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Days: March 2023 Discussion Thread


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I love Peter/Bo but he was off on BS2 and Friday, too. Even playing brainwashed. Hopefully it'll iron out.

Some of this is giving me "Death Becomes Her." Miranda Wilson is eating it UP.

I wish they incorporated RKK into this story instead of Steve Burton.

I'm sick of hearing Roman say "Katie." I cringe every time. 

This may be unpopular but I'm not crazy about the 80's-style adventure stories unless they incorporate more of their younger cast into them. 

I liked SOME of the elements of Beyond Salem but a lot of it felt like a dated Miami Vice with John and Steve running around like super spies still in their prime, etc. 

I prefer the tone of the more gothic adventure/umbrella stories of the 90's (Maison Blanche, Aremid, etc.)

Edited by KLN
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I didn't notice PR being that off during BS2 or when he made a brief appearance during the Devil story, but the material was goofy so it's possible it wasn't as glaring to me.  Not that this material is high art or anything, but it requires a bit more from him.  I assume it will all work itself out in time.

How would you incorporate RKK into this?  As some sort of FauxBo or as Harris?  I like RKK's Bo, but I certainly wouldn't give him a second character after his behavior. Regardless, I doubt Kristian would agree to work with him.

Kate is not a Katie lol.  But this is Roman.  He did coin the world's most obnoxious, non-sexy nickname for a romantic partner in "Doc", so I expect nothing less.

I like the 80's adventure stories, but I agree John/Steve tend to look a little silly.  I have no idea why Eric/Brady aren't integrated into this.  Maybe they will be.  It looks like Paul/Andrew and possible Belle/Shawn will.  Listen, I buy John/Steve can save the day.  I would trust John to find me in a kidnapping situation even now, but these men are near 70, look at least 60, and are always the only 2 guys that can solve a case.   It's definitely getting to the point where everyone involved is too old for this stuff.  It would make more sense for, say, Belle/Sami/Stephanie to be the ones kidnapped.  That way multiple generations could be involved.  But, as I have said before, this clearly was pitched as a John/Marlena story and evolved into a Kayla/Kate/Marlena/Steve/Roman/John story and we are about to bring Bo/Hope into it.   I think several ideas were mashed up to make everything connect and I think the premise of it all it's very flimsy.   Perhaps it was always supposed to be connected, but Days really took the long and convoluted way to get there.  

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I'm not sure on RKK.

I don't think it's necessary to have a "spoiler" in the story outside of Megan but from a creative perspective I'd rather have RKK (who at least has relevance to the characters) than Steve/Harris.

You're probably right about Kristian but maybe RKK has changed over the years. Maybe not. What's his behavior been on other sets since Days?

Agreed on Roman lol.

Eric, Brady, Belle, Shawn, Sami, Stephanie, etc. definitely need to be integrated into these stories.

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Putting aside everything about RKK as a liability and the fact I don't believe he still acts (I think GH had to seek him out), I just don't see where he fits.  He/PR played the same Bo.  There was no faux Bo like John/Roman, so unless we are over explaining the Bo situation he would have to play a different character.  That's why I was curious where you'd think he fit.    The show, IMO, would be much better served bringing someone like Peter back, but then you'd have to involve Jack/Jen and the show clearly has no investment in that.  But they easily could add them in.

As far as John/Steve, I have never understood why the show never made a clear heir apparent to Steve/Bo/John as a younger action hero.  Eric/Brady/Shawn/Phillip/Max etc could have been groomed for that role years ago, but we ended up spending so much time on their romantic lives or the characters were dumped no one ever stood out as the next hero of the show.  I have no idea why Brady didn't join the ISA years ago instead of running a fashion company for the last 20 years.   Eric as a priest was good for a few plot points, but imagine him as a cop filling the role Rafe plays now.  The opportunities for younger leads to step up to be heroes or heroines are there, but I think Days banks on their old popular standbys to lead stories (which is fine), but they have always had issues positioning characters to take Marlena/John/Steve/Kayla's place.  

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Yeah teenage Miriam Parrish played Jamie Caldwell (Sami Brady's best friend). 
RKK got fired for being with Parrish.

He and Parrish got married and had kids.  She did an interview in one of the soap mags (SID or SOD) in the early 2010s.   She said she had eventually divorced RKK and was living in the midwest working in a law office.

When she gave the interview, (or maybe in a different interview a year later), I think she had recently remarried and had just started acting again, at a local theater.

She didn't say anything personal about RKK.  It was strictly a professional interview.

I think that, at one point, RKK was living on the east coast doing construction or something? (This was probably before he reappeared on GH)

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I believe the RKK was a little more serious than that.  His co-star at AW said he threw a chair at her and he was apparently quite aggressive in love scenes as well.   After he was fired from Days, he made his thoughts about Kristian clear in interviews because the rumor was she and Rinna went to Corday to get him fired and Peter back.  His romance with underage Miriam Parrish (who to be fair he was married to for over a decade) caused Alison Sweeney's mom to pull her from Days.   That's why Sami ran away while pregnant with Will and was off screen.  He then returned to AW and still had issues with his co stars.  I don't recall anyone saying anything bad about his time at GH (although like @Vee I side eyed that hiring too) so perhaps he has changed or grown up.  Anyway, even if he has changed I doubt he would be welcomed back at Days or to work with Kristian.

Parrish remarried a while ago and RKK was working as a pilot.

All that said, I really liked his Bo and Bo/Billie back then.  I thought he did a really good job replacing Peter even though he had little chemistry with KA.

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As others have said, it was more serious than that. Almost every single leading lady he's ever worked with hated him, including allegedly Genie Francis at GH, and he allegedly had an issue with being too friendly, to use a euphemism. That would not fly today. JFP was the reason he got hired at GH and re-hired at AW, IIRC, after the scandal; she was probably the only one who would touch him.

RKK was the first Bo I ever saw and I always thought he was scorching hot and an excellent actor. I did not welcome the un-recast as a kid. But knowing what I learned later I understand the situation, and he should not be active on daytime today.

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I didn't know Genie had an issue with him.  For some reason I thought she spoke positively of him.  Thanks for letting me know.  I definitely was surprised he was hired especially with his issues and his 2nd AW stint tanking plus the fact JFP actively had to seek him out.  There were plenty of actors in daytime that could have taken on that role.  

I wasn't a huge fan of Miriam Parrish/Jamie, but there are several times throughout the years I thought Days could have brought Sami's only friend back and pair her with Lucas.


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I've heard different things about RKK and Genie from different people to be fair, but I did hear there were issues at every show up til he was fired in '01 when the biotoxin story got killed by 9/11.

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Yes, it's a shame he's such a problematic person because his Bo was a real moment.  I think he had a different take on Bo than PR, but had a more electric presence.  Even ignoring everything else, he had very little chemistry with Kristian and she was back, Lisa was on her way out and CC's Carly was also gone, so the writing was on the wall for him as Bo.  I honestly don't think he was long for Days even if he was a model employee once PR was available and KA was back longterm.  Then again, JER really loved his Bo/Billie, so it could have gone either way.

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