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Days: December 2022 Discussion Thread


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I really didn't need any entire episode talking about Brady accidently kissing Sister Mary Moira.

I actually like SH's Kristen and John's interactions.  They have good chemistry playing off one another.

How sad was Susan's memorial?  They really couldn't have gotten Chad, Tony, Anna, Stefan, etc to come?  Lol  I know the show explained but 4 people? C'mon...

How did Marlena change without going home?  In her car?  She was wearing a different outfit when she was with John and she didn't go home with John.  MAGIC!!

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I saw some spoiler pics for Tuesday in advance - Leo in the clown mask, etc.   Later, on Tuesday during the day, someone who saw the episode said on twitter that it was one of the worse episodes of the year.  I took all that as a warning and didn't even bother trying to watch Tuesday.

Edited by janea4old
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I don't think it was one of the worst episodes of the year.  To me it was just a usual bad episode.  But....days episodes usually quickly disappear from my mind once I am done watching, so I can't even remember what happened lol.  But I don't remember thinking it was any worse than usual.  Was it Leo and the clown stuff?  

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It wasn't great, but it wasn't Sarah as Renee level lol.  I think I am more tolerant than most for silliness like that.  I am shocked when there is a good episode more so than a bad one.

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But I spent half the show today trying to figure out Marlena's outfit change, so I can easily find things to distract myself from poor quality.

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Today's episode was pretty good... if you fast forward the Sister Mary Moira scenes 

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Eric and Nicole's storyline continues to be the best and I hope the show realizes what a good thing they have with this storyline.

Today seemed to be a perfect example of Days as a whole: when they get it right, they get it right. But when they get it wrong, they get it reallllyyyy wrong 

I love Burger King. What'd ya get? 

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Lol!  The sister Mary Moira stuff was bad.  Why did she keep talking about it?  No one cares Brady kissed you at ALL.  

I am enjoying Nicole/Eric/Sloane etc but the actress that plays Sloane is not very good at love scenes lol and considering it's half of what she's been given that is not great.  She's definitely overacting on a lot of those scenes and I would hope that's not how she actually acts in the bedroom in real life.

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