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News & Gossip from the mid-1980s per The Soaps of Yesterday

j swift

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Yes! How many of them start out with "settle a bet for me..."


These 80s ones are MUCH snarkier than the Soap Opera Digest ones I'm used to. I don't have it handy, but there was one where the question is whether Nola's daughter was mute in real life, and how does the child actress manage not to talk when the writer's own daughter babbles at that age. And the answer ripped her apart! Definitely comes off as someone creating a strawman of "ignorant 50s housewife" and then having fun beating up on it. 

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Rumour has it that he negotiated a year extension and part of the deal was that the producers fire Laura Malone (Blaine).  Not sure how true it was but Laura was very vocal about how she felt Chris and Nancy turned on her for no reason.

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In today's news from yesterday:


Soap fans are full of questions about new guy on Capitol

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but this fan gets straight to the point


JMR has the full story on Laura Malone and her "feud" with Chris Rich.  As reported above, Chris and Nancy were "cold" to Laura upon her return from maternity leave, and Chris referred to her replacement as a breath of fresh air.  Both deny actively seeking her replacement, but apparently Laura was interviewed on TV after she was let go and expressed her troubles about the backstage life at AW@will81's scan is too unclear to repost here


Speaking of backstage intrigue regarding co-stars, we get this new bit of info regarding the casting of Kimberly Brady


Much like PC from Red Bank, NJ, I hope things work out for Meg Ryan


But I'm no so sure about Rick Porter's prospects (What are novelty cosmetics?)



And I think we all share CC's concern about AW's Sally's insta-kid, but Lynda thinks that rating justify the retcon. 


Finally, much like the Queen herself, Lynda has begun to refer to herself using the royal "we"



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Is there some sort of rule that states soap columnists must never like a new show from the get-go? I was amused by Jon-Michael Reed's review of early SANTA BARBARA, which took a while to deal with the show itself. Instead, we had a column and a half of reminiscing about early AMC and Y&R. Anyway, as you can guess, J-MR didn't care for most of SB's young cast.

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Also of note:

-- Kim Delaney-Flohe's on her way out at AMC and the press is promoting her goodbye. Sorry, not sorry -- I just about fell over when I learned Jenny's jet ski death was the work of a "special effects wizard." It looked so cheap!

-- How 'bout Thaao implying Philece was a hot mess? "(Leann's) a total pro, and knows enough to keep her personal life separate from the work we do at the studio."

-- K.K. from Louisiana, asking for a recap of DAYS since 1980, comes off a bit like those YouTube commenters (and occasionally SON posters) seeking any and all episodes of a show.

-- What Could Have Been: Suzanne Rogers in the (ill-fated) movie adaptation of A CHORUS LINE. I guess the only roles that she'd maybe be believable as are Sheila or Cassie.

-- Lots of folks heading out the door: Suzanne, Wayne Northrup, Robert Newman, Don Stewart ... oh well, we've got Brad Lockerman, Julie Osburn and Gloria DeHaven.

-- Coming Soon: The great RH/LOVING timeslot switch. SEARCH now has until early 1985 to get its act together. On the horizon: EDGE coming to an end.

-- All this, and Nancy Addison Altman in need of the Ghostbusters.

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Filed under "soaps had money to burn" file:


Perhaps to mark the celebration of the premiere of Santa Barbara ( and their expensive sets) and the fact that ABC soaps were on an abbreviated Olympics schedule

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DAYS went on remote to New Orleans


Whereas AW's remote was in rainy Rye, New York


All of which is especially odd when you consider that AW spent the time and money for a remote just when Nancy Fragionne left due to a "snag" in her contract negotiations



Also, one hopes that the reporting on Cusi Cram, Beth Maitland, and Laura Malone's weight would not be published in 2021


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