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Unpopular opinions: cancelled soaps edition


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Unpopular Opinion but i find Erica Kane and Jackson Montgomery overrated as a couple. I mean as people can see on my nickname that i love AMC and i enjoyed them but i do find them overrated.

I even think that the finale made totally sense when Jackson finally gave up on her. That was one of the most satisfying moments of the entire end. He deserves better than Erica!

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Yes. But in a way that works for me.
That the only man patient and forgiving enough to put up with Erica Kane would be Jackson - a nice guy she had alright chemistry with - rather than the ones she had wild passion and lots of things in common with. She was easy to fall in love with and impossible to love.
A bit of cosmic karma that in the end she would have to "settle" (and even fail at that since he left her in the end) for a boring nice guy.

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I much preferred Carmen Duncan as Iris over Beverlee McKinsey.


I liked Katie (fluffy).

Santa Barbara:

I didn't like Julia and Mason as end game.  Felt it diminished her character.

Ryan's hope:

The Ryan's weren't all that interesting as a family especially after a few years.


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I didn't mind Noelle Beck as Lilly.  I would've rather they just write the character off as the character was getting stale at that point.


If they weren't going to use Eileen Fulton then they should've had the guts to writer her off like Ellen Stewart. Goutman tried to have it both ways. Lisa was such an afterthought in the finale and the lead-up to it.

What was so bad about RVF? Legit question as I was young, he seems fine in the few clips on YT, he seemed better at displaying emotion than Peter Simon.  He had better chemistry with Ellen Dolan than Peter Simon. I would give PS the edge just because he was on screen with Charita Bauer and Don Stewart.


Leads me to another UO.. I liked Ellen Dolan as Maureen as I could connect her mentally to the first bunch of Reardons. Similar to Peter Simon's Ed and the gone Bauers. A reminder of the past I suppose.

Edited by Spoon
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I never hated Krystal and Babe.  They garnered a lot of ill will for what they did to Bianca wrt to the baby switch, and a lot of people never forgave them, but I always thought it was over the top.  I thought Bobbie Eakes and Alexa Havens were really good, and I think Krystal was one of Adam's best romantic pairings, maybe the best outside of Brooke.  I think Adam loved her for real and was truly devastated when it came out that her baby was Tad's.

I know a lot of people love David Hayward a lot, and Vincent Irizarry is great, but I felt the character became progressively more cartoonish as time went on - at times being inserted as a villain in certain storylines when it wasn't necessary(like when Maria returned in 2002), and at times having his medical abilities put him just a step away from being a Marvel superhero(just magically bringing people back from the dead at the very end in 2011...I loved Dixie and Zach coming back, but it was a ridiculous storyline).  Plus he always was getting in the way of Tad/Dixie.  Irizarry is a great actor, and at his best, the character was pretty compelling, but I don't hold him up in quite as high a regard as some do.

I liked Sabine Singh as Greenlee.  I don't usually take to recasts very well, at least not very quickly, I don't think anyone does, but I liked Sabine.


Jerry verDorn was a great Clint recast.  Clint Ritchie will always be the best, but I think verDorn was a good a replacement as anyone could've hoped for.  His Clint got a fair amount of criticism, particularly when he was made into some kind of supervillain when the character had never, ever been that in the three decades he'd been on canvas, but that's an issue with the writing.  Acting-wise, I thought verDorn was great. 

I think I may prefer shorter-lived, original Cristian(Yorlin Madera) to David Fumero.

I liked the character of Luna and still think she was Max's best pairing, someone who would push Max to be his best self.

Sandra P. Grant was maybe my favorite Rachel.  I know this is unpopular as I've seen people say they'd take both Ellen Bethea or Daphne Duplaix over her.

I think Nash was always polarizing, but I still think he was Jessica's best pairing.  FM was maybe not the greatest actor, but the chemistry between him and BW was real.  I still hate that they killed him off.  No pairing Jessica had after was close imo.


Tony Geary is....a bit overrated?  I mean he's turned in some great performances to be sure, but he was working half-years for the last decade+ he was on the show and seemed to be phoning it in a lot of the time when he was on screen. 

I don't know if this is actually unpopular, but...Laura Wright is the definitive Carly.  I know some still love SJB or TB over Laura, but Laura's been playing the role longer now than SJB and TB(and Jennifer Bransford) combined.  I think she's earned it.  TBH, I think TB is the anomaly, insofar as I can imagine SJB's Carly and LW's Carly being the same person, but TB's is just different, softer.  That's not any kind of criticism of TB's acting ability, it's just her take on the character was different.

As a OLTL lifer, I wish those four characters had never been brought over to GH.


Roger Howarth gets a lot of criticism around here...and TBH I don't really care about any of the roles he's done outside of OLTL, and I agree having him play two, and now three, different characters on GH in close proximity is dumb(they did the same think with Michael Easton).  But his performance as Todd imo earns him a place among the greats of soap actors.

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I think you're right about TB as the anomaly, a softer Carly. During the era (which I strongly disliked) of Sonny and Jason as the cool high school jocks and Carly and the character played by Alicia Leigh Willis as the cheerleaders who thought the boys were as cool as Robert Guza did, TB identified with this Carly and played the material she was given, and usually played it well. Jennifer Bransford played Carly from the outside, as a theater-trained actress would, not identifying with the cheerleader vibe, and often finding interesting ways to show more comic or less sympathetic aspects of Carly. This subverted what the writers wanted, and it's not surprising she was fired, but her work was really interesting.

Laura Wright's Carly could be seen as the SJB character with some of the harsher edges worn off by time and a certain amount of maturing, but with some of that original edge left. I'm glad the writers have been willing to show Carly's taking it for granted that Jason should trail after her like a puppy dog, consistently putting her above any girlfriend, wife, or child.

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This is so interesting, because I found TB to be a shockingly good recast for SJB precisely because she has kind of a harder, masculine energy, despite being so petite. There's something rough about her physicality and performances that I think really fits Carly. LW has generally done a great job and has obviously endured in the role, but there's always a SLIGHT missing link for me with regards to how Carly came to be so... "polished" is the wrong word, but it feels like she progressed between actresses without me really seeing it onscreen.

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