not going to lose me." Famous last words, Willow. Your death is coming.
  • This montage is so... unnecessary. Really? Such filler for a filler episode.
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Some people believe that persons in heaven (or where ever) watch over their loved ones back on earth. So Harmony could be seeing that Michael is trying to control who Willow sees. 

I have a question: Who do you miss? I miss Taggart, which I said already. I miss Monica. I miss Britt & there's nothing to be done about it. I miss Brad. I missed Tracy & we got her. I missed Liesl & she appeared. I missed Laura & Kevin & they're back. 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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Since the previous episode count posts are archived, I'll reply here.
In most places they say that the babies playing Amelia Corinthos were first the Ford twins, and then Bo Harrison.

just an fyi ...  Star-Kidz has a baby actress "Siobhan" (no last name?)
playing Amelia in the July 26 episode.  

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I think Joss was really hurt that everyone...as expected...was falling in line with Sonny again after making such an issue about Sonny getting with Nina. But she could not help but take a dig at Kristina. 


It slowly appeared that the writers were setting up a Joss/Kristina (Carly's daughter vs Sonny's daughter) rivalry before LA left and KM came in...with maybe Dex in the middle. They would have brief scenes with looks and slight digs if I remember correctly. And I was here for it because I have been saying they don't use Kristina enough and she is more heir apparent to Sonny more than any of his older kids. Because Kristina as a character has sooooo much potential out of that batch of legacy kids. 



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I really laughed at Joss's petty, poor pitiful she perspective! I do not dislike her as many do, but I can make fun of her & her very human foibles. To me she is very real, relatable & definitely messy in the way  many soap characters are. Recently I even appreciated her & Dex & their care & concern for Ava. Also I love the way Joss is a good big sister to the two littles, Avery & Donna. The water gun fight was perfect! 

And speaking of Ava, it is killing me that she still thinks she killed Nik! All of these people know he is alive & well, but nope, noone has told Ava! She is going to be so pissed! 

Of Sonny's children, of course, I adore my namesake, Donna. But it is really Kristina & Dante that are really the very best of his kids. And they both, and each, take him just as he is. They accept him & love him. And, they don't honestly have some huge affection for Nina, but they don't need to. It is enough that she makes their Dad happy. 


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