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B&B March 2023 Discussion Thread


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This show is about to get a big ol' Maury Povich boooooooo! 

What a dumb ass cliffhanger and to only have it told like this. Those flashbacks had me feeling all the fantasy, hennies! Well no, not really. 

Also, can we some more additional sets to Bill's mansion instead of that fireplace corner set? All Shelia does is pace back and forth going from the couch to the mantel of the fireplace likes she's got nothing better to do.

And Bill? Don't you be talkin' trash about how much you despise Shelia. Sweetie, you got some lovin' inside that oven of hers, Mr. Man.

Edited by Noel
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Yeah this plot twist is horribly bad and laughable. I predict the next twist Bill & Ridge will discover this Sheila is actually Sugar and the real Sheila is seen on some South American beach with toasting mojoitos with Finn’s dad Jack or something.

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I'm glad I'm not alone in recognizing an obvious and terribly forced rewrite. The Ridge/$Bill dialogue is below even B&B's usual.

It's subtle, but I noticed KB's energy has been off the last few episodes. She's even hard pressed to pass off this twist.

A Sheila redemption story wouldn't be that hard to write. Deacon, Quinn, Thomas all got them. I suppose Brad's only vision of Sheila is cartoon villain, which is a shame.

Speaking of rewrites, I'll add the quick abandonment of the Douglas at Steffy's - that was a huge story - for a week and Hope wanting Thomas at HFTF with Steffy against it. Suddenly both stories got flipped. And what was that strange look of wanting Hope gave Thomas? C'mon. Bizarre.

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Shelia may not be redeemable, but if she knows how to play her cards just right, she needs to go for Katie's heart. I love Heather Tom and all, but Katie's had it coming for a long, long time. 

Soap Gods ... release your evil! Let's give Katie and Bill a taste of their own medicine. And this Bill marriage proposal sh*t .... whatever. You know Bill wants a piece. Shake, tease, and flaunt it. Shove that cake in his face and make him beg. I don't care if you have 9 toes. And then go after Katie and her heart. 

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That's what I'm sayin'. Make him wanna have some of that honeysuckle dew. Mmm-hmmm. After that, it's time for Katie and her comeuppance. Well, that's what I would do if I were pushed back into a corner. Give that bitch some pills.


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It's too bad the writers aren't having Sheila mention her desire to be a part of Finn/Hayes life. If Thomas can get well with one week of *intensive* therapy, certainly $B can get Sheila a whole group of live-in therapists.

Since B&B is always on point - the flickering lights will return and clue Sheila in.

Could Sheila's rich benefactor be a still-alive Massimo? Is it a mere coincidence that Deacon's Pizza Shack was funded by Italians?

Is Deacon no longer on parole or did $B also get Deacon immunity for harboring a fugitive?

If Ridge isn't living with Taylor or Brooke, why would he need to keep up the rouse that he's out of town? Are we supposed to believe that he's spending the past 3 months 24/7 in the surveillance room?

So many plot holes, it could be a drinking game. 'Why did I drink?' That's why!

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