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General Hospital: July 2023 Discussion Thread

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I still have faith in Sprina but Trina annoyed me today. Why couldnt she call out Joss when Joss admitted she cheated on Cam with Dex


I may be in the minority but Holiday Mia Kriegel was good in her scenes as Molly with TJ.


I also liked how Molly acknowldeged that she hadnt been thinking of TJ's grief, only her own.

Edited by John
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I think HMK is still really awful. The thing about NuMolly is that she does channel HP, but HP's most annoying traits lol.  She's extremely shrill in her delivery.  Although I will say she is better than she was on day one so maybe there is hope.

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It's not an acting choice, IMO. She has no range.

People saw this character as a dayplayer and glommed onto her, and now we have too many vocal fans for this character whose performer has exactly one note onscreen. This is why some people stay dayplayers. I am all for Selina Wu being a force onscreen with the right actor and all for more AAPI characters, but I have never found LL very good.

Edited by Vee
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... I love Lydia Look as Selina Wu. She is magic in the role, and am very happy she is no longer an occasional dayplayer.

Jane Elliot seems to have a ball playing the material; it comes off in her portrayal!  Her facial expressions are GOLD!

Sofia Mattsson is working the hell out of what's happening with Sasha.  She is hamming it up, and it works so well. F**k, can I get some of this wonder drug?

It is LOVELY seeing Walt Willey as Jackson Montgomery again.  He slipped beautifully back into the role.  I noticed no wedding ring on his finger, and I'm also wondering who his other associates are..?  Shame they couldn't have been "Colby" in alluding to Liza Colby.

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I would love to reunite Hayden with Violet.  It was disgusting how they brought her back, sent her away, and acted like it wasn't that big of a deal for Violet.  The purpose was to further prop up Fin/Michael Easton by giving him a daughter and a single dad identity.  Violet should be with her mom.

I love Esme.  She really has become one of my favorite characters.  It has been enjoyable to watch her trying to be a better person, with mixed results.  

I hope the show keeps her around and redeems her, at least partially.  Maybe she can have a long transition, like Maxie did, or Rachel Davis on AW.   I know she has done terrible things, but I think she is more redeemable than Franco or Liesl were. 

There just seems to be a lot to her backstory that is worth exploring.   


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I am confused.  I thought the Dr. gave Sasha benzo's or xanax.  I swear that's what the label said.  Why is she acting so high and crazy?  She's acting like she's on Adderall and I don't think a former cocaine addict would be stupid enough to take that lol.  I am no Dr., but I have taken xanax and valium before and it made me very chill.....

I really think Finola should cut her hair a bit.  It's looking long and kind of stringy.  She's lovely, but I think she should cut it about 6 inches

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Well, he absolutely said 'benzos. I am perplexed. Did he tell her he was giving her one thing but actually give her something different?!! Can't stand seeing Sasha high as a kite as well as manic in buying things like crazy & speaking very fast & a lot & maybe some delusions of grandeur. I'm a non-violent person & I want to smash Quack Doc & Gladys's heads together like a 3 Stooges routine. 

Love Miz Wu & only want to make her hair stay in place. I don't understand what Cody Bell did & why. 

Loving Kristina & her dialog is top notch. "cautionary tale about waiting too long to have babies" is exactly what medical people say to women suffering with endometriosis. If you'd only gotten pregnant when you were 16, blah blah blah. And Molly is way defensive. Doesn't even get to have the worst thing that has ever happened to her be about herself.

@AbcNbc247 You think the problem with Sprina is Jex? I don't see that. I think it's a good sign that the girls are having girl talk again. I was pleased that Joss understands that part of Spence's problem with Dex is really about her & the way she mistreated & cheated on Cam. That showed more insight than I realized she'd had.

But, I don't understand what Dan & Chris are up to with their young potential supercouple. Okay, so they have to have hurdles, roadblocks but Esme & Portia are not good ones. And I think putting off consummation is just unrealistic. They're squandering all the Greenland  momentum. 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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