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Y&R June 2023 Discussion Thread

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Amazing crying scene from Sharon Case. Given the right material she can work it.

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I didn't expect to care about seeing Nick and Sharon together again but it feels good seeing them work together for Faith. It feels even better seeing Victor stand up for Sharon again. It's becoming evident that this Cameron plot may be a catalyst to bring the couple back together. If they do, it has to be endgame and neither of those two characters need any more children.

It's crazy that Sharon still lives on her ex-husband's ranch despite her complications with his family. I also love that her house has virtually maintained the same appearance for nearly the last thirty years.

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Some people may not like to hear this but clearly Case is Morrow’s best screen partner. There seems to be an inherent trust there and it pushes JM to extend his reach of emotions in a way that I haven’t seen from him in a seemingly long time. I admit that I don’t want as much as others but in the spurts where I have watched, and I have seen him in scenes…yeah, it’s been a very long time. 
Also, that scene where Nick straps the knife onto Sharon’s thigh, made me wonder if this was a precursor to some kind of rekindling of the relationship.

Question-is the reason why Cameron keep entering the house to create mischief because Y&R can’t afford many sets? It seems preposterous to me that he can continue to gain access to the ranch, let alone Sharon’s house at this point. There must be a financial reason why this action isn’t taking place at another location.

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Agreed.  I think the same can be said of Morrow, he is Sharon Case's best screen partner.  I feel SC is always on point too, when given the material.  Other than this year's nomination, sadly SC is not an Emmy favorite.

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She’s worked well with other scene partners, including…wait for it, Victoria Rowell (I’m not just talking romantic pairings tbh) but as @Taoboi stated the investment in the writing was rarely there.
There was nearly the same level of investment in the writing for Sharon’s pairing with Adam, but the basis for that entire romantic relationship was abhorrent, so much so that even watching that scene the other day with Nick’s brief discussion with Adam about Faith’s abduction caused a visceral response from me considering that whole history with Adam stealing Faith from Sharon to give to a post-natal Ashley, who was catatonic after suffering through the delivery of a stillborn child.

I will say that, more often than not, the writing seems to have been at its best for both characters when they have been paired together.

JMO, I still think Sharon is missing that really really well written story that involves her history outside of the Newmans, outside of who she’s romantically involved with and even outside of her being a mother. We still need clarity on what truly happened to her father, even on what happened to her mother and where their relationship stands today. Regardless of how gruff her mother could be with her, other characters have treated Sharon far worse and those relationships have managed to be repaired and I refuse to believe that Sharon would cast aside her disabled mother because she didn’t talk nice to Sharon and kept calling her “girl”. Of all the longtime characters, Sharon has got to be one of the least invested in. Even Chelsea’s mother Daisy Duke got more storyline than Sharon’s mother.

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I really enjoyed today's episode except for the Billy/Chelsea scenes. Was happy for Elena going off on Victoria again. She pretty much called out Nate for what he is and Victoria is too blind to see it. I hope it was some foreshadowing.

Adam and Sally's banter I found to be funny. Why do I think she's going to lose the baby and then Nick will blame Adam for not taking care of her while he was off "rescuing" Sharon? I'm okay with this, btw. 

It is great to see Sharon getting story again. I can't get over how horrid Cameron looks though. I mean, he's been out of prison for a bit. Why does he look like he just walked out of the woods after twenty years? Does he really think he can seduce Sharon looking like Grizzly Adams? 


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Thanks for posting @Soapsuds. I am watching this now and already LA is dropping some tea on one of his previous gigs, when he was on Loving. He called out a producer who thinks did a lot of damage while there. It’s incredible (albeit unsurprising) how many of those types embedded themselves in the daytime soaps industry. I think at the time when there were so many soaps on the air and many were flourishing, people in the industry were probably willing to overlook the toxic people, believing that results justified their methods without thinking of the lasting effects and the consequences it would have farther down the road.
That’s a discussion for another day though.

Interesting video discussion so far. Sharon Case looks thrilled to have gotten an active storyline.

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I have not watched - not even 5 minutes in the past probably - year.  So I have no idea what's going on because I haven't read anything about it either I realized.  But today - I tune in briefly - was this show without a Director?  Sharon was being held by some guy, a girl (Faith? Aw, I like the other Faith unless this one has changed that much? Had no idea she was gone) - ANYWAY, Sharon held at gun or knifepoint with Faith got bombs strapped to her.  Sharon bitin'guy to get away and successfully does.   And Nick and Faith just stand there.  There was no screamish, or happy that she bit him or stabbed him and got away....and he got shot.  Did no one notice this?  It was jarring and laughable - Nick and Faith standing there watching like....not in slow motion really, or.....I dunno?  YO, NICK and FAITH can-I-get-a-reaction-outta-ya are ya thrilled Sharon is alive or not?  

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For about 15 years at least, I have been wondering if these soaps have a director. Someone will probably claim that both Nick and Faith were frozen out of shock or something but Chance the professional also seemed to stand there with the gun in his hand, pointed, at one point after Sharon made the first cut to Cameron and he’s the trained professional. I did get the impression that the actors may have been left to work out their marks on their own for this sequence. They don’t get much time to rehearse blocking and choreography, and it definitely showed. I guess JG must have heard the complaints of having Sharon be saved by a man and sort of over corrected by paralyzing the men and having Sharon saved herself.

I did sort of chuckle when Cameron questioned what Sharon really enjoyed about her life when it seemed like all she did was sling coffee for some losers at the coffeehouse.

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The lack of rehearsal time is apparent in 'action' sequences when there is no time to block out moves and maybe tape a few times and edit later.

Also on a day to day basis things are pretty static. Actors pretty much stay in the same place throughout the scenes.

To think BITD directors complained of not having enough to time to work on scenes. Nowadays its pretty much say your lines, do your best and move on. It must be hard on newer actors who are given poorly defined characters and left to their own devices.

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