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B&B October 2023 Discussion Thread


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Today was good. It's always nice to see more than one storyline in an episode lol

It still looks like we might be getting #Hinn somewhere down the line 

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Though Steffy/Finn belong together, I wouldn't mind the messiness of all that. What would make it even better and would actually be something for different is for Steffy to not even look in Liam's direction and fight for Finn any way that she can 

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Uhm Steffy has suffered enough and turning Finn into Liam? F*ck no, hard pass and that kind of messiness isn't needed, this show is bleeding viewers as it is, this would drive even more away

There is no "Hinn" and Hope would be back to where she started with a guy who loves someone else, and heck Finn's WHOLE heart is with Steffy, he wouldn't have a divided heart

Like really



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It will be interesting in a month or so - to see Steffy - after she’s talked to Mom Taylor - who convinces her to return to LA because Finn has disowned his mother and denounced this crazy relationship with Deacon - and needs her to come home to be by his side - as they stand against Sheila, and Finn needs you, come home. But it unfortunately coincides with a very drunk and drugged Finn (Sheila and Deacon did it) banging Hope in his and Steffy’s wedding bed.  But Liam will be there to comfort Steffy - in which case Sheila and Deacon get pictures of Steffy and Liam, thus tying her hands and ensuring Finn has shared custody of the children and grandmotherly visitation rights.  Cause he will flip when he sees the pics of Steffy and Puke. That’ll suck for Steffy.  I only caught the Finn Deacon Sheila scene because I wanted to see how bad a redemption would be - I gotta give Bibberty credit, he sold the anger the best he could, pretty good. He still gonna get in Hope’s musty pants tho just like I said three months ago. 

Edited by Fevuh
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Lord I’m praying there is not going to be a “Fope”, “Hinn” and what not. The last thing we need to see is a newly returned Steffy coming home to see Finn and Hope kissing and then run off to sleep with that little puke Lame. 

Finn telling Sheila and Deacon to go back to Genoa City was priceless LOL. Might not be a bad idea, if only to see the reactions of Lauren, Nikki, and Diane.

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Now that Steffy has been 'Hoped' - sainted, declawed, pure, it make sense that Hope would snag Dr. Bibberty.

Hope gets her revenge on Steffy for being a constant presence during the entire time of her Lame relationship.

If Steffy + Finn are going to be a long-term couple, they have to divorce and then pine away for each other.

Most people tune in for drama, not months of sanitized bliss. This is the reason why the genre has been around for 70 years.

Seriously, is there another long-term soap couple that hasn't endured a cheating scandal/divorce, etc.?

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I know some people get *itchy about my posts because I soap it up - but that's what they're going to do.

The one thing I don't understand is the Steffy love without acknowledging she's a *itch and a manipulative unreasonable one at times, too.  It's never more than 10 seconds after she has her OWN life, has EVERYTHING she wants, and she has to snivel up to Hope, "saw ya lookin'.  Saw ya lookin' at my brother.  Sure there isn't anything else there?  Are ya sure? Saw ya lookin'."   It's always THAT kind of thing with Steffy that no one seems to notice.  Like, *ITCH go BE with YA MAN.  Stay OUT of other people's business.  But, that's soap opera, and it means she's like her meddling Grandmother - who could never be happy with what she had - always has to then make other people miserable.  

There are always other ways to look at a situation.  But Steffy consistently hangs onto Liam as a 'just in case' as well - just as badly as HE DOES.  It wasn't enough to get the hot doctor....then, ya gotta put your nose in OVER THERE.  

Anyway - Bibberty will be in musty's pants soon enough.  And it's clear that Sheila is always here to stay and I have no idea - if they're going to constantly make the world stupid for Sheila - at least make it MEAN something.  There's no Sheila without Y&R, and yes the character works better on B&B because there are fewer people to make look stupid....because you have to make everyone stupid to have Sheila, so it makes sense that B&B is where she fits because - otherwise all of Genoa City would be a bunch of idiots and it would look even more ridiculous.  But for God sake when she's causing trouble, have Eric place a phone call to his friend Lauren or any number of things.  I don't know.  I think I think too much - or it's definitely my World Turns and Guiding Light roots where villians and anti-heros and anti-heroines were just BETTER all the way around.

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