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Days of Our Lives: December 2021 Discussion Thread

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Probably.  I just think it was such a horrible, inconsiderate thing to do to Nicole.  He wasn't even going to dump her or tell her before he has sex with Sami?  I do think having Nicole sleep with 4 different men in like 8 months is a choice, but she was very upfront with EJ.  I honestly could not be less invested in EJ/Sami or Rafe/Nicole.

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I need Ava to be a villian again.  She is so boring.   She doesn't even interact with anyone she should.  I am not sure why she isn't more of a thorn in Kayla/Steve's side.  And didn't she once date RoboJohn?  Not that I am clamoring for Ava/John scenes, but I don't think they have ever shared a scene since she came back.

There is rushed and there is completely doing a 180 on a marriage in 3 scenes that were about 5 min. total.  Awful.

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Her getting over Steve was supposed to be part of her redemption or something. But yeah, Ava didn't need to be completely redeemed into the Italian housewife that she's been written as. She could still be written as a villain, but not a complete psycho. The writing just needs to be a little more subtle.

And yeah, Ava and RoboJohn did date for a little while. But she left town when she thought she could face charges for Shawn Sr.'s death.

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Yeah, I guess it was time for her to move on from Steve, but I do think they should interact more.  Or Kayla/Ava should butt heads more or at least be snarky to one another.   TB is lovely and my favorite Carly, but there was no reason or plan when they brought her back.  Honestly, it might have been better if they brought her back as Taylor at this point.

Thanks, I thought Ava/John were at least sleeping together but it was so random and never spoken of again I thought I might be wrong.  The whole RoboJohn story started so well and went off the rails later on. 

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I need Ava to be causing trouble all over town. TB is awesome but having her confined to Rafe's kitchen is a total waste. Her only rival is Gabi, which is pathetic. Gabi insulting her pasta is not compelling television, lol. Ava doesn't even get to have scenes with her son! And they barely acknowledge that Henry is her grandson. I'm still salty that they killed off Charlie. There was more story to tell there with the Tripp/Ava/Charlie dynamic. 

I'm also curious about the Philip situation. Is JKJ gone? Or is Philip going to be back on screen soon? Surely Philip leaving on a jet can't be the end of this story. 

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I had the same question about JKJ, but I can't find the answer.  I want to say no, but it did seem like an ending of sorts.  At least for awhile.  I did a minor check on other boards and online and couldn't find anything definitive, so I assume he will be back.  Maybe it's a break like EM/Brady and GV/Eric and Sarah did a year or so ago.

Edited by carolineg
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I really and truly believe the (soap) world would be better off if he WEREN'T cast on another show, but if he just HAD to be on THIS show, then I say bring him on as a recast for a reformed Jeremy Horton.

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DAYS has been such a mess for too long.  Ken Corday believes he's honoring his parents' legacy with this crap, but he isn't.  Not by a longshot.

If I were taking it over as HW and/or EP, I'd do the most radical thing ever: I'd phase out the Hortons (what's left of them, anyway), the Bradys, the DiMeras and everyone else; and I'd rebuild the show, "from the ground up," with new characters and families, in the hopes of getting back to family-centered, character-driven drama that isn't bogged down by decades of simply rotten storytelling.

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I wouldn't go as far as getting rid of the Horton's, but when they did the time jump I did think it would've been an ideal time to say goodbye to a bunch of characters, try to straighten up the family trees to make them less confusing and properly reboot the show. Corday would never ever allow it though.

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That'd be a whole new show. Which, you know, wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. But that's cancelling Days and putting on a new show with the same name.

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I think they need to modernize what's already there, take advantage of the built in connections, re-brand some of the characters and pretend Salem fell through a time portal and the stuff from the past that doesn't fit 'today' was from a different timeline or something.

Or they could toss it all out with the bathwater.

Damn I forgot about Ava and RoboJohn.

Those weren't good days.

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