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Look into the past - 1975

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Bobbie was introduced as Barbara and seemed to be referred to by that name for a few weeks. Then she became Bobbie. I wonder how that was handled onscreen.?

Perhaps Jackie got a scene where she talked about growing up as Bobbie but choosing Barbara when she went into nursing. Then beingtold that Bobbie was a fine name. The subtext was that she associated Bobbie with her hooker past.

Was that choice made because Barbara Vining was returning and they didn't want two Barbara's onscreen?

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Soap Opera Digest gives a little more detail on this scene. I can just picture it!


Brook and Derek have both
agreed that Brock should be the one
to tell his mother about Derek‘s upcoming
marriage to Jill.


It was the hardest thing Brock
ever had to do but it was something that
had to be done, and the results
are, more or less, what he expected.
Kay is shattered. She starts crumbling
right before his eyes. She cries
that can't be. She can’t lose Derek.
--He‘s the only-reason she‘s living.
Without him there's no purpose, no
meaning,- for her life. She knows
what she needs now—a nice, stiff
drink. Brock crushes ”his mother‘s
shaking body to him and says she
mustn t do that. She mustnt take a
drink. It will hurt Derek deeply If he
found out she began drinking again
because of his marriage. He may not
love her, but Kay knows he does
care about her very much;

Does Kay follow her son‘s advice?-.
. . No way! Brock leaves the
room and she runs immediately for
the vodka bottle she has hidden in a
drawer. She hurriedly opens the
bottle, presses the top to her lips
and takes two large gulps. She then
vows, twisting her wedding ring as
she says the words, that she‘ll never lose
a second husband to Jill. Jill
will not take this man away.

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MARCH 1978

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Following his recovery in the prison hospital, Ray Gardner made a phone call to the Martin home, trying to reach Ruth. Joe had taken the call and informed Paul, who met with Gardner and warned him not to attempt to contact Ruth again. After speaking with Nancy Grant, Ruth had decided to press the rape charge but just as she told Phil of her decision, she received a letter in the mail from Gardner, which stated that he needed to see Ruth about her foster-son Tad - Gardner's child - claiming that the boy's whole future was at stake. Phil got Ruth to promise not to do anything until she talked with Joe and Paul Martin.

Donna Beck Tyler arrived at Mrs. Maggie Flannagan's door, weak and feverish, but refused to stay unless Maggie promised not to contact either Estelle or Chuck. Billy Clyde checked out his suspicions of Estelle's movements and met Maggie as she and Stelle were on their way to church. He played rescuer by warning off a young hood who had snatched Maggie's purse and learned that Maggie had a young woman staying with her. When Stelle and Maggie went on, he entered Maggie's rooms and saw Donna asleep. After he was convinced that Stelle knew nothing about Donna's whereabouts, he contacted Phoebe Tyler and arranged a meeting.

Linc Tyler had brought Phoebe the news that he met with the judge in her reckless driving case and had had her sentence commuted. She told Benny that she had no intention of leaving her wheelchair as she meant to use her apparent paralysis to get her husband, Dr. Charles Tyler, back. The call from Billy Clyde was enough to tempt her to risk having Benny drive her to Center City to meet with him. She paid him $2,000 for information about Donna's whereabouts, but was shocked when Billy Clyde offered to get rid of Donna, telling him that she only wanted her out of her grandson's life and would contact him further when she had an idea of what to do. Brooke English learned that her aunt Phoebe had been out of the house, but Phoebe pretended that Benny had taken her to see a friend, carrying her to the car, as she was suffering from the confinement and needed to get out.

Chuck and Donna were finally reunited after Estelle came to see Mrs. Flannagan, found Donna there and shamed her into calling Chuck. At home, Donna insisted that Chuck contact Dr. Clader to arrange an operation to reverse the sterilization. - Donna still felt threatened by Chuck's feelings for his former wife, Tara, and her belief that little Philip was Chuck's son. She had told Estelle that she would not feel secure in her marriage until she had given Chuck a child. –

Tara and Phil had quarreled over the fact that Phil had forbidden little Philip to see an older boy he met while on the clean-up duty with Sgt. Jacoby, as the boy had stolen some money from their home. Tara couldn’t argue with Phil's decision but resented his manner of dealing with the situation. Phil burst out that he couldn’t seem to do anything right with either little Phil or Tara and stormed out. Sgt. Jacoby convinced him that he should try to make peace at home and they swang by the house for a few moments while on duty. Phil came in to see Tara in Chuck's arms as he comforted her. When he returned later that day, Tara was looking over some old high school photos of the three of them and made no mention of the fact that Chuck had been there, saying she had spent the day cleaning out the closet. In a frustrated outburst Phil told Tara that he and Chuck had been friends since first grade, but when she came to Pine Valley she changed all that. Tara was hurt and told Phil she couldn’t believe she heard him right.

Edna Thornton had attributed the symptoms of illness she has been feeling to the possibility that she might he pregnant. She gleefully informed Christina Karras that she was to be tested and when Chris accepted David's insistance that Ray Gardner was probably the father if Edna was indeed pregnant, Chris saw this as a way for David to divorce Edna and get custody of his daughter Dottie. – David was determined to get rid or Edna and hds been lacing her drinks with some substance from his medical bag. When it turned out that Edna was not pregnant, he went on with his plan. - After Dr. Jeff Martin told Chris he was convinced of Edna's sincerity regarding David, Chris went to see Linc Tyler and learned by a ruse that David had lied to her. David tried to talk to Chris after this as she was in her office with Jeff, but she refused to listen and he walked out, cursing them both. He went home and continued with his attempt to get rid of Edna. telling her he had stopped divorce proceedings.

Nick Davis had accepted a position with a corporation called Uni-Rest, an expanding restaurant chain, and planned to leave for Chicago to take up his duties. When Erica learns or it from waiter Freddie, she envisioned a life at traveling with Nick as his wife. Nick was forced to tell Erica the truth, but to his astonishment she would not take him seriously, insisting that it was just a case of pre-wedding jitters. Mona tried to convince Erica that Nick had no intention of going through with the wedding but Erica only appeared to take it in when Nick pointedly sang "My Way" at the Chateau. Erica asked him to take her home but after one last night together changed nothing, her pleas to Nick turned to fury at being jilted.

Carl Blair had been seriously injured in the crash of a private plane as he was flying to Pine Valley. He and Nancy were married in the hospital at his insistance, so that Nancy might have a legal father for the child she was carrying. Caroline was with Carl when after a period of unconsciousness, he mistook her for Nancy, and she heard him say that Frank should never be told that the baby was his. When Carl died some time later, Caroline learned that he did not say anything further about it and she resolved never to tell in order to save her own marriage to Frank.

Afraid that Gardner might tell her that he lied in telling the Martins that his wife was dead, Ruth phoned Paul Martin and asked him to hold off filing the rape charge. Paul finally convinced Ruth that if she had to see Gardner, Paul, and not Joe, should go with her. Gardner's implication was that if he was jailed his wife's sister would seek custody of Tad unless Ruth was willing to "write off this prosecution for rape." Ruth firmly told him the answer was no.

Claudette Montgomery, who had taken over the management of the Chateau, informed Erica Nick told her days ago he wouldn't marry Erica. Erica pleaded with her not to tell anyone. Erica arranged to see Tom Cudahy, telling him that he was right all along and that she had finally seen the light and broken off with Nick. She asked for her old job back, and Tom promised it to her, though he was disturbed at the prospect of having to tell Brooke English.

One of the symptoms Edna Thornton was experiencing was heart palpitations and, unknown to her, David had justified his asking Linc Tyler to hold up divorce proceedings by telling him that Edna was under a strain and had a history of congenital heart disease. He had told Edna that she had the flu and the particular strain she was suttering from was not dangerous to Dottie.

In performing an emergency appendectomy on one of Chris' young patients, David "froze," leaving a young intern to close. He told Chris that he was failing apart at the thought that she would turn her back on him. After Jeff told Chris that David might have staged his distress for her benefit, Chris told David that she was not going to be seeing him again; that it was all over between them.

When Edna’s employer at the Beauty Spot came by to see her, she was very worried over Edna's failure to improve under her husband's care and emphasized that it was not wise for a physician to treat someone in his own family. Edna called Jeff Martin.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

John Randolph had been under guard in the psychiatric ward at the hospital since he went into catatonic shock following the death of Evan Webster, which resulted as the two men struggled over a gun Evan was trying to use to force John out of the house so that a hit man could run John down with a car, thus enabling John's wife Olive to collect insurance money that would far surpass any settlement she might get through divorce. When Olive revealed her love for Evan, John went into shock, thus preventing a coherent defense from being built by Greg Barnard. Susan Shearer, a psychologist and Liz Matthews' daughter, was assigned to John and was making progress, especially with the help of John's ex-wife Pat, whom John still loved. Susan got the whole story of what happened from John, and Greg prepared to go before the Grand Jury. Greg was able to persuade the Grand Jury to allow John to appear, an unusual concession, and with the help of depositions from Olive and Claude Kelly, who masterminded John's death with Evan, John was released for lack of evidence. John hurried to Pat's apartment with the good news, making it clear he wanted them back together. Pat wasn't sure she could forget the past; John's affairs with other women and his bout with alcoholism.

Meanwhile, Olive was deteriorating badly. Her sister Doris Bennett was trying to help her, but realized Olive needed professional help. Susan offered her services, but Olive felt that since Susan was Pat's cousin, her concern was phony. Susan persuaded Olive to see Cal Zimmerman, who agreed to treat Olive at home, initially. Olive's childhood was less than ideal. She and Doris were abandoned to their grandmother at an early age. Doris was old enough to go to school, but Olive was too young. So to keep Olive out of trouble when she went to work, the grandmother locked Olive in a small room. Olive had to admit she had used men to get what she couldn't have otherwise. Greg visited Olive to sound her out about a divorce from John. Olive would give John a divorce if he would give her the house they had Evan build, plus enough money to live in it. John refused, and even Olive's lawyer, Brian Bancroft, told her her demands were unreasonable, considering it was then common knowledge she was having an affair with Evan. When John told her there was no way he would meet her demands, Olive threatened to tell everyone in Bay City that his daughter Marianne had an abortion. When Marianne learned of the threat, knowing John would give in to Olive to protect her, she told Olive she herself would tell everyone about the abortion rather than let her father be taken advantage of. Olive told Doris she would burn the house before she let anyone else have it.

Joan Barnard, John’s secretary and Greg's sister, confessed to Greg that she had been in love with John for a long time. Greg sympathized, admitting he was in love with Pat. Aware of Pat's reluctance to resume a relationship with John, Greg suggested Joan tell John how she felt. Finally, unable to conceal her feelings anymore, Joan told John of her love. Tactfully, John told Joan that he wanted only Pat, but if Pat wouldn’t have him, he would spend his life alone. Joan resigned. Marianne was becoming interested in Greg.

Willis Frame’s continuing confusion over whom he really loved was troubling Alice Gordon, his sister-in-law, one of the women he loved. Alice felt there was something wrong in their relationship, but she couldn’t get Willis to talk about it. Meanwhile, Angie Perrini, the other woman, was troubled enough to go off by herself for a few days, driving Willis wild. Willis was angry when Alice told him Greg had received favorable responses from her estranged husband Ray Gordon regarding a divorce. Shortly after Angie returned, Willis left for Chadwell, ostensibly to find his sister Molly. While he was gone, his older brother Vince had come to realize he also loved Angie and wanted her for himself. - Vince had been dating Angie to make Willis jealous, a plan which worked too well. Vince had told Angie that she was the wife he wanted for Willis. - Vince explained Willis' nature as he saw it: Willis needed someone who knew all his flaws and loved him anyway – Angie - ; on the other hand, he needed someone who thought he was perfect – Alice -. When Vince told Angie of his feelings for her, Angie told him she loved Willis and always would. Before leaving for Chadwell, Willis had guessed Vince's feelings for Angie and ordered Vince to move out of the apartment they shared before he returned.

Gwen Parrish found that even the best laid marriage plans could be put askew when her mother Loueen arrived to help. Loueen and Gwen's father had smothered her with love as a child and Loueen couldn’t understand Gwen's drive to have her own career. Loueen felt Gwen was less than serious about Russ Matthews and found a strange ally in Liz Matthews, who felt Gwen wasn't good enough for Russ, despite her society background. When Gwen learned the two women lunched together and that Liz talked freely about « Russ’ penchant for always choosing the wrong woman to marry, » Gwen enlisted Russ' father Jim's help in pulling Liz off. Liz, as always, swears she meant no harm, but, even though Jim warned her she could lose Russ' affection for good, she again met with Loueen, feeding her more information. Loueen worked on Gwen, who asked Russ what happened in his marriage to Sharlene. Russ refused to discuss it, adding to Gwen's already evident sense of insecurity.

Iris Carrington Bancroft still couldn’t accept the fact that her son Dennis Carrington might be better off living with Jamie Frame, away from home. Her latest idea was that Dennis didn’t know how to protect himself from unscrupulous women who would take advantage of him to get their hands on his fortune. Brian and others told her she was being ridiculous, that it was just such an attitude that could drive Dennis into the arms of such a woman. Dennis found a young waitress at a campus hangout very attractive. Eileen Simpson, the daughter of a grocer, had strict rules about dating, and accepted an invitation to dinner at the boys' apartment only, after being assured Mac and Rachel would be there to chaperone. In fact, when Mac and Rachel were late, Eileen felt she had to leave. They were interrupted by the arrival of Iris, who, finding out Eileen's family was "from the wrong side of town," made the evening difficult for Eileen and everyone. The following day, Iris asked her housekeeper, Louise Goddard, to spy on Eileen for her. Louise refused and told Dennis of his mother's request. Louise went to see Mac about the situation. Liz reported Louise's visit, which angered Iris further. When Iris found out Louise told Dennis she was planning to make trouble about Eileen, she fired Louise. Brooks, Iris' chauffeur, who was fond of Louise, resigned.

Meanwhile, Ada McGowan had been taking over housekeeping duties for Mac and Rachel after the departure of Cliff and Regine Tanner. Ada, however, missed her own home. Learning Rachel was pregnant, Ada decided the Corys needed more help than she could be and started looking for a housekeeper. When Mac and Rachel learned Louise had been fired, they hired her immediately and gladly. They also hired Brooks. Iris was furious. But as the day passed and she saw how dependent she had been on Louise, she went to the Corys and apologized. Louise refused the apology. Iris turned on Mac, accusing him of taking away everyone she loved. Mac refused to accept that and sent Iris packing, refusing to take any further responsibility for her self-destructive ways. When Brian returned that evening, Iris lashed out at him, accusing him of not loving her and supporting her. Brian pointed out that she drove people away herself. He told her he loved her and intended to stay, but she had to learn to love someone besides herself. Iris rejoined that she didn’t need his amateur psychoanalysis. Iris was waiting for him to leave her, unable to accept his love. When Brian again stated his intention to stay, Iris said she would leave him before he had a chance to leave her, like everyone else had. Brian threw up his hands.

Willis returned to Bay City, and the first person he went to see was Angie. He told Angie he cared about her, but Angie denied that, saying he wouldn't have left if he really cared. Willis finally met with Alice in her office, refusing to admit why he went away. Alice informed him she was going ahead with her divorce from Ray, upsetting Willis. He finally agreed to try to talk out what was wrong, when they were interrupted by Cal Zimmerman. Willis half-heartedly promised to see Alice that night, but reneged.

Feeling unloved, Iris told Brian, again, to leave the house. He refused. Dennis went to visit her, trying to convince her it was time he tried life on his own. When Iris tried emotional blackmail, Dennis left in disgust. Brian saw Elena to try to gain insight into Iris. Elena was sympathetic. The following morning, after spending the night alone at a hotel, Brian was again faced with a battle with Iris when he went home to change. She informed him his clothes were at the guest house. Iris again drove him off with her lack of belief in his love. When he returned that night, he found a note from Iris informing him she had left him, and he was to dispose of all her possessions in Bay City.

Pat was concerned that Marianne was interested in Greg. When Marianne failed to see the possible problems in involvement with an older man, Pat asked Greg to break it off. He began, seeing how upset Pat was. Marianne was crushed when she overheard Greg making a dinner date with Elena. Pat went to John, to ask him to use his influence over Marianne to stop her from making the same mistake she made. John was incredulous to learn Pat thought their marriage was a mistake. Pat admitted she loved him, but pointed out there was a difference between loving and making a marriage work. John didn’t understand and Pat left in tears.

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

Jay Stallings had been cleared of Pete Larson's murder, but in providing him with an alibi, Melinda Gray accused Jay of forcing himself on her that night. Carol has refused to believe Jay and was then filing for a divorce. Tom Hughes had never been a big fan of Jay's, but did believe he was telling the truth this time. He had confronted Melinda, asking her to tell Carol the truth, but Melinda continued with her story that she never asked Jay over.

Jay’s construction firm had been in serious trouble since Pete Larson and Natalie Hughes took most of his capital. During and since the trial there had been no new business. Jay was ready to lay Laurie Keaton off, but Mary Elison quit first because Jay wasn't the kind of person she wanted to work for.

Ralph Mitchell had given up on dating Mary because John Dixon always seemed to be in the way. He called her apartment to offer her a job only to have John answer and imply he and Mary were very close. John told Mary about the call, claiming he didn't have to and adding he didn’t want her to work for Ralph. Mary promised to consider Ralph's offer until he asked about her relationship with John. She turned him down. John proposed marriage, but Mary had to say no.

Jane Spencer had to hire a secretary because of her involvement in running the Spencer Hotel. Laurie interviewed with Jane, but didn’t want to be the equivalent of a social secretary. Laurie became Ralph's secretary and refered Mrs. Spencer to Melinda Gray who had just finished business school. The undisciplined situation suited her.

Melinda ran into Carol, asking for and receiving her understanding. Bob Hughes could see how depressed his son was and suggested he set the situation right with Melinda. Things were going well until she said she had "won." The look in her eyes told Tom she had been lying all along. She finally admitted she invited Jay over.

Joyce Hughes seemed to make life miserable for those around her even though Don had tried to give her everything. She had the house she wanted and Don had to borrow money from his parents so that she could remodel and furnish it to her taste. Then the property behind them had come on the market and she used her feminine wiles on Ralph while she tried talking Don into buying the lot for a swimming pool. Don was notified that he had to go to Switzerland again, but this time Joyce would be able to go. After one interlude with Ralph, Joyce made plans to delay her trip.

Beau Spencer continued to work as a law clerk, study for the bar exam and run interference with the hotel staff for his mother. Jane called on Beau constantly and he was unable to refuse since she was going through a divorce. Dick Martin asked her to find someone else to handle her legal problems because she was hurting Beau. Jane told Dick and Ellen Stewart, Annie's mother, that Annie was the one who was pushing Beau to become a lawyer. Beau, exhausted, got in very little studying the few weeks before the exam and considered throwing in the towel and managing the hotel as his mother had suggested. Pulling everything together, Beau took two days off from work and locked himself in the apartment for a four day cramming session. When Beau got home from Centerville he admitted that he was too tired. He learned that he had failed a second time. Annie felt that it wasn't entirely his fault and tried to cheer him up. He had a difficult decision to make. He could try for the exam again, continue indefinitely as a law clerk or manage the hotel. Jane reminded him that if Annie really wanted to go back to medical school, it would be expensive.

John Dixon’s inuendoes to people about Betsy forced Dan Stewart into taking Betsy out of school for a day to tell her that he was her father rather than her uncle as she had believed for years. Betsy refused to discuss it with Dan or Kim. She believed he denied it because she was not the kind of child anyone would want to call their daughter. Betsy felt she couldn’t trust Dan anymore. She went to her grandparents for one night, but returned in the morning. Several days later Betsy didn’t return from school, Dan rode with patrol officers searching for her, but they couldn’t find a trace. Alexander Keith was the last to see her when he stopped by the house. They hoped she would return on her birthday, but all they received was a call where no one spoke when Dan answered.

Kevin and Sandy Thompson planned to spend some time at their mountain cabin, but a sudden rainstorm prohibitted this. The following day they arrived at the cabin and found Betsy's suitcase. Kevin called from the diner and Dan recognized the music in the background. Kevin found Betsy in the snow suffering from exposure and exhaustion. She was taken to the hospital where they worked around the clock to prevent pneumonia.

Alexander Keith finally decided to break a confidence and tell Susan Stewart that Mark Lewis had become ill in Ann Arbor, but had recovered. Susan was furious, but relieved that he was well. Alex received a call from Michigan that Mark was in serious condition, but was unable to reach Susan. She was unable to reach Alex when she got a call that Mark had died so she phoned Kevin who stayed with her until Alex got back to explain. Alex and Susan went to Michigan for the funeral services.

Grant Colman was trying to continue his marriage, but couldn’t keep his thoughts from drifting to Valerie Conway. He and Lisa went back to the resort where they honeymooned, but returned early after he made the excuse of checking on a client. Lisa knew that something was wrong and when Grant tried to tell her he was not sure he was happy in their marriage, she was so sweet he couldn’t bring himself to hurt her. Valerie was about to tell Grant that she couldn’t remain silent any longer when Tom broke the news that Grant and Lisa had worked everything out.

Grant and Valerie were thrown together when Nick Conway claimed that some of the land on the Conway farm was not part of the divorce settlement. If she couldn’t use this land to extend into dairy farming Valerie would have a hard time meeting the loan she took out to pay the internal revenue fine she got stuck with when Nick filed a fraudulent return. Valerie and Alex found they had a love of farms in common. Over dinner they learned they were both in love with a married person with no hope of the situation changing. - Alex was in love with Kim Stewart. –

Dr. Bob Hughes continued dating Karen Parker even after he learned that she left behind a fiance whom she loved. He learned that her name was Peters when they ran into some friends. Karen asked that they not tell her fiance where she was. She finally told Bob and Chris Hughes that she left Winterbrook after her father was killed in a traffic accident and told her with his dying breath to protect a secret file. He was mixed up unwillingly with some people who had illegal dealings. When he learned this he evidently planned to make it public. Karen fekt he was killed on purpose. Bob suggested she take this information to the district attorney and ask help in clearing her father. Even after he learned her fiance, Walter Vested, was the D.A., he thought she should return and he would go along to help her.

Bob Hughes and Walter Vested were concerned when Karen Peters left Oakdale, but did not arrive in Winterbrook. After worrying sufficiently, they found that she had come alone, taking her time so that she could think everything through. She had two announcements to make to Walter. She was breaking their engagement and had decided that she would not turn over the file. Bob could no longer remain in Oakdale and arrived to help Karen. Walter said that since Karen had read the file but could not understand it, they had no reason to believe that it was evidence, so Bob should not read it in case he might understand it. He did believe that Karen was in danger and asked Bob to take her back to Oakdale where she would be safe. He had nothing to base this on, but would rather be: safe than sorry. He also warned Bob that he would be coming to Oakdale often, trying to win back Karen's love.

Joyce Hughes planted the seed of suspicion in Lisa's mind that Grant might be thinking of another woman and this could be the reason for his preoccupation. She started her campaign by questioning Mary Ellison. She finally believed that they only shared concern over Teddy.

David and Ellen Stewart offered to pay Annie's schooling expenses so that Beau would not give up his future as a lawyer. Jane promised a loan, but then gambled by telling Beau that it would ruin him to give him the money. Beau said they would manage without her help, but after he discussed Annie's career with her and Susan Stewart, he gave in to his mother for Annie's sake, extracting a promise from her that she never tell Annie that he was doing it for her.

Days of our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Laura Horton couldn’t bring herself to let husband Bill return home following the dismissal of malpractice charges against him and anesthesiologist Kate Winograd. Bill had moved out when he felt Laura wasn't supporting him when he decided to fight it out. Bill tried to turn to Kate, but Kate refused to become involved. Laura knew Bill wasn't unfaithful with Kate, but she also knew it wasn't from want of trying. Bill had been reinstated as a surgeon on the hospital staff. Bill's mother Alice Horton tried to get them together, as did sister-in-law Maggie Horton, who felt very threatened by Laura's seeming availability, as her husband Mickey was once married to Laura. Mickey didn’t understand Maggie's sudden hostility towards Laura, until one night Maggie admitted her insecurities. Greg Peters, chief of staff, assigned Bill to perform a mastectomy on one of Laura's psychiatric patients. Laura told Greg she didn’t like the assignment. Greg pointed out that he couldn’t let personal feelings get in the way of the best treatment for his patients. He left Laura the option of assigning another psychiatrist, but Laura stayed on the case. Laura admitted she was discouraged because it appeared that, despite their love for each other, their marriage fell apart at the first test. Bill persuaded her that they hadn't really had enough time in marriage to work out newlywed problems and that the most reasonable course would be to try to work things out, for the sake of their love. Laura agreed, and they reconciled.

Don Craig and Marlena Evans planned a big wedding for the middle of May, following Don's campaign for state senate. The announcement of their engagement increased Don's popularity in the polls. But their happiness was threatened by the arrival of Lorraine Temple. She and Don had lived together for a month during his last year in law school. Lorraine claimed that when Don walked out on her, after discovering she was sleeping around and suspecting she was a call girl, she was pregnant. Lorraine claimed to have a 13 year old daughter, Donna, who was Don's child. When pushed, Lorraine said she wanted $50,000, back child support payments. When Don told her she was crazy, Lorraine pretended to be a patient and visited Marlena. Marlena told Lorraine her problem was more legal than psychological and offered to talk to a friend for her. When Don admitted he was the man Lorraine was talking about, Marlena was furious he never told her about Lorraine. But when Don revealed the true scope of Lorraine's demands, Marlena came to his side. Lorraine's ace in the hole was Don's campaign.

David Banning received a letter from wife Trish. She told David she had never had a chance to find her own identity, to find out what kind of man she prefered, whether she really wanted a career. Trish suggested she wouldn’t return and revealed she had given their son Timmy to others to care for, saying neither of them was really ready for parenthood. David was devastated at losing his son and wife, both of whom he loved dearly.

Chris Kositchek had accepted the position of head of research and development at Anderson Manufacturing. That night at lover Mary Anderson's studio, Mary presented Chris with a suit, telling him that it was the kind all rising executives should wear. Chris was furious, telling Mary he wouldn’t let her dictate his life. When he arrived for work the following day he found his new office. He was overwhelmed by its decor, telling proud Linda Phillips, who had arranged it all, that it was not to his taste. But as time went by on the job, Chris apologized to Mary. But when Linda tried to choose his secretary for him, someone who would be presentable, Chris "horrified" both Linda and Mary by choosing Margo Anderman, a cute, somewhat naive girl he once dated. Both Linda and Mary tried to talk him out of it, but Chris was adamant. Meanwhile Tom Horton discovered Margo might have leukemia.

Linda Phillips continued her plan to con Bob Anderson into marrying her. She found excuses, such as daughter Melissa, to avoid dates with Bob that could end in more than dinner. Bob admitted he missed Linda in his bed, but she remained adamant. Bob loved Linda, but felt his age and health were barriers to marriage. Linda stayed cool, and finally Bob proposed. They revealed their engagement at a dinner to celebrate Chris' promotion. Mary was furious, feeling Linda was only after her father to increase her power and wealth. Chris later pointed out that Bob loved Linda, so Mary should stay out of it. Linda had a "chat" with Mary and warned that if Mary tried to make trouble for her, she could cut Mary off from Bob.

Julie Williams, raped by Larry Atwood when she enraged him by, destroying a sculpture of her Atwood claimed embodied the culmination of his feelings for her, had not been able to deal with the situation, feeling she was dirty, not fit company for anyone. Atwood continued to try to contact Julie, who was disgusted every time she heard his voice or sew him. When Julie told him Doug's liquor license was granted without her consenting to become his mistress, Atwood claimed to be responsible and told Julie she owed him. Robert LeClair and Amanda Peters noticed something was wrong with Julie, but she claimed to just have a flu bug. Matters came to a head when Doug, Julie's husband, returned from a singing engagement on a cruise ship. Julie couldn’t bear to let Doug touch her, using excuses like she was just getting over a bug and didn’t want him to catch it; it was "that time of the month," she was tired. Doug was astonished and asked Amanda to try to find out what was wrong. The only thing Julie said to Amanda was that she mustn't mention Atwood to Doug. Meanwhile, when Don Craig, who had been contacted by Jeri about breaking her contract with Atwood, visited him, Atwood decided he'd better mend fences with Jeri and took her to bed that night. On the way out the door to meet her, Atwood received a phone call. Learning that "he" was still around, Atwood told the caller to take care of that situation permanently. Jeri enjoyed the night with Atwood. After saying goodbye, she returned to his studio to look for a lost bracelet. Noticing Atwood was on the phone, she picked up the extension and heard Atwood telling Julie he loved her, that nobody else meant anything to him. Jeri went home, where she cut letters out of magazines to compose a note to Doug, whom she considered her best friend in the world. Jeri was convinced Julie was having an affair with Atwood.

Doug could no longer stand Julie's distance and confronted her. She made up all kinds of stories, some of which directly contradicted what others had told him. They were interrupted by the delivery of an "anonymous" note: "Your wife is having an affair with Larry."  Hysterical, Julie blurted out the whole awful mess to Doug, who stormed from the apartment swearing to kill Atwood. Meanwhile, Jeri paid a visit to Atwood and told him his dreams of Julie were over. She told him about the note she sent Doug. Atwood was furious and began to stalk Jeri around the studio. At Atwood's restaurant, Atwood's man Dominic had just demanded Dr. Neil Curtis come up with the $9,000 he owed Atwood from the poker game he was in the night before Doug's hearing on the liquor license. Neil told Dominic he would discuss the money only with Atwood and left. Doug arrived at the Pines looking for Atwood. Dominic told him Atwood wouldn’t be there until later. After satisfying himself that Atwood wasn’t on the premises, Doug left. Jeri arrived a half hour late for her singing job. Julie, frantic to prevent Doug's doing anything rash, tried to contact Atwood. Finding he wasn’t at the Pines, she called the studio — busy signal. Learning from the operator that the line was out of order, Julie decided to go there.

Amanada Peters arrived at the studio to meet with Atwood about the hospital art show. She was surprised to see Julie running out and tried to stop her, but Julie was hysterical and drove away. Puzzled, Amanda entered the studio and found Atwood's dead body. She called her husband Greg, who rushed over after calling the police. Neil, meanwhile, stopped at the studio and asked Chris, who was with Mary, to help get his car started, claiming not to have been out all evening. Chris later told Mary there was something strange about it all, but thought nothing more about it. Amanda neglected to tell the police about Julie, but was torn up with suspicion. Julie returned home and removed a gun from her purse, hiding it in a highboy in the living room. There was a red stain on the hem of her dress. Lt. Danton questioned Dominic about anyone who might have seen Atwood that night and got two names: Jeri and Doug.

While Danton questioned Doug and Julie at home, he noticed the stain on Julie's dress, but didn’t mention it. Jeri was picked up at the airport and arrested. She called Don, who found the police really had no evidence against her. Finally, Jeri told Danton her suspicions about Atwood and Julie and revealed she sent an anonymous note to Doug. Danton had Doug and Julie picked up for questioning as he had a search warrant prepared. Julie had tried to remove the gun and the dress from the apartment, to no avail. When the gun and dress were found, tests proving the gun, with Julie's prints on it, was the one that killed Atwood and the stain was Atwood's blood, and Amanda reluctantly revealed seeing Julie outside the studio, Julie was charged with the premeditated murder of Atwood. Julie couldn’t stand jail, and her lawyer, her uncle Mickey Horton, promised he would get her out either on her own recognizance or on bail at the arraignment. Everyone was stunned when the judge refused bail. Mickey promised a writ of habeas corpus in two hours, but the judge wouldn't accept it until Monday, meaning Julie had to spend the weekend in jail.

Don refused to allow campaign manager Jim Bradley to meet Lorraine or pay her off. Don made it clear to Lorraine he wouldn't pay her, no matter what she did. Jim and Marlena decided to see whether Lorraine would lower her price. When Don found out they had decided to meet with Lorraine without consulting him, he blew his top at Marlena, telling her it was his business and she had no right to interfere. After Jim's visit, Lorraine decided to fight it out with Don for the money.

Jeri admitted to Don she had no real proof of a sexual affair between Julie and Atwood. Mickey felt Julie was holding something back. He got Julie out on a writ of habeas corpus with a different judge and planned to bring the original judge up on charges. Mickey then told Julie he had to know the whole story or she would go to prison. Marlena told Don she suspected Julie's recent interest in volunteering at the rape clinic was a secret cry for help.

Julie told Mickey about the rape, begging him not to tell anyone. Mickey agreed, saying this could provide the prosecution with a strong motive for murder.

The Doctors

Written by: Mel & Ethel Brez

Produced by: Chuck Weiss

Greta Powers, pregnant with Billy Aldrich's baby, found she couldn’t get an abor-tion without her parents' permission, as she was under age. Billy begged Greta to tell Matt and Maggie, but Greta wanted Billy to marry her. Billy pointed out that doing so would ruin both their futures. Greta couldn't bring herself to tell her parents, feeling they would never trust her again. Maggie was called to Washington to testify before a Congressional committee, and Great avoided telling her before she left, managing to prevent Billy from doing so as well. Finally, Billy couldn't stand it any more. He told Steve and Carolee Aldrich. After explaining the situation, Billy was told by Steve that Greta must be given one more chance to tell Matt, but if she didn’t do it, he, Steve, would. Greta was horrified that Billy had told his pa-rents, but she still refused to reveal her situation. Meanwhile, Steve told Carolee that he didn’t believe Billy had accepted his full responsibility in the matter. Billy reported back that Greta intended to keep her pregnancy from Matt and Maggie; therefore, Steve told Matt, who was furious, succumbing to his immediate instincts to place blame. Steve calmed him, pointing out that trying to assess blame was useless, that the important thing was to help Greta. Matt went home. He confronted Greta, who could only say she was sorry. After conquering his anger, Matt was able to talk with Greta, reassuring her of his continuing love for her. Matt couldn’t bear to interrupt Maggie's trip, so he and Greta waited for her return. Greta couldn’t face Maggie, but before Matt could reveal the problem, Maggie guessed that Greta was pregnant. She, too, assured Greta of her love.

Barney and Virginia Dancy had been planning to buy a candy store near Madison H.S. But the day Barney went to close the deal, they found someone had outbid them for the shop. Virginia told Barney not to worry, that she could always get a job as a maid again to support them. Their daughter Nola Dancy Aldrich, wife of prominent attorney Jason Aldrich, was horrified to think that her mother might be hired by someone in the elite social circles she was just entering, due to her marriage to Jason. She got Jason to agree to lend her parents money to buy another store, but Virginia refused. Luke Dancy, their oldest son, saved the day by getting Barney a job as bartender at Andre's Restaurant, which he then managed for Doreen Aldrich, Jason's ex-wife. Virginia was uneasy, saying every time one of their family got mixed up with Doreen; there was trouble. - Doreen tried dirty tricks to keep Jason and Nola from marrying. She also recently got Luke into emotional trouble by using his drive for success to cause him to abandon Eleanor Conrad, who attempted suicide. –

Sara Dancy, to whom Mike Powers had proposed, found the presence of former lover Colin Wakefield a threat. Colin made it clear that he'd like to resume their former relationship, but Sara refused, saying she wouldn’t get mixed up with a married man again. - Colin and Sara served together in the Peace Corps, where they fell in love. Sarah found out from others that Colin was married and had a child. Sara left Africa immediately, not giving Colin any time to explain. Since then, Colin's child had died after jumping from a hotel window to avoid a fire. The child suffered head injuries. Colin was present in the OR when his child died. - Colin seemed on the brink of telling Sara something when Mike arrived and took Sarah skiing for a few days. On the trip, Sara accepted Mike's proposal.

Luke had plans to modernize Andre's and Doreen gave him the green light, provided he didn’t exceed certain amounts of money. The immediate job was to rewire the restaurant to accommodate additional lighting and air conditioning. A licensed electrician presented Luke with an estimate that Luke felt was outrageous. The contractor pointed out that all the wiring had to be replaced to meet code. Luke found another electrician whe would do the job for half, and signed him. Meanwhile, Luke persuaded Doreen to make him a 1/3 partner, saying he needed partnership to properly negotiate contracts. Doreen agreed. The electrician's helper, who was assisting the man hired by Luke, was uneasy that his boss wasn't using the kind of wire he told Luke he would. The electrician warned him to keep quiet, assuring him it would work the same and pass inspection.

Luke persuaded Sara and and Mike to celebrate their engagement as part of the grand reopening of Andre's. Many people in Madison flocked to Andre's to see the inimitable Melba Moore, who appeared that night. As Miss Moore finished her set, and the Dancy party - Jason and Nola, Barney and Virginia, MJ and Tom Carroll, Mike and Sara - began to cut the cake, Colin, who was there having a drink with Doreen, smelled smoke, as did Jason. The light panel had caught fire! Jason talked the crowd towards the door, and all went smoothly until the first explosion took out the lights. Panic ensued. Finally everyone was out, except MJ and Virginia. Luke, in a last search of the premises, found his mother unconscious on the floor. Tom returned to find MJ. He was trapped under a beam just after finding her. MJ and Colin worked desperately and freed Tom, whose back was injured. Despite Colin's best efforts, Tom died. Virginia was placed in intensive care when fluid filled her lungs. Matt and Maggie worked over her, finally resorting to dopamine treatment. Maggie feared Virginia's kidneys wouldn’t take much more of the treatment, but Matt pointed out that she would surely die without it.

Nola and Mona Croft - Jason's mother -, had been persuaded by politician Hugh McCloskey that Jason should run for judge of the state court. Jason was adamantly against it, saying he hated politics, but Nola felt people would forget sooner that she was the daughter of Mona's housekeeper if she was the wife of a judge.

Luke blamed himself for the fire. Jason warned him not to say such things, as the real cause of the fire had not been determined. Virginia lost her fight for life, dying of pneumonia. Nola was unable to unwind, asking Mike for tranquilizers. MJ suggested they have a double funeral for Tom and Virginia as they were very close to each other. The Dancys agreed.

MJ finally told Ricky of Tom's death. Her sister arrived from Vermont and tried to convince MJ to let her take Ricky back with her, pointing out that when MJ promised Betsy she'd take care of Ricky, MJ and Tom were a family. Her sister pointed out that Ricky might be better off in familiar surroundings in a more normal family situation. MJ had to think about it.

As Billy admitted to Steve and Carolee that he didn’t love Greta, Greta was telling Maggie that she loved Billy and knew he loved her. Greta felt they would get married eventually anyway, even though she and Billy never really talked about his feelings for her.

The Edge of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

Miles Cavanaugh took his wife Denise out for dinner to tell her that he wanted a divorce. She offered to move to Monticello to be with him, but he said there was more wrong with their marriage than the 60 miles between the Claremont Hospital and the free clinic where he then worked. -Miles resigned as Chief-of-Staff of the Claremont Hospital after an argument with Denise's father. She originally refused to move with him. - Miles claimed he was driven to divorce by Denise's jealousy and her constant reminders that her family paid for his medical career. She quickly pointed out to him that Nicole Drake was the reason and he acknowledged that she was partly correct.

Denise convinced Miled to try a three month separation, claiming that she deserved that after 10 years of marriage. When she promised not to drag him through a court fight, Miles agreed. Denise told her father, though, that rather than give Miles an uncontested divorce, she would "see him dead first." Denise was not beyond murder in order to get her way. She killed Charlie Richmond by giving him an overdose of her medication, Venetrol, when he refused to accept a bribe for his silence. - As a nurse at the Claremont Hospital, Denise was jealous of Miles' patient, Katharine Dane; she therefore ignored her call button which resulted in the patient's death. Charlie was fired for allowing faulty wiring when in fact Denise had cut the wires as an alibi. Only Miles' sister April had spoken to Charlie and heard his story before Denise poisoned him; April had not told Charlie's story to Miles. - The police report stated that Charlie's death was the result of an improper use of a variety of pills. Detective Steve Guthrie had told Dr. Dave Roper, who was at the clinic when Charlie came for help, that the autopsy showed a large dose of Venetrol.

Nicole Drake was Denise's next target. Since the birth of her baby Nicole had begun to work as a TV newscaster. Despite the attentions of her new boss, Ben Everett, Nicole loved Miles. When Denise interrupted a quiet dinner for two between Nicole and Miles, she emptied a bottle of Venetrol into the carafe of wine waiting on the table. One of her usual headaches made it too dangerous to drive home so Miles took her to his apartment while Nicole tried to relax with some wine from the carafe. She passed out and was not found until her housekeeper arrived the following morning. Both Miles and Dr. Lacey attended to her and she was revived quickly. She said it must have happened because she was unaccustomed to having wine; Dr. Lacey claimed it had all the earmarks of a narcotic.

Denise’s hopes of eliminating Nicole were smashed when she asked her father for more Venetrol and he confessed to her that he was worried about the effect of such a strong drug. He had, therefore, substituted a mild tranquilizer in her last bottle.

Jealousy had led Denise to check through a batch of cancelled checks which Miles had left in his office at the Claremont. She found a series of checks made out to Winter Austin. Denise couldn’t wait to tell Nicole that she was not Miles' only infidelity —that he also had a mistress. Although Nicole told Miles she didn’t need an explanation she did ask April if she recognized the name. April remembered an Austin family in Northborough and through her fiance Draper's investigation, she learned that Winter Austin had a police record. Anxious to learn more she asked Logan Swift to find out whatever he could.

Winter was then on probation for exto-tion and grand larceny. She also had one arrest as a juvenile for vagrancy and theft. On the night when Denise confronted Nicole and Miles she demanded an explanation of the checks to Winter Austin. Miles insisted on telling both women the entire story: Miles’ father had been a doctor in the small farming village of Northborough. He was an alcoholic who could hide his disease when necessary. When Winter's father was hurt in a tractor accident he was improperly treated by Dr. Cavanaugh. Miles, then 16, recognized that his father had treated the leg wounds poorly and that Tom Austin was dying. After his death there was an inquest at which time Miles' father, appearing sober, said that he was not to blame. A year later Winter's mother Mary committed suicide. Winter lived with an aunt briefly and was then sent to a series of institutions.

When Miles met her again she was a patient at Cleveland Hospital. After he learned of the life she had led, he wanted to help her out since he felt that he was somehow responsible for not speaking out against his father.

Old Dr. Cavanaugh had also misdiagnosed his daughter April's rheumatic fever which resulted in her near death from heart disease. After successful surgery, however, she was then home recuperating and making plans for her marriage to Draper Scott, set for April 7th.

Deborah Saxon, having found satisfaction when she assisted the police department in undercover work, had applied to, was accepted by and was then attending the Police Academy. Her father fought the application but his wife, the former Geraldine Whitney, had convinced him that arguing wouldn’t help. Deborah, having broken up with Detective Steve Guthrie, was presently dating Raney Cooper. Raney was a "business associate" of Tony's, involved in some of his illegal enterprises.

The « suicide » of Raymond Jackson had caught the attention of Logan Swift and his friend Steve Guthrie. Jackson's wife told Swift that she was sure it was not a suicide. Jackson intended to quit his position at the Monticello Uniform Company. Tony Saxon instructed Raney and his new "assistant," Chip Beamer, to pressure Jackson into staying on since he knew too much. Jackson refused and Raney and Chip left, despite Chip's desire to increase the pressure beyond just talking. Chip later returned to Jackson's office and pulled a gun. The police report on his death noted only that Jackson jumped out of the sixth floor window. Raney questioned Chip who denied any additional knowledge; Raney did, however, ask for Chip's gun.

Chip Beamer had convinced Winter Austin, whom he knew before they both came to Monticello, to go to dinner with him even though she felt that associating with him would be a violation of her parole. He had hinted that he and Raney were in business together and might hire her as their secretary if she were cooperative.

Steve and Logan, working from the DA's office, had learned that the owners of the Monticello Uniform Company included two members of the Crime Commission —George Monks and Alan Demler — suspected to be in Tony Saxon's back pocket. They suspected a great deal about Tony but they had no substantial evidence. Knowing of Kevin Jamison's dissatisfaction with the Crime Commission they approached him. He said that he couldn’t be very effective on the commission if he was spying on two of its members.

Kevin, whover, was upset with himself. When he heard a part of a conversation between Tony and Demler and Monks, he called Logan back and promised his full cooperation in learning about conflicts of interest on the Commission. Logan - who had had to tell Kevin's wife Raven to leave him alone -, Steve, and Mike Carr, knowing they needed the evidence Kevin could provide, were pleased.

Nancy and Mike Karr were faced with the unhappy chore of telling Timmy Faraday that his mother had died of viral pneumonia. They assured him that at present they were his guardians, but that they would like to adopt him if he was willing. Nancy, at Timmy's offhand suggestion, had decided to become the crime reporter on Monticello's newspaper.

As a result of Tony's meeting with Demler and Monks, Raney had received orders that Logan Swift was to be "discouraged." When Raney realized that Chip couldn’t be trusted not to be violent, he told him he would handle it himself. However, when Chip went to pick up Winter for dinner he saw Logan in the hall; he had just left Winter's apartment. Chip stabbed Logan as he waited for the elevator.

Thanks to a heavy jacket Logan was not seriously injured; he even felt well enoughto make a future date with Winter Austin.

When Kevin asked Tony some pointed questions Tony became incensed.

Denise was then renting a room in Monticello under the name of Dorothy Cartwright — the room faces Nicole's apartment.

For Richer, For Poorer

Written by: Tom King

Produced by: Paul Rauch

When Amy Cushing heard that her old beau, Lee Ferguson, had given her young cousin, Bentley Saxton, a job in his garage, she visited Lee to warn him against getting Bentley into any trouble. She couldn’t help but believe that Lee was still mixed up in something illegal. Lee admitted to his sister Connie that he thought he was over Amy, but since he had been back in town she was in his blood more than ever. He began wooing Bentley's younger sister Tessa, even though she was sure her parents wouldn't approve of her developing a relationship with Lee. Tessa began sneaking out for dates with Lee.

Since Connie had married Bill Saxton and wouldn’t be living at home with their semi-invalid father, Lee gathered brochures from several resthomes. He explained to Connie that he could never move back/home. Lee told Ira that they would visit the homes until he found one he liked, assuring him he wouldn’t be pushed into anything.

Laurie Hamilton was stunned when Desmond broke the news that he was taking her to St. Martin for a second honeymoon. She realized that her mother had a hand in planning this. She ran to Jason Saxton with this news and was told that it might be for the best. Laurie couldn’t understand how he could think this, but he explained that this would throw Viola off the track. Viola was not easily shaken though and she visited Jason's mother, Josie, to enlist her help in keeping Jason away from Laurie. Josie asked Jason about the situation, but he denied it all, laying it to Viola's imagination. Feeling that her children would never lie to her, Josie took Jason's word as the truth.

Lester Saxton had developed confidence in himself since being hired as an office assistant by Desmond Hamilton. He brought home a bottle of liquor, telling Josie that he knew he had conquered his problem with alcohol and wanted this bottle to remind him of where he came from. Josie placed it on a shelf in the kitchen cupboard. His daughter Ellie saw the bottle and wondered if he was going back to drinking. Several days later she confronted him and he explained. He realized that of all his children; Ellie was hurt the most by his drinking.

Connie was in a real emotional state when Amy told her that Ellie overheard Lee tell her about the planned suicide attempt. Ellie finally relieved Connie's mind when she promised not to tell Bill. Connie's condition improved steadily and she was allowed to go home if she rest. Bill's apartment had been readied for her homecoming, but Megan's picture was forgotten. Having hidden it in her purse Connie was resting on the couch waiting to surprise Bill when he came in with Megan to use the phone. A nasty remark from Connie sent Megan away. Connie used the excuse of Bill's safety as he was a father in asking him to give up doing the story on street gangs with Megan. When the Saxtons brought dinner, Connie announced that they had named the baby William Saxton Jr. after his father. Josie realized how upset Connie was when Megan's picture fell from Connie's purse.

Megan Cushing had been warned to give up her articles on youth gangs in Point Clair, but she was determined to find out who killed Donnie Quinn and who was behind the gangs. Bill had insisted on her telling him each time she intended to venture into the Savage Avengers' neighborhood.

Knowing that they would be under surveillance soon, Turk had Paco furnish a new hideout and keep it a secret from the gang. Turk decided to harass Mrs. Quinn again as an example when Megan Cushing didn’t heed Paco's warning to stop her series. The boys started with abusive phone calls. Turk was in the Quinn apartment showing Mildred what he could do with a knife when Megan showed up at the door. Mildred used the excuse of an ill husband to keep Megan outside. She left Mrs. Quinn with hope by telling her that a witness had come forward and she was meeting with him. Turk tied up Mildred to keep her from warning Megan and then phoned Megan, telling her that he knew something and wanted to talk to her. Megan left a message with Connie for Bill to meet her for the interview with her caller. Connie agreed to give him her message. Bill arrived home for dinner, but Connie didn’t mention the phone call.

Stan Hillman became worried when Megan didn’t show up for their meeting with Mr. Hamilton. He called Bill who became worried also because they both knew how important this interview was to Megan's series. They gave Hamilton a room in the magazine office where the gang couldn’t find him.

Megan waited for Bill, but he never showed up. Returning to her car after trying to reach Bill again, Megan was grabbed from behind and told not to turn around. She was blindfolded and taken to the new hideout. Turk tried to pressure her into telling the identity of her witness, but she remained firm although scared.

When Megan didn’t turn up, Stan and Bill informed the police. They kept an eye on all the known Avenger hideouts. Since they had no evidence that the Avengers kidnapped Megan they couldn’t search the hideouts or bring the guys in for questioning. They were trying not to tip their hand. If Hamilton could give them a clue to the identity of Donnie Quinn's killer, they could start from there. The composite sketch he came up with looked very much like Turk in his beret. Roger Hamilton and Viola Brewster tried consoling Edith Cushing and keeping the reporters away. Roger finally convinced Edith that a television appeal offering a reward might help.

Paco assured Megan that he was really on her side and would be looking for a way for the two of them to escape. Turk made Paco « Minister of information » in charge of extracting the needed information from the "Cushing dame." Paco got him to untie Megan, but she refused to tell them the witness' name because she knew Turk intended to kill him. She realized he had no intention of letting her go when he removed her blindfold.

Megan’s disappearance gave Laurie the excuse she needed to call off their trip. She visited Jason to tell him she wouldn’t be leaving town. Viola decided to plead with Josie again, telling her that she was sure Jason would have denied it. Josie told Lester who planned to have a talk with Jason. Paco set up a diversion by telling Turk that the police were planning a raid on the main hideout. He persuaded Turk that he could get some information out of the girl and was left behind. Just as Paco was ready to take Megan out, she became faint and they heard Turk returning.

Connie felt guilty because she had never told Bill about Megan's call, but was advised by Lee to remain silent. Her spirits perked up when Dr. Ballad agreed to let them take Billy home. She did resent all of Ellie's ad-vice. Ellie and George would like to start a family, but she confided to Josie that she didn’t think she could handle another miscarriage.

A derelict wandered into the Avengers’ hide out, giving the police a clue when they found him stabbed. Seeing the neighborhood overrun with police, Turk decided that it was time to clear out. He gave Paco the job or killing Megan after he overheard their friendly chatter. Paco said they couldn’t just leave her for the police to find. When he and another Avenger, R.C. wet for kerosene to burn the place down, Paco belted R.C. and ran to a phone to call Bill for help in getting Megan out.

The police had identified Turk as a veteran who was dismissed foi psychological reasons. Turk recognized Megan's earring on a chain around R.C.'s neck and wanted nothing to do with them.

General Hospital

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Gloria Monty

After Gail had read Greg's notes for "Forever Spring," Monica begged to speak with her, saying that what had happened wasn't the way Greg wrote it; that he forced himself on her. She went on to say that Gail had worshipped the ground Greg walked on and had turned him into a saint, so that Monica was afraid she wouldn't have been believed. Afterward Greg threatened to tell Gail that it was Monica who had seduced him and it was still going on. Gail cried out that she saw Monica go through one man after another and it was always someone she had no right to. Gail turned to Lee to say that she had no further interest in Greg's royalties or works and ordered him to transfer everything to Maria Schuler. Miss Schuler protested that she wanted only what was due to her from "Forever Spring"; that she came to right a wrong, but Gail stopped her saying she no longer trusted anyone or anything and told Miss Schuler to keep the money, spend it or give it away — it was no longer any concern of hers.

Monica returned to Alan at the hotel saying that she wanted the money to help Gail but she couldn’t tell him about it except to say Gail had turned on her and hated her. Alan suggested they combine a short vacation to his home on Long Island with a trip to N.Y. he planned to take with Rick for a presentation concerning the cardiac wing, and Monica agreed gratefully.

While Rick was in New York, David Hamilton got drunk at a dinner with Lesley, Jeff and Heather, and stopped off at his apartment before taking Lesley home. He made a play for Lesley, insisting that she had been coming on to him all along and was as big a tease as her daughter, Laura. When Les said she couldn't bear to think of David having been for so long a time in the same house with Laura, he told her to come off it; that she knew that Laura had been sleeping around and it wouldn't hurt Lesley to loosen up, too. Lesley threatened to scream the place down and shortly after she got home, Jeff stopped by and learned what had happened. He went to David's place to get a scarf and Lesley's purse, which she had left behind, but David denied everything, insisting that he didn’t have Lesley's things. Jeff could barely keep his hands off David and left without them. Lesley was unable to reach Rick by phone that night and when she heard from him, he was so wrapped up in his chance to head the cardiac wing that she decided nothing should interfere with his concentration. When David came to see her, to apologize, she threw him out, warning him to stay away from herself and Laura, and she was convinced that was all that was necessary for the time.

Hamilton contacted Cates again, and arranged to cash in on his knowledge that Hauser Chemical planned to relocate in Port Charles. Cates backed David with the money to buy up the land which the company would eventually need. In a continuance of his private vendetta, David told Laura that Mr. Cates had agreed to using drawings David wanted to do of her in an advertising campaign but that Lesley had priggishly refused to hear of it. Laura arranged to pose for David, using dates with Scotty's roommate Darren as a cover.

Bobbie Spencer broke a date with Scotty to care for Jessie Brewer, who had been having dizzy spells and was anxious that it not be rumored around the hospital. Barbara received a present of a lovely music box from Jessie's collection. When Bobbie's landlady discovered Scotty in Barbara's room a few days later, she ordered Bobbie out of the house. Scotty offered to ask Lee for the money to cover the cost of finding a new place but when Jessie heard that Bobbie was being evicted - she believed her story of being thrown out in favor of some relatives of her landlady -, she offered to have Bobbie as her guest until she could find something of her own. Bobbie also accepted a present of a wrist watch from Lamont Corbin - against hospital policy - in return for an errand she did for him. The errand involved delivering a gift of a check for $1,000 as a shower present to Dr. Gina Dante, causing a disagreement between herself and her fiancee Dr. Gary Lansing. Despite this additional insight into Gary's attitude toward money, so different from her own, Gina and Gary were married.

Lamont had for his right hand man, Dan Rooney, telling him he wanted his wife Katherine's movements watched, as he believed she was a potential target for kidnapping. Dorrie noticed the fact that Corbin had been checking very closely on Katie and relayed her uneasiness to Dr. Mark Dante. At one point she called down to the cafeteria where Mark and Katie were having coffee to alert them that Rooney was on his way down. Corbin made it clear by his attitude toward Mark that there was a confrontation coming. His gift to the hospital had resulted in major renovation, and though the board thanked him informally after a celebration at which city and state politically figures were present, Steve was anxious to get permission from Mark for Corbin to appear at a more formal ceremony. He was exasperated at Mark's refusal to give a date and was convinced that there was something behind Mark's behavior.

Mrs. Grant then knew that her grandson, Steven Lars is alive and was all the more frightened that Heather continued to see Jeff. As the Taylors had the final adoption papers for the child, Mrs. Grant warned Heather that she did not believe that Heather could keep her promise to be silent. Heather's cousin Susan had noticed both Heather's and Mrs. Grant's unease on the night of a party at the Taylors' - where Mrs. Grant saw the baby and recognized him - and was determined to find out Heather's secret.

When the files of the Hauser Corporation were missing, Lee Baldwin revealed that David Hamilton knew of the plans and claimed that Monica had told him. Monica confronted David who sticked to his story and agreed that she might have mentioned the project on the day she was so upset because of Gail, but insisted that she never used the name. She was atraid that no one would believe her because of her past but Alan told her he did and Lee confided to Alan that he believed Monica was telling the truth. The files reappeared - David had gotten them back - and Monica conceded that she might have misfiled them for a time.

Mark Dante arranged to be alone with Lamont Corbin to break the news of his and Katie's love for each other. Corbin pretended to be devestated at the news but when Katie saw him, he told her that he had had her followed and had had Dan Rooney keep a record of the times she spent with Mark, calling it a complete history of their sordid affair with every detail carefully documented. Lamont insisted that if Katie wanted a lover he would permit it, but Katie was shocked and insisted she wanted a divorce. He told her that he would hate to have to take her to court and charge her with adultry, and asked if she believed Mark would still love her after he was made more famous as a seducer of patients' wives than as a surgeon. When Katie told Mark of Lamont's threats, Mark insisted that Corbin had too much pride to make a public scandal and would think better of it in time.

Mark called Gary and Gina to tell them the news and asked for a key to their apartment so that Katie could stay there for the time they were away, rather than return to her residence in the Corbin suite at General Hospital. Gary hesitated but finally told Mark that his brother had the key and that he would call Howard and tell him to turn it over to them at Mark's apartment. When Howard arrived, Katie retained him as her lawyer as he had accepted a position with a law firm in Port Charles. Gina was upset at Gary's hesitation, agreeing that Corbin hasd been very generous to them but maintaining that they had no choice but to take sides with Mark and Katie. - Gina was unaware that Gary had reapplied for a grant from Corbin Limited, urged on by Lamont, who insisted that there would be no strings attached. –

Howard was a guest for dinner at Peter and Diana's house earlier that evening but the plans were cancelled when P.J. was taken to the hospital with a fever and the threat of developing pneumonia. Heather had come unstrung and followed the Taylors to the hospital. She phoned her mother from there, and Susan overheard Mrs. Grant insisting to Heather that she leave immediately and not try to contact Jeff, as he was the last person in the world for Heather to talk to in her distraught state.

Lamont Corbin had told Dan Rooney that he suspected from Dorrie's attitude to his personal questions about Mark that there might be more than a professional relationship between them. - On the evening before Corbin's surgery, Dorrie and Mark spent the night together, but there had never been a repetition and Dorrie had assured Mark that she wished him and Katie happiness together. - Rooney was instructed to order the New York office to check thoroughly into Mark's background. Rooney then went on to tell Lamont about the stock manipulations and though they both conceded that neither Dr. Copeland nor Mark were likely to have been involved, Corbin told Rooney to check out Mark's personal account, saying he intended to see to it that an amount of money was deposited into it, reflecting a payoff stock manipulators would have made for information.

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

The Bauer family was just resuming normal life after learning that Bill Bauer was alive when they were shocked to learn that he had once again returned to Springfield, this time to confess to murder. Bert Bauer and her sons, Mike and Ed, had thought Bill was killed in a plane crash 10 years ago. When he was discovered to be alive, both the Springfield papers and the newspapers in Vancouver, where he was living as Bill Moray, flashed all the details, making life miserable for the Bauers and for Bill's new family, Simone, Hillary and Paul Kincaid.

Bert Bauer and her son Mike, a lawyer, suspected from their earliest confrontations with Bill that he was not revealing all of his true reasons for deserting them. These suspicions, coupled with his son Ed's fury at what he'd done to them, weigh heavily on Bill when he returned to Vancouver. Bill and Simone had owned a successful lumber mill, but with all the publicity about Bill's desertion of his Springfield family, customers began leaving him. Since he felt a strong moral obligation to pay back the insurance money Bert collected, Bill attempted to get a bank loan. When he was turned down as a bad risk he and Simone decided to sell the mill and their home and to leave Vancouver. Although Simone maintained her love for Bill she realized that he had not been completely truthful with her. Finally, after arranging the sale of the mill, he confessed all to Simone and flew to Springfield.

Springfield police Chief John Craig, who knew Bill Bauer 10 years ago, refused to hear his confession until Mike is present. Once Mike was located Bill confessed to having murdered Victor Kincaid in a roadhouse fight on July 16, 1968. - Kincaid, Simone's first husband, was cruel to Hillary, whom only he, Bill and Simone knew was really Bill's child. - Bill told Mike that Kincaid had demanded "hush money" from him and that they had fought after he told him that he didn't have it. Bill didn’t want a trial since he didn’t want either family publicly involved. Mike won bail for his father, but Bill refused to leave the jail, claiming that after 10 years of guilt it almost felt good to be there. Bill's one request of Mike was that he make sure Hillary never learned that he, a murderer, was her real father.

Ed Bauer was determined to put the past behind him and he was anxious to spend as much time as possible with his ex-fiancee, Rita Stapleton, a nurse at Cedars' Hospital where he was chief-of-staff. Rita's contentment with Ed was so strong that she hads temporarily forgotten about the one person who would most like to harm her, Georgene Granger.

When Rita’s apartment was burned by arson, Georgene feebly denied doing it, after which she went into hiding. While Mike Bauer and Georgene's attorney, Raymond Schaeffer, tried to locate her, Georgene was busily planning to kill Rita. By listening to a conversation between Rita and her blind sister Evie, Georgene learned that Rita would soon be in the usually empty laundry room. As Rita moved her things back into her apartment, renovated since the fire, the deranged Georgene waited for her in the laundry room. Instead Evie went down while Rita made a date with Ed. Georgene held a gun on Evie until Rita came in, at which time shocked Evie to the floor and aimed the gun directly at Rita's head.

Georgene told Rita that she intended to punish her for all the "bad things" she has made happen. Rita knew that her only hope was to keep Georgene talking, so she asked her enough questions to learn the entire story: Georgene's father-in-law, Cyrus Granger, disinherited Georgene and Malcolm when he learned of his son's mistreatment of Rita, his nurse. Georgene smothered him under a pillow, hoping to kill him before he had time to change his will. It was too late, however, as Cyrus had already left Rita a fortune. While she was supposed to be in a rest home, Georgene came to tell Malcolm, hooked up to a variety of life-support systems at Cedars, what she had done "for him." He became so distraught by her presence that he pulled the needles from his arm and, with Georgene looking on and not calling for help, he died.

Georgene told of how she had pushed Rita down the steps at the hospital and how she had managed to set fire to Rita's apartment. In her sick emotional state Georgene continued to claim that Rita deserved all of this because she had created the situation whereby Georgene killed Cyrus for nothing. She screamed that Rita had ruined her life!

Jist as Georgene fired the gun, Evie knocked her down and the shot was deflected. Rita grabbed the gun and aimed it at Georgene until the police arrived and arrested Georgene for the attempt on Rita's life and the other crimes to which she confessed.

Eve Stapleton, despite the frightening experience in the laundry room, continued in her determination to be independent despite her blindness. She had started dating her ex-fiance Ben McFarren again and they were still very much in love. Viola was pleased at Evie's progress and attitude, but she steadfastly believed that Evie would see again some day.

Ed Bauer’s happiness with Rita was the talk of the hospital staff and it forced Holly, Ed's ex-wife to face the fact that there wouldn’t be a reconciliation, Holly was unable to forget Ed, despite her active dating with Dr. Peter Chapman. Then on the staff at Cedars, Peter was in the Peace Corps eight years ago. Once, while the couple was walking through the park, they heard screams from the skating pond. Peter ran in the direction of the screams and saved the life of a young woman, Linda, who had fallen through the ice. When Holly remarked about how impressed she was, he told her he had run into similar situations before. He completely dropped the subject, however, before she could learn more. Since he invariably changed the topic when pressed for details about himself, Holly considered him a mystery which she would like to unravel.

Holly’s daughter, Christina, had re-ceived a $1,000 savings bond from Roger Thorpe, her natural father. The envelope had no return address. Holly's mother presumed she wouldn’t accept it, but Holly had decided that Roger had the right to some involvement in Christina's life.

Sara McIntyre was depressed and moody after she stopped seeing Justin Marler. - Sara and Justin had been engaged while in medical school, but Justin broke the engagement in order to marry Jackie, whom he felt was better for his career. Sara was hurt and when Justin, divorced from Jackie, wanted a committment from her, she was unable to make it, fearful of being hurt again. - Sara finally invited Justin for dinner, which he happily accepted. When he arrived at her apartment the following night, however, Sara asked him to leave. When Justin demanded an explanation, she told him it was because he was "together" with Brandy Shalloe again. - When Justin was married to Jackie, she walked in on him with Brandy one night. Although he swore to her that it was his first and only infidelity, she left him, telling him she planned to abort the baby she was carry-ing. Instead she put the baby up for adop-tion, a fact she never told Justin. - Despite Justin's denials and his assertion that Brandy had been pushing herself, Sara was adamant. She had seen them together, heard Brandy answer the phone in Justin's apartment, and learned that they had been out to dinner together. Justin was furious with Jackie for not minding her own business. She claimed that her sole reason for speaking to Sara was to prevent Sara from being hurt again; he claimed that she was still seeking revenge. Jackie screamed that there was no way she would ever forgive him for ruining her life.

Sara was unhappy, curt with her patients, and teary-eyed. She decided to go away for a while, combining a medical convention to Hawaii with a vacation. Justin, too, was un-appy, but when Brandy spent an evening with him, after having gone to him for advice about a sprained ankle, he told her she might be right about not seeking committment. The following morning, Justin told Brandy that last night "shouldn't have happened."

Elizabeth and Alan Spaulding were settling into Springfield where Alan was opening a new industrial park. Elizabeth quit her job as a photographer for the Springfield Ecology Association since she wanted her work to be her own, and not something Alen had bought for her. After meeting Peter Chapman at a Pops concert she went to see his father Max, publisher of the local paper. Max looked skeptical when he heard the Spaulding name, but he told Elizabeth she might do free-lance work so that he could see her local work.

Diane Ballard was beginning to work as a secretary for Alan Spaulding's manager, Adam Thorpe. She originally came to Springfield to be a companion for Philip, the Spauldings’ son. - Unknown to his parents Philip was the child Jackie gave up for adoption. - Elizabeth began to feel replaced by Diane and she felt that Diane ignored her wishes in favor of Philip's and Alan's. Elizabeth therefore fired Diane without Alan's previous knowledge. Diane would like a more social relationship with Alan, but he didn’t seem to notice.

Alan’s attorney in Springfield was Mike Bauer, who resented Alan's demands on his after-hours time. Mike was, however, quite fond of Elizabeth, whom he had escorted to dinner, encouraged professionally, and treated warmly.

On the plane back to Springfield from a medical conference, Ed Bauer, who learned of his father's confession by phone, ordered a vodka and tonic.

Love of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Ben Harper had managed to finish a novel between his shifts as an ambulance attendant. As the pressure was off, Ben told his family jokingly about his accomplishment. Mia Marriot, Ben's editor and paramor, had sent his manuscript off to publisher Jay Edminston, vowing to pursue this until someone agreed to publish the book. Jay contacted Mia, asking her to bring Ben to New York to discuss revisions. The publisher would pay their expenses. Mia debated this with her friend Wendy and convinced herself that she shouldn't go along, but couldn’t resist the opportunity to be alone with Ben. They arrived for their appointment to find that Edminston had been called out of town and their appointment had been rescheduled for Monday. After an enjoyable weekend Ben agreed to Edminston's revisions and was pleased with the advance he received. This was the first money he had ever earned doing something he really enjoyed. Edminston wished him luck in his writing career. Mia overheard Ben inquiring about flights to England. On the plane home he noticed that she was moody and learned that she was jealous of the fact that he wrote this book for Betsy and intended to take it to her. He reminded Mia that they both went into this affair with their eyes open. He said he had never hidden the fact that he still loved Betsy. Mia couldn’t help that she had gotten involved, and hoped his book would impress Betsy. Once at home, Ben regretted having agreed to the revisions, but saw that Mia was right in that his hero had never had to make a decision and by having him return to his wife at the conclusion he had finally asserted himself.

Mary Jane Owens' ad in the personal column did not catch Michael Blake's eye, but when he visited the hospital for a lecture, Janie was there. She asked for a chance to explain their broken engagement. Their first meeting didn’t go well because she had to return to work. When she said she was in Rosehill alone, Michael assumed Janie had left her wealthy husband behind in Twin Rivers. Michael agreed to another meeting and learned that Janie had never married Luke. After Michael left for Vietnam she found that she had cancer and needed a hysterectomy. She knew how much Michael wanted children and couldn't deprive him of them. She knew he would insist they should marry anyway and was afraid he would hate her later. The only way to make him forget her was to think of a reason for him to get very angry. After she sent him the "Dear John" letter and had her surgery, he had been taken prisoner and she didn't know where to write him. When he was brought back to the States she kept in touch with his doctor. She had come to look him up at her father's urging. Janie offered to give him back the engagement ring, but Michael said he forgave her and could never stay mad because he loved her. He placed the ring on her finger and they resumed their engagement.

When he came in for therapy, Charles Lamont sought out Mary to make sure she was happy. She told him that she was engaged to her childhood sweetheart from Twin Rivers and Charles insisted that she bring him to the house because he felt responsible for her. Charles admitted that he grew very attached to her while she was little Charlie's nurse.

Edouard Aleata’s life had changed since Charles let him legally adopt Felicia's son. He invited the family to the christening, asking Charles to be the baby's godfather. When the minister asked for the name to be used in the christening and Eddie said the baby was to be named Charles, Lamont was touched to his soul. Dorrie Patton finally agreed to a family evening at Eddie's, but made it clear that she is not ready to get interested in anyone. Eddie said he only wanted to get to know her a little better.

Ray Slater and Arlene Lovett were married and then returned to tell her mother. Carrie had a hard time believing that Arlene could go to such lengths to keep from marrying Tom Crawford after she found out he hadn't told his family of their forthcoming marriage. Ray asked that Arlene tell people that the baby she was carrying was his. - Arlene became pregnant during her affair with the late Ian Russell. Tom got Arlene released from prison when he proved an ulcer attack caused Ian's fatal fall down an elevator shaft. - Arlene tried to explain to Carrie that this was a marriage in name only and Ray understood that she still loved Tom who was devastated when he heard. His roommate Dr. Joe Cusack worried when he disappeared. After trying to sort out his feelings, Tom asked Carrie where Arlene was living.

Ray had spent a lot of time trying to find a two bedroom apartment that he could afford. He had some furniture delivered before they moved in and told Arlene she could finish decorating when she felt up to it. As she had gotten over the shock, Carrie pitched in to make the apartment a home. Carrie said as Arlene was married to Ray, she had a duty to him as his wife and a man couldn’t keep a promise like that very long. Beginning to feel like a father, Ray brought home a crib and set it up. Arlene refused to show any interest and changed the subject every time Carrie brought up the baby. She told Arlene that it was about time she got her mind on this baby because it would be here soon.

Cal and Rick Latimer spent an extra week in Europe and returned to Rosehill with Cal hoping that she was pregnant. She was disappointed, but she and Rick decided to keep trying.

Michael finally broke the news to Cal that he was engaged to Jamie. He had something on his mind, but put off discussing it with Cal.

Bruce Sterling told Charles Lamont that he was dying and his biggest worry was that Vanessa would be lonely after his death. He wanted to throw Van and his friend Dr. Andrew Marriott together, but Charles extracted a promise trom him to forget this. Charles realized how insignificant his own problems were since he had learned or his friend's prognosis.

In spite of his promise, Bruce continued asking Andrew to join them and leaving Andrew and Van alone at every opportunity. Van finally rebelled and told Bruce that she didn’t want him planning her future. Bruce began feeling sorry for himself. He claimed to be a rotten conversationalist because he wasn't interested in anything but his own health and slammed out of the house. Van called Andrew who was unable to find Bruce. Bruce was recognized by the bartender who called Van. When Andrew retrieved him, Bruce apologized to Van and agreed to take a different view of his illness. Andrew agreed that if a patient had the will to live, he could lengthen his life. Van noticed a bruise on Bruce's arm and suggested he mention this to the doctor. Joe was concerned that Bruce might contract hepatitis or start hemmorhaging.

Tom refused to believe that Ray was the baby's father even after Arlene supported Ray's claim. Ray wanted to get a new job so that his child would not have to say that his father was a pit boss. Arlene asked Rick if Ray might work at Beaver Ridge and was encouraged when Rick suggested that he tell Ray it was his idea.

Meg told Andrew that the town would begin to talk if he continued seeing so much of Van. A small razor nick on Bruce's finger became infected, causing red streaks up his arm. In emergency, he went into shock and Joe worked over Bruce to pull him through. The tension eased when his temperature went down. The whole family knew how serious Bruce's anemia was.

Michael had constend to a June wedding, but rejected Cal's offer of adding a room to his garage apartment so that he and Mary Jane could live there.

One Life to Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Joseph Stuart

After talking with Ina Hopkins’ nephew, an attorney, Becky learned that she couldn’t legally be married to Richard Abbott as she had promised, and she dismissed the young man with thanks, unable to face the steps she might have to take toward a resolution of the problem she had confided only to him. She allowed Richard's plans for the wedding to go on until she was panicked at finding an empty envelope, in her mail distribution basket, addressed to "Rebecca Lee Jackson" which had obviously not been through the mail. - Edwina Lewis had learned of Becky's identity from a newsman in Becky's home town and requested him to write the name on an envelope, marked "deliver by hand," which she slipped into the mailroom –

Having to play hostess to Pat Kendall - who had no idea that Karen was in the car which killed her son Brian in a hit and run – drove Karen to resume her old pattern of picking up men. When Larry left on an emergency call after Paul and Pat had been to dinner, Karen went on the prowl. When she returned at 2 a.m., she found little Danny awake and told him that she had just been out to return a briefcase Paul left. Cathy Lord was at home the following day and Danny confided to her that he knew Paul did not bring a briefcase that evening.

Karen rounded up all the gifts she had received for her "favors," telling Larry that they were gifts from Dorian, but that she would get rid of them as a token of her love. She pawned them, surprised to find that she had gotten $800, but she did not keep it long. Marco had seen the transaction at the pawnbrokers and demanded the money saying he had a gold lighter from her which she had gotten in the same way and Larry might be interested to know she was up to the same tricks as when he knew her years ago.

Dorian had confided to Will Vernon that she lied to Melinda, telling her that she and Peter Janssen were lovers, but had told Peter when he learned of it that Melinda’s saying that was a manifestation of her illness. Will told Dorian that she had to face Peter and Melinda and tell them the truth for the sake of her own sanity, but Dorian arranged a trip out of town to stall, only to be faced by Peter on her return with a demand that the three of them meet at Llanfair. Melinda had received a visit from her former psychiatrist who had recommended that Melinda face Dorian down. Later that day, at Tony's place, while Melinda was playing the piano her left hand went numb.

Brad Vernon had been experiencing some episodes of impotence with Jenny and had started spending time with a call girl named Rita, who was a member of the Health Club. He had to confess this to Samantha when the woman's partner in a badger game ripped off $2,500, money Jenny had given him from her savings to pay Dorian Lord back some of the principal she had demanded as return on her loan. - Dorian learned from her accountant that Brad had been playing games with the financial report he had given her, "cooking the books", and when he denied that they did not reflect the true condition of the club's finances, called him out by saying if it were true he was easily in a position to pay. - Brad begged Sam to report the theft as being from the club so he could recover from his insurance company. Samantha refused to make the call but as Jenny was in the room when Lt. Hall came to inquire - Brad made the call himself -, she did not give Brad away. Sam was sickened by Brad's behavior, and Will Vernon was puzzled by Sam's reaction to Brad from then on. When Brad took offense at Ed Hall's asking Jenny for her bankbook as proof that she had withdrawn the money, Ed told him that he had better be warned of the sharper attitude the insurance investigators would take. Brad promised to return to Rita's apartment for the money atter threatening to kill Rita if it was not recovered. Convinced he meant what he said at the time, Rita gave the name of her partner who had assured her he could take care of Brad if he came back.

Pat Kendall had been persuaded by Viki Lord to return to work, with Viki to help her, at the Banner. Tony and Pat had met at Brian's graveside, but were unable to resolve the sense of resentment between them. Tony couldn’t help but observe bitterly that Brian's stone had the wrong name on it. When he admitted that they had both said things better left unsaid, Pat replied - meaning herself, and the fact that she told Brian that Tony was his father, which caused him to run out in the street to his death - that some words could never be taken back. Tony took this as a sign of her bitterness toward him but said that they still had their future. Pat told him their future was buried with Brian.

Ever since Samantha noticed Tony was dating Lola Daniels, an attorney, she had been hanging around Tony's place, keeping a jealous eye on him and drinking with younger men she knew he was sure to disapprove of. Wanda told Tony that Sam was obviously trying to make him jealous and observed to herself that it seemed to be working, whether Tony recognized it or not.

Wanda had more than a twinge of jealousy herself when Vinnie, who had become increasingly irritable at home but refused to talk about it, came home with lipstick on his mouth. Later, she was afraid that Vinnie might have deeper problems, and suggested he see Will Vernon about the articles of feminine make-up he seemed to have about him a lot. Vinnie brought home his partner on a special assignment to convince Wanda that the articles were hers — the story was that make-up was frowned on in her regulation purse and Vinnie was carrying it for Sgt. Consuella Reed in case of a surprise inspection. Wanda admitted that the very imposing appearing, and happily married Consuella was not a likely rival, but did not buy the story entirely. Later, at Tony's with Vinnie, she searcheed through a briefcase, looking for a pocket calculator he was to bring her and found a case of false eyelashes!

 Dorian scored in the confrontation with Melinda by insisting that Melinda's story of Dorian having told her sister that she and Peter were lovers was a product of her fantasy. Melinda was unnerved by Dorian's tears and Peter's questions and left to lie down in another room at Llanfair. As Dorian was having a dinner party that night to celebrate the first edition of the new magazine « Pulse, » she kept Peter on with the expectation that Melinda would join them later, though she knew well that Melinda had gone back to her boarding house. She read over a copy of the magazine before her guests arrived and when Edwina Lewis arrived, she told her it was the last time she would ever see the inside of Llanfair. She told Edwina to pick up her severance pay in the morning because she wrote an article about Dr. Jack Scott with a hard slant when Dorian had been trying to woo Dr. Scott to join the staff at Llanview Hospital, insisting it was a deliberate attempt on Edwina's part to humiliate her. Though she did not make the firing public, she did humiliate Edwina by pointedly praising Paul Kendall and denigrating Edwina's contribution to the preparation of the magazine.

Brad Vernon had returned to Rita's apartment and worked Rita over enough to learn the last name of the man who stole his money, Aldo Pierson. - the same man who once beat up Karen Wolek. - Brad tracked him down in a bar and atter getting rid of a former schoolmate of Samantha's who knew them both - a young punk who Sam had been using to make Tony Lord jealous -, he made a deal to forget about the theft if Aldo would steal Lana's ring from Cathy Lord's house the following day. Brad arranged to be out of town, replacing a famous tennis player who had dropped out of a tournament in New York. Jenny was very upset when she learned that Brad had arranged to play, fearing that he would permanently injure his knee but believed that Brad had hopes somehow of winning the $10,000 prize money.

Before he left, Brad met once with Mr. Burr, the insurance investigator, promising to make his phone number in New York available through Jenny. When Burr chided Brad on the inadequate protection of the money, Brad insisted that the drawer was locked, that Sam was in the outer office, and that though Jenny remembered the name Rita, there was nobody by that name in his membership file.

Dorian had to reinstate Edwina at Dr. Scott's insistence. She then pretended she did this because of Paul's threat of resignation.

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello

Tom (O’Brien) Desmond had been shot by a man named Liam, who had been assigned by his father in Ireland to kill Tom whom the family blames for the death of another son and the only daughter. After firing the shot, Liam fled. Faith Coleridge was there, having gone for money and Tom's passport when they learned Tom was a hunted man. - Liam showed his hand when he accidentally shot Seneca Beaulac, whom he'd mistaken for Tom. Tom then made plans to run, not wanting to endanger his friends further. Faith volunteered to help. - The wound wasn't tatal, but was serious. Faith helped Tom inside, but he then refused to go to the hospital, pointing out Liam would find him there and that he was in the country illegally and could be deported. Faith called the hospital, hoping to reach her brother Roger, aware that with the right equipment and drugs she could treat Tom at his apartment. Roger was about to perform a lamonectorny on Seneca to relieve pressure on the spinal chord caused by Liam's shooting him, so Faith asked Bucky Carter to help. Bucky agreed. Luckily, the tenant before Tom had built a « secret room » in the apartment, which Tom then used as a bedroom. Fearing Liam might return to finish the job, Faith hid Tom in the bedroom. Bucky brought the supplies, then returned to the hospital. Faith treated Tom, but he was feverish that night, and she had to almost gag Tom when, as expected, Liam returned. Finding nothing in the apartment, Liam began to question neighbors about whether an ambulance was around the building. Tom worsened and Bucky and Faith had to try desperate measures to keep him alive. As Bucky left the building, accompanying a stretcher, he was accosted by Liam. Bucky told Liam Tom was dead.

The wake was held at Ryan's, following a simple funeral, where Johnny Ryan gave the eulogy. Faith left in the middle of the prayers at the funeral home. After everyone left, Liam sneaked in and checked the casket. He slammed down the lid and follows Faith, surprising her at Tom's apartment. As he threatened her, not believing that Tom was dead, despite the funeral and the obituary he sent to his father, because the casket was empty, Tom emerged from the bedroom. They struggled, working their way out to the roof. Faith, inside the apartment, was desperate when she heard a scream. But it was Liam who fell. Faith got Tom to the hospital and Bob Reid assured them there wouldn't be a problem with Tom's being in the country ilegally. Tom was allowed to return home to recuperate, provided there was always someone there to take care of him. Faith volunteered for night duty. She and Tom grew closer together, and Faith succumbed to his romantic onslaught, for once putting aside her logical tendencies and giving in to her feelings of love for Tom.

Roger’s surgery on Seneca was successful.

Jill Coleridge visited Frank Ryan at his office. She told him that she understood that his campaign for the Senate would take much time, but that she was willing to take the time that was left for Edmund and her. Frank was delighted. - Recently, Seneca confessed to Jill that Edmund was Frank's son, not his. Jill was horrified that Seneca could have kept such information secret. She and Frank were carefully working towards a reconciliation. - Rae Woodard interrupted their talk by demanding Frank arrive early for a big dinner party she was giving for prospective campaign donors. Frank promised to continue the conversation later. Rae knew about Jill and Frank and Edmund. She felt Jill and Edmund would be a liability. Rae also wasn't coy. After the party, which was very successful, she was on the verge of propositioning Frank when Bob Reid interrupted them. Frank took the opportunity to leave. He went to see Jill, anxious to keep her up on the campaign. Both wanted to spend the night together, but neither was sure enough about the other's feelings to propose it.

Rae dropped into the St. Patrick's Day celebration at Ryan's and was annoyed to see Frank with Jill, Edmund, and Little John. She made a phone call to an important backer of the party and arranged to take Frank to see him. Rae whisked Frank away. Frank decided that Jill would be more understanding of the demands of the campaign if she were involved, so he asked Rae to find a small place for her in it. Rae decided Jill should serve on the panel to draft a position on health care for children. Rae then persuaded Seneca to serve, as well as Maeve Ryan. Alicia Nieves had to lie to friend Bob Reid about Rae's intentions - an explosion of personalities that would drive Jill away — from the campaign -. Alicia was very uncomfortable about it, but when Rae asked how she felt, Alicia replied that she and her brother had never had such financial security as her job provided. Rae increased her salary.

Maeve and Johnny Ryan planned a cruise vacation, realizing they hadn't been away together for years. Delia, their son Pat's wife, was furiously jealous when she learned of the cruise, pouting and complaining that everyone had fun but her. - As her ex-lover Roger Coleridge threatened to tell Pat that she miscarried before their wedding, suspecting Pat only married Dee because she was pregnant, and also to reveal that her recent breakdown was faked, Dee became blind. After careful examination, it was concluded that the blindness was hysterical. To relieve Pat's burden, the Ryans insisted Pat and Dee move in with them. There, Dee regained her sight, but didn’t tell anyone. - Dee began a campaign to wrest the trip away from Maeve and Johnny. When suggestions that Pat needed the rest and that she might regain her sight fail, Dee used the only weapon left. She told Maeve and Johnny, "accidentally," about Pat's recent bout with amphetimines. Johnny still refused to give in, telling Maeve that at least at home Pat could go to the hospital to get away from Dee. - Johnny was aware Pat would like to dissolve his marriage to Dee, which not only demanded most of his time but which was keeping him from the solace of the sacraments. - Maeve gave in to Johnny, until Rae called, saying she was needed for the child health-care panel and both Ryans were needed to help with the campaign that weekend. They persuaded Pat to accept the trip. Pat's sister Mary Fenelli was furious, telling Maeve, then Dee, that she thought Dee tricked them into turning over the cruise.

Rae told Alicia she hoped the presence of Seneca at the meeting would drive Jill off, showing Frank she had no place in the campaign. Rae had Seneca come early and got him drunk. When Jill arrived, Seneca attacked her for being a poor mother, for being hung up on Frank, for being hung up on her late father. Jill left. Later, both Jill and Seneca wondered, separately, if Rae could be capable of setting them up. Seneca decided to ask Rae, who had just learned Frank and Jill had a date at Lem's that night. Rae manipulated Seneca into taking her to dinner at the same place.

Johnny urged Pat to inform Faith of his intention to leave Dee so Faith wouldn’t make a committment to Tom. Dee scotched the idea by telling Pat that Faith and Tom were lovers. On the cruise, Dee was as demanding as ever, driving Pat to drink.

Tom received a letter from the Immigration Department which could put his life in jeopardy again.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Robert J. Shaw / Henry Slesar

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

Kathy Phillips had settled into motherhood much more easily than she expected. Scott and their adopted son Eric helped with little Douglas. Kathy told Stephanie Wyatt that she wasn’t sure when she would go back to work, assuring Stephanie that it was not David Sutton's presence at the law firm that kept her from returning.

Didi Turner, a young lab technician who continued forcing her attentions on Dr. Gary Walton even after his recent marriage, tried causing problems. She brought up the fact that Carolyn still went by the name of Dr. Hanley since her marriage. Gary explained that it was less confusing. She remarked that it was strange that Dr. Hanley, a psychologist, would order blood tests on Mr. Phillips and Mr. Sutton the day Mrs. Phillips had her baby. Gary related this to Carolyn who told the young tech that all matters were confidential. Didi said it was only speculation until Dr. Hanley confirmed her suspicions. Gary found David's blood test in Scott's folder and noticed that Didi mixed the blood types and therefore Kathy's baby was David's rather than Scott's.

John Wyatt, attorney for Hartford House, received a letter from Mr. Jorgensen notifying him that Stu Bergman and Jo Vincente did not have a clear title to the land around Hartford House. They intended to put up a housing development and part of the Hartford House land was to be involved. John asked Stu to bring in all the papers he could find, trying not to alarm him. Stu caught on and had to be told the truth, but John tried to assure him that it might be nothing. They decided not to tell Jo in case there was no problem.

Stephanie was looking without success for a house for the new Wyatt family. Living in Stephanie's apartment was a hardship for both Suzi and Wendy because they were used to having their own rooms.

After Bill Mendel’s ultimatum that he would either take orders or Bill would take over the hospital project, Steve Kaslo decided to quit. Howard Horton was aware of the problems between Bill and Steve and discussed this with him. Steve told Howard that the problems only made him realize that he was not cut out to survive in the business world. He called a friend in the music business and he and Liza prepared for a tour of one night appearances. They thought they could handle it better this time. After they left, Bill Mendel took the plans for the new wing to Janet since she missed the board meeting due to the illness of her young son. He explained that he didn't handle himself well with Steve because he was jealous. He asked Janet to apologize to Steve when she talked to him.

Amy and Bruce Carson were trying to work things out in their marriage so that Bruce didn’t resent the time she spent at the hospital during her residency. The appearance of some of his articles on the front page of the newspaper helped his confidence and a division of duties at home would allow them to spend more time together. When Donna Davis heard that Bruce would not be depending on her companionship so much, she became depressed enough to start the drinking she had curbed during her relationship with Bruce.

Evelyn Reedy was desperate when she learned that $1,500 was needed immediately for an operation to save her grandson. Other methods having failed, she told Meredith Hartford that she had to take the family pearls and pawn them for $1,500. Meredith balked, but Evelyn reminded her that she already stole the pearls once from Jo Vincente and her father could hear about that. After school Meredith took a bus to the other side of town where Evelyn told her she should pawn the pearls, later explaining that she lost them. She told the pawnbroker that they were real and demanded at least $1,500. He asked for identification and noticed that she was only 17 when she produced her driver's license. Meredith fled, but was afraid to return home. She checked into a hotel, making the owner suspicious because she had no luggage. Meredith made up a story about arriving by bus and her parents being called away on diplomatic business.

Everlyn made excuses to Dr. Hartford for Meredith's tardiness. Greg called kids from her school, but no one was able to give him clues as to her whereabouts. The following morning he had no choice but to notify the police.

Meredith heard the police giving the description of a runaway to the hotel owner and slips out the window, but had to leave her coat behind when it became caught on a chair. The police felt this should make her more noticeable on the street and force her inside.

Bruce Carson persuaded Dr. Hartford to let him run an article on Meredith in the hope that someone would report seeing her. Greg didn’t want to upset her. He had convinced himself that Meredith ran away so that he and Jo would make up. The pawnbroker saw the article and called Greg, who refused to believe it was Meredith until he found the pearls were missing. Jo finally convinced him the police had to know in case she tried to pawn them again. He was reluctant to tell anyone she took the pearls without his consent.

Tom Bergman asked for more work at the inn and an advance so that he could sell his car and buy a sports car from a friend. Stu suggested that he get his car appraised first. The dealer insisted Tom look at a car on his lot. Tom was surprised to find a half-frozen Meredith in the back seat. He took her home where she blamed everything on Evelyn. Jo offered to stay while Meredith slept off the sedatives because Greg had surgery to perform which Dr. Bob Rogers convinced him was necessary for the patient's confidence and well being.

Evelyn confessed all to Jo because she was afraid she would be blamed for everything. She admitted she was willing to break up Jo and Greg because Jo had her daughter fired from the hospital. She felt terrible when Jo explained that her daughter didn't make an error, but was selling stolen supplies and she kept her from being arrested. Evelyn gave Jo Meredith's diary after tearing out the page about the blackmail, insisting that Jo read it because Dr. Hartford could never face it. They agreed that it was best Evelyn leave. After reading Meredith's confession she understood her loneliness and insecurity. She gave the diary to Meredith asking her to tell her father how she felt. Meredith burned the diary, but when her father returned she told him everything she had done and why. Meredith agreed that she needed psychiatric help but didn’t want to see anyone in town. Jo and Greg ended their relationship because there wasn't enough trust involved. Greg would take a position in New York and get help for Meredith.

Didi Turner blamed Gary when she was fired. Didi claimed Gary told Dr. Rogers that she transposed the blood types of David Sutton and Scott Phillips, but she was let go after another mistake that almost cost the life of a young man whose allergy tests Didi fouled up. She suggested to Gary and Carolyn that if they gave her money, she would leave town. They were afraid that she might tell someone that Scott was not the father, but would not give in to blackmail.

David noticed that Donna would like to be more than a neighbor to Bruce and hoped that Bruce had the good sense to see what a good wife he had, although he was upset that Dr. Thompson kept Amy at the hospital so much of the time.

Stu had gone to look up old papers on the Hartford property to prove that no one else had a claim on it. John tried to reassure Jo and Ellie.

Didi spitefully told David the truth about Kathy's baby.

The Young and The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Chris Foster was very concerned that the judge might give Karen back to the Beckers after reading the psychiatrist's report. The Beckers saw Karen several times after being given visiting rights. Karen refused to call Nancy "Mommy," but talked to Chris about her other mommy and frequently called her (Chris) "Chris." Ron and Nancy took Karen to the zoo, helping her to recall her past with them. - Karen remembered Ron, but felt abandoned by her mother when Nancy was taken to a mental hospital in a catatonic state. - Brad Eliot talked to Chris and got her to admit that if it were in Karen's best interest to return to the Beckers, she couldn't hurt Karen emotionally by keeping her. Chris and Karen discussed Nancy, and Karen asked if she could go to live with her other mother and father because she missed them. Chris called Snapper, asking him to come home. She was too hysterical to call the Beckers to come over. Nancy could see how hurt Chris was and felt sorry for her. Snapper came home from the clinic to find Chris packing her own suitcase and said she would never solve anything by running away. Chris explained that it wasn't enough to be just his wife. She had to find out what she wanted out of life for herself. Snapper was remembering that his father went away for nine years. Chris said she didn’t think she would even be away for nine days.

Snapper’s suspension from the hospital was up and he could return to the staff there.

Lance Prentiss found Leslie Brooks in a highly agitated state in Denver after newspaper reporter Rod Jackson told Leslie that her sister Lorie confirmed that she wrote the book about two rival sisters; one a writer, the other a pianist who spent time in a mental institution after a breakdown. Lance was ready to call the paper for printing an unsubstantiated story until Leslie told him what Jackson claimed. Lance called home to read Lorie out, but Lucas told him that Lorie had denied everything. The Maestro had contacted another pianist to take Leslie's place, but Lance took the responsibility of convincing her that she had to perform. He got her to eat and then had a piano brought to the suite for Leslie's practice. The Maestro was against this because he remembered the other time Leslie was in such a state. He felt she would not be able to take the stress.

Brock Reynolds and Stuart Brooks were making plans to fly to Denver after they learned Leslie had cancelled two concerts. Psychiatrist Brad Eliot, Leslie's ex-husband, told them that the worst thing they could do would be to go to her. It would show her that they didn’t have confidence in her ability to handle herself. He said that the friendship she had with Lance was what she needed at the time because he understood her talent.

Lance promised to be in the wings during her performance. Leslie heard people discuss her and the book, but pulled herself together and walked on the stage. She started very well, but when Rod Jackson walked up behind Lance, she floundered, started again and floundered, then ran from the stage. She retreated through the cold night to her suite without her coat. Lance had her get out of her wet clothing while he ordered hot tea. She confessed that she fled before she did have a breakdown because Jackson made her nervous. Lance felt responsible for this mistake. Leslie couldn’t bear to be alone yet. The experience drew them closer and though Lance knew he should leave her suite, he couldn’t. Later, they both felt this was a moment they would always remember. They met too late; Leslie used to be married and then Lance was.

Lorie got a call from a man who wanted to promote her book and she turned him over to Lucas, calling him her business manager. She said that maybe she needed someone to help her since Lance was always helping Leslie. Lucas suggested to Laurie and then to Lance that Leslie might be dependent on Lance as a revenge against Lorie.

After they returned to Genoa City, Lance couldn’t stay away from Leslie. She told him that night should never have happened and he should forget it. Brad arrived at that moment asking her to dinner. Leslie accepted, but they knew it was only to free her from Lance. Leslie wanted to go on with her life, but being a concert pianist might never be a part of it again.

Jill Foster didn’t believe Kay Chancellor's story about being married to her fiance Derek Thurston, but was so upset that Derek drew the story out of her. They agreed that Kay must have flipped out. Derek went to see Kay to set her straight, but found that she was serious. She explained that they were married by a friend of hers and then spent the night together. When he didn't remember the marriage in the morning, she put off telling him, hoping he would remember. She reminded him that she had explained to him that night that she wanted them to open the new beauty salon as man and wife or not at all. Derek shouted at her that he didn’t want any more to do with her or the salon. He went straight to Greg Foster to find out about getting an annulment quickly so that he and Jill could get married. Several things bothered Greg. The judge who performed the ceremony had an excellent reputation and would not have allowed the marriage if Derek was so drunk that he didn’t remember. After learning that Derek spent the night with Kay, he said they would have to file for divorce instead even though Derek claimed to have been too drunk to have consummated the marriage. It would only be his word against hers. Since Kay wanted this marriage desperately, it could take a year to obtain the divorce.

Brock was with his mother when Jill arrived to tell her that she wouldn’t get away with this, but she couldn't get through to the drunken woman. Hearing the details, Liz told Mrs. Chancellor that she was quitting because she couldn’t work for someone who was so devious.

Brock had been unsuccessful in pleading with his mother to allow the divorce. Derek decided to try once more. Brock suggested that he tell her that he was not angry with her. They went up to her room where they assumed she was sleeping off the results of her drinking. Brock found a medicine bottle cap and their search turned up an empty sleeping pill bottle. They rushed her to the hospital, hoping they weren't too late.

Jill became very worried when she didn’t hear from Derek and there was no answer at the house. Remembering that Kay tried to kill Philip by running the car off the road when Philip obtained a divorce to marry her, Jill was sure that Mrs. Chancellor had harmed Derek. He called to tell her of the suicide attempt. Jill said their problems would be solved if Mrs. Chancellor died because Derek would inherit one-third of her estate.

Stuart was furious when Lorie wanted to straighten things out with Les so that she and Lance could solve their problems. Lorie suggestes that Leslie might be seeking revenge and Stuart didn’t know Leslie as well as he thought he did. Lance was not willing to give up his relationship with Leslie, but she had decided to face reality and knew that they had to not see one another again. Lucas had suggested to Les that deep down she really was a woman and hoped that her music did not get in the way when the right man came along. Over the Maestro's protests, she had given up concert work for the time-being to teach music.

Feeling guilty, Derek returned to the hospital to urge Kay to fight for life. Dr. Casey Reed, a new resident, and Brock refused to give up when she went into cardiac arrest. Their persistence paid off and she was brought back among the living. Jill couldn’t help but feel that they would have all been better off if Kay had died.

After her close brush with death, Kay agreed to whatever Derek wanted if he would remain her friend.

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Thanks FrenchFan!

On YR, seems like weak reasoning for Chris to leave town. Even though she was devastated by losing Karen, Chris still seems in love with and devoted to Snapper. That's quite an abandonment. Hopefully it played out better on-screen. And maybe Trish Stewart left without much notice.

Brad Elliott is cured of his blindness, right? But he seems very sidelined in the plot. Didn't he have an epic love with Leslie? Makes sense why Tom Hallick left.

I don't see enough justification for Lance to cheat on Lorie with Leslie. If Leslie was indeed near a nervous breakdown, that's extra gross that Lance did that. @YRfan23 has commented that they finds Lance to be weak-willed and now I see why 

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Edited by yrfan1983
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In the sense that she would be playing against Snapper -yes.

Either they were having trouble recasting Chris or decided that it would be best to have some space b/w actresses.

Chris' absence made it a natural that a new woman would come into Snapper's life. That triangle was played a bit when Lynne Topping came on as Chris but then DH started his leaves of absence and Chris and Snapper never got a big story again.

And Casey was never a viable rival for Chris, Her cold personality was intrinsic to the character and Roberta played it well but that limited her worth as a romantic heroine.


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APRIL 1978

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Shorly after she heard from Paul Martin that her daughter Anne's doctor had told him that he had done everything in his power but that Anne had not improved in her mental or emotional state and probably never would, Phoebe Tyler learned that Donna was scheduled for surgery to reverse her sterilization. Estelle walked into Donna's hospital room just after Phoebe had gotten Donna hysterical by telling her that Anne's condition was a result of the loss of her severely retarded child and implying that Donna's life as a young prostitute before her marriage to Phoebe's grandson Chuck Tyler might have an adverse effect on the health of a child she could conceive. Estelle managed to calm Donna down and the operation was pronounced successful by Donna's doctor. Estelle visited Phoebe at the Tyler mansion to warn her to stay away from Donna or Stelle would tell Phoebe's estranged husband Dr. Charles Tyler that she could prove that Phoebe's paralysis was phony. - Estelle saw Phoebe walking out of the Harbor Lights Bar when Phoebe met with Billy Clyde. –

Following a deposition by Ruth and Joe Martin's testimony in the assault, robbery and rape trial, Ray Gardner was found guilty on all three counts and was sentenced to 25 years in prison with no provision for earlier parole.

Phil Brent learned that little Philip had been using the name Charlie - after Chuck - at school and that Tara and Chuck had known and kept it from him. He told Tara that whenever there was a problem in the house, she went to Chuck. Phil remarked that Tara and Chuck had been real chummy lately - keeping back that he had seen Chuck with his arms around Tara -, and that he felt like an outsider in his own home. He went to the hospital and quarrelled with Chuck, ordering him to stay out of his and Tara's lives. Phil then told Sgt. Jacoby that he was little Philip's real father. He got drunk and stayed overnight at Jacoby's, but the following night he asked to stay with Claudette at the apartment she had sublet from Nick. Ruth learned about it and begged him to go home but when he went to see Tara, she was not in.

Joe Martin was concerned about his part in going along with Tara's decision to keep little Philip's name change from Phil. After Phil's confrontation with Chuck, Joe told Chuck that he had to face the fact that Phil and Tara were in charge of little Philip and was taken aback when Chuck protested vehemently that after her treatment by Phil, Tara had "every right to turn to someone else."

Erica Kane visited Donna at the hospital, telling her that Tara seemed to be deeply troubled in her marriage. Donna speculated that Phil might have heard about the name change. Erica remarked that she understood Phil's frustration about not even being able to give the boy his "first" name. Joe walked in just after Erica had said she was amazed at Chuck's keeping secrets from Donna. As Erica left, she suggested that Joe might be a more appropriate person to tell Donna the secret about his grandson. Joe attributed the remark to Erica's vivid imagination and when Donna questioned Chuck, he told her that Erica was only referring to Phil's having wanted to adopt little Philip legally, after he married Tara.

Phil finally went home, to find Chuck there once again, but he calmed down eventually after Tara assured him that there was nothing between herself and Chuck but friendship. He said she might have to put that aside and Tara offered to arrange that she and Chuck not see each other. Phil accepted that as the most sensible solution and apologized to little Philip for his overreaction, telling him that if that was what it took to make the boy happy, he would call him Charlie.

As Jeff Martin was seeing Edna Thornton in his office, David stormed in and ordered Edna to leave, insisting that he would take care of his wife's illness personally. Edna left despite Jeff's protests that she had a right to consult whomever she chose. Later, Jeff gave Dr. Christina Karras a diamond, which she accepted but did not wear out of consideration for David's feelings. Nancy Blair saw Chris' ring and urged her to wear it.

David Thornton got a call from Gladys, Edna's boss at the Beauty Spot where Edna had returned to work, telling him that Edna had collapsed. She was appalled when David refused to take Edna to the hospital, ordering her home instead. Chris was with David when the call came and remembered that David had denied her contention that it was too late for them, insisting that, on the contrary, it was "too late for Edna." She wondered aloud to Nancy if it was possible that David would withhold treatment. Nancy was not willing to accept that David would be capable of what would amount to murder and changed the subject, telling Chris that she believed that Frank Grant was sincere in his wishing her well, apparently accepting the story that the baby Nancy was carrying was the son of the late Carl Blair. When Caroline saw Frank and Nancy together, she blurted out that she didn't want Frank seeing Nancy, and didn’t want her living in Pine Valley. - Caroline knew that the child was Frank's but couldn’t bring herself to tell him, especially since Frank and she had decided to start their own family. –

Linc Tyler had flown to Minneapolis after hearing from Myrtle Lum Fargate who insisted that she had seen his late wife Kitty "in the flesh," at a piano-bar under the name Kelly. Linc attributed Myrtle's obsession that she had seen and heard Kitty to Myrtle's emotional state after the loss of her husband Nigel from a heart attack. Myrtle insisted Linc see a publicity photo which would convince him but learned when she and Linc arrived at the place that Kelly's agent had picked up the photo to send on to Chicago, the site of her next engagement. Myrtle was determined to fly to Chicago.

After seeing Frank and Nancy talking together, Caroline blurted out that she didn't want Frank seeing Nancy and didn't want her living in Pine Valley. When Donna mentioned that Frank was worried that something was bothering Caroline which she wasn't sharing with him, Caroline told her that she knew the baby Nancy was carrying was Frank's.

David learned from Frank Grant that Chris was wearing Jeff's ring and confronted Chris, shaking her and telling her she didn't realize what he had been doing for her but it would "all be over soon." He apologized just as Chris took another call from Gladys, who was at the cabin, saying that Edna had had another attack. David got rid of Gladys, dismissing her contention that Edna was worse and should at least be undergoing further tests. As Edna went to lie down, he told himself he was determined to "get it over with" that night. - David was prepared to administer a lethal shot to Edna the day before, but Dottie's presence caused him to reconsider and he emptied the hypodermic and replaced the solution with plain water. –

Linc Tyler had returned from a trip to Minneapolis convinced that Myrtle Fargate's insistance that she had seen his late wife Kitty singing in a night club, under the name of Kelly Cole, was a manifestation of her unstable emotional state after the loss of Kitty and the death of her husband Nigel Fargate a short time previously. He was shaken when Myrtle phoned from Chicago, where she had gone on to trace the girl and he heard Kitty's singing voice quite unmistakeably as Kelly was doing her act. Myrtle told him she was determined to bring the girl back to Pine Valley.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

The lives of many Bay City residents were in a state of flux. Iris Carrington Bancroft couldn’t accept son Dennis' moving in with Jamie Frame. Iris felt Dennis would fall prey to unscrupulous people, especially girls like Eileen Simpson, who might really be only interested in his money. Despite pleas from husband Brian and father Mac Cory, Iris persisted in her objections, going so far as to ask housekeeper Louise Goddard to spy on Eileen. Louise's refusal to go along led to Iris' firing her. Louise and Brooks, Iris' chauffeur, found immediate employment with Mac and Rachel Cory. When Brian continued to defend Dennis' leaving, Iris insisted he didn't love her - or he'd be on her side - and ordered him to leave. Brian refused, saying it was just because he loved her that he would stay and help her overcome her self-destructive ways. Shortly thereafter, Brian returned from work to find Iris gone. She had left him a note ordering him to dispose of all her property in Bay City and to communicate through her banker in New York. Dennis was distressed at first, then accepted his mother's leaving, aware of her flightiness.

Brian found himself at loose ends. He tried to deepen his relationship with Countess Elena de Poulignac, who knew better at this time. Elena did, however, offer to buy Iris' house, planning to use it for herself and for artists and dealers who came to town to deal with Gallery 285, the gallery she helped build to showcase Rachel's sculpture. Dennis and Brian liked the idea of Elena's having the house. Brian began to see a lot of Olive Randolph, a client, and titillated her with prospects of introducing her to the social set that included Elena - the Countess! -, the Corys, etc. Olive, from a deprived background, could see only the glamor of the people, rather than the people themselves.

Olive’s therapy with Cal Zimmerman progressed to an impasse when she refused to discuss her relationship with the dead Evan Webster or her marriage to John Randolph, or anything Cal deemed important. He wanted to halt the sessions at Olive's home, but Olive refused to go to the hospital for them, as she was reluctant to run into John's ex-in-laws, Alice Gordon and Russ Matthews. Olive's sister Doris urged her to follow Cal's advice, to no avail.

While Willis Frame was away in Chadwell, on his mysterious trip to think through his feelings for Alice and for Angie Perrini, Alice accepted a dinner date with Cal, which her cousin Susan Shearer instigated, to try to draw Alice out about her problems. Alice learned more about Cal than he did about her. Cal came from a background similar to Willis', but ambition took a different tack with Cal. He learned to channel his drive into productive alleys, but his first marriage suffered. Susan accidentally let the dinner slip to her mother, Liz Matthews, who told Willis, at the first opportunity, that Alice might be interested in someone else. Willis confronted Alice, who reassured him, but their relationship had been shakier than ever since Willis' return, especially when Willis learned Alice was going through with her divorce from Ray Gordon immediately. Liz, after promising Susan she would stay out of things, arranged a dinner party, to which she invited Alice and Cal without telling either the other was coming. Susan, in exasperation after this incident and after learning Liz called her estranged husband, telling him Susan needed him, moved out and found a home with Alice. Actually, Alice was glad of the company. Willis, upon learning Alice's divorce would be final in two months, broke with her, telling her he had just realized his true love was Angie. Alice was hurt and angry, and withdrew from family and friends, humiliated that they were all right about Willis after all.

Angie’s mother, Rose Perrini, had been waging a battle to drive Willis out of Angie's mind by encouraging Willis' brother Vince to see Angie, and vice versa. Angie knew Vince cared for her, and tried to avoid him. Meanwhile, Ada McGowan had learned from Alice about her break-up with Willis. Ada told Alice's father, Jim, for whom Angie worked part-time. Rose became aware that her plan wasn't meeting with great successs, so she went to see Willis, to tell him to stay out of Angie's life. Willis told her about the break-up and his intention to re-win Angie. Rose vowed to stand in his way. But Angie learned of the break-up and found Rose had known about it. She forbade Rose to withhold any more phone calls or to bar the door to Willis. Willis arrived and proposed to Angie, who asked for time to think. She refused to be pushed, unable to get Alice and Willis' past treatment of her out of her mind.

Gwen Parrish and Russ Matthews were engaged to be married. The news had drawn Gwen's mother Leueen to town. Leueen didn’t quite approve of Russ, and when she latched on to Liz, who disapproved of Gwen, Leueen began to plant seeds of discord. Russ was puzzled when Gwen began to ask about his past marriages, especially his most recent one to Sharlene. Russ good-humoredly refused to discuss Sharlene, then got angry when Gwen refused to let it go. - Russ' marriage to Sharlene failed after Russ discovered Sharlene had been a B-girl, information supplied by Willis. Their sex life began to deteriorate, and when neither of them could overcome Sharlene's past, they split. Russ was too much the gentleman to talk about it. - Just as the lovers patched up this rift, Russ asked Gwen to quit her job with Willis, as nobody in his family was on good terms with him after what he did to Alice. Gwen refused; Russ walked out, to Leueen's delight.

Burt McGowan had been offered, tentatively, a job in Detroit. It would be a big step up for him, but his wife Clarice was dragging her heels, having only recently established a good relationship with her father, Charlie Hobson. She didn’t want to leave Bay City until she knew he was settled down with a good woman – Ada -. Clarice was also wary of leaving her friends and going to a totally new place, where she didn't know anybody. Rachel sensed interest in Charlie on Ada's part and put a bug in Charlie's ear. Charlie took Ada to dinner, but Ada forestalled talk of anything deeper than friendship. Charlie, discouraged, took Liz Matthews out, a fact Rachel was happy to reveal to Ada, who was disturbed by the news.

Rachel was pregnant. Mac strangely commented one night that he'd like the baby to be a girl, as he had always wanted a daughter. Rachel was puzzled, as he had a daughter.

Marianne Randolph was in love with Greg Barnard, her father's law partner. Her mother, Pat, objected, telling Marianne the age difference was too great, that she went through a similar marriage with John and found too many situations she was too immature to handle. At Pat's urging, Greg willingly agreed to curtail seeing Marianne. He truthfully told Marianne he was interested in someone else, who turned out to be Pat. When Marianne guessed Greg's interest is in Pat, she was devastated, hiding in the house and not going to classes. Eventually, Pat, John, Mike Randolph, and Greg all became aware of the situation: Greg was interested in Pat, who couldn’t return his admiration. But they realized Marianne's interpretation was wrong and she had to be helped somehow.

Marianne had gotten Eileen Simpson, Dennis' amour, a job in the Randolph law offices. Eileen had led a protected and sheltered life. She had an open relationship with her parents and was reluctant to go against their wishes. However, she found herself attracted to Mike, and accepted dates with him. When Dennis learned of her interest in Mike, he was plunged into deep despair, cutting classes and moping around the loft he shared with Jamie. Rachel was able to learn what happened. She sympathized, telling Dennis it had happened to all of them at one time. Dennis received a postcard from Iris. She was in Paris, but moving along soon. Mike had begun divorce proceedings against Molly, who wouldn’t contest it.

Joey Perrini, Angie’s brother, alone in the fix-it shop, gave himself a tremendous electric shock that knocked him unconscious. Vince returned from making deliveries and found him. Angie happened by, and they rushed Joey to the hospital. Rose blamed Vince for the accident at first, then relented, when she realized Vince saved Joey's life. Angie and Vince grew closer as they waited through the night forword of Joey. He regained consciousness, but Russ insisted he stay in the hospital to ascertain whether there was any heart damage. Willis finally learned what happened and rushed to the hospital. Angie and Rose were in the cafeteria. Vince threw Willis out of the hospital.

Olive began a campaign to attach herself to Brian. First she suggested he move in with her. He refused, gently. She then suggested she could come to his hotel room at any time. The Corys invited Brian to dinner, saying he might bring a date. Brian decided to go alone, but told Olive he could have taken her. Olive faked a scene, saying he didn’t think she was good enough for his friends - part of her campaign -. Rachel was distressed when she heard Brian was seeing Olive. Olive went to California to visit her sons.

Greg tried to convince Marianne to go on with her life, instead of shutting herself away. She agreed, provided she could see him secretly. The first night they had dinner, they ran into Olive and Brian. Marianne demanded they change restaurants. The following day, Marianne told Eileen that she was in love. Eileen admitted she also thought she was in love, but wouldn't say with whom. Having learned Dennis' recent bad mood had been over Eileen, Jamie tried to talk to her, but she ran off.

Alice shut herself off from people so she wouldn’t be hurt again. Leueen and Liz threw Elena and Russ together at a dinner at Liz'.

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

Grant Colman had been concerned about Lisa's dependence on sleeping pills. After she determined that Mary Ellison was not the other woman in Grant's life, Lisa set out to check his female clients. She accidentally stumbled over Grant's concern for Valerie. Ralph Mitchell related Valerie's fear when she suspected someone had been in her house. Unable to reach anyone but the Colmans, Valerie appealed for help when she again felt someone had been in the house. Everyone commented on how well Lisa looked recently. Since she had a purpose she no longer needed sleeping pills. She vowed Grant and Valerie would be sorry.

Valerie found that her imagination was not playing tricks on her when she caught Nick Conway, her ex-husband, in the farmhouse. He claimed the farm had sentimental value for him, but she remembered that he related stories of being dragged to the farm to visit his grandparents. All communication about the farm was to be through her lawyer. Grant told her that if Nick took it to court, there was slight possibility Nick could win.

Lisa told Valerie to call upon Grant and her whenever she needed help, and then made sure Grant knew of every meeting between Nick and Valerie. Because he had chosen not to hurt Lisa by ending his marriage, he knew he had to live with this situation.

Betsy Stewart had recovered physically from her ordeal, and Kim agreed to take her on a vacation while she tried to learn to live with the knowledge that her "Uncle" Dan was really her father. She had become good friends with Dr. Alexander Keith during her hospital stay and called him just to chat while she was away.

Beacuse they were short on vascular surgeons Dan was assigned to assist Dr. Forest. During surgery, Dr. Forest had a heart attack and dropped a clamp. The patient died and Dan blamed himself, even though everyone said the old man had no chance without surgery and very little with it. Alex assigned the next operation to another surgeon, but then thought better of it. Dan refused to agree that he needed to operate for his own self-confidence. He told Alex to stay out of his professional and personal life.

Jay Stallings had not been successful in clearing up his debts and, after getting a job with Fred McGill, finally appealed to Chris Hughes for help in getting his creditors to agree to installments. Dee Stewart felt sorry for Jay when he had to close his office. She began seeing him, much to her mother's dismay. Dee and Tom Hughes seemed to be the only ones who believed Jay didn't force himself on Melinda Gray as she testified at his trial.

Natalie Hughes sent a note from New York, telling Jay and Carol she had a baby girl on January 20th. Jay asked Chris to find out where the baby was without letting Carol know. Jay concluded that the baby might not be his since Natalie listed the father as unknown. Carol felt responsible since she talked Natalie into having the baby and thought Natalie had not named the father so that adoption would be easier.

Kevin and Sandy Thompson continued to run into Susan Stewart in restaurants and at the hospital. Kevin was still trying to burn the candle at both ends, convincing Sandy that Susan was still on his mind. She decided to fight fire with fire by not turning down the attentions of other men at the next party they attended. Kevin was furious when he found her having a drink with a man he considered a wolf. They argued on the way home and came to the conclusion that it all boiled down to Susan. In the heat of the argument, they agreed to a divorce. Always a fast driver, Kevin was worse when he was mad, and at this point the car swerved and an accident occured. Kevin escaped with only a few scratches, but Sandy's condition was serious. She had a lacerated liver which Alex watched closely after the surgery. They were concerned about her badly injured foot also. Sandy refused to see Kevin.

Joyce Colman Hughes was inventing remodeling jobs so that she could remain in Oakdale to continue her affair with Ralph Mitchell, rather than join Donald in Switzerland. Laurie Keaton, Ralph's secretary, told Mary Ellison that she suspected Ralph was seeing Joyce, and if she still had any feelings for Ralph, she had better make them known. Joyce tried to pry information from Mary, thinking Ralph was cheating on her when he broke several dates.

Ralph visited Mary, who brokes into tears when he couldn’t deny that he was seeing Joyce. John Dixon arrived to soothe Mary. She explained that she still loved Ralph, but wasn’t sure how he felt about her. John said he understood that Mary only wanted to be friends with him, and so to show that friendship, he would ask Ralph about his intentions. While in Ralph's office John called Mary and had her repeat into the phone that she did ask John to make this visit and then told Ralph that it was Mary's wish that he stay away from her.

Karen Parker – Peters – returned to Oakdale with Bob Hughes because her former fiance, DA Walter Vested, had agreed to try to find other means to uncover whatever illegal doings Karen's father was accidentally mixed up in. Karen had decided to protect his name by not turning over the secret file her father gave her with his dying breath. Walter was followed when he visited Karen in Oakdale to ask her to give it to him unofficially. A call informed Vested that time had run out and if he didn’t get that file in short order, Karen would have to be taken care of permanently, and they knew where she was staying. Walter pleaded with Bob to side with him, but Bob felt he had to respect Karen's judgment.

Bob wanted to be in Boston when an old instructor had heart surgery, but disliked leaving Karen. The Hugheses suggested that she stay with them so that Bob wouldn’t worry. Walter urged her to return to Winterbrook so that he could protect her. Karen considered these possibilities as well as going to a secluded resort she had visited with her parents, and decided to stay with the Hugheses. When Walter heard of this arrangement, he told his mysterious caller that he needed something to frighten Karen into returning to Winterbrook. Upon returning from the airport Karen found her luggage had been searched. She told Chris she wasn't ready, but would come to the house soon. Karen left the Spencer, where a man had been following her since she took Bob to the airport. When Karen didn't arrive, Chris and Nancy called the Spencer to learn she left some time ago.

Annie’s telling Beau that she was willing to give up anything because she loved him so much made Beau decide to sacrifice his future as a lawyer so that she could return to medical school. Jane refused Beau a loan to see him through until the next bar exam, hoping this would force him to come into the family hotel business. Jane used innuendo to make Annie uncomfortable and to cause trouble between Beau and Annie. Melinda Gray, Jane's new secretary, also saw her opportunity in Beau.

Jane and Beau had an argument when she insisted on taking an office at the Spencer. Beau said she asked him to take over the business and he couldn't if she thought she was going to make the decisions. Jane agreed, but told Dick Martin that Beau had shown himself incapable by failing the bar exam twice and making several mistakes at the hotel. Beau confessed to Dick that he wasn't happy, but loved Annie so much that he wanted to make this sacrifice.

Lisa had continued to make Grant and Valerie uncomfortable by claiming she was Valerie's friend. She took Grant to Jane Spencer's party for Nick Conway and then said she was only curious about the man. Grant said he cared very much for Valerie, who asked him to prove it. Grant didn't get the opportunity to say anything to Lisa because she said she wouldn't know what she would do if Grant were unfaithful to her, as Nick obviously was to Valerie.

Valerie intened to give in to Nick's demands and sold her portion of the farm to pay her debts and then leave Oakdale, pleasing Lisa. Grant persuaded Valerie that this could be disasterous.

Joyce told Ralph that she thought she was pregnant and this would be his baby. She did not want to see a doctor in town and would not go to any doctor for a few days. She wanted Ralph to stand by her through this by marrying her. He reminded her that this was strictly an affair of passion in which they both agreed that love would have no part. He said that any child born to parents who did not love him would not benefit. Nancy Hughes found Joyce distraught and could see the change when Ralph Mitchell dropped by to tell her about their new neighbors. Nancy said she felt terrible for suggesting this, but she thought something was going on between Joyce and Ralph. Chris agreed that it would not help to bring Don back from Switzerland at the moment.

Kim had returned to Oakdale with Betsy, who was suffering from a hearing problem. Kim had thought it would go away, but the closer they got to home the worse it got. Dan had a specialist check her out, but it was only Alex Keith who could calm Betsy enough to see him. The doctor said there was no physical reason for her deafness, and they should see Dr. Devan, a psychiatrist, for treatment of possible hysterical deafness. Again it was Alex who got Betsy to trust Dr. Devan. Kim asked Alex not to help Betsy so that she would go to Dan, but Dan was willing to take help from anyone who could help Betsy.

Days of our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Julie Williams had been indicted for the murder of Larry Atwood. The evidence against her was strong: her dress with Atwood's blood on it, the murder weapon found in her apartment, a note from Jeri Clayton accusing Julie of having an affair with Atwood, Amanda Peters' admission she saw Julie running from Atwood's studio the night of the murder. -  Atwood wanted to put gambling in the rooms behind Doug's Place. Doug refused and soon found himself in the midst of a hassle about his liquor license, which was revoked. His wife Julie bought the club. Atwood was always thereto offer advice and help Julie solve problems, when Doug took out-of-town jobs. Atwood told Julie he could get Doug's license for him, if Julie would become his mistress. Julie refused, but visited Atwood to try to gain his cooperation out of friendship. Atwood mistook her intentions; then when Julie refused to cooperate willingly, he raped her. Julie told Doug finally, when Jeri's note arrived, and Doug went hunting for Atwood. Julie went to the studio to warn Atwood, to protect Doug, and found Atwood dead. Julie had since told her lawyer, her uncle Mickey Horton, about the rape. Mickey had cautioned Julie not to tell anyone else, as it would give the prosecution a perfect motive for her killing Atwood. –

Julie was out on bail. But Doug's and her problems were compounded by his sudden impotency. Since Julie was able to give herself to him, Doug was unable to respond, bringing additional tensions to bear on Julie. Mickey sensed what was going on when he visited Julie to prepare her for the preliminary hearing, so he asked psychiatrist Laura Horton to visit Julie, to try to help. Julie was reluctant to talk to Laura, insisting Mickey cautioned her not to talk to anyone. After Laura assured Julie it would be strictly confidential, Julie revealed the whole story. Doug, meanwhile, was tortured by his inadequacy, feeling he was letting Julie down horribly. Doug paid a visit to Laura, asking for advice. Laura assured Doug his impotency was only temporary, that it would probably disappear as soon as he dealt with his anger. Doug revealed his deep anger at Atwood, and felt angry at himself for taking out-of-town jobs, instead of staying with Julie. When Laura suggested he might also be angry with Julie, Doug denied it vehemently, but Laura was skeptical.

Meanwhile, Julie’s son, David Banning, whose wife Trish had taken their son and left him, received a letter from a "fan" of Trish's. He called Julie, who came over to try to help David gain some insight from the letter. Jeri arrived to check on David, her son-in-law. The two women went at each other, Jeri accusing Julie of having an affair with Atwood; Julie denying it vehemently. Jeri left. David turned the letter over to McManis, the private detective he had hired to try to find Trish and Timmy. The letter was unsigned, so they went through people Trish might have known, coming up with Arlo Roberts, a bus-boy at Doug's Place, who was fired by Julie and who secretly worked for Atwood. - When Arlo was fired, he went to Atwood and asked for more to do in the Organization. When Atwood refused, saying he couldn't trust him, Arlo threatened to blow the works. Atwood had Arlo beaten up. –

Jeri, at Atwood’s death, lost a singing job and a lover. She had also lost Trish. David decided to dispose of Trish's things and invited Jeri to help him. They fought about Julie. Jeri felt ostracized because of her insistence that Julie and Atwood were having an affair. Unable to deal with her feelings of loneliness, Jeri attempted suicide. As she got weaker, she called her lawyer, Don Craig. Don's service called him with a strange message: "You might as well say I did it .. . headlines in tomorrow's paper." Don was confounded by the message, but when other possibilities didn’t pan out, he and fiance, psychiatrist Marlena Evans, tried Jeri. They got to her just in time. Laura got Jeri to see that she was trying to hurt Trish and others by killing herself, when all she was really doing was hurting herself. Jeri denied anything to do with Atwood's murder to Lt. Harry Danton and Mickey.

David found a note from Arlo in one of Trish's pockets. He gave it to Mickey to look at. Mickey asked Julie about Arlo. She recalled he was not a good worker. It then occured to her that a lot of her troubles in running Doug's Place began after Arlo started to work there. Mickey asked if Arlo could have been tied to Atwood. Julie didn’t know. Mickey then asked Julie to buck up, pointing out he could refute testimony that Atwood was an upstanding citizen. He had been checking into Atwood's background. Mickey figured Atwood failed the people he fronted for when he failed to get gambling into Doug's Place, and opened the Pines, where he didn't have gambling either. Mickey then felt that if that tack failed, he could get to Jeri on cross-examination. He reminded Julie that she couldn’t be convicted of Murder I if there was any doubt of her guilt.

Don Craig was being blackmailed by Lorraine Temple, a woman he lived with for a month, 14 years ago, until he found out she was sleeping around for money. Lorraine claimed to have Don's thirteen year old daughter, and she wanted $50,000, to keep quiet so his campaign for state senator wouldn’t be ruined. Don had adamantly refused to pay, refusing to believe her daughter was his. Marlena backed Don, but she was concerned about the effects of all this on the daughter, whom Lorraine had brought to Salem. When Don refused to pay again, Lorraine went to Arleen Harris, the gossipy newswoman, who had written other things in a way that had damaged Don's campaign. Arleen was delighted to print the story about Don's abandoning Lorraine. Lorraine then hired a lawyer to file a paternity suit against Don.

Right before the election, on a final interview show, Arleen kept bringing up Lorraine and Donna, simultaneously denying Don the opportunity to give his side. After the show, Don told campaign manager Jim Bradley that he wanted to withdraw from the election. Jim told him it was too late. Meanwhile, Lorraine's lawyer, Mr. White, dropped by her hotel room to discuss something with her. He found Donna alone. Donna talked freely, assuming White was in on the "scam." She told him her father was an Air Force pilot who was shot down in Vietnam; that she dyed her hair for this "scam"; that she spent a lot of time at all-night movies when Lorraine entertained male visitors, etc. White made an appointment with Lorraine for the following morning. He first showed her Donna's birth certificate. Donna was born in February; Lorraine claimed to have lived with Don during February and March the preceding year. Lorraine tried to cover, but White wouldn't bite. He told her of his conversation with Donna, and dropped the case. When Lorraine returned to the hotel, Donna wasn’t there. She received a call from juvenile authorities: Donna had been picked up for shoplifting. Lorraine said she would be right there, but instead called a "friend" in Dallas and persuaded him to send her a plane ticket. She left the hotel, leaving everything behind so she wouldn't have to pay the bill.

Mary Anderson couldn’t stand the idea that her father Bob was marrying Linda Phillips. But Mary agreed to be Maid of Honor for Linda. Chris Kostichek, Mary's lover and Bob's protege at Anderson Manufacturing, urged Mary not to make waves, pointing out Bob loved Linda and she had no right to interfere. Mary gave in and had the happy couple over to dinner. After dinner, Bob had a dizzy spell. Mary called step-father Neil Curtis, who examined Bob. Neil found Bob's BP was elevated, but felt it was just a touch of flu. Neil dropped by Linda's apartment that night to reassure her. Later, Neil dropped by again, after visiting Bob at home, and was invited by Linda to stay and eat. Neil and Linda understood each other, one having married Anderson money and power, the other about to. Neil dropped by a third time, to suggest Linda make sure Bob see Tom Horton for another EGK.

Bob was late for the wedding rehearsal. When he arrived, he revealed that his best man couldn’t serve. He tried other friends, to no avail. Bob asked Chris, who accepted. Linda was furious, suggesting in a veiled way that Chris wasn't good enough to be best man at her elaborate society wedding. Bob was glad he asked Chris, so Linda dropped it. Mary and Melissa, Linda's daughter, hit it off well. Tom examined Bob, and as he was going over the EGK, Neil dropped in. Tom showed him the strip. Bob was concerned when he saw two doctors discussing it. Tom pointed out there has been a change and urged Bob to take it easier, work shorter days, eat less, put himself under less stress. Bob didn’t take the advice well.

Tom’s tests confirmed that Margo Anderman had leukemia. With Mike's help, he hospitalized her for chemotherapy and blood transfusions. Tom located Margo's mother, who arrived for a visit. The woman was too wrapped up in her own life to afford Margo much comfort, a job willingly accepted by Mike and Alice. Margo went into temporary remission and was sent home.

Neil received another call from Dominic, Atwood's former right-hand man. Having already taken Neil's expensive watch on account for the $9000 Neil owed Atwood, Dominic wanted more money. When Mickey dropped by to ask if Neil knew about Atwood's being a professional gambler, Neil denied any knowledge of it.

Neil told Mickey that he thought Arlo had been professionally beaten up when he hospitalized him some months ago. When Dominic visited him again, at his office, Neil called his bluff - Dominic hadn't told the police about Neil's debt to Atwood, hoping to get the money for himself -, by telling Dominic he knew about Atwood's safe and the large amount of money that was there just before Atwood was killed.

Don’s state senatorial campaign bit the dust when a story appeared that Donna had been picked up for shoplifting and Lorraine had left town. Donna was being housed at the Family Crisis Center.

Bob and Linda were married in a traditional formal ceremony. After a reception at Doug's Place, the newlyweds left for a European honeymoon.

The Doctors

Written by: Mel & Ethel Brez / Linda Grover

Produced by: Chuck Weiss

Greta Powers, living in a fantasy world, thinking Billy Aldrich would marry her because she was carrying his child, refused to have an abortion. Her parents, Matt and Maggie Powers, had agreed to back any decision Greta made, but both realized she was not being realistic about the baby. Matt continued to blame Billy for Greta's predicament, although he realized it took two. The problems between Billy and Greta were interfering in the close friendship between the Powerses' and the Aldriches'. Steve felt Billy wasn't accepting his responsibility for Greta's condition. Billy honestly told Steve that he didn’t love Greta and that he wouldn’t marry her and ruin his future. Billy planned to become a doctor. At 19, he knew he had many years of study and work ahead of him that would be hard enough without a wife and child. Steve, recalling his disastrous marriage to Karen, whom he married out of a sense of duty, told Billy he would back him. The two families decided to meet to discuss the situation. Before the meeting, Greta confronted Billy about marriage again, finally hearing from him that he didn’t love her and had no intention of marrying her. Billy reiterated his threat: no abortion, no relationship.

The meeting was disastrous, both sets of parents talking about the kids as though they weren't there. When Carolee realized the effect on the kids, she walked out, feeling nothing productive would be accomplished. However, neither family wanted the rift to remain, but the first steps towards resuming the friendship were taken by the women. Maggie asked Greta about a gynecologist. Greta lashed out, telling Maggie that she never consulted her about anything else, why asking her then? Maggie was stunned, having tried to contact Greta on an adult level. Maggie made the appointment. When Greta left the room, Matt suggested they also have Greta see a psychiatrist, as it was becoming increasingly evident that she was living in a fantasy world. At the doctor's office, Greta met a woman who was pregnant with her third child. The woman naturally told Greta about her first baby: the sleepless nights, diapers, the time and attention a baby demands. Greta seemed affected.

MJ Carrol and the Dancys decided to have a double funeral for Tom and Virginia, both casualties in the disastrous fire that destroyed Andre's restaurant, owned by Doreen Aldrich and managed by Luke Dancy. Nola Aldrich felt guilty about the hard times she felt she gave her mother, recalling the times she snubbed Virginia to be with "better" people. She felt unable to attend the funeral, but husband Jason and mother-in-law Mona Croft managed to get her thereafter Jason gave her another tranquilizer. Barney gave an eloquent eulogy to his wife and Tom. The survivors had to face getting on with their lives. MJ, married only a short time to Tom, regretted their lack of time together. She virtually locked herself in her apartment, refusing to go out. Her sister was there from Vermont and urged MJ to let her take little Ricky, her nephew whose parents were killed in an auto accident, and for whom MJ promised to care forever, back to Vermont with her. Ricky and his parents used to live there and Ricky would have old friends and lots of cousins and relatives to care for him, a more normal environment than MJ could then provide, as she had to work. After agonizing for many days, MJ gave in to her sister, realizing letting go was best for Ricky. But it still took time for her to get herself back to work as a member of Colin Wakefield's staff.

Luke had had Andre's rewired recently by an unlicensed electrician. Luke blamed himself for the fire and his mother's death. Brother-in-law Jason Aldrich told Luke that neither he nor anybody else really knew what started the fire and to keep quiet until the authorities had investigated. Doreen Aldrich, Jason's ex-wife, had filed an insurance claim for her losses at Andre's. She felt it would be settled immediately, and was stunned when the claims adjuster told her there would be no settlement until the insurance company, the fire department, and the police department were finished with their investigations. Doreen had planned to use the insurance money to buy another restaurant near the hospital. She asked Luke to remain her partner in the new venture and asked Barney to be the bartender. When both agreed, she went to Jason and asked him for the $100,000 she would need to buy the place. Meanwhile, Jason asked Luke if the electrician, Leon Matthews, gave him an inspection certificate before Luke reopened Andre's. Luke didn’t have the certificate, but was sure Matthews had it. Burt, Matthews' assistant, under his boss' orders, pretended not to know anything about it, leading everyone to believe Matthews never called the inspector. Matthews later admitted to Burt that the wiring wouldn't have passed inspection, and suggested he and Burt get out of town for a while. Although told to stay out of it, Barney used an assumed name and tried to learn more about Matthews' practices at the source, but was found out. Jason was checking with the Better Business Bureau and other sources about Matthews' past performance.

Sara Dancy was engaged to Mike Powers, who suggested she might recover from her grief over her mother sooner if they married sooner. Sara was reluctant. The fly in the ointment of her happiness with Mike was Dr. Colin Wakefield, with whom she had an affair in Africa when she was with the Peace Corps. Sara left him when she found out he was married and had a child. She had since learned the child died after a tragic fire. Colin wanted Sara back, telling her that what they shared in Africa was so special and rare that it came only once in a lifetime. Sara reiterated her stand: she would have nothing to do with a married man. Colin finally told Sara that his wife was dead. She died in the same fire that killed his daughter. He suggested they resume their relationship as nothing stood between them. Sara pointed out that she was engaged, and that he had never mentioned love! Sara was, however, confused, as she admitted to sister Nola. Nola felt Colin and Sarah belonged together. But Sara wanted the solidity and security of marriage to Mike, although Colin excited her more. Nola met with Colin and promised to help him with Sara. Sara gave in to an invitation to Colin's apartment for a drink.

Nola was still not dealing well with Virginia's death and got drunk and ùade a fool of herself with one of the social committees she wanted so badly to join. Mona tried to warn Jason.

Jason agreed to give Doreen the money for her new restaurant, The Medicine Man, telling her that it was a loan until the insurance money came through; however, if she couldn’t repay the loan, his money became an investment. She agreed. Nola hated the whole idea.

Sara ended up spending the night with Colin. Colin and Mike engaged in a professional squabble over placement of cardiac patients from the emergency room. Sara turned down a date with Mike and Michael Paul, saying she was not cheerful enough to be around the little boy.

MJ continued to deny her grief. She returned to work in the cardiac critical care unit. When the signal for a cardiac arrest went off, she froze, recalling Tom's death.

Carolee dropped by to see Maggie and Greta. Trying to sort responsibilities, Carolee asked who would care for Greta's baby. Maggie said she and Matt would assume some of the responsibility. Carolee asked if that was fair, upsetting Maggie.

The Edge of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

Kevin Jamison, having decided that the Crime Commission on which he served was a farce, called newspaper reporters to the meeting and publicly condemned the commission for allowing conflicts of interest in its members and for not investigating white-collar crime. The Commission then went into closed session and voted to remove Kevin for disrupting "the unity and effectiveness of the Crime Commission." The motion was made by Alan Demler and seconded by George Monks, two of the men against whom Kevin had evidence. Kevin arrived home dispirited, knowing that his wife Raven would be furious.

Tony Saxon and his new wife, Geraldine Whitney Saxon, were surprised when they learned what Kevin had done. Geraldine told Kevin it was a foolish gesture and she wanted Tony to use his influence in city government to have Kevin reinstated. Kevin rejected the idea immediately. - Geraldine felt that Kevin was like a son to her. She did not know that Tony had a number of shady dealings with Demler and Monks. Kevin knew of the relationship through the information supplied to him by Logan Swift, Steve Guthrie, and Mike Carr, who had been investigating Saxon's business dealings. –

Both of the local newspapers support Kevin's actions in their editorials, speaking of his "refreshing morality"; they reported the charges he made on page one. Tony said that Kevin had become an "instant hero," which seemed to be true when the editorial praise was followed by a letter from James Brandon, the head of the party, suggesting that Kevin meet with him for lunch. Geraldine, having had a great deal of experience in a political family, realized the importance of the invitation for Kevin's political career and urged him to contact Brandon immediately. Brandon was considering supporting Kevin in the upcoming Congressional election, a possibility which thrilled Geraldine and Raven.

Raven was anxious to tell Kevin that she was pregnant and due in November; she felt that a baby could only help Kevin's chances. Geraldine quieted her immediately by telling her that the news would destroy Kevin since the baby couldn’t possibly be his. Kevin was sterile. Raven was sure Kevin would have told her if that were true, and Geraldine explained that she felt it was an "unnecessary disclosure" and that she persuaded Kevin to keep silent. Saying, "We can safely rule out Immaculate Conception, particularly in your case," she demanded that Raven say nothing to Kevin about the pregnancy. Instead she insisted that Raven plan a trip to New York, where she was to have an abortion. Raven agreed and told Kevin she wanted to go to New York to see some old friends and to do some shopping.

Raven went to see Logan Swift to tell him that she was pregnant with his child. Before they could talk they were interrupted by Logan's date, Winter Austin. Winter was aware that Logan was upset and distracted, and she guessed that he and Raven, whom she immediately disliked, had had an affair. Logan, who had tried to avoid Raven since her marriage, telephoned her and accused her of lying, saying they had not been together for over two months. The conversation was abruptly ended when Raven had to leave to catch her flight to New York.

Tony’s daughter, Deborah, was continuing her course at the Police Academy where she had been placed in an accelerated program. She was dating Tony's assistant, Raney Cooper, who had fallen in love with her. When Chip Beemer, a young ex-con Raney hired to do some of Saxon's dirty work, suggestsedthat Raney was dating Deborah to gain more control of Saxon's business, Raney threatened to kill him if he ever even mentioned Deborah's name. Chip apologized and then went on to say that when he was in prison he heard about some of Tony's dealings that even Raney didn’t know about.

Logan Swift was best man and Raven Jamison matron-of-honor at April Cavanaugh's marriage to Draper Scott. It was a beautiful chapel wedding, and even the presence of Denise Cavanaugh, April's sister-in-law, did not marr the proceedings. - Miles Cavanaugh had told his wife Denise that he wanted a divorce. - Moved by the wedding, Miles told Nicole Drake how much he loved her. She also loved him but refused to discuss marriage while he was still married to Denise.

Using the name Dorothy Cartwright, Denise rented a room overlooking Nicole's patio. From this vantage point she watched Nicole, looking for a way to hurt her romance with Miles. Denise photographed Nicole when she gave Ben Everett, her boss on the news, a friendly kiss and she sent it by special delivery to Miles. Miles was concerned only by the possibility that someone was spying on Nicole.

While Timmy Faraday, the Karrs’ soon-to-be adopted son, was babysitting for Nicole's baby Adam, he saw a black-taped woman outside the patio window. He was frightened, particularly by the thought that he was going crazy and would be institutionalized like his mother. When he insists on going back a second time, Nancy Karr accompanied him. Again he saw the woman, but this time Nancy searched the patio and found a scarf with the initials D M C on it. She showed it to Miles and Nicole when they returned home and Miles immediately recognized it as one he gave to Denise. Realizing it was Denise who had been spying on Nicole, he found her in her rented room and confronts her with the evidence. Miles told her that their separation arrangement was cancelled because of her evil activities.

Denise, in severe pain from one of her recurring headaches, wanted to have her prescription for Venetrol renewed. Miles refused and her father had already said no, claiming the drug was too dangerous. Denise called Carole Barclay, a fellow nurse at the Claremont Hospital where Denise worked, and asked her to search her locker for her old prescription. Carole left her rather difficult patient, Mrs. Chase, in order to look. She couldn’t find the prescription but she did find a scrap of paper with Charlie Richmond's address on it.

When she called Denise, she asked about it and Denise abruptly told her to leave her alone, that she was in pain. A few minutes later Denise called back to apologize and to tell Carole that she had Charlie's address in order to send his widow condolences. – As a nurse at the Claremont, Denise ignored the call button of one of Miles' patients, a woman of whom she was jealous. When the woman died Charlie was fired for allowing faulty wiring when in fact Denise had cut the wires as an alibi for why she did not answer the call. When Charlie refused Denise's bribe she slipped Venetrol into his coffee, killing him. The police knew Charlie died of an overdose of Venetrol, but until then only April Cavanaugh knew of Denise's connection with Charlie. –

Carole was suspicious of Denise's story and she told April about the scrap of paper. April decided it was time to confront Miles with what she knew. Miles was incredulous, saying that it was "unthinkable."

Denise, in great pain and without medication, called her father for help. She told him that she had lost Miles. He insisted that she return to the Claremont for a full examination. He found that she was very run down but Denise wanted him to make the tests appear that she was dying.

Miles saw Denise at her request and examined the test results she showed him. She pleaded with him not to leave her alone at a time like this, but to stay with her until the end. Miles was upset when Denise mentioned that her dying made a divorce unnecessary.

April told Miles that Denise would do anything to keep him; she wanted Miles to remain in Monticello. Miles told her he had to return to Denise since he couldn’t ignore what might be her last demand.

Logan flew to New York to see Raven who, having just returned from the doctor, told him she was too late for an abortion.

Demler and Monks had resigned from the crime commission following their move to unseat Kevin who had suggested Mike Karr as the new chairman.

For Richer, For Poorer

Written by: Tom King

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Paco called Bill Saxton and asked him to hurry to the hideout so that Megan Cushing could he saved. To clear the hideout he claimed the police were moving in. Bill overpowered Turk and R.C. and tied them up to await the police. They freed themselves with a concealed knife and used Megan to work themselves to the doorway, as the police arrived. Shots were heard as Paco ran out after Turk and R.C. Turk and Paco were shot, but R.C. managed to escape. Megan and Bill contended that Paco was trying to stop Turk. Sgt. Demico said the officers had no way of knowing.

Ellie was with Connie when Bill rushed out to Megan's aid. Connie became hysterical, finally locking herself in the bedroom. Ellie asked Lee Ferguson, Connie's brother, to help calm her. Connie was not only concerned that Bill could be in danger, but was afraid that Megan would tell Bill that she left a message with Connie that she was meeting a witness in the Donny Quinn case and wanted Bill to meet her at the coffee shop. She contended that her anxiety was strictly for Bill's safety.

Once Paco was out of surgery at City General, Megan had him moved to Point Clair Memorial where he could be taken care of by the family doctors. The family was frightened when Megan disappeared again. She was at the hospital waiting for word on Paco's condition. She was found there by Bill and Stan Hillman, who had come to give blood for Paco.

Megan became fretful when Sgt. Demico asked her to describe any of the other members of the Savage Avengers she saw while held captive. She had tried to block the whole incident from her mind. Her only objective at the moment was to see that Paco, Estaban Morales, got the best possible medical care and the charges against him were dropped. She had felt all along that Paco was looking for a way out of the gang. After the sergeant left, a vision of R.C. appeared before her in the hall, frightening Megan into screaming. Amy rushed in and became worried when Megan explained that R.C. disappeared before her very eyes. Amy told Austin that she didn't think Megan should be left alone. Austin agreed, but wouldn't let Amy give up her appointment to have new photos taken for her modeling portfolio, since she had decided to get back into the business. Just before Austin arrived, agent Claire told Amy that this was a session for a fashion spread in one of the top magazines. When the photos came back, she had to admit that they were very good. Claire's best model was won over by a competitor, but she was sure that Amy could be as good or better.

Tessa Saxton had been dating Lee Ferguson on the sly because she knew her parents would disapprove. Bentley got wind of this and confronted his new boss on Tessa's behalf. Lee said he had seen Tessa occasionally, but she was dating someone named Clark from school and spent her time talking about him. She met Lee one evening at the garage and was rushed out when they heard a noise that Lee said was probably a drunk looking for a place to sleep. He returned to his office to find R.C. Lee gave him cash to get out of town and R.C. vowed that he would take care of Paco for turning the police on Turk. Feeling she had too little freedom at home, Tessa asked Josie if she could have an apartment near campus. Josie explained that Lester was out of work for quite a time and they were trying to pay off debts. An apartment of her own was an impossibility until after graduation. Lester was matching every dollar that Bentley saved for his return to college this summer.

Bill asked his brother-in-law, George Kimball, to represent Paco and visited Paco hoping to cheer him up. Austin and Amy took Megan to see Paco and while there, she reacted violently when she saw R.C. They thought she might be imagining this again, until she reported that he went down the hall toward Paco's room. On the slight chance that it might not have been a hallucination, Bill and Austin rushed to his room and found R.C. trying to suffocate Paco, while the police officer was at the nurses' station confirming Megan's visit. Paco's condition was touch and go for a while, but excellent care tipped the balance in his favor.

Sgt. Demino couldn’t give R.C. immunity, but said any cooperation would be in his favor. R.C. gave the gang name for members and then said the kidnapping was Paco's idea because he helped Turk kill Donny Quinn. Sgt. Demico hinted to Kimball that getting the charges dismissed against Paco might not be as simple as he thought. Roger advised George that Megan wanted the reward Edith offered to go to Paco.

Megan mentionned her call to Bill to Amy and added she was surprised that he didn't meet her. She left the message with Connie, and when she called again, the line was busy. Amy confronted Connie who became defiant, saying the kidnapping had upset Megan so that she couldn’t remember details. Amy said that the truth would come out.

Viola Brewster had told Higgins, the detective she hired to follow Laurie, that she needed some real evidence against Jason Saxton. Higgins didn't want to get mixed up in blackmail, but Viola assured him that she only intended to take this to dear friends who would see that he lost his job. Laurie and Jason saw Higgins in the hall, at a restaurant, and then at Cushing and Sons with Barbara Manners. Barbara told Jason that he said he was running a credit check on Jason. Learning that he was a detective, Laurie was sure that Desmond became suspicious and hired him. She told Viola who couldn’t admit that she was the one. Desmond thought that Viola was causing the tension and suggested that they go ahead with looking for a house of their own. Higgins followed them to Jason's apartment, where he entered quietly and photographed them embracing. Laurie's reaction was to stay with Jason as she thought Desmond knew and went ahead with a divorce. Knowing that this was wrong, Jason phoned Viola for help. Laurie then felt that no one wanted her and asked to stay at the Cushings'. Viola explained that they had an argument and Desmond was unable to get Laurie to go home. He couldn't understand why she was mad at him. Laurie was frustrated when Desmond acted as if he knew nothing.

Connie had tried to keep Bill by her side to insure that he would not learn of Megan's call on the night she was kidnapped. Connie faked a respiratory difficulty with Billy to get Bill out of the Cushing house. She said she called Dr. Miller and the baby was fine then. The following day Bill ran into Dr. Miller and learned that Connie had not called her the night before and mentioned no problem when she brought Billy in for his regular checkup.

Megan told George that Paco seemed surprised to see her at the hideout, making her sure that he knew nothing about it before hand. She and Bill were willing to testify for Paco even though he would not say anything against the gang in his own behalf.

Viola confronted Jason and agreed to remain silent if he would give up Laurie. If not, she would be forced to show the photos. She confessesd her part to Laurie, who couldn't admit that Jason would put his career ahead of her. She made up with Desmond and he felt the best thing was to push for their own house so that Laurie was away from Viola. Roger admonished Viola for her interference. Viola insisted that she wanted to make amends by giving Laurie and Desmond her home even though Roger said a financial setback could ruin her.

General Hospital

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Gloria Monty

Dr. Lesley Webber learned about Monica's involvement with Dr. Gail Adamson's late husband from Gail, and she and Rick disagreed about Gail's refusal to listen to Monica's side. She was angered that Rick had invited Monica to a dinner they were hosting for purchasing agents of Hauser Chemical and just then her daughter Laura came in three hours late. Lesley and Rick demanded to know where she was, and to cover up the affair she had been having with David Hamilton, she gave them money out of the advance David had given her for posing for him, saying she had been working for a teacher after school in secret so that she could pay back some money she took from Lesley's household funds when she ran off to Buffalo.

Monica Webber learned at the meeting that large pieces of critically situated land were unavailable for purchase, having been acquired by phone transactions by a man calling himself William Slattery, representing a "Port Charles Development Company." After she accepted an engagement ring from Alan Quartermaine, he left town to go to New York and she tried to get in touch with him, believing that David Hamilton might very well be Slattery.

Laura was suspicious of David when she cleared up some dishes in his apartment and found a lipstick stained wineglass - Monica's - and did not accept his story that he spent the previous evening with Cates and took the phone off the hook so they wouldn't be disturbed. Mr. Cates covered for David but Laura waited in a hallway and saw David leave for dinner again that evening with Monica.

Dan Rooney reported that he was on to some good leads in the stock manipulation of Corbin Limited but was told by Lamont to hold off on the investigation. Corbin insisted that if they exposed the man responsible, they would lose out on their trump card, the money he had deposited in Dr. Mark Dante's account, to make it seem that Mark was involved. Corbin made it clear to Rooney that it was more important to him to ruin Mark than to avoid jeopardizing his business empire.

Dr. Steve Hardy met with Mark and learned about his involvement with Katie and the divorce she was seeking from Corbin. He endeavored to explain Mark's position with regard to turning over Corbin's outpatient treatment to another doctor, but the board insisted that he try to talk Mark into continuing in accordance with Corbin's expressed wishes and he began to get some idea of Corbin's manipulations when he learned that the board had made Corbin an honorary member.

After talking things over with his brother Howard, Dr. Gary Lansing met with Lamont Corbin and turned down the grant he had just been awarded from Corbin Ltd. However, when Gary saw Steve Hardy to accept his offer of a permanent position on the staff of General Hospital, which he had previously stalled on, Steve had to tell him that while he was away at a medical convention in Chicago, his administrative replacement had filled the post.

Against Mark’s strong objections, Katie met with Lamont to discuss disposition of some property and Lamont told her that he had information that Dante killed a man in Boston in a fit of rage. Katie was unmoved, saying she knew of the incident; that the man tried to rob Mark's father's store and his father was killed. Mark was a young Golden Gloves champion and the beating was considered assault with a deadly weapon. Corbin went on to tell Katie that Mark had an affair while his wife, the daughter of the judge who took an interest in Mark, was institutionalized. Finally, he told Katie that Dorrie Fleming was seeing Mark at the same time Katie was, before Lamont's surgery, and that Rooney had been following Mark and had records to substantiate a number of meetings. - There was only one episode, the night preceeding Corbin's surgery. Corbin ordered Rooney to add to his notes to strengthen his case against Mark. - Katie burst into Mark's office afterwards, to find him talking with Dorrie, but she went on to tell him all that Corbin said. Mark talked over with her his situation with his late wife Mary Ellen, and the truth about Dorrie and himself. Katie told him this was an example of what Corbin was prepared to do and emphasized that Howard Lansing had to know, so he could deal with Corbin as her lawyer.

After Baby P.J.’s crisis and recovery from pneumonia, Diana Taylor took a leave of absence from the hospital upon the baby's dismissal, determined to care for him herself until her mother could move in with the Taylors. Peter finally told Diana that her excessive concern was turning their home into an intensive care unit and begged her to move out of the nursery where she had been keeping constant vigil and return to their bedroom. Diana replied that P.J. still had congestion in his lungs and that she was not in need of therapy from her psychiatrist husband.

David Hamilton managed to talk his way out of a confrontation with Laura, telling her that Cates cancelled his meeting at the last minute and that he ran into Monica and decided to have a bit to eat with her since she was at loose ends because of Alan's trip to New York. Laura apologized profusely for doubting David and gave him a gift of a statuette which she had charged to Lesley's account, intending to pay for it with the final fee for posing for David. She begged him to take her away with him for awhile and he told her he had been making plans to do just that.

Dr. Steve Hardy asked Lesley to attend a two-day seminar in Syracuse and Rick told Les he welcomed the chance to spend some time alone with Laura as he wanted to tell her he would like to adopt her, legally. When Les ran into David Hamilton she warned him that she had not told Rick about the pass David made, but if he went back on his promise to avoid the entire Webber family, she would.

On his return, Alan downgraded Monica's suspicions of David, even after she had told him she learned from Jessie Brewer that David had been in Alan's office while she, Alan and Rick were in New York for Rick's presentation. He insisted that the group behind the land speculation was a powerful New York syndicate. They learned from one of Hauser's purchasing agents that the man, Slattery, refused to do business in person and was insisting on a price way out of line for certain parcels of land. - Monica made it a point to tell David what was patently not true; that Hauser would pay any price for the land. –

Monica intercepted Gail at the hospital and told her that she was destroying her relationship with Lee Baldwin out of her refusal to face her late husband's guilt in his relationship with Monica. Monica angrily added that she refused to take the entire blame any longer and would not try again to speak to her. That evening, at dinner with Lee, Gail told him that she felt it was unfair to go on seeing him at all after what happened between them some nights before. - Lee was trying to get through to Gail and she turned to him for comfort, only to call him "Greg" when he had his arms around her. - After she left and Scotty and Bobbie said goodnight, Lee, an alcoholic who had been dry for years, downed a Scotch and pushed the shot glass back to the bartender.

On the day final settlement papers were signed, Lamont got rid of Howard and showed Katie the bank deposit slip and a statement from the wife of the man Mark killed, claiming Mark had robbed her husband before the final beating. He threatened to ruin Mark if Katie didn't return. Katie phoned Mark to tell him she was flying to Boston to see her sister.

Jeff insisted Heather see Peter professionally but she was reluctant. Her cousin, Susan, got a hostess job at the Floating Rib Restaurant near the hospital.

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

Bert Bauer and Simone Moray met one another for the first time as the trial of Bill Bauer/Moray began in Springfield. - Bill Bauer had been "married" to Simone for the past ten years while his first family, Bert, Ed and Mike Bauer, thought he was dead in a plane crash. They learned he was alive just weeks before he came to Springfield to confess to the murder of Victor Kincaid, Simone's first husband. - Both women were hurt and confused but both had decided to attend the trial despite their concerns over publicity and over meeting one another. Bert awkwardly introduced herself to Simone, who thanked her for her kindness to her daughter Hillary who had been studying in Springfield. As the trial began, Mike's move to have Bill's confession thrown out was denied. When pictures of Geno's Roadhouse were entered into evidence, Bill claimed something was wrong; it didn't look like that.

Mike Bauer was serving as defense attorney for his father, despite Bill's desire that neither of his families be involved in anyway. He had even gone so far as to refuse to see both Bert and Simone. Bill had told Mike that he and Kincaid fought when Bill refused to pay Victor the hush money he demanded. Victor knew that Bill was Hillary's real father and he had been blackmailing him for a number of months. Mike, however, had promised his father that he would not divulge this information. At Mike's insistence Bill had returned to the roadhouse where they fought and he was beginning to remember a number of previously forgotten details. Ten years ago the parking lot where the murder happened was not yet landscaped and it was littered with bricks, bags of concrete, and a cement mixer. Mike hoped the visit would prompt more memories since as the trial began, he had almost no case. He believed there was probably more to the story than Bill then remembered. He was sure that his father was not the type of man who could kill.

Ed Bauer was suffering with very different thoughts. Ed went to the jail and saw Bill, who confirmed that he had killed Kincaid. Ed, furious, refused to call him Dad. He told him of the guilt he felt ten years ago when he thought Bill had died, of how he had placed his father on a pedestal and worried that he was not a good enough son. Ed screamed to his father, "Do you think you were the kind of man who deserved a good son?" Ed accused Bill of murdering so that he and his girlfriend could continue their affair without any interference. When Bill told him it wasn't like that, he refused to listen. Tension has developed between Mike and Ed since they were both dealing with their father's confession in such different ways.

When the trial turned to the defense, Mike called Bill to the witness stand. Bill said he was not taking the stand in his own defense, but rather in the defense of truth; he told the courtroom that he considered the trial only a formality and that there was no defense.

Mike questioned Bill and learned that there was a twenty-five to thirty foot discrepancy between where Bill claimed he killed Victor Kincaid and where the police found the body. The pathologist testified that death was instantaneous and that Victor could not have moved after he was hit.

When the district attorney began his questions he examineed the relationship between Victor and Bill. Bill revealed that between December 1966 and February 1968 he paid $6,000 blackmail money. The D.A. refused to accept Bill's explanation that it was to keep his relationship to Simone a secret from his Springfield family. He forced Bill to confirm the fact that he met Simone in October 1957, that she married Kincaid in March 1958, and that Hillary was born in August 1958. Under direct questioning, Bill admitted the fact that Hillary was his daughter.

Rita Stapleton, Ed’s girlfriend, and his family were concerned because Ed had begun drinking again after having successfully stayed away from liquor for so long. He told Mike to mind his own business and he told Rita that he loved her and didn't want her to see him like this. Ed refused to let anyone close enough to help, and finally he decided to go away for a while, taking a leave of absence from Cedars Hospital where he was chief-of-staff.

Mike was so preoccupied with the trial that he had very little time for Jackie Marler, whom he had been dating. Jackie was in love with Mike. She told her father that because of Mike she was over her ex-husband Justin Marler "completely, irrevocably, forever." Mike, however, seemed oblivious to any change in their relationship.

Alan and Elizabeth Spaulding were in the midst of major marital problems which erupted on the night of their big party but which had been building for weeks. Alan and son Philip planned a weekend skiing in Aspen. In order to meet a deadline for her free-lance photography work Elizabeth had to stay in Springfield. When Elizabeth called to find out about their first day skiing, she learned for the first time that Alan had invited Diane, Philip's former nanny whom she fired, to go with them. She was furious with Alan, claiming he had no right to invite her, knowing how she felt about Diane.

On the evening of their cocktail party—given for both business and social reasons—Alan criticized Elizabeth's dress choice and asked her to change. She refused, telling him that if he didn't like it he should wear a blindfold or turn her in for a new model. She told him she couldn't seem to please both him and herself anymore. Alan became angrier still when he overheard Mike Bauer, whom he noticed Elizabeth was quite fond of, compliment her on how beautiful she looked.

As a result of conversation during the party, Alan learned that Max Chapman was so impressed with Elizabeth's photography work that he had offered her a permanent position on the newspaper. She planned to accept it as soon as she could make arrangements for Philip. Alan used the opportunity to remind her that it was her idea and not his to let Diane go.

When all of their guests had left the party, Alan and Elizabeth quarrelled loudly in their room. Philip, awakened by the shouting, overheard part of their argument. Elizabeth was so distraught she took a sleeping pill and went to sleep on the living room couch. Alan, also upset, left the house. Unable to sleep peacefully and dreaming about their fight, Philip called for his parents. When he got no answer he went to their bedroom and, finding it empty, he left the house, looking for them. Elizabeth was so soundly asleep that she heard nothing until Alan returned. When he found Philip's bedroom empty he shook Elizabeth awake.

Alan called the police and then went out into the storm to search for his son. Elizabeth telephoned Jackie to see if he was there and Jackie came to the Spauldings immediately. - Unknown to anyone except Jackie, Philip was really her natural son. - When the police arrived, they searched the house and assured Elizabeth that it did not look like a kidnapping, which she had feared. Meanwhile Alan found Philip in the woods where he had fallen and sprained his ankle; he was headed in the direction of Jackie's house. Alan carried him home and called Dr. Peter Chapman to examine him.

When Philip was safely in bed, Alan berated Elizabeth in front of the police and her friend. He told her she couldn't care for Philip because she drank too much at the party and then took pills on top of it. She denied this, saying she had only two glasses of wine all night. Later she accused him of deliberately trying to humiliate her in front of others, something she felt he had done a number of times in the past.

Alan insisted that Philip be taken to the hospital; he was taken to Cedars where an x-ray proved that nothing was broken. He would remain overnight, however, since the doctors were concerned about a fever he was running. Philip had had a slight cold even prior to his exposure in the storm.

When Alan and Elizabeth returned home from the hospital she began packing to leave. She told Alan that he deliberately lied about her to Jackie, the police, and her son and that she would not stay with him any longer. Elizabeth moved into a hotel, telling her friend Jackie that they were then separated.

Alan was furious with Elizabeth, telling her she would regret her decision to move out. Alan hastily made arrangements to fly with Philip and Diane to Nairobi via London. Elizabeth learned of the trip from Alan's secretary, who had no idea she was unaware of it.

Peter Chapman enjoyed the Spauldings party with his date, Holly Bauer, whom he was seeing frequently. After the party they went to Peter's apartment, where a soaked Holly warmed up in one of Peter's robes. Holly found a scrapbook from Peter's Peace Corps days in the Carribean. She asked him about one picture of a beautiful young woman, saying she looked happy. Peter cryptically replied that yes, she was happy when that picture was taken; he then changed the topic quickly.

The arrival of a friend of Peter's from his days in Santo Domingo added further to Holly's confusion about Peter. He was pleased that Peter "doesn't dwell on it" any longer, but when Holly asked for an explanation he wouldn’t elaborate. While painting Peter's apartment Holly discovered scuba diving equipment in the corner of a closet; when Peter saw it he wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Holly had heard from her daughter's natural father, Roger Thorpe, for the first time in quite a while. Roger told her he was doing well in Lake Tahoe and would send her the money he owed in a few weeks, as well as some money for Christina. Holly told Roger that his ex-wife Peggy was coming back in Springfield, once again a nurse at Cedars. Roger was also sending support money to her.

Peggy Thorpe and her son Billy had returned to Springfield and were moving into the same apartment building as Justin Marler and Brandy Shalloe. Despite Justin's determination to win back Sara McIntyre's love, he was seeing a great deal of Brandy. Brandy told Justin it used to be only her writing that was meaningful to her, but that then their friendship was also very important.

Brandy felt that Justin should accept the fact that Sara planned to make a life for herself without him and that he should do the same. Justin accused her of suggesting; herself as a part of that new life and told her that he prefered to convince Sara to come back to him.

Sara McIntyre, meanwhile, was in Hawaii attending a medical conference and seeing a great deal of a lawyer she met at the conference. - Sara went to Hawaii after she told Justin she wouldn't see him anymore. She believed he was having an affair with Brandy, who was one of the causes of Justin's divorce from Jackie. –

Ben McFarren and Eve Stapleton were thrilled with their decision to re-schedule their wedding, and to be married despite Evie's blindness. Although she rarely spoke of it, Ed had given her great hope by telling her that research was going on in Philadelphia which could one day result in a cure for her blindness. Both Evie's mother Viola and Rita were delighted with her decision to marry Ben.

Love of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Dr. Tom Crawford had trouble accepting Arlene's marriage to Ray Slater and found himself confronting Ray after he had had a few too many drinks. Ray was knocked out in the resulting fight and the police were called. Ray asked Dorrie Patten to bail Tom out. The hospital board was all for dismissing Tom and it was only through Dr. Andrew Marriott that he drew a suspension instead. He refused Joe Cusack's suggestion that he thought things out away from home and continued to drink. Dorrie found herself becoming very concerned over Tom's situation and tried to help him. Edouard Aleata had been trying to bring Dorrie out of the shell she had built around herself since her husband's death, and he felt that she was not emotionally capable of taking on Tom's problems.

Dr. Albertson was shocked when Arlene told her that she wanted the baby fed in the nursery while in the hospital. She explained to Ray and her mother that she had money of her own and intended to hire a nurse. The apartment across the hall would be vacant and she planned on renting it for the baby nurse. Carrie suggested she move into the apartment and help care for the baby instead. Arlene told Ray that she couldn’t forget that this was Ian Russell's baby and it came between her and Tom. She would only be able to accept the baby when she got over Tom. She arrived to find Dorie with a drunken Tom and left when she agreesd that she couldn’t help him unless she was willing to make a lasting commitment.

Michael Blake agreed to a June wedding, but hadn't been willing to make many plans. Although Meg Hart didn’t know either Michael or Mary Jane Owens well, she saw her opportunity by planning an engagement party. She planned to show Rick that Cal and Michael were the same generation. She persuaded Mary Jane to invite Dr. Marriot as he was the head of pediatric services at the hospital. Mary asked Charles Lamont to come as a favor to her, since she knew very few people and was very shy. The evening of the party, Meg harassed Michael, saying she knew he was in love with Cal and was sorry she had made it harder for him to break off with Mary Jane. Michael said she was being ridiculous. Then Meg intimated to Cal that Michael had confessed that he was in love with her.

Ben Harper and Mia Marriott decided that the hero in Ben's book should go to California to find out what his feelings for his ex-wife were. The end was to be left to the reader's imagination. Mia sent Ben oft to London to confront his feelings about Betsy, his ex-wife. After driving him to the airport, Mia's mind was flooded with memories of Ben. She caught herself speeding and slowed down, but later drove off a cliff when she misses a detour. She was rushed to the hospital, unconscious.

Edouard Aleata was taking the same plane to New York and questioned Ben about his reasons for flying to London. Was he going to find out if he loved Betsy? If she loved him? Or was he going to show her he could make it on his own without her? Ben thought this over and saw that he was going out of spite. Betsy had always tried to change him to fit the mold of the man she wanted. Mia was the woman who had always supported him. He began to see that Mia was the woman meant for him and he took the next plane back to Rosehill. Ben and Wendy Hayes, Mia's best friend, became worried when she didn’t return. In the morning Ben tried to reach Andrew and learned of Mia's accident. Andrew remembered that he met Mia when she tried to commit suicide over another lover who jilted her.

Betsy wrote Tom, Cal and Ben that she had married Elliott Hampton Lang, the American she had been seeing in London. Tom became depressed because it reminded him that his marriage to Arlene never materialized. Ben's letter arrived while he was in New York at the airport. Cal told the rest of the family about Betsy's marriage, and they all assumed that this was what brought Ben back. Meg thought Ben was vulnerable because he had been hurt and Mia would use her feminine wiles to trap Ben. Andrew heard Van and Bruce discuss it and thought Ben returned because of rejection. Van had no way of knowing that Ben had come to the realization that he had loved Mia for some time and warned him against giving Mia the wrong impression by taking her roses. Ben pleaded with an unconscious Mia to understand that he loved her.

Mia woke with Ben’s name on her lips, but upon becoming fully conscious she remained silent. Andrew visited her and promised to stay close by. Mia explained that it really was an accident, but asked Andrew how, when you fell in love with someone who was wrong for you, you forgot them. Andrew told her that Ben was in Rosehill and she asked that he tell Ben she didn’t want to see him. Andrew did as Mia wished. Mia relented and let Ben visit her. He told her all about the feelings he couldn't face before. Mia wanted to believe him, but she couldn’t help but think he found about Betsy's marriage and had come back on the rebound.

Bruce Sterling recovered after his brush with death. Mary Owens visited him in the hospital and helped Bruce over a few rough spots when she told him that she had had cancer and knew that feeling of hopelessness. Bruce decided to make things easier by playing the game everyone else was. Bruce knew he was dying of aplastic anemia, a fatal disease, and didn’t have long to live, but was willing to pretend that he thought he had a chance of living a long life to make Van happy. Much to Charles Lamont's disgust Bruce continued to throw Van and Andrew together in the hope that they would fall in love, not as friends, but as man and woman. He wanted to be assured that Van would have someone to love and to care for her when he was gone. Bruce's illness and then Mia's accident drew Van and Andrew together in mutual suffering.

Arlene gave birth to a six pound baby girl, but still refused to see or care for her daughter. She did show concern for her daughter's welfare when she asked to be told if the baby had any problems. Ray told Rick that Tom showed up at the hospital and asked if people would think he was crazy to keep Tom away from Arlene. Arlene made Dorrie feel guilty over the concern she had shown for Tom.

Michael was moody after his talk with Meg and tighted with Mary when she asked to share his problem. He left the party, with Cal following to find out why. She was shocked to hear him admit that Meg was right. Mary asked Cal's help in learning what was wrong when Michael gave her the choice of forgetting him or the evening. Michael said he had lost Maly Jane and Cal's friendship. Cal comforted him, but found herself struggling to get free when Michael forced his kisses on her. Rick walked in to find Cal on the bed and Michael straightening his clothes. Rick threw Cal and Michael out, shouting he would not be made a cuckhold.

Meg had decided that she had to win Andrew's attentions to show Rick that she was still attractive to other men. Andrew felt he had to hide his growing feelings for Van from both Bruce and Van. Meg was surprised when Andrew spent an evening flirting with her.

Ben explained that he knew nothing of Betsy's marriage and Eddie could back him up on this. Mia wanted to believe him, but was afraid of being hurt again. Ben moved in with Mia and assured her that Betsy's return to Rosehill this summer had nothing to do with them.

One Life to Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Joseph Stuart

Marco Dane had been pressuring Karen Wolek to turn pro, with himself as her "manager," as long as it appeared that Karen seemed bound to go on picking up men. Karen begged Marco for a break, as the first time he set her up to meet a John was the evening of her first wedding anniversary. She managed to give both the man and Marco the slip, only to be greeted by the two of them as she was having dinner with Larry at the Colonial Inn. The following day, Marco called her, insisting that she would not get away with it again, and telling her she had better prepare Larry with a story of wanting a job so that she would have time to pursue their new business venture. Karen was terrified to see Aldo Pierson walk into the Free Clinic the following day, using a phony name. Both Larry and Cathy noted his familiarity and Karen's reaction but she claimed that he was nothing but a "type" she recognized. Later that night Jenny called Larry to tell him that Cathy had been mugged leaving the Free Clinic but that Jenny had arrived to frighten the mugger off after he took Cathy's bag. Karen called Marco in a panic, convinced that he sent Pierson - whom Marco knew was the man who beat her up - to frighten her and Marco did not deny it.

Brad arrived back in Llanview to learn from Jenny that Will had paid off the loan to Dorian. He was angry when Jenny told him she believed they should return a pearl necklace he had bought for her because they owed his father the money. He stalked off but soon became interested when Jenny mentioned how she arrived to help Cathy. Doing a fast about face, he talked Jenny into attending Edwina's party for Jack Scott that evening. When he got there Sam told him Cathy was still wearing the ring he was after and accused him of hiring the mugger.

Edwina’s party was a success despite Dorian's attempt to steal her thunder by arranging a dinner party afterward at Llanfair. Dorian herself showed up after being unable to take being out of things. After Jenny and Brad got home, he left again, telling her he wanted to check things at the Health Club. He met with Aldo, insisting that he had to try again to get the ring, and was rattled when Marco saw them together. When he got home Jenny was waiting up for him. He accused her of pressuring him to get her pregnant and when she rushed to him to deny it and put her arms around him, he hit her with his fist, knocking her down. When Jenny tried to leave he stopped her and hit her again, saying she was married to him for better or worse and continued with the beating. Anna and Jim Craig heard Jenny's shouts but she called through the door that she had a bad dream, saying that Brad was there with her. She turned to Brad and told him he had better not ever so much as touch her again. She locked herself in the bathroom.

The following day, Brad insisted that he was drunk the night before and that he intended to stop drinking. When Anna and Will saw Jenny's face, even though she had stayed home from work for the day, she insisted that she fell. Brad called at the clinic the following day, having made it up with Jenny and afterwards called Aldo to tell him that Cathy was not wearing the ring and would be working till five. Aldo agreed to break into Cathy's house. Jenny accepted a bracelet from Brad, engraved with the words "I will never forget."

Dorian arranged a birthday celebration for Melinda to present her with a gift of a Grand Tour — a European Music Festival, covering a period of six months. Melinda left the room and Dorian followed her out. Dorian pointed out to Peter Janssen that Melinda was abstractedly playing with a paper knife. After a scene between Dorian and Melinda alone, at which Melinda accused Dorian of "committing me to Europe" and Dorian dredged up an old letter of their late mother's asking Dorian to care for her, Melinda left. Dorian called Melinda at her boarding house to tell her she was not to worry about the portrait. Melinda replied that she had no idea what Dorian is talking about. When she was told that Dorian's portrait has been slashed, she accused Dorian of trying to put something over on her. Dorian then overplayed her hand by ordering Dr. Overton, who had been present all along, to take Lynn back to the sanitarium or she herself would have Lynn committed. When Overton told her that the only thing that was obvious is her determination to get rid of her sister, Dorian insisted that she felt she had to before Lynn attacked her.

The slashed portrait was attributed, by Peter, to common valdalism - Dorian had said that the french doors were left open) - and the subject was apparently dropped with the removal of the portrait. But some days later, when Edwina reported that she had seen Peter and Melinda sharing an idyllic picnic in the park, Dorian maintained that Melinda had a luncheon date with her which she had forgotten.

Cathy asked Will Vernon to drive her home from the Free Clinic and they walked in to find her apartment rifled. Will called Ed Hall and when Cathy showed them her jewelry, which she had hidden after the last burglary, Will picked up his late wife's ring. He learned from Cathy that it was Lana's and he realized that Brad had just gotten it from the Vernon family lawyer on the night Lana died. He waited for Sam at his home and forced her to admit lying for Brad. He was shaken to learn that Sam knew about the mugging and didn't say anything even though she knew Cathy might have been hurt. Will was about to call the police when Sam turned on him, saying they were not sure Brad was involved in Lana's death and the accusation would ruin the Health Club as a business, devestate Jenny and have Sam herself thrown in jail for perjury. She taunted him that to do something right, he would sacrifice his own children. Will promised to see Brad before he went to the police.

Richard Abbott had been offered a foreign correspondent's post in Europe and Becky seized upon it as an excuse to delay the wedding, saying they could be married in Paris or some other European city after they had left the country together. She broke down at home, afterward, and confessed her secret to Ina Hopkins. - Part of the past which haunted Becky was that she was forced by her father to marry a man named Luke, the father of grown sons. Thanks to Edwina's feeding information to a reporter in North Carolina, Becky's picture and the place where she was singing in Llanview was featured in a front page article in her home town paper. Luke had seen the article and was headed for Llanview, armed with a gun. –

Pat Kendall had returned from a trip to the Carribean after seeing copies of stateside papers headlining the story of the escape from a maximum security Federal prison of the surviving members of the underground organization which Paul had infiltrated. When Paul tried to minimize the danger to her, she reminded him that she had met a fellow agent and recognized his name as a man who had been killed. Paul insisted that she take advantage of a "safe house" in the North Woods put at the disposal of the Bureau by the Canadian Government 'til the escapees were rounded up, but she refused to go without him. She told Paul that she had been tempted by a letter from a self-professed mystic, offering to contact the spirit of her dead son, Brian, but the trip helped her put that behind her. She was determined then to be with Paul for however long a time he might need her.

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello

Pat and Dee Ryan, currently ensconced on a Caribbean cruise ship, a trip Dee and circumstances conned out of Maeve and Johnny Ryan, who'd planned the vacation for themselves, attracted Howard Simpson, a salesman, whose wife was spending a lot of time in sick bay. Howard found Dee fascinating, and Pat, who took the trip to rest, occasionally left Dee in Howard's company to get some sleep. Dee, of course, had envisioned the cruise as a fun-filled second honeymoon and constantly griped at Pat for sleeping so much. - Dee became hysterically blind when Roger Coleridge threatened to tell Pat about her two miscarriages, the real one before their marriage, and the faked one after it. Roger further threatened to reveal that Dee's most recent breakdown was a fake. However, while living comfortably at the Ryans', with everyone at her beck and call, Dee regained her sight, a secret she had kept in order to keep Pat tied to her. Dee persuaded Maeve and Johnny to give them the cruise by telling them of Pat's recent addiction to amphetamines and saying Pat needed the rest. She also coyly pointed out that the rest might give her back her sight. –

After another argument about Pat's sleeping so much, during which Pat drifted off, Dee slammed out of their cabin and bumped into Howard. She said, "Excuse me, Howard," which gave away her secret, as there was no way she could have recognized him unless she could see. Howard took this opportunity in hand and "invited" Dee to his cabin, otherwise he would tell Pat. Dee accompanied him. They were interrupted by Howard's wife, as Dee was sipping a drink while Howard massaged her feet. When Mrs. Simpson discovered the deception Dee had been living, she swore to tell Pat, in revenge for Dee's rendezvous with Howard. Thus Pat was chagrinned when Dee suddenly refused to leave the cabin, as he felt rested and ready for fun. Finally, the second time Pat forced Dee on deck, she was again confronted by Mrs. Simpson, who refused to listen to her pleas and went in search of Pat. She found Pat and told him all. Pat found Dee in their cabin. She denied everything, saying Mrs. Simpson would say anything because she resented the little attention Howard paid them. When Dee asked if Pat could see her hairbrush, he found it on the floor, and threw it to her. Dee caught it. Pat demanded they leave the ship. Dee asked to stay, telling him they had been working things out. He was incredulous, cataloging all her lies and deception. He pointed out the trip had been a "lonely, desperate time" for them both, that there was no hope anymore. They were stranded on the ship by fog, but left the ship at the next port.

Tom – O’Brien – Desmond had received a letter from the immigration department. It demanded he appear in 10 days for a hearing to determine whether he would be deported. Tom realized that the Irish-American grapevine, which had ties in Ireland, would pick up the news of his being alive from the hearing. Thus, his life would be in jeopardy again from the Donohues, who wanted Tom dead in revenge for the deaths of three family members, the latest killed in an attempt to kill Tom. Liam Donohue had sent a faked obituary to his father before he died, so Tom was thought dead, for then. Tom, who was then Faith Coleridge's lover, asked Frank Ryan to intercede for him, but Frank's friend at immigration couldn’t do anything until after the hearing. Jack Fenelli also tried to intercede, but received the same answer. Tom loved Faith deeply. Faith loved Tom, but had a few residual feelings for Pat Ryan, which she felt she was overcoming. Mary Ryan Fenelli made a suggestion: if Faith and Tom were married, the hearing would be cancelled. Faith discussed the idea with her sister Jill and brother Roger. Jill was against it; Roger was for it. Faith pointed out that she and Tom had some love and a lot of honesty going in, and she thought they could work it out. Johnny backed the idea; Maeve and Jack didn't. Jack as especially concerned after seeing Tom drunk. Tom himself didn’t like the idea, afraid Faith's feelings for Pat were still too deep, but Faith won him over. They were married in the Coleridge parlor. The wedding was beginning as Pat and Dee returned.

Learning of the wedding, Pat left Dee with Kevin and raced to the ceremony. But he didn’t stop it. Dee escaped from Kevin and arrived to find Faith in the kitchen. She was relieved when she learned the ceremony was over. But Faith took this opportunity to tell Dee what she thought of her and her lies. - Roger told Faith about the miscarriages and the breakdown. - Pat came in unseen as Dee told Faith she knew nothing about the miscarriage. Faith pointed out she knew there were two, the real one and the fake one. Pat asked what Faith meant. Faith passed to Dee.

Learning Frank Ryan and Jill Coleridge, the mother of Frank's illegitimate baby, were dining together at Lem's, Rae Woodard persuaded Seneca Beaulac, who'd been living with Jill until he told her the truth about the baby's parentage, to take her to Lem's for dinner. Frank was surprised to find he was jealous seeing Rae with Seneca, but Jill helped him see that it was more jealousy of her relationship with Seneca inverted, combined with his gratitude to Rae versus his hatred for Seneca. Frank later revealed this conversation to Rae, who continued to interfere with what little private life he had. Each time she learned he had a date with Jill and son Edmund, Rae came up with campaign business that had to be settled immediately. Rae arranged a press conference for Frank to officially announce his candidacy for Senator.

Jill and Johnny and Edmund dropped by to invite Frank to dinner. In an unguarded moment, Frank was snapped kissing Edmund. Rae was livid when the picture appeared, demanding Frank keep Jill and Edmund away from the campaign. Judy Johnson, one of the reporters, wanted a more personal interview with Frank. Rae sneaked into the outer office and overheard Judy and Frank arrange for an in-depth piece, for which Judy would follow Frank around for a couple of days. Rae went home and had Judy transferred to Washington. The day of Tom and Faith's wedding, Rae dropped into Frank's office with copy for TV spots. Frank refused to look at them, telling Rae he was taking the rest of the day off, as he was put in an extremely hectic week and he intended to get drunk or whatever at the wedding, to relax. Rae gave in, only because she knew Frank was right.

Clem Moultry was reprimanded by Seneca for gathering signatures in support of Frank's candidacy from hospital personnel. Clem pointed out he did it on his own time, and in the residents' lounge, which was neutral territory. Seneca, although working on a committee drafting a position for Frank on national health care for children, still couldn’t stand Frank. He consoled himself with the analysis that Frank was a purely political animal, who would eventually alienate Jill through his devotion to politics.

Dee tried to cover with a torrent of lies, then said that Faith just wanted Pat for herself. Faith put herself out of it all by telling Dee that, when she married Tom, she took herself out of the little "triangle" Dee constructed to cover for her own lies and inadequacies. Roger entered and sent Faith out. His presence forced Dee to tell Pat everything, and Roger filled in the gaps. Hopefully, Dee said it all didn’t matter, that Pat married her out of love. Coldly, Pat told Dee that he married her because he thought she was pregnant. He fave her the keys to their apartment and forbade her to return to Ryan's, except to get her things. Pat left. Bob overheard Dee's cries in the kitchen. When he entered, Dee begged him to get Pat back for her. Roger stopped Bob, saying there were two reasons: Dee faked blindness for weeks; Dee faked the miscarriage, as she'd already lost the baby. Bob was furious when he realized how Dee used the Ryans. Dee ran out and Roger sent Bob after her, afraid of what could happen if Dee and Pat were alone.

Pat told Dee at the Ryans', where he had packed her things, that he was starting divorce proceedings in the morning. Maeve and Johnny arrived. They were horrified when they learned all Dee had done. Dee's answer was, "I did what I had to do." When she threatened suicide, Pat opened the window and invites her to jump. Dee, of course, didn’t. Maeve and Johnny could no longer excuse Dee's lies and behavior. The pattern of her life disgusted them, and they asked her to leave. Bob took Dee back to the apartment and left her, also too disillusioned to feel or offer any love or sympathy. Dee talked to her dead mother.

Frank and Jill planned to be married as soon as Frank could get a church annullment from Dee. They made joyful love. They were interrupted by the ringing phone, which Frank answered, hung up, and took off the hook. It was Rae, looking for Frank. She admitted to perceptive Polly Longworth that she loved Frank.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

Unable to get any money out of Carolyn or Gary Walton, Didi Turner took the information about the mix-up in the blood types to David Sutton. She explained that she knew the tests were to prove paternity of the Phillips' baby and since there was a mistake made - Dede herself transposed the blood types before she reported them to Dr. Carolyn Hanley -, it meant that David was really the father of Kathy's baby. David gave her the money in his wallet and warned her to get out of town. David discussed the situation with Gary and Carolyn. They decided that no one needed know that he was the father because this could cause Kathy a relapse. - The stress of not knowing who was the father of her baby caused such stress for Kathy that she spent the last few months of her pregnancy in a sanitarium. Kathy was recovering, but learning that Scott was the father enabled her to go home after the baby's birth. –

While Scott was in London, John Wyatt told Kathy that they were swamped at the law office. She found a sitter for Doug and returned to work for a few hours a day. When the sitter was sick, Scott suggested that this wasn't working and she should give up trying to work. Kathy found an alternative by taking Doug to the office while she attended to a few matters, planning to take the rest home. Seeing Doug brought out in David the feelings he had been trying to fight.

Since Dr. Greg Hartford had taken a position in a New York hospital so that his daughter Meredith could be treated by a psychologist where she was not known, his house was on the market. Jo Vincente realized that to have married Greg would have been a mistake. There was not enough trust in their relationship. When she ran into Stephanie Wyatt she mentioned Greg's house and since Stephanie had not found a house that fit her new family's needs, she asked her realtor to show it to her. Jo was sure that John would not buy a house that she came so close to living in. But this was one of the very reasons Stephanie had her heart set on this house. - The animosity between Jo and Stephanie was longstanding. Stephanie had an affair with Jo's late husband and tried to break up the marriage by claiming Wendy was his daughter. The recent conflict was over John. - John tried talking her out of the decision by explaining how expensive this estate could be but in the end he gave in to Stephanie and the girls.

Donna Davis had an unexpected visitor when her ex-husband, Chance Halliday, appeared on her doorstep. He managed to talk her into letting him stay at her apartment a few days. His sister, Kylie, had been transferred to Tudor Oaks and soon could be put on a program where she could go home for visits. Chance told Donna that he needed a job so that he could stay in Henderson, and he wanted her to talk to her boss at Collins Corporation. Donna did talk to Bill Mendel about Chance, but did not build him up. She felt very torn because she knew that if he couldn’t find a job he would move on, but she had a deep feeling for Kylie. Mendel found a place for him on the foundation crew for the new hospital wing. He expected to work his way up because honest toil with his hands was not exactly his thing. Chance was interested to learn that the major stockholder of Collins was a widow, Mrs. Janet Collins.

Donna was having trouble finding companionship because Chance drove her to drink - Donna was fighting alcoholism on her own - and although she enjoyed Bruce Carson's company, Amy had become jealous of the time Donna spent with Bruce while she was on duty at the hospital. Bruce thought that Dr. Thompson disliked him because her own marriage broke up when her husband couldn't cope with her career. Bruce and Amy both felt she had unfairly called on Amy in every emergency, under the pretense that women had to fight harder for a professional career.

Dr. Carolyn Hanley was seeing Kylie Halliday at Tudor Oaks until a permanent doctor was assigned. Kylie told her how much she had looked forward to a room that had no locks on the door or bars on the windows. Since the records showed that she had improved and this meant so much to her, Carolyn gave in to this request. Kylie was delighted, but Chance was furious that Carolyn had taken this decision upon herself. Chance was determined that Kylie would be assigned an older male doctor who had had years of experience.

Carolyn found Kylie a very intelligent and puzzling girl. Chance had taken care of her since their parents' death when she was six. Her illness was not noticed until she reached ten. One evening Kylie became disturbed and insisted on seeing Dr. Hanley. Later Carolyn was called from dinner when they found Kylie was missing. Chance rushed to Kylie over Carolyn's protests and took her from the roof. He used this as one more reason why Carolyn should not treat her. Carolyn told Kylie that she didn’t see this as a setback, but she had to be moved to a room that could be locked at night for her own safety so she couldn’t sleepwalk again.

Chance and Carolyn argued violently over Kylie's treatment. He objected to her age and sex while Carolyn explained that Dr. Bryson would not assign her if he didn't feel she was capable of handling the case. Kylie stood up to Chance, telling him that she didn’t want an old man. She needed someone she liked and could be friends with. Chance relented and said that If Dr. Bryson objected, she should come to him.

Stu Bergman had gone to Chicago to uncover anything in connection with Ted Adamson's claim that he and Jo did not really own the land around Hartford House. Janet Collins asked Bill Mendel, who knew Adamson professionally, if he could find out how serious Adamson was. Gary Walton objected to his mother seeing so much of Mendel. He warned that many people saw her as a wealthy, attractive, young widow. Janet was worried about Liza and Steve. They had thought they could handle this musical tour knowing all the pitfalls from personal experience, but Janet felt that it was the things Liza didn’t say in her letters that showed there were problems.

Stu Bergman returned to Henderson without any encouraging news. The title company even felt that Adamson's claim had a good chance of winning. The insurance money wouldn't begin to buy them a different restaurant and inn. Mendel told them Adamson might be agreeable to letting them keep the building, but Stu felt that surrounded by houses the Inn would lose all its charm.

Chance had an accident on the job and was taken to the hospital and treated by Gary Walton for a knee injury. Donna felt compelled to visit and wondered if this was like the truck accident in St. Louis. Chance assured her that he was hurt. He was planning on insurance money while he mended. Gary threw a monkey wrench into his plans when he said Chance was going to be released and could work at any job that didn’t put stress on his knee. Chance had decided that an office job suit him much better and put this plan into motion by sending the flowers he received from Kylie to Janet and then calling her.

Amy asked Dr. Thompson to dinner to mend fences, but Bruce was hostile during the whole evening. They were arguing over Bruce's behavior when Donna appeared at the door in need of a doctor. Donna had several drinks before visiting Kylie because she knew it would bring back memories. At home she cut her hand slicing bread. Out of the blue Donna said that she once had a baby.

The Young and The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Greg Foster ran into an old school friend of Snapper's, who thought she might need Greg's help when she learned he was a lawyer. Linda Larkin married and had children right out of school, as most girls of her generation were expected to do. As the romance had ended, Linda was dissatisfied and thought she wanted a divorce. Greg suggested that she look for a job to get her out of the house so that she could make friends of her own and find new interests. This was easier said than done because employers weren’t willing to hire "inexperienced housewives." Linda was unsettled by a talk with Snapper when he suggested the problem was hers because she had refused to communicate her feelings to her husband. She felt he should know there was a problem, what was causing it, and do something to change it. Linda thought that because their sex life was no longer what it was, Larry was probably having an affair. Snapper said her emotional conflict could have something to do with this. She had to communicate before her problems got worse.

Snapper had found living in the empty apartment lonely while Chris was away trying to find herself and a purpose to her life, since Karen Becker had gone back to her parents. Dr. Casey Reed didn’t care for the inconvenience of sharing a bath with Snapper in the residents' quarters. Snapper related Linda's problem to Casey who thought people should work things out before marrying. Her method was complete uninvolvement for the time being. Casey was surprised that Snapper wasn't out chasing women while Chris was gone.

Casey managed to pull Kay Chancellor through cardiac arrest, but was disgusted that someone who had "everything" could decide to throw it all away. Before Mrs. Chancellor left the hospital, Casey gave her a lecture on "giving up," putting a plan in Kay's head.

After Mrs. Chancellor consented to a divorce, Derek and Jill made some plans for the future. Derek wanted to adopt Philip after their marriage. He knew how much Jill would like a home of their own and was sure the plans for the new salon would continue because Mrs. Chancellor had really changed since her brush with death. He asked Liz to move in with them because both he and Jill would have to work for a while and she could care for Philip.

Kay told her lawyer that she had changed her mind and intended to fight the divorce. She phoned Jill and asked to see her about something very important. She relayed her decision to fight the divorce and explained why. It it were only for Derek, she would consent, but by giving him the divorce she would be helping Jill also and couldn’t bring herself to do this. Her hatred for Jill had not changed. She hated her for taking Phillip from her and having his baby. She said if Jill really loved Derek she would have to prove her love by waiting, and it could be years. Kay was very cool as she explained all this. Jill's hand found a letter opener on the desk. In her anger she held the opener as a dagger with the intention of stabbing Mrs. Chancellor. Kay turned and dared Jill to kill her, saying she hadn't the nerve. Jill missed and the opener bent. She cursed God for stopping her, and then took charge of herself, saying she wouldn’t let Mrs. Chancellor push her into doing something that couldn’t possibly set her free.

Derek and Liz found Jill in a trance-like state and draw out the reason for her meeting with Mrs. Chancellor. Derek was sure that she couldn’t hold up the divorce, but Jill became hysterical, saying Kay's money could buy her anything. Jill said she had to end it all and rushed for the door. Liz and Derek could only contain her after Liz slapped her in the face. Jill calmly said the only way out was for Mrs. Chancellor to die. Derek said she might be able to keep them from getting married, but there was no way she could keep them apart; they loved each other and could live together to give Phillip a father. Their plans fell apart when Greg told them that this would make Kay the injured party and she could keep Derek from ever getting a divorce. Brock heard of his mother's intentions and told her Derek and Jill would survive this because they were young and in love, but her hatred could only wither her on the inside. Brock walked out when she refused to reconsider. Liz found that she could no longer stand by a woman so filled with hatred that she could almost drive her daughter to murder.

Leslie Brooks was fighting her feelings for Lance Prentiss by convincing herself that she was interested in the other men in her life. She had dinner with her ex-husband, Brad Eliot and later agreed to wear the ring Brock Reynolds gave her after her divorce. She told Brock that she wanted to love him.

Vanessa said she could see that Lance's interest in Leslie was more than in her artistic ability and suggested to Lorie that she and Lance should consider starting a family. Lorie wasn’t sure she was ready for a baby yet.

Dorsett arrived in town and wanted to discuss promoting Lorie and her book. She went to the meeting with the idea of turning down his offer, but agreed to think over his proposition. Dorsett wanted to promote Lorie herself, but they needed to jump on the bandwagon of popularity her book was causing. Leaving for the meeting, Lorie told Lance she would tell him if anything came of this unexplained appointment, and when she returned, he assumed she visited the doctor and found she was not pregnant. He suggested they keep trying. Lorie wasn't willing to give up her pills, because the time wasn't right.

Leslie thought she should see what Laurie's book was about and read the sections dealing with her admittance and stay in the mental hospital. Reliving the humiliation of that time caused Leslie such distress that Stuart refused to let her continue.

Lucas visited Leslie again and remarked on the time she spent alone and with her music. He suggested that she needed to get out occasionally. He was surprised when she agreed to have dinner with him. Learning of his date, Lorie said he should wear a suit because this was the kind of dress Leslie was used to. Lance guessed that his date was with Leslie when Lucas borrowed a shirt and tie. Lance's distress continued all evening and was evident to both Lorie and Vanessa. Leslie dressed in jeans to accommodate Lucas and he asked her not to change. They had dinner in a small seafood restaurant where Lucas explained his theory that Leslie was really all woman but tried to hide it. Stuart wondered why she would go out with someone who was so unlike any man she had ever dated before.

Lorie urged Lance to call Leslie to see that she got home safely. He continued to keep an eye on the boathouse, watching for Lucas to return. Lucas checked in upon his arrival, causing Lance and Lorie to collapse in laughter.

Derek and Jill tried to lease the Golden Comb again, only to find that Mrs. Chancellor had taken a two year lease on the building. Derek started the search for a new beauty salon. Kay asked Liz to see her about something that was vital to them all. She knew that there was a shortage of money for them at the moment and offered Liz her job back at $300 a week. Jill decided that the way to get back at Mrs. Chancellor was to ask more, because Kay was lonely enough to pay for it. Kay agreed to the $400 a week that Liz asked.

Linda Larkin told her husband Larry that she was at the end of her rope. He didn't agree that their lives were sterile and couldn’t see that she needed a job, not for the money, but to find herself, Larry agreed not to stand in her way.

Lorie was about to tell Lance of Roger Dorsett's offer when she saw that he was dis-turbed. Lance had just told his mother that he and Lorie had plans to start a family and then discovered that Lorie was still on the pill. He felt better when she brought this up herself and admitted that she had held off because she thought he agreed only to please her. Lance said he wanted a family, but wanted her to be ready on her own first.

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