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GENERAL HOSPITAL February 2023 Discussion Thread

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I'm actually on Portia's side in this whole thing.  BTW - this is not a comment on the acting which was good enough to move me to this reaction.

First of all, logistically, twenty years ago, DNA testing was not as easily available.  Second of all, if Taggert wasn't questioning if he was the father, then how would Portia get him to agree to a paternity test without damaging her marriage.  And, third, she didn't know until recently that Curtis's family had any genetic conditions that would have effected Trina's health.  So, without Curtis around while Trina was growing up, there was no reason for her to explore the paternity issue on her own.

Portia is getting all the blame.  Meanwhile, nobody is blaming Curtis for not being able to do the math to figure out when Trina was conceived.  Portia worked hard to provide for Trina.  Curtis did not step up to provide financial support, or try to abstain from wrong doing so that he could be available for child care while Portia was working as a doctor. It's easy for all of those Ashfords to say that they missed the opportunity to bond to Trina as a child, but was Portia really expected to allow her daughter to form a relationship with a guy who had a troubled legal background?  I mean Curtis is everyone's best friend today, but it wasn't that long ago that he was a coke fiend.

It takes nerve to drag Portia, on her wedding day, when she was just making choices that she thought was best for her child, and there have never been any negative consequences for those choices until today.

Edited by j swift
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Well, so far, that's as it should be. Trina's reaction, that this is her identity is on point. Her anger is righteous.

But, frankly I had a different reaction entirely & that was that's Trina's Emmy reel right there. Both actresses were superb! Also excellent acting from Maggie with Dante & Sam to Austin & Ava & I actually screamed when it was Ryan at Ava's door! I was mostly just experiencing the drama tonight. And, it was a good night for GH!!

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@j swiftI agree to an extent.  What we need are scenes with Portia saying this out loud to Trina and Curtis.  And maybe some exploration of her own background and how much she was torn between stability with Taggert and her wild side with Curtis.  Play the beats, not just the high drama.

During the Nikolas reveal, even as angry as Luke and Lucky were, you could see Laura telling them what happened and how traumatic it was for her, and they did understand even if they still didn’t like it.  We need some of that here.

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Both Portia and Curtis are at fault for carrying on an extra marrital affair, but moreso Portia because she was the one married. Yes, Curtis should have did the conception math but Portia should've obtained a DNA test given her suspicions to avoid this 20 year blow up. Curits did have a right to get to know a child that was his (if it's his). Plus, did Portia know about Curtis' troubled background before messing around with him? If so, it was crazy not using potection (both of them are at fault for this) while cheating with someone caughtup with drugs/illegal actvities. 

Edited by ironlion
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Yes!!!! See what a difference it makes when people we care about are in danger. I felt the fear when I saw Mac discover Heather and Esme, knowing Ryan wasn't far behind. And I gasped at the end seeing Ava and Felicia face to face with him. Meanwhile, Dante and Sam found Maggie and got the Esme parent reveal. Stories exploding all over the place...love to see it!!


And the wedding...wow. It's been a minute since we had so many people (outside of Britt's party) AND Extras in one room. And I loved each and every bit and break was played to the hilt in my viewing from last Friday on. Brook Kerr know she looking good (come get your girl @Juliajms!

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) in her wedding dress and she has been acting her butt off. Poor Trina, not knowing what would happen by going to see Stella, but glad Spencer was with her.


And No, I have no problem with Obrecht being willing to kill for Liz. Sorry. However, it now makes me wonder if she is the person mention in the spoiler thread as a new adversary of sorts to one of our beloved vets. 

Edited by Taoboi
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Today was super good.  Fun cliffhanger, a nice mix of characters and scenery.  No dumb dialogue, like, "Ryan, Kevin's evil twin, what are you doing here?" 

I liked that Mac was found right away, and he called Felicia, which is what a real person would do.

I liked that Taggert defended Portia by saying it takes two to ruin a marriage.

My only current quibble is that the character of Valentine seems to get a pass on a lot of prior behaviors because of the smoking chemistry between JPS and FH.  It feels like he practices a little hot yoga and suddenly he is absolved of stealing embryos and setting up false kids.  In fact, given the facts on screen, Victor seems to have engaged in fewer offenses than Valentine.

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If he were my type, I would too! 

GH loves to do this. Drag stuff out forever with nothing happening & then BOOM. Then another boom & another!! 

But when it comes time to pay it off, they are pretty good with the delivery. I am SO excited that Dante & Sam found Maggie!! And now they know Ryan is her papa!!!

Proving that she she is a very talented actress indeed. I once doubted that. No more> 

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That's cuz they are basic. lol.


That said...their drama has been quietly set up in the background this month in terms of Sonny's secret shipment and Dex/Michael continued meetings...so they are definitely going to have such drama. 

Oh yes, this week has been great. Y&R and B&B are just sitting on my system, but when a new GH has loaded this busy week, I squeezed in time. The pacing has been great. And cliffhangers at the end of each episode. 


Yeah, I love seeing Sam in PI mode.


I agree. I honestly am starting to feel conflicted with Esme just on the actress's talent. 

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lol. I always giggle at the Jordan shade.


I thought that, too!!! That Trina would be on the other side. They really kept people guessing how the secret would come out this week and that just upped the suspense.


Same. I loved so many people in the room. And the use of so many big sets. 

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I do not like Dex & that is getting in the way of my enjoying Joss. I loved the other day when she turned to Spence and said, "Are you 5?" I like it when people bicker. It passes for witty repartee. 

So, I think Taby's got Emmy reel & I think the show should use Nik, Spence & Laura in the chapel as one of their episodes. Maybe Virgin birth at the Qs for the other. 


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So have I 

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These last two episodes were so good. So many times during sweeps, it seemed like GH would hold back and only let like one storyline reach a turning point. They're finally not doing that and I'm really enjoying it.

I wish they would do more lol that secret meeting that Sonny's supposed to have should be taking place right now too, which should be where Cam finds out about Dex's connection to Michael and rats him out to Sonny 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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