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DAYS: September 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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Yeah. Two cheap steak knives. One was by the lemon while the other laid by that ugly jewelry box. OH! So "THEY" implies two.

That gun scene from what I'm reading sounds so awesome. Wow. It's been forever since Eli and Mr. Mayo Lover and Stacy's gun faceoff with Steve Johnson.

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I doubt that would happen. Peacock needs a constant stream (no pun intended) of fresh content. Even if it were just a hundred people watching Days ever day, it would behoove Peacock to keep them on the subscriber rolls as long as possible rather than giving them a reason to cancel the service early. 

NBC lost 750,000 viewers in the 1:00 hour with the switch from Days to NBC News Today. I'm not running around in circles about it, I'm laughing.


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I’m finally in September yall lol. I’m three episodes away from the switch to Peacock.

I really enjoy the characters of Jada and Sloan. They’ve been great additions to the cast.

If RSW has to be on the show, I’m fine with the reset of him being Alex Kiriakis. Alex is pretty obnoxious at times though.


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I'm so behind on my DAYS watching that I'm just after Sami's disaster wedding #342 and the introduction of Jada - of course, it's a bit stilted that female black lead cop character leaves and in comes another female black cop lead, but she's alright so far. 

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I got behind on both DOOL & GH because I spent 2 weeks helping a friend with a popular Anne Heche group when everything went crazy. Unbelievable the creatures that came out of the woodwork with hate, trolling, conspiracy theories and bad dead jokes!! But, I'm caught up again & my volunteer help is no longer needed. Thnk goddess.

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Well, good morning. It is 6:56 a.m. & I have just finished watching today's episode of Days of Our Lives. Today was a very satisfying episode. I predict people will enjoy.

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Began a little strangely. Gwen told Jack Jenn is using pills. Jack found an empty Rx bottle on the floor & no Jenn anywhere. Jenn was in the car, crying & driving & talking to Abigail, yes, Ghost Abigail is in the passenger seat, still not talking. Jennifer keeps looking at where she's bleeding, from where she was cut. I do not think they are safe with Jenn crying & driving. She is also saying over & over again that she WILL have justice & that THEY will be sorry.

Cut to the cemetery. Somehow Clyde has overpowered Chad. No gun in sight. Clyde is choking Chad & holding him down on the ground & really strangling him. A shot rings out! Clyde falls to the side. We see EJ a few feet away holding a handgun outstretched in his hand. I feel like we can see smoke out the gun barrel but surely not. Now Clyde is making grunting noises. EJ begins to tell him about poetic justice. Clyde says, "Go to hell." EJ says "You first." Chad has recovered himself enough to begin to enjoy this. "I'm going to relish every second of this. You're going to feel everything Abigail felt when she was terrified she was dying." But, Abigail was with someone who loved her. You're not that lucky.

Belle & Shawn are on the way to the cemetery since Shawn got a cop call that a shot had been heard. Rafe comes out of the cop shop & is on the phone when he sees a body on the ground in front of him. It's Gwen! She is bleeding from the head & out cold. He calls for ambulance.

Clyde is squeaking & squealing that they have to get him some help, that they can't just let him die.

Back at Alice's house, there's no sign of Jenn & Jack is calling her but she's not picking up. Julie says it's that she is grieving. Just that moment, Jenn walks into the living room. She seems to be crying all of the time! Also in a kind of a daze.

Shawn & Belle make the cemetery & he calls for an ambulance. (I'm not sure Chad & EJ were going to make that call!) Belle names herself atty for EJ & Chad & recommends they say nothing. They're fine with that.

Jenn begins to tell them that she has talked to Abigail. Then she corrects herself & says she imagined what she & Abigail would talk about & they decided to go check on what was holding up catching Clyde. Drove to the cop shop. Where's Clyde? Why haven't you caught him? He must pay.

Jack says that first we have to deal with these & hold up the pill bottle.

Across town they put the unconscious Gwen on a stretcher. Chad explains that Clyde did it but meant to kill Belle & Abby was just wrong place, wrong time. Clyde goes over his sorry story one more time. Wanted to make a business deal with EJ. Went inside to wait. Clyde at this point is angry at EJ, get this, because he told him not to tell anyone that he had threatened the whole DiMera family & then he overheard EJ telling Belle everything because she is his atty. His plan, the real plan, is "to find that loud mouth attorney & strangle her to death & let EJ find her that way & teach him to do as he's told." Weird motive for murder, to provide an illustration?!! Sheesh.

So, Chad was so upset that Clyde was able to get the gun away from him & just kick it over to the side & begin to strangle Chad. EJ arrived & grabbed the gun & fired & saved Chad's life & hit Clyde!

Rafe has concluded that Gwen was a hit & run. Tire marks, no braking seen.

I think I've told enough of the day. Surely any appetite that is going to be whet is so by now. What a great day in the neighborhood!

Edited by Tonksadora
rest of episode
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Today's episode ...eh!


Clyde who was shot was like a brand new person. It didn't even look like he'd been shot. After worrying for months about going away again Cycle didn't seem to care and was gloating which makes him killing Abigail even more ridiculously.

Gwen gets run down and has a big bump scar on her forehead yet when she's in the hospital Gwen,s face has more cuts and bruises.

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Especially since he said he wanted to kill Belle as a lesson to EJ. Like, WHAT?!

Just goes to show that going to the hospital can make you sick.

EJ has the oddest look on his face! Has he ever shot anyone before? DanF has a large repertoire of facial expressions. I can appreciate that.

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I think we are all over thinking Abby saying "They had a knife".   I meant to post this earlier, but she was clearly saying the person who stabbed her (they) had a knife as a singular person to omit saying he/she.  It wasn't multiple people.  It's confusing to the audience, but I don't think it was an error or rewrite.  If you think about how police or someone would describe an unknown suspect they would most like say "they had a knife" instead of referring to he or she.  It's stupid for Abby to say that since she knew the gender, but she didn't say they had knives/weapons which would indicate multiple people more to me.  Anyhow, now I am overthinking it.  But I genuinely don't think it was a sloppy error.  It was meant to be a singular killer all along.  The rest of the story and its conclusion was sloppy, but that's another story.

Today's episode sounds interesting to me.  I will try to watch in a few.  I like that you guys watch and give a rundown here.  I don't mind being spoiled and like to know what I am getting myself into lol.

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Abby wanted to use her proper pronouns.

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  I also think that's why Jackie Cox as the killer was bandied about so often lol.

I mean I know. It's ridiculous.  It totally reminds me of Kate croaking on GH and writing out AJ in blood.  Did she not think that would be confusing?  You got two letters why not do three and write Ava at that point?

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