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B&B July 2023 Discussion Thread

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So RJ main purpose in the show is to appear half naked and giving marriage advice.

Okie dokie at least he's got a great body and chest/pecs to look at.

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So Hope and Liam get divorced over a kiss? That's a big stretch and really not believable. 

Edited by Soapsuds
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It's right up Brad Bell's alley though. Remember when Ridge out of the blue proposed to Taylor just because he saw Brooke and Grant kiss? He had everything planned for a proposal to Brooke. He had even designed a wedding dress for her to wear at a fashion show. All of a sudden he switched, had Taylor model the dress and proposed to her on the runway. All without even talking to Brooke first and ask her about the kiss.

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I hope RJ has to try on shirts more often! But, it's kind of sad. There are no other characters his age, and all he has to talk about is the rehashing of Hope/Liam...like just about every other character.

At least we got two stories in one episode finally!

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No going to lie I thought about you immediately as I saw that RJ scene in wondering if you were watching it

But yeah the divorce is so unrealistic and rushed so very very unrealistically fast lol. But hey I’m all for Hope dumping that dolt Liam.

Haha I couldn’t remember where that started at as it has always bugged me a lot as a plot device to trigger a breakup or a divorce. 1996 was such a messy year for the show I recall that story was slapped together fast and loose as both KKL and HT almost quit the show. 

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This show needs a complete makeover. If it was up to me I would bring Macy back from the dead and set her out to destroy Brooke and Forrester Creations. I would turn her into modern day Sally Spectra... older and full of tricks. Macy was a power house back in the day.

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Bradley Bell and company have had plenty of opportunities to really re-work and re-shift this soap into something real worthwhile, reminiscent of what William J. Bell created.

When Ronn Moss left the role of Ridge, there was opportunity there to re-tool the canvas, and have Rick take Ridge's position as the leading male, and allow Eric, Brooke, Stephanie to take the backseat roles. No, instead the role was recast and we were thrust back into the same 'ol recycled bulls**t.

When Jacquline MacInnes Wood came back as Steffy, there was a real chance to again, re-tool the canvas and have the younger-set really push Forrester Creations, and even Spencer Publications, and allow the veteran characters to step back and support those players. No, instead we were thrust back into the same 'ol recycled bulls**t.

The closest we got was casting Courtney Hope as Sally Spectra, but even that storyline went WRONG! Instead of having Thorne return and want Brooke back for 2.5 seconds, he should have revealed himself to be working with Sally to have Spectra Fashions overtake Forrester Creations, proving himself as more than the basement/international Forrester, and truly bringing fashion back into the Bold fold. No, instead we got the same 'ol recycled bulls**t.

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