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GENERAL HOSPITAL September 2023 Discussion Thread

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@depboy I think it currently is rudderless. It has some good stuff that's watchable, while other stories aren't.

Take the above Cody.  I like the opportunity for Mac to have a son, and  Josh Kelly works well with Amanda Setton, Lisa Lo, Sofia Mattson, John J. York, Kristina Wagner...   but the direction in his fake crazy scenes is pure crap. It's so phony. Ugggh.


I don't love Sonny in every single story, but I like the scenes with Finola's Anna and MB.


I remember the good old days when people went to prison <cough> Blackie Parrish <cough> and are never seen. No one has needed all the Cyrus  that we are stuck with. I  like  that  he is Austin's boss because it could usher Austin off the show.


I like both Walt Willey and Carly Hughes from their previous roles on other shows. I don't like that in hiring them, Kin Shriner's Scott is not being used.  Ditto for Portia's brother being Drew's lawyer. There are already several attorneys from Port Charles on the show.  

Tracy being around full time for a change is great, even though the story is meh.  Drunk Tracy was funny though. Butting heads with Lucy --  that I can totally enjoy.


The CBS Primetime budget cuts bring Stella back to working in the hospital (with Bob <3s Abishola dropping most of the cast to guest stars). Stella mentoring Felicia in her patient advocacy brings the hospital  more airtime --  a definite plus. I still feel poor Deana must be like...


Next to Elizabeth, she's the most frequently used nurse, yet neither has much of a personal story.  Yep, there's Finn who just (to me) comes off more like a brother than a romantic interest.  I wish the Gregory story were being done with Jeff Webber instead...  I also think that a death sentence   rather than a treatable disease is a bit too much, especially after watching Mike Corbin's long and slow demise. Gregory having a challenging disease that could kill him or he could survive with proper treatment just seems like a better story.


Wallow-- just hit her with a speeding car as she pushes Jake or Danny out of danger.  The shelf life on her milk carton is way past due.  A month's rest from Michael wouldn't hurt, either.

Gladys  --  women's prison and let Heather be her cellmate -- off camera.  Sasha-- refresh her after her next maternity leave.   Montague -- let Janice kill him to save Sasha and never return.   Way too many characters with loose end stories that just don't need to continue.

Remember when Curtis was entertaining?  I do, but it's been a while. Hat Dad  doesn't really bother me, but his being an contract without enough story to warrant it does


The role of Molly Davis Lansing is now being portrayed by Martha Madison... Might as well. Nothing against the actress, but not for a twenty-something lawyer that the viewers watched grow up. And good Lord, who cast that girl before her?  Charity Rahmer, the GH version. I know they were screwed with Pullos' arrest, but yeesh.

Mansi seems to be a good fit for Kristina, but I find it amusing that her meetings with twice a month Terry have been off-screen. This all of a sudden huge ass resentment from Molly is contrived and really annoying

It was good to see Huss back as Nikolas, I just hope the character can be salvaged.


It's not bad, but not great. It's definitely better than listening to Liam whine 5 days a week on B&B.



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This Nik story is the makings of being just fabulous. I am on the edges of my seat! I haven’t been this excited in many years! It is the kind of shocker that is a modern spin on a classic twist that GH is known for.

I can’t wait to turn on this show every day!

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When Nikolas returns, he will hate Ava for trying to murder him. He will hate Spencer for blackmailing him. He will hate Liz for turning him in to the police. He will hate Esme most of all and demand sole custody of Ace. Laura and Alexis will try to appeal to the good person they remember he once was, but that person will be gone. Nikolas will now be more like Victor and will regret not being awake to join Victor on his Greenland adventure. He will affirm Spencer's hatred of him.

Nikolas will hire enough lawyers to beat the criminal charges against him. He will then demand Ace. Nikolas will disown Spencer and want to make Ace his sole heir. He will seek to ban Esme and Spencer from Ace's life and have him be raised by nannies on Cassadine Island. To keep himself in Ace's life, Spencer is forced into temporary alliance with Esme in opposition to Nikolas. Here is where the DNA test happens to establish Ace's paternity.

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