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Days of our Lives: A Very Salem Christmas’ Holiday Movie Discussion Thread

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Nobody is going to take that chance if there is no guarantee that the interest is there, and those waning Locher Room video views ain't gonna do it.

Days can do this because these will be first-run episodes. You can't do the same with a bunch of old episodes, not without a massive upgrade of the quality of episodes, the SoapClassics once did (and we know P&G didn't really want to make the effort to continue this).

Better to do what B&B has been doing, run classic episodes 'As Is' on their own YouTube channel with ad breaks.

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So, I have a few interviews with the DAYS cast but I won't be putting them up until tomorrow, the earliest as each of them are VERY spoiler heavy - I couldn't help myself. I believe I touched upon some of the things discussed in the thread already, including

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etc, but I accidentally zeroed in on those areas with the actors and discussed it more in depth. Hope ya'll like them when they post.

Posting soon.

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@Errol Thanks!! Curious at who's paired with who. 

It'll be nice to see the guys alter egos but it seems to me from other interviews the guys seem like seen that done that feeling. I could be wrong though. 

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I don't blame them.

Ron repeats things he deems successful until they become so indulgent and self-aware they lose what that made them fun in the first place. Like Ryan Murphy.

The drag show was fun but we don't need to see one everytime Will and Sonny are on. This isn't Glee or Drag Race.

Also, Leo's fun but he's basically Carlivati.

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I remember Michael Malone's second OLTL stint very, very well and I can assure you it was fit for DAYS, but in all the weirdest ways lol. (I often wondered at the time what would happen if they gave him DAYS) It was very gothic in that 90s way both Malone and Reilly enjoyed and drenched in his personal artistic sensibility and poetry but was also often very bad. Malone has always been very florid at core - it was Josh Griffith and others who tamed Malone's operatic, gothic excesses in the 90s, and Griffith is a burnout case today.

Carlivati was the sane alternative when he took over OLTL; unlike Malone II, in his early years Carlivati was able to execute long story. But today, neither of them would modulate the other at this point. I have no idea what happened to Sheri Anderson, who would be my choice but clearly they already tried that. 

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You make good points.

I watched the first few months of Griffith/Malone II and loved it but I know fans wanted their heads by the end.

Do you know if Reilly and Malone ever worked together?

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100%. The drag on Beyond Salem was fun because it was a novel idea plus Sonny and Will can come across as quite the pair of squares at times, so seeing them loosen up a bit was fun. But don't overdo it (which they will, I'd assume Ron'll run this drag thing into the ground until we beg it to stop).

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Not ever to my knowledge. Malone was brought in from his novels outside of soaps in 1991.

I can understand why a DAYS fan would love some of that, but for people who watched the more socially conscious Malone of the 90s (who definitely had flights of fancy, but they were balanced with gritty social stories as well) it was like living in Bizarro World. It went south almost immediately. I have a pretty high tolerance for camp and fantasy on soaps myself, but so much of Malone's 2003-2004 was very, very poorly executed. When you're spending a week in the never-before-mentioned 'secret tunnels' of Llanfair and watching as Blair and Dorian get trapped in a secret room full of Indiana Jones spike traps while searching for an all-powerful Indian diamond, all of this supposedly happening in Viki's basement, and the other A-plots are Jennifer Rappaport and Antonio Vega, my patience wanes fast. That being said, I've never forgotten any of it and it was a truly imaginative, demented time with some highlights and pluses amidst the chaos, far preferable to the nihilistic morass of Dena Higley.

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Well then! Magical and demented indeed.

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I can see why it went south.

I think OLTL is the soap I'd most like to see back. It was always my favorite of the ABC shows.

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