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B&B August 2023 Discussion Thread

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Ahhh I can see it now…..

When Sheila sees Liam and Steffy kiss for the umpteenth time, she is disgusted and wants to get Finn a more loyal woman. She makes a visit a remote cabin up at Big Bear. Vinny appears. Sheila tells Vinny it’s time for him to come back to being amongst the living. 

Vinny shows up at Thomas’ place. Thomas is shocked but ecstatic. The two reconnect in secret over the next couple days. When Thomas tells Vinny that he’s been missing something in his life for the last couple of years and that is him, Thomas and Vinny kiss just as a shocked Hope spies on them through a slightly open door.

Hope is devastated and runs off to II Giradino to get drunk. Finn is there getting drunk as well over his marital woes and the two talk and bond. Deacon cheers them up by offering up his newest pizza recipe, Pizza Amore, which contains aphrodisiacs. Finn and Hope continue to bond over the pizza and wine to the point they share a passionate kiss, to which Liam sees just as he walks in! A frenetic Liam calls Steffy she needs to get down to II Giradino right now to see Finn and Hope kissing. Steffy hopes on her motorcycle and races on, only to get hit by $Bill, who ran a red light to get to back to his office to close an important deal. And now Steffy is in a coma as JMW goes on maternity leave.

Meanwhile a lonely Wyatt house sits for the Forrester's while Eric & Donna are away. Wyatt watches a porno and jacks off but ruins the brand new Parisian chaise lounge he sat on with a big white stain. Sheila catches and films Wyatt in the act, and then blackmails Wyatt into getting her a job at Spencer because what he did was sinful and because she sent Eric & Donna the video about what really happened to the new chaise lounge. 



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We would be better at this - face it. hahahahahahaha! It makes me laugh because years ago - in the 80's - I would go back and forth with a couple of writers on World Turns because the soap mags were saying ATWT had become "Open Doors" or "Sliding Doors" or something for about 6 months to a year.  People constantly stopping and listening at a cracked door or window, overhearing secrets (people talking too loudly), and then sitting on the secret, and it happening over and over and over.   Of course they also got whacked because of the Anthony Hererra (sp?) returns.  But lemme tell ya, it was NEVER as bad as these Sheila returns.  And ATWT had the sense to END him with a flourish - one of the best endings to a villain ever.  

Lemme just write a quick scene - real quick-like:

(Steffy has gone, out of the house, maybe not quite left town yet, but will be)

Enter Sheila into cliff house set: (knock at door).  Finn approaches, busies Kelly, Daddy is just answering the door, yadda yadda, be right back, etc.  Finn Opens door.  "What...no....what are you doing here?  You can't be here right now, you need to keep distance right now.  You being around just upsets Steffy and it's just not right - not right now."

Sheila:  "I just, I wanted to make sure Kelly was recovering OK.  My....my nurse instincts, I mean, medical background - I can't help it, and....well, she's my granddaughter...I mean, she's not but I THINK OF HER that WAY, and it takes a FAMILY to raise all children and....well that's the way I think of Kelly..."

Finn:  "WAIT, no.  We both thank you for saving Kelly, but you can't be here whenever you want Mom, and"

Sheila: "OH....you called me Mom, I'm sorry to interrupt, it's just I have waited so LONG to hear those words and to be ACKNOWLEDGED and make me feel VALIDATED, Finn, I mean....and I didn't mean to say I'm a doctor like you are, you're so much smarter and accomplished, but the nurse in me wanted to just check on Kelly, and I'm glad to hear everything is going so GREAT with you and Steffy, and I wanted to tell Steffy PERSONALLY that I WILL NOT be interfering, I was just so LUCKY to be at the right place and the right time, I was meant to BE THERE Finn, to be there for YOU and my GRANDAUGHTER -- well like I said that's how I think of Kelly -  so PLEASE let me just THANK Steffy for taking such good care of my Granddaugher, and.........."

Finn (cuts her off) - "Go, you need to Leave, everything is fine, Steffy is not here, she's angry and left, but we'll work it out, and you need to GO.  GOO!"

Sheila, "What do you mean......she's gone?  What do you mean?  She just - left? She's not here, what fight do you mean, you fought?  You had a fight?  WHY would you have a FIGHT when this is such a HAPPY DAY? That would make no SENSE, and..."

Finn: "She's angry, she's angry that you were on the beach, she said you were likely stalking us and who could blame her for thinking that, given your history, but you NEED TO GO."

Sheila: (mousy look, broken winged bird as usual when this scene happens for the 10,000th time) - queue the crazy delusional music: "but....I .......I .......I don't understand honey?  I......why would she be ANGRY with me when I was the one who SAVED Kelly, I mean it was total LUCK and everything me even BEING there, but it was me and she's......ANGRY?"

Finn:  "You need to go, Steffy will get over it, but you're giving her A LOT to get over right now, you need to GO!"

(enter Steffy into the yard, at the front door, SheShe and FinnFinn just inside the door, watches on)....

Shelia: "Well....I'm going - but THANK you for taking care of my granddaughter and watching over her, it was an innocent mistake on your part and I'm glad I was there to help in any way I can, and I'm not surprised.  Maybe you'll see some day that no matter what I do, I'm never doing the right thing.  Even saving your daughter isn't enough....you.....you see that right?  They're going to blame ME for STALKING (how is that possible, I was on the beach just like anyone else, and) - instead of being grateful to me - they'll hate me and try to keep me away from family, it's....it's what they've ALWAYS done, and you SEE that now right?"

Finn: "What I see is that I made a mistake in a moment when I wasn't thinking clearly.  I was so glad that Kelly is alive that I said, you were kind of heroic in the moment, in THAT moment I felt like you were a hero, but I shouldn't have said that, I should NEVER have said that.  Now GO."

Sheila: "Oh, I'm.....I'm leaving now.  But.....but you .....you called me what?  What did you say?  You said you......called me a HERO and.....and THAT'S what made Steffy angry?"

Finn: "Yes, now GO!"

Sheila: "Yes.....go, I'm going.  I'll leave you to your family and.....but HERO?  That just.....warms my......HEART to hear you call me a HERO, and.....you MEANT it? You really THINK I'm a HERO?  OH, my SWEET SWEET BABY BOY, I love you so MUCH and you'll SEE.  YOU'LL SEE!  You're UNDERSTANDING me now and we have SO MUCH to look forward to, and --- and you're RIGHT, Steffy will come around, I'm sure she will, and......but if she doesn't just know I'm here for you.  I'm here for my beautiful baby boy who has grown into such a wonderful person and a great doctor."

Etc. etc. etc.  Steffy is now convinced from hearing what she did that Finn is on the "forgiving" end of this little incident, and it just goes downhill from there.  She confronts Finn after Sheila leaves, and the argument continues in the same direction.  With idiotic Finn still kind of defending SheShe, and....continued angst.  


Edited by Fevuh
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People are going to start to take sides now @dragonflies at least I'm starting too, herein lies the problem being a SINN fan.  I hate to say it but my girl Steffy has made her own mistakes, granted she has owned and matured from them...However, I feel she is being a bit harsh with Finn.  I don't want to have to choose sides, cause right now I'm on Finn's.

Edited by Jeff
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Loving the Steffy/Finn fight but I wish it would slow down a bit.  I didn't expect her to move out literally in the next scene after she said she was going to leave.  LOL  I would've liked to see Finn say something about Hayes staying with him.  As a father, he has rights too.  

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Finn has opened a door into their lives for the lunatic who almost killed both him and Steffy just over a year ago. A lunatic who shot and almost killed both Steffy's mother and her grandmother, almost killed the woman Finn has called mother his whole life and held Steffy's grandparents and father (alongside others) hostage at gunpoint and threatened to kill all of them. And that's just a sample of her misdeeds.

No, Steffy is not being harsh to Finn. And any mistakes she has made pales in comparison with this. I see people bringing up the fact that Steffy hasn't told Finn about Liam kissing her twice recently. But there are some major differences. First, Steffy did not initiate, nor encourage Liam's kisses, and she has made it clear to him that she's not interested in him that way. Second, however annoying Liam might be, he is not a murderous, psychopathic killer. He poses no threat to the lives and/or well-being of anyone, quite unlike Sheila, who has a list of victims that is into double digits, and still growing.

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Agreed.  I don't think Steffy is being too harsh on Finn.  Her actions/reactions are justified.  Having Finn want Sheila in his life, after all she's done to him and his family, should've been explored on a deeper level, but of course this is B&B and Bradley is incapable of doing that.   I still enjoyed this week, but it could've been so much better. 

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