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DAYS: August 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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It was my first soap. I’ll always have a soft spot for it

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As for Marlena and Kristen… Doc is very forgiving I’m sure if they ever try to redeem Orpheus (I hope not lol), she’ll be front and center helping him out too

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Pretty sure he kidnaps her again so I doubt she gives him the office chair for a session anytime soon but this IS DAYS. I try to be forgiving but the momentum is so meh at the moment ...


I somewhat liked the tension of Kristen crashing Brady and Rachel's time with Marlena but there's still such a lack of energy and urgency. At least Kristen and Marlena aren't hugging it out and going to lunch ...

Edited by KMan101
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Heard the same about Orpheus, but this is a woman that let Stefano live in her house after she pushed him off the roof as Mardevil........because she felt guilty after everything ever!  He ACTIVELY destroyed your life, but, whatever, JER go wild with this.  Sometimes I wonder if JER actually really wanted to start a romance between Stefano/Marlena, but that's for another thread.

I do like Kristen/Marlena scenes regardless as long as they are enemies or at least not friendly.  I just was curious why Marlena left her office lol.  Like, "Hey Kristen!  Watch my office and files!  BRB!  Psychiatrist emergency.

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I'm so confused with this Abigail murder mystery (forgive typing errors and sentence fragments):

  • Lucas: He stole cheap well brand tequila instead of getting the premium good stuff like Patrón or Milagro from the Brady Pub bar. After living with Sami throughout all this time (which would make anyone want to drink alcohol), he finally decides to drink himself into oblivion after Kate blabbed her stupid mouth that Abigail knows that Lucas kidnapped Sami. MarDevil hyponotizes Lucas in the confession room. He confesses that he was freaking out after Kate blabbed that Abigail knew the truth that he was the one kidnapped Sami, so he went behind that bar and grabbed the most cheapest and the most disgusting tequila and went on a bender at the park. While on his bender, he then decides to go to Dimera mansion to pay Abigail a visit by sneaking in the back through the French doors. He helps himself to some ice in order to make a drink with his cheap well-brand tequila at hand. His dumb ass cuts himself with a knife (black handle) while cutting a lemon. He hears a noise coming from upstairs and decides to get nearer to the commotion. He sees someone rushing down the stairs to the front door and sees Sarah or "Sarah" at the Dimera Mansion. What he sees is that Sarah (or "Sarah") dropped something as she was heading out of the Dimera mansion and the police suspect that what was dropped could be the murder weapon.


  • Leo (a.k.a "The Toothfairy"): He has his daily "Hit List" (which, the Salem P.D. have not yet discovered) which include Brady, Chloe, Chad, Abigail, Will, and Sonny. Thomas visits the toothfairy in the secret tunnels and serves the toothfairy steak-n-eggs. While Thomas and the other twin go with their father (who never washed his genitals after having sex as Leo was hiding in the bathroom) to watch the Minions movie, Abigail is seen sitting at the small desk typing on the computer next to the jewelry box. After his visit with Gwen at Statesville prison, he is seen at the park and retrieves his duffle bag from the bushes and pulls out a wad of smack daddy cash and cheap jewelry. A day later, he's appears to be out of cash and decides to sell Abigail's cheap jewelry to Clyde in a disclosed location at the park. Later, as Thomas loses his tooth at Horton Square after having some chocolate FroYo with his father, he immediately spots and recognizes the toothfairy which turns out to be Leo. Chad once again acts like a mongrol and confronts Leo and Leo is taken into custody. Leo thinks he's cute with his signature homo oneliners with Shawn and Rafe of the Salem P.D., but decides to hire an attorney by the name of Sloane, who has the tendency to prop her nasty ass feet on the table next to food at someone else's home. After Jada retrieves a fork from the secret tunnels that had Leo's fingerprints that backs up Thomas' story, it proves that Leo was hiding out in the secret room after all. Leo pleas that he did not kill Abigail, but that he can prove who did it. Without a search warrant, Sloane leads Rafe to the possible suspect's home to which Rafe retrieves the mask and confronts Gwen while she's talking with Xander and Sarah at the Horton Square in. Later on, Sloane wants to know all of the story. Leo tells Sloane that he was in the Dimera tunnels that Gwen told him all about and made himself comfortable as he helped himself to food and a couple bottles of champagne. That's when Thomas discovered Leo. He also tells Sloane that later on, he snuck inside Abigail and Chad's bedroom and hid in the bathroom while Chad and Abigail were having sex (and they never bothered to wash themselves afterwards). He then goes on by saying that it was Gwen who called him from Statesville prison and told him to get a knife and stab Abigail after what Abigail had done to her father's ugly coffee mug. And yes, he wound up having a knife in his possession with his steak-n-eggs, but he used the $2 steak knife (black handle) to pry open a jewelry box to steal whatever was inside it. When he took the stolen goods, he claims that he laid the $2 steak knife next to the jewelry box. 


  • Sarah: Sarah visits Gwen in Statesville prison and confronts Gwen about the anecdote that Gwen injected her with. She admits to Gwen that she got her memory back, and that because of Gwen, she has to relive the death of her baby again, but that she's having hallucinations of Stacy and that she almost tried to kill Victor. After Sarah leaves Statesville, Gwen then makes a phone call and calls Ava and says that she needs her help. Meanwhile at the Horton Square, Sarah is having hallucinations that Nicole is Stacy. Eric and Nicole both inform Sarah that Abigail was murdered, and so far, the Salem P.D. have no suspects. The next day, Sarah has an hallucination that Chanel is Stacy. After Xander's impromptu wedding proposal to Sarah, she then gets pissy because Xander is giving her the ring that was meant for Gwen. Xander then pawns the engagement ring for a more hideous one at the pawn shop to which he bumps into Leo. Xander tells Leo that the ring is intended for Sarah and Leo asks Xander if Gwen is now out of state and out of mind because it wasn't too long when he was the one proposed to Gwen. Xander tells Leo that it was Gwen who destroyed their relationship as it was Gwen who poisioned Sarah with the second anecdote injection, but now Sarah seems to be normal again and Leo asks Xander if he's so sure about that. After Sarah's hypnosis with MarDevil, she confides that she was afraid that the anecdote was not working anymore. She clamis that she saw Stacy coming at her with the syringe, but it wound up being Victor with a pen. She remembers MarDevil's advice and that was to go and visit Abigail because Abigail has experienced this type of thing herself. She remembers visiting Gwen at Statesville prison to confront her about everything (which was pointless). After her visit to Statesville, Sarah goes to Xander's suite. MarDevil asks if Xander was there and Sarah replied that he wasn't as he went to New York for a business meeting of some sort. Sarah then goes to her dildo drawer and pulls out a bottle of prescription sleeping pills with and went to bed but she could only sleep for a couple of hours as she had a nightmare. As she woke up, she decided thsat she needed to visit Abigail right then and there. Sarah heard that the weather was calling for rain, so she grabbed her raincoat. MarDevil remembers Lucas mentioning the raincoat. As she was heading out, she receives a knock on the door. As she opens it, it was Rex Brady. He apologizes for not calling sooner and that the reason for his visit is because he hasn't been able to keep her out of his mind. They both proceeed to talk about Stacy and her shenanigans. Rex tells Sarah that he has never stopped loving her and that he hopes that he could have another chance. Sarah tells Rex that she's with Xander now and blah, blah. Rex notices that Sarah is wearing a raincoat and assumes that she is going somewhere and she says yes but gets a little woozy because of the sleeping medication and anecdote. However, she doesn't know if she ever made her visit with Abigail and that the possibility of seeing Rex was yet another hallucination. MarDevil calls Rex, and on speakerphone, Rex admits hoping that Sarah would have forgotten that incident to save himself of the embarrasment and that he really was there. MarDevil asks him his version of the story and they both matched. He didn't leave until after 10:00 p.m to ensure that Sarah was okay. Meanwhile, in Gwen's trailer trash motel room, she pulls out the stupid mask that's been used for the zillionth time out of her suitcase. Xander and Sarah are on to Gwen, but wind up a dollar short when they discover that the mask is not in the garbage dumpster, but what they don't know is that it's in the hands of Leo Stark which later winds up in the hands of Gwen yet again.


  • Gwen: After calling Ava on the phone and asking for help, she arrives back at the Statesville prison. After taking a snooze-fest, the prison guard asks Gwen where she was at and Gwen tells him that she was at the library. Gwen then receives a surprising visit from Leo and tells Gwen the news about Abigail (who didn't bother to wash her vaginal area after sex as Leo was hiding in the bathroom). Gwen is surprised to learn that her basic bitch of a sister is dead. Leo tells Gwen that Abigail was attacked and stabbed to death in her bedroom. Gwen asks Leo if he killed Abigail (who has a flashback of putting the $2 steak knife in his duffle bag). After Abigail's spitefulness to destroy Gwen's homemade coffee mug that she made for her father, Leo asks Gwen the same exact question as it was Gwen who told Leo to grab the nearest sharpest object and harm Abigail. Gwen mentions to Leo that she's locked up in prison 24 hours a day and surrounded by guards with guns. Gwen admits that she did have a motive, but that she didn't have the means nor the opportunity to kill Abigail. Leo suggests to Gwen that if she didn't do it and if he didn't do it, then someone else had to have done their dirty work. When Gwen tries to dispose the mask in the trash dumpster, it winds up in the hands of Leo Stark. Leo asks Gwen who Lucas really saw that night charging down the stairs at the Dimera mansion. He mentions to Gwen that he knows her too well as he instantly saw the panic in her eyes when he pulled out the mask. Frankly, they both know that this is much more than the mask as it would indicate that Gwen would have the means to kill Abigail, especially with the record of her missing hours/whereabouts at Statesville prison. After discovering that Leo did sneak into the Dimera mansion and hid himself in the secret tunnels of the Dimera mansion, Chad confronts Gwen and calls her a vindictive sadistic psycho in front of her father to which Jack defends her. Disgusted by Leo's selfish betrayal, Gwen decides to come clean with Rafe Hernandez by telling her side of what happened. On June 10th, Gwen admits that she left the prison temporarily. Rafe asked her how and she replied that it doesn't matter. She did tell him about the time when Abigail was being a basic bitch and deliberately smashed her homemade coffee mug that was meant for her father despite how ugly it was a few hours before Abigail was murdered. Gwen knew that Sarah was dealing with some residual issues due to the anecdote injection when Sarah visted Gwen in prison. As usual, Rafe decides to sum up in his own theory, but Gwen had more to confess. Disguised as Sarah in a black raincoat, Gwen tells Rafe that once she got up to the stairs, she went to Abigail's room and saw her sitting on the bed with her laptop. She tells "Stacy" that she's not going to get away with it. Abigail tells "Sarah" that she's not Stacy but Abigail. Gwen pulls out a syringe telling "Stacy" how would she like it if she had Rolf's drug injected inside of her. As Abigail and "Sarah" fight, Abigail pulls off Gwen's mask. Gwen tells Abigail that the syringe is full of saline and that there was no serum left. Gwen claims to Rafe that she did not kill Abigail and that he already had the murderer behind bars. She also informs Rafe that Abigail was ready to send Gwen back to Statesville, but she convinced her not to do it. She admits to Abigail that it was a horrible plan, but that she's fine and they start talking about stupid Laura. Abigail tells Gwen that she has one hour to get her ass back to Statesville and throws the mask at her. Gwen exits. 


  • Ava: After Tripp tells his mother that Abigail was murdered, Ava visits Gwen in prison and informs her that she heard the news about Abigail. Gwen asks her if she came to visit her at the prison to offer her condolences and Ava replies no. The only reason for Ava's visit is to ask Gwen if she was the one who killed her bitch of a sister. Ava informs Gwen that when she initially offered to help Gwen, she was expecting that it was going to help free her from the Salem P.D. and NOT commit a prison break. Gwen tells Ava that she only wanted to break out of prison temporarily and that she intends to serve the rest of her sentence as she intended to be back in Statesville before bed check. Ava's pissed off at Gwen because that makes her an accessory to murder. Gwen tells Ava to look at her face and how does she appear to be? Ava tells Gwen that she she looks calm. Gwen tells Ava that she's not worried, so why should Ava be worried either? Gwen reminds Ava that she's the one who said that guilt is a waste of time. Ava admits to Gwen that she's not worried about Gwen's conscious, but it's her own ass instead because Rafe is trying to find any reason to lock her up behind bars.


  • Stacy: Roy the night guard informs Gwen that she has a new cellmate. Gwen is not too keen about her new cellmate considering that it was Stacy who ruined her relationship with Xander. Stacy tells Gwen that if anyone is to blame for Gwen's destroyed relationship with that ape of a man, then she needs to blame her bitch of a sister (which is true). Stacy suggests that since she's such a criminal mastermind and all, she would have more than several ways to get in and out of Statesville prison, but also informs Gwen that Sarah's a bit "off" mentally.


Okay, so I have a couple of questions:

  • How did Leo know that Abigail was stabbed to death? Abigail's death wasn't reported publicly yet until later the next day after Jack and Jennifer arrived in Salem. Leo's the one who informed Gwen of how she died while he visited her in prison. How would he have known?
  • This raincoat ordeal. There's something about that raincoat that strikes me as odd as MarDevil, Lucas, Sarah, and Rex have all mentioned this. How would Gwen know what to where once she temporarily escaped Statesville? How would she have known what the weather was going to be like, and how the hell could she have instant possession of Sarah's look-alike clothes? Remember: Sarah wasn't wearing a raincoat when she visited Gwen in prison, so how would Gwen know anything else about Sarah's wardrobe attire during rainy weather? This isn't adding up.
  • If Lucas claims that he saw Sarah or "Sarah" dash down the stairs and dropped the possible murder weapon, then where's the steak knife that Lucas used while cutting a lemon? Seems like both knives are nowhere to be found, am I correct? 
  • What in the hell is the point in carrying a "Hit List" notebook if all you're gonna do is steal a wad of cash and jewelry? That's revenge? 
Edited by Noel
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I was typing a mile a minute. I'm trying to edit, lol! Yeah, there are things that aren't adding up. Plus, I'm assumiung that when Abigail left the room, that's when she left to put fresh new clothes for the kids. No, wait. She had already told them that. Where did Abigail have to go? It wasn't the shower, that's for sure. Wherever she went, it gave Leo enough time to take her sh*t. Because when he saw her (as he was hiding in the bathroom), she was at that small desk on her laptop. When Gwen (disguised as Sarah) entered the room, Abigail was on the bed using her laptop. 

Edited by Noel
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What confuses me about Abby's murder is why I'm supposed to take it seriously when it's airing at the same time as Stefan's resurrection. Salemites should know two things by now, one of which is that nobody important ever really dies (the other thing they should know is to have a tracker embedded, like a pet, because kidnapping happens a lot). 

Also, the last murder mystery gave us a killer who'd been mostly off canvas in a coma, someone with no apparent connection to the victim until the reveal. It was the same with the kidnapper of Lani and Elis kids. I'm assuming this will be similar, and it'll be someone off screen so it's a surprising twist of sorts. My current guess is Phillip- random, but you could make it work if you say Abby found out about him, or he was protecting Lucas or something. I just have a hard time thinking that the stuff they air is supposed to add up, or even be relevant, when it's all finished. 

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I actually think the construction of this murder mystery story isn't bad. If these were characters we gave a crap about (or found entertaining), and/or if death meant anything on this show, I'd actually think it were pretty decently put together. They set up a lot of red herrings and have generally explained them in logical (for Days) ways. I'm waiting for the completely random resolution -- my money is on Li, and maybe Abigail figured out he was holding Stefan and killed her? -- but I don't think it's been a badly plotted story in terms of broad strokes.

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@MichaelRight with you - Li seems like the obvious choice for Abby's *murder* - he's the bad guy with the Stefan story. Li isn't any character's endgame. I'm sure he'll vanish as soon as it's revealed since he has 'resources.'

Anyway, if it ends up being someone else, they'll be free as soon as Abby returns.

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Yeah, it just felt suspicious that they elevated him to more of a 'real' character just as this all kicked off. Gwen is too damn obvious. But yeah, this is ultimately going to end in Abigail being alive, whether that's in 8 months or three years.

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Hahaha! Yeah, I'm just trying to wrap my head around it all. I mean, when it came to Mr. Mayo with fries lover, the story was told (well, sorta). Seriously. We didn't see Lani, Eli, Abe, and Paulina until Juneteenth. As far as Abigail, I would've taken care of her a long time ago for flappin' that [!@#$%^&*]*n' mouth of hers. Always talkin' that smack. Yeah, buddy. 

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Li being the killer would be interesting if the story was actually planned out and the character recast. Li  became devious out of nowhere for no apparent reason. Every change in Li is going to be explained as being off screen. Just your typical RC sloppy writing.

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