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GH: Actor returning

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He was the hottest man on that show at that time - period. They moved him away from Carly because of the color of his skin and dumped him on Alexis who, I'm sorry, but her best years were behind her long ago. I've loved Nancy on GH a lot in good times and bad. But pairing him with menopausal Alexis was done to neuter a Black man.


Shawn as a character never went much of anywhere interesting but fans have noted for years that it is a bad look that he's been rotting away in prison for Sonny. Maybe they intend to rectify that, but I won't expect much for the character or any Black folks on GH.

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I expected a better reaction, but I agree Sean/Shawn was absolutely wasted. And he's found work outside of daytime. He's talented and I'm happy he's back. Now let's see the writing.


We have Shawn, Taggert and Curtis. Dayum. I'm happy.


Can we get a better Jordan please?


All of this.


I'm assuming he's getting out. He's on contract. 


I have my expectations in check. Talk is cheap in terms of diversity. 


But it's interesting to note how Y&R, DAYS and GH are all adding African American actors and characters. Now WRITE FOR THEM.


Right? But we know why. I wonder if they go there again.


Can we swap MAGA Jax out for Shawn? I'm good with that. 


And since we seem to keep adding people, where's Hayden? Now's the perfect time to bring her ass back.


And recast Steven Lars. The man's been in jail too for like 8 years right? Or did he skip town? I can't recall.

Edited by KMan101
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He went to jail. And I totally agree - Steven is probably the character that will have the most meaningful impact across the canvas, for several reasons:

  • Liz just lost her love in a tragic murder - she needs her family around her, and who better than her big brother?
  • Cam keeps moaning about how he doesn’t have a father figure in his life - next best thing, get Cam to bond with his Uncle Steve again!
  • Get Steve mixing it up in the hospital again - make him a challenger to Britt for COS.
  • And last but not least - an actual organic obstacle for Ned/Olivia - she never really resolved her feelings for Steven after he went to jail, and has trouble deciding which man she wants to be with. Combine that with Alexis finally getting sober and released from her jail sentence, and you have a new quad!
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And of course, Steven was actually Franco's big brother too lol - i don't know whether that has been acknowledged on the show since that storyline with Hayden's mother and Heather Webber.


I'm also happy that Shawn is coming back. I always liked him.

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A very scary thought just came to my head, because I had forgotten that biological connection...


I’ve heard on these boards (not sure if fully substantiated though) that Alexis is meant to be meeting someone very important in jail. What if that someone is Steven Webber - but now being played by Roger Howarth?

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Oh gawd I hope not, it'd just be too weird for RH & RH to go from spouses (albeit with a brother in common lol) to siblings on the same damn show!


Perhaps it is Shawn that Alexis meets.

Edited by Dion
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I'd also argue it's time to bring on BOTH Sarah and Hayden. I mean, Willow and Sasha can be written for. Why not them?


lol, that's true. They don't even mention it. I have to admit I didn't even think about them being related. LOL.

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