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Days: June 2023 Discussion Thread

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So, I think Julie falls under the category of person that thinks she's open minded because she's accepting of her family and friends of mixed race, but if you are a 'bad' person to her it's fine to use racist remarks.  She's like those Karens on social media that are like I can't be racist-my best friend is black lol.  I actually wouldn't mind that about Julie as it shows her age/upbringing and is realistic.  I just hate when the show makes Julie lean so far the other way and is first in line at the Juneteenth Parade.  You can't be a part time racist lol.

Edited by carolineg
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At this point, I expect nothing less.   

The taste level on this show is astoundingly bad.  Again, it's Days so I am used to it, but I don't understand why scenes like Leo/Gwen's couldn't have happened after Dmitri left.  It's not cute or funny Leo goes around practically sexually harassing every man he meets and it's not normal behavior for any bff's to act like Leo/Gwen.  The show can't get outlandish things right, but it also can't get normal human behavior right either lol.  I often wonder if Ron and his writing crew actually know what it is like to interact with people in the real world because they certainly don't know how to write it.

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I am similarly confused by Dimitri's motivations toward Gwen.

There's been no wink, no slow gaze to camera, no wicked smile to suggest that his instant attraction is hiding a more nefarious agenda.  Certainly, if Dimitri just wanted to marry in order to gain his inheritance he could have accepted the idea of marrying Kristen, or just conspired with Gwen to get the money from his family. 

We know he's not a good guy because he held Andrew captive, and he's trafficked stolen goods.  But, we don't know his end goal with Gwen.

And given the inevitable, that Meghan will need to pay for kidnapping EJ and trying to kill Stefan, will Dimitri still be motivated to get access to his family's wealth?

Lastly, if Kate wants revenge on Megan, why isn't she contacting Dimitri's cousin who was romantically involved with her daughter?

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I think Dmitri actually likes Gwen?  He's obviously not without an agenda, but my assumption thus far is that he wouldn't hate being married to Gwen.   There isn't a ton to go on with their scenes and it would make more sense to clue Gwen in on the deal, but I think he really sees Gwen as the most enjoyable, quick option here. 

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Also, in Salem-time, now that it is Juneteenth, have EJ and Kristen been tied up for two days?

Does Megan really think a subway sandwich is appropriate in this situation?  I mean, they're tied to chairs.  How is she planning to feed them?

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I’m glad that the Horton dining room set is being used more. It should be a backdrop for scenes like Chad and Stephanie’s, were storylines could progress naturally. But I do think Stephanie kind of overdid it on the eye makeup

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I don’t really know what to make of Maggie and Alex’s scenes today, but I enjoyed them. There seems to be a kind of split with Alex, like half of the writing team wants to prop him and ruin countless characters to do it, while the other half wants to write him as the villain/grey character that he is. Am I wrong or has anybody else seen that too? 

Btw, the pizza that Steve and Kayla had today looked delicious. A lot of the food on Days has looked delicious lately

And, agreed with Kayla that cold pizza is a great breakfast


Edited by AbcNbc247
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Okay, I'm all caught up on DAYS I think. Actually, I cheated and I went from June 15th and up. Currently, I'm watching 3 soaps: DAYS, B&B, and GH. Out of the three soaps, two of them are so awful. DAYS is one of them. I seriously need to start watching something else as there are a lot of other options, lol! I guess since I "cheated", I missed the fallout of Colin. And I don't care either. 

On a brighter note instead of being negative, I just want to hug Marla Gibbs. I enjoyed seeing her. Other than that, that's pretty much about it. 

Something in my gut was telling me to not get too attached to Megan. My gut was right.

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Oh, and I hate that sappy "feel good" music melody they play all the time. I swear, it's like I'm watching Little House on the Prairie or something. God, I can't stand it. You'll hear it when Chad and Julie talk about Stephanie before Stephanie arrives. It's soooo Little House. OMG. God, it makes me cringe so bad.

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