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Look into the past - 1975

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Wait so Jill had her baby in 1976? I thought Phillip was born either Christmas day or the day after in 1975. Maybe he was born New Years Day????


In terms of Y&R 1975 - The Jill/Phillip story goes along at a normal pace, then seems to just zoom by. I was surprised how much that story was taking up time on the show, as I always assumed it was more story 2 to one of the Brooks family dramas that would be centre stage. Biggest surprise was how much Lorie was involved with Phillip and yet how she and Kay seemingly never shared any scenes.


Bell really liked his incest stories.


Jennifer's mastectomy was really lauded and many soap mags made it their top story (both editor and fan voted) Dorothy Green was solid as was everyone


Say goodbye to William Espy and hello to David Hasselhoff. Bill was very popular so I do wonder how people felt. From the little I have seen, the moodier Snapper was made to be a little brighter. Espy's Snapper always seemed like he was about to leave town and head to an Ashram (which I think Bill literally did in real life) David seems like he would say things like "hey everyone cheer up, the sun is shining"


Something else solved. Always wondered how much Diedre Hall and Tom Selleck appeared. Jed's main story seems to have been late 74 with his wife Betty and Lorie and then mostly just recurring. Diedre pops up when needed, yet both are shown in publicity like they were full members of the cast


Feels like Bell didn't know what to do with Chris and Snapper once the pair were married. A whole lot of nothing going on for those two, besides being supporting players to other stories. I guess Chris has a pretty intense story coming up though, Trish Stewart's last big one on the show which would play out over almost two years


Another mysery solved Regina Henderson. I am almost sure many sources list her as Mark's sister and that she was on more. Regina seems to have appeared very briefly to push the affair story along and then seemingly vanishes. Still not entirely sure she was Mark's bio mum or not. In the one picture of her she seems youngish.



Edited by will81
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@FrenchFan Also I found this. Seems Bryna Laub was not the only one doing soap synopsis. Let's Gossip was another one and started synopsis from 1973 and was weekly!!!! intially but moved to monthly at some point. Have not found one single thing about it, other than this article. 



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Maybe Byrna and her team sometimes ended a storyline the following month or else to give it a sense of unity. I honestly don't know. 

This is the last month for a while because I am on holidays at my parents' and February 1976 was the last issue I had brought with me to type in. You will have March later when I go back to my flat. Hope you enjoy

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All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Having promised that she would not stand in the way of her husband Paul's plans to remarry Anne Tyler as her own pregnancy had been exposed as an elaborate fake, Margo Martin prevailed upon Anne to help out at the Boutique until they could work out plans for Margo to purchase the place from Anne - Margo hoped to secure a baby through the “grey market” and pass it off as the child she had led everyone to believe she was expecting, using funds she had embezzled from the Boutique in her capacity as manager.


Anne, sympathetic to Margo's troubles - the break-up of her marriage and that fact that Margo's daughter, Claudette, having survived a drug overdose was in a prison hospital and faced with a long sentence for drug dealing -, and happy that she herself was carrying Paul's child, had offered to sell the Boutique to Margo so that Margo would have a way of earning her living and could stay on in Pine Valley. Anne suggested that Margo contact Kitty Tyler, Anne's sister-in-law, who had been released from prison thanks to the testimony of Hal Short and exonerated of all charges in connection with Hal's drug operation, which involved using the Boutique as a "drop." If Kitty could come back as an employee, Anne would feel no obligation to help out any further and Margo offered to see Kitty personally. Margo suggested to Kitty that Anne was happy at the Boutique but was offering her the job out of kindness. Then Margo went on to mention that the Boutique had had some ugly publicity and invented a story about some troubling phone calls. Kitty declined Margo's offer.


When Drs.  Joe Martin and Charles Tyler realized that they had both given in to Margo's request for sleeping pills, Joe confronted Margo at the Boutique and obtained from her the double order that she had filled. Though both Charles and Joe had considered the possibility that Margo might be a threat to Anne and the child she was carrying, Joe accepted on the face of it Margo's story that she was considering suicide, but would never have gone through with it.


When a repairman Margo had called in to see to the furnace at the Boutique told her that it shut itself off because it was leaking and that the back room, particularly, could have become a gas chamber, Margo, upon learning further that the repairman couldn’t work on it till the morning, called Anne and asked her to meet with her at the Boutique that evening to help out with an inventory. She set things up for them to work in the back room and after a time pleaded that she was hungry and needed to see about getting something to eat. As she left the building, Margo turned on the thermostat, leaving Anne in a room in which odorless, lethal fumes were building up.


Her only warning was a headache, Anne worked on till her collapse as Margo, in a nervous state at a coffee shop, appeared to be having second thoughts. However, she allowed the arrival of first Mona Kane and then Chuck Tyler to serve to delay her from leaving to undo the damage, and when she returned to the Boutique she realizes that Anne has been found and taken to the hospital. Not knowing if Anne was dead or alive, Margo rushed to the hospital to be confronted by Paul who told her that it was he who found Anne and that he was convinced that Margo is guilty of attempted murder. His suspicions were confirmed when he went to the Boutique the following day to recover Anne's coat and purse that she had with her at the time of her collapse and learned from the repairman that Margo had been told of the danger. Margo insisted that Anne must have turned on the thermostat herself and that in any case, if Paul believed her guilty he had no proof. Saying that it had already been proven to his satisfaction. Paul added that unless she agreed to an immediate divorce and to leaving Pine Valley that very evening, he would make damn sure that “you are sitting and rotting in jail right alongside your daughter.” The following day as he went to visit Anne at the hospital, he told her that Margo's bags were gone.


Although Anne had fully recovered from her ordeal, the possibility of damage to her baby as a result of having been deprived of oxygen was a fact that had to be faced. Joe Martin advised Paul and Anne to consider a test, amniocentesis, which could help to determine if the baby showed present signs of brain damage. Anne was reluctant, as she was afraid that if the test suggested such damage she would be faced with the question of a possible abortion, but she finally consented to the procedure and she and Paul were relieved and happy to find that there were no negative indications.


Phoebe Tyler, Anne’s mother, had offered Al Shea - Hal Short - a substantial sum of money if he would delay finalizing his divorce from Kitty - Kitty Shea Tyler believed herself to be divorced from Al when she married Phoebe's son, Lincoln. – However, Hal turned Phoebe down and even told Kitty when she visited him of the offer and warned her that Erica Brent, who had extended her hospitality to Kitty, had implied that there was a chance of the two of them getting back together. He told a puzzled Kitty that she still didn’t understand that Erica, in the process of losing her husband - Philip Brent - was paving the way for another one. He told Kitty that though he was fond of Erica he saw her as a frightened, insecure girl, "threatened, her first thought is survival." When Kitty asked Erica point-blank if she was interested in Lincoln, Erica insisted that Lincoln was her lawyer and that she was merely acting as a friend to both of them.


Kitty, having told Erica that she thought it was time she talked to Linc herself, visited him at his office. When Lincoln, touching her hair tenderly, talked of their fife together as Hal had consented to proceed with the divorce as quickly as possible, Kitty insists sadly, "Nothing has changed. It's over, Linc." At that moment Phoebe called and a distracted Lincoln agreed to a dinner invitation at his mother's house. When he again turned to Kitty she told him it had all been said. Saying: "I am so sorry, Lincoln," she turned and left. On her return to Erica's house she was present when Phoebe Tyler phoned to invite Erica to the same dinner. Erica told Kitty that she accepted Phoebe's invitation merely as a sympathetic friend and asked Kitty if, having made up her mind not to go back to Linc, she didn't wish to see Linc going on with his life as she herself planned to do.


Phil Brent, Erica’s estranged husband, told Tara Martin Tyler, upon her return from Costa Rica after obtaining her divorce from Chuck, that Erica was stalling on a final answer about whether she would contest ending their marriage, "As if she's waiting for another door to open before closing this one permanently.”


Philip had also confronted both Tara and Chuck about Phoebe's setting up a trust fund for little Philip. Chuck insisted that if Phoebe was told the truth about little Philip's parentage - On the eve of Philip's leaving for Vietnam, he and Tara, unable to find a minister or a justice of the peace to marry them, exchanged vows in a small chapel. Philip was mistakenly reported killed and Tara, pregnant with Philip's son, accepted Chuck Tyler's offer to marry her and raise her son as his own. On his return Philip married Erica. -, Phoebe, who had a drinking problem might "hit the bottle" and tell everyone. He insisted that he didn’t want that known. Philip questioned Tara's motives in retaining the name of Tyler though she insisted that to change back to her maiden name before she would again change it when she could become Phil's wife would be confusing to their little boy. He remarked that she might be hesitant because "the name of Tyler holds a lot of power in this town."


On their lunch time trip to inspect the cabin that David Thornton was considering purchasing, Ruth at first was not enthusiastic but when it was evident that David was serious, she told him that Kate's attic was filled with odds and ends of furniture he might use and that the place has possibilities. As he went out to check the foundations she found herself holding his coat against her cheek. Later she found herself dreamily recalling those moments together. Joe confronted her about going off to the country with an unattached aide saying he had been hearing about it from the staff. He insisted that he was concerned only with appearances but Ruth told him that merely his mentioning of it had been the first hopeful sign in their relationship for some time. Later when Joe told her that he did not need her as Anne's Special and that he would not offend the nurse who would ordinarily assist him by making an exception and that in any case her concern for Anne was not his problem, she left to take a long walk home by herself to get her head together. Later she told David that she considered that she had imposed on him by sharing with him her troubles with Joe and their children, Tara and Philip, and that she would not do so in the future though they could still be friends. To herself she said: "I've gotta stop these feelings - for David - for everybody's sake."


In Kate’s attic, helping David find some curtains, Ruth broke down in tears when David extended his sympathy for a cutting remark Joe had made to her in his presence. She said, "That kind of thing cuts your soul," and added that she resented Joe for his high-handed attitude and despised herself for her bickering and the pretense that she and Joe had been living. David kissed her and for a moment she responded.


Nancy Grant called from Chicago and said that she couldn’t get away due to her responsibility to her job and some unexpected work which only she could do. Frank answered that she didn’t feel badly enough about not coming home for the weekend to be willing to chuck it - her new position - and he hung up angrily. He asked Nurse Caroline Murray to come with him to the Chateau to the anniversary dinner he had planned for his wife, saying: "Nancy has more important things to do."


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Pat Randolph, deserted by husband John, occasionally went to dinner with Dave Gilchrist -Randolph daughter Marianne was duped by Chris Pierson and became pregnant. She begged Pat not to tell John, threatening to run away if she did. Pat went along. Unbeknownst to her parents, Marianne, accompanied by brother Mike and friend Glenda Toland, went to New York and had an abortion so John would never know. John found out from Liz Matthews, who eavesdropped on a conversation. The fact that his family kept this serious problem from him is proof to John that Pat never really loved him, only thought of him as the father of her children. John, involved with Barbara Weaver, his law associate, would not listen to anyone. - Mike felt that Pat’s seeing Dave was making it harder for his parents to reconcile. Mike shared his feelings with Pat, who assured him Dave was just a friend.


Trying to make up for the havoc she had caused, Liz went to John, asking what she could do. John, coldly, asserted Liz just pointed out the fact that he and Pat didn't have a marriage. Liz started in on Barbara and John leapt to Barbara's defense, saying his friendship with Barbara Was nobody's business. Liz wondered aloud if her ideas about Barbara and John weren't more astute than she thought. John threw her out.


At dinner in her apartment, Barbara told John there couldn’t be anything between them unless he broke with Pat. Mike dropped by to ask Barbara's evaluation of his parents' situation. Barbara told Mike that Pat shouldn't count on anything. John came out of the kitchen! Mike, floored, observed Liz was right all along. Mike began to encourage Pat to get out more, date Dave, and told her he knew John didn’t love his family any more. Mike switched from track to boxing to vent his new hostilities.


Finally, John went to see Pat to tell her he wouldn't return to her. Pat was out with Dave, but Mike was at home. Mike asked John if he was returning to Pat. John said no. Mike became furious. John tried to pacify him, but Mike warned him not to start anything or he – Mike - might forget who John was. John left, saying, "I think you already have." John went to Barbara and told her it was all over with his family and he needed someone who needed him. They embraced.


At Glenda’s urging, Mike finally told Pat that John was gone for good. Pat didn’t want to believe it. Mike, without telling her about Barbara, convinced her, although Pat felt he was keeping something back. Mike arranged for Marianne to date a young man named Darryll, pushing the two together when he could. Darryll liked the idea; Marianne was still wary, after Chris.


John found Barbara’s having lunch with Rachel, to talk about them. He asked Barbara not to discuss them with anyone just yet. Barb asked why not, as Pat knew. John didn’t want Pat any more hurt than she was. - John had not talked with Pat! - He and Barbara were seen embracing by Rachel. At lunch Barbara told Rachel the whole thing. She was especially happy, though, because John and Pat had worked things out - she thought - and she had John free and clear, although she admitted he hadn't revealed any details about what John and Pat were going to do. Pat came in with Dave Gilchrist. She striked up a friendly conversation with Barbara, saying she had been meaning to call and invite her to lunch. Barbara excused herself, puzzling Pat.


Raymond Gordon took Alice Frame to dinner. Alice, not wanting to impose on Beatrice to babysit and feeling Pat could use a night out, had Pat stay with Sally, her adopted daughter, granddaughter of Beatrice. Beatrice called to arrange a visit and wondered why Alice didn't ask her to babysit. Rachel Cory suggested Beatrice talk it over with Jim Matthews. Beatrice was afraid she had upset Alice somehow. She went to Helen Moore's apartment where Jim was having dinner with Helen and Liz. Liz was furious. Jim angered her further by leaving with Beatrice. He took her over to meet Pat, who explained Alice was trying to help her with a personal problem.


Liz went out to see Beatrice, accusing her of taking advantage of Jim's good nature to take him away from his family and friends. Liz insisted Beatrice leave Jim alone or she would be sorry. Rachel overheard the conversation and ordered Liz from her house, saying Liz had no right to threaten any member of her household.


Iris Carrigton was giving an anniversary party for the Corys. Jim invited Beatrice, who refused, afraid what Liz said was true. Jim invited Helen, who refused, so he asked Liz. Rachel told Jim about Liz's visit to Beatrice. Angry, Jim uninvited Liz and insisted Beatrice go with him. Liz went alone. She was humiliated when Jim arrived with Beatrice. Liz cornered Beatrice, telling her everyone knew the only reason Jim saw so much of her was to keep Alice and her on good terms. Liz said Jim belonged with Helen. Jim intervened and reassured Beatrice. Liz left early and told Helen the whole thing. Helen begged Liz to stay out of her personal life because she was only making things worse. Jim dropped by later to tell Helen he still considered her a dear friend and hoped she didn't take Liz seriously. Liz interrupted, asking how Jim could lower himself to date a servant, a woman obviously beneath him. Liz assured him everyone was laughing at him. Jim said that was their problem. He left; arranging to see Helen alone, where they wouldn’t be bothered by Liz's snobbishness. Liz called Alice to ask her to stop Jim. Alice refused to get involved.


Raymond Gordon visited his niece Sally often. Over dinner he told Alice Beatrice's objections to Alice spending time at Frame Enterprises. Ray, however, felt it was a good idea because he felt Beatrice was too overprotective of Sally's mother, which eventually drove Jenny away.


Willis Frame didn’t like Alice's spending time at the office, peering over his shoulder. Carol Lamonte, Willis's lover, suggested he tell Alice how he felt, but Willis didn’t want any trouble with Alice. Carol suggested he talk to Beatrice. Beatrice told him she didn’t want to interfere, and besides Ray approved. Willis tried to influence Alice through off-hand remarks, but Alice ignored him. Sharlene Watts, Willis’ sister, who was living with Alice, felt Willis was trying to take over the business, which was why he didn’t want Alice around. Noticing how often Willis neglected Carol, for whom she worked, Sharlene confronted Willis. She conjectured he would even marry Alice to gain control of the company. Sharlene told him she wouldn’t let it happen.


Sharlene and Russ Matthews, Alice's brother, had been seeing a lot of each other and fell in love. Finally, Russ proposed, and Sharlene accepted, but asked they keep it a secret for awhile. uneasy by vague allusions to her past Willis had made. Reluctantly, Russ agreed. Before dinner at Alice's one night, Sharlene told Willis to put up or shut up. Willis said "San Diego." Sharlene insisted she had never been there. Willis told her about a shore leave with two friends. They took him to a seedy waterfront bar to fix him up with a terrific chick. It was Sharlene, working as a B-girl after her husband's death. Sharlene left the living room with dignity, but feared for her future. Willis gloated. Sharlene avoided Willis when she could. Everyone noticed, but neither of them would discuss it. The morning of Iris's party, Sharlene and Willis had another confrontation. Afraid and confused, Sharlene took the next plane to Chadwell, telling her sister Emma Willis's plans and her fears of losing Russ. Emma called Alice to tell her Sharlene was safe. Russ, distraught, begged Emma to have Sharlene call him, saying he loved Sharlene and didn’t care about her past. Emma told Sharlene she might go to Bay City to keep an eye on Willis because there was no way Willis could hurt her.


Clarice Hobson, pregnant by Robert Delaney, was determined to have her baby on her own and keep it. Clarice told Dave Gilchrist she didn’t want any help from anyone and didn’t want anyone to know yet. However, on a visit to Ada McGowan, Clarice had a dizzy spell and Ada guessed. Ada urged Clarice to talk things out with someone in the same condition, like Rachel. Clarice agreed, only if Rachel wanted to. Rachel did. Dave, meanwhile suggested Mac Cory give Clarice more responsibility at work. Mac was happy to oblige since Clarice helped save his marriage to Rachel when Iris tried to break it up by inventing an affair between Rachel and Philip Wainwright. Mac suggested Clarice become secretary to Scott Bradley and Ray Gordon. Since Clarice had no skills, the company enrolled her in a secretarial training program.


Mac had to go to Washington and New York on business. Iris contacted an old flame of Mac's, Tracy DeWitt, who was unhappily married and living in Washington, to tell her of Mac's imminent visit. Iris then called Rachel with Tracy's phone number. Rachel, on to Iris, coolly took the number and gave it to Mac. The morning after Mac left, Iris visited Rachel to make sure Rachel was aware of the old relationship. Again, Rachel didn’t take the bait. Iris's housekeeper, Louise Goddard, was filling in for Beatrice, so Iris went down to make dinner arrangements with her. Iris wanted a special dinner for Robert Delaney, with whom she was involved. Clarice and Ada arrived to talk with Rachel. Iris overheard part of their conversation, learning Clarice was pregnant with Robert's child.


After dinner that night, Iris suggested she and Robert get married. She promised a free and open relationship. Robert had to go to Washington soon to meet with Lowell Pendleton about the huge complex he was designing for him. Iris suggested they go as man and wife. eloping soon. Robert agreed.


Tracy contacted Mac, who let her know he was devoted to Rachel. Mac arranged a last-minute meeting between Vic, Neal, Robert and Pendleton. Meanwhile, Dave and Rachel had persuaded Clarice that Robert had a right to know she was pregnant. Neil, who had guessed Clarice's condition, tried to locate Robert at Iris' for her. Panicked, when Robert told her he had to leave immediately for the meeting because she knew it was only a matter of time till someone told Robert about Clarice, Iris persuaded Robert to miss the meeting and arrange one the following day so they could be married that night. She promised she could square it with Mac and Pendleton. He agreed. Mac and the others were furious when Robert missed the meeting. Neil covered. Iris interrupted the meeting with a cryptic call, saying Robert would be there the following day. Scott Bradley, finally told about her pregnancy by Clarice, helped her look for Robert, to no avail.


In Washington, Iris explained the post-ponement to Pendleton, who was forgiving. Iris persuaded Tracy to leave her husband and return to Bay City as her guest. She and Robert were keeping their marriage a secret until Iris's party for Mac and Rachel.


Rachel’s sculpture talents bloomed. Teacher Ken Palmer was disappointed when she told him she would devote herself to her baby when it arrived and wouldn't have much time for her work. Iris had commissioned a bust of Jamie as an anniversary present, but Rachel caught Ken and Jamie at a sitting. She was delighted.


Clarices’s friends tried desperately to get Clarice and Robert together, but failed constantly. As a last resort, Scott persuaded Clarice to accompany him to Iris's party. Robert was late returning from Washington and they arrived first, driving Iris into a dither. As Robert arrived, Scott asked to speak with him. Iris interrupted, asking everyone to gather around. When she revealed her marriage to Robert, Clarice ran out, followed by Scott, Angie, and Neil. Later in the party, Iris finally told Dennis he had a new father. At Clarice’s apartment, she swore them all to secrecy. She was afraid Iris might try to get her baby, if she knew about it - Iris, of course, did know. - After the party, Rachel searched for Iris to say thanks. She overheard Iris tell Tracy she married Robert to keep him out of Clarice's clutches.


Ken told Mac that Rachel was even better at sculpture than he. Scott Bradley offered to set up a trust fund for Clarice. She refused, but promised to call him if she needed anything. Iris objected to Robert's early hours, so he told Neil he would be coming in later. Robert told Neil he was hurt when Neil and Angie left without congratulating him. Neal apologized, saying he hoped the marriage worked out. Angie came by and offered her congratulations. Robert suggested she also tell Iris. Angie asked Neal to drop by there after work. Robert told them they would be at the Corys' for cocktails, suggesting they drop by there.


Robert told Mac he hoped to have children, too, as he was very fond of them. He told Mac he lost a baby son just before moving to Bay City. Iris told Rachel she had no intention of having any more children. Rachel asked if Robert felt the same. Iris supposed so. Rachel askd, if that was so, why Iris felt she had to save Robert from being a father to Clarice's baby by marrying him. Iris tried to deny it, but Rachel reported the conversation she overheard after the anniversary party. Iris warned that if Rachel ever breathed a word of that she knew, she would wreck Rachel's marriage to Mac for good.


Willis and Beatrice tried to persuade Alice to stay home, as Sharlene was not there. Alice insisted she could handle things, and Pat would help out if necessary. Beatrice offered her services, too. Willis was negotiating a project in Ogden, apartment complex and gave specs to Carol, whom he wanted to design it. Pam saw them and asked about them. Carol covered, but Pam asked Vic anyway. He didn’t know about it. He was going to talk to Willis. Pam suggested he also talk to Alice. Willis told everyone Alice wouldn’t be able to look at Robert's revised sketches the following day because she was staying home while Sharlene's gone.


Rachel took a wedding gift to Iris. Iris again brought up Mac and Tracy. Rachel told her to cut it out or she might have to tell Mac and Robert the reason for the suddenness of the marriage. Mac stopped at Iris' for drinks, confident Rachel had company at home. When he found she was alone, he offered to return immediately. Rachel insisted she would be all right. Mac and Robert went into the den. Iris arranged for Tracy to come up from the guest house. Rachel bent over to right her easle, and was torn by pain. She managed to call Iris, asking to speak with Mac. Iris refused. Rachel dropped the phone, and collapsed on the floor. Iris commented, as she hung up, that Rachel was "very rude."


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


The judge assigned to the custody case in which Grant Colman was trying to correct an error in the adoption of his son Teddy by Brian and Mary Ellison very often ruled in the favor of the natural mother. Grant felt that his ex-wife, Joyce, was not stable enough to raise the child. Grant used his one preemptory challenge to have Judge Barkley removed. Lisa, Grant's wife, felt that Grant wasn't being considerate of her feelings since Joyce had interfered in their marriage since their honeymoon. Dick Martin, Joyce's lawyer, used his challenge to have Judge Frawley removed from the case because his record was unpredictable in custody cases. Neither Grant nor Dick could find where Judge White stood on cases of this kind since he had only been in Oakdale for six months. Mary was dreading the hearing even though the Ellisons' lawyer, Jerry Butler, had tried to prepare her. Brian couldn’t afford to take time off from work because he used up his vacation when Mary's father was seriously ill.


Knowing that Ellen Stewart was sympathetic toward her case, Joyce visited her for support - Ellen was haunted by the relationship between her father and Chris Hughes' sister. Confused, she became infatuated with a doctor by whom she became pregnant. She gave up her illegitimate son, Dan, and when trying to get him back, decided that he was much happier with his adoptive parents, David Stewart and his first wife. Years after the death of the first Mrs. Stewart, Ellen married David. – When Joyce and Dick discussed the case she told him that Ellen would make a good character witness. Ellen objected when Dick told her that he wanted her as a witness, but Dick assured her that she had no choice. She went to Grant explaining that she had been and still was his friend and never would have shown such sympathy for Joyce if she had known that a personal conversation would take her into court. Grant said he understood that she couldn't help this.


Grant met Mary and Teddy at the airport and took them to the motel suite he had rented for them. Jerry Butler was staying with a college friend in town. Lisa asked Mary and Teddy to dinner that evening. Since Lisa and Grant weren't discussing the custody case so that they wouldn’t argue, Lisa asked her son, Tom Hughes who was also a lawyer in the same firm, what would happen in court. She found out that Ellen, an old enemy of Lisa's, would testify and after she explained to Ellen that Grant was only thinking of his son's welfare Lisa and Grant discussed all the possibilities of the case and cleared the air.


Dick questioned Joyce very carefully. She told of her life with Grant, her affair with Gregory Paget and her feeling that neither man would want her when she was pregnant. She was determined to have her baby and when her friend in Laramie, Sue Harley, suggested she go to Dr. Paulk she was still going to keep her baby. Dr. Paulk gave her drugs and kept pressuring her to give the baby up for her sake as well as the baby's. Mary objected when Joyce said that she consented only when she was in labor because she and Brian were told a month before Teddy's birth. Dick said he believes both Mary and Joyce were correct in what they said Dr. Paulk told them.


Joyce objecting to everyone blaming her for giving away her baby when she was under great pressure because Grant was doing the same thing. Everyone commented on how well Joyce handled herself and what a good impression she had made on the judge. Brian couldn’t stay in Laramie knowing that Mary was frightened. The men he worked with are all putting in extra hours to cover for him so that he didn’t miss any pay. Jerry thought that Ellen's testimony made Joyce look too good and when Grant declined to cross-examine her he did it himself. He tried to get Ellen to say that the situation was different, but Ellen admitted that the feelings were the same.


Brian’s testimony went very smoothly and Mary was conducting herself very well, but Brian felt so sorry for Mary that he made several outbursts objecting to Dick's methods. After several reprimands from the judge Mary seemed almost defeated. She admitted that she guessed that Dr. Paulk signed Grant's name about a week after the adoption. The judge asked if she knew it was fraud. She questioned Dr. Paulk several times and he assured her that it was all right because the father didn't want him. When asked, she said she would have told Grant if she had seen him shortly after the adoption, later would have been harder, but then Teddy is their son. The judge spoke to Teddy privately and told them all he would make his decision in a few days.


Grant and Jerry were both worried about the amount of time Judge White was taking to make up his mind. This meant he was having trouble deciding and things were in Joyce's favor. Nancy felt caught in the middle between Lisa and Ellen. Ellen admitted that even though she was Grant's friend and the Ellison's seemed very nice she really felt Joyce was right to ask for her son. Ellen had tried being friends with Lisa, but the wounds went back a long way.


Dr. Susan Stewart was concerned that Betsy Stewart, Dan's niece, would tell Kim Dixon that Dan never got Kim's message that she had her memory back before he left for Bolivia. Although Kim thought that Dan no longer loved her she still couldn't live with Dr. John Dixon. She moved to the Spencer Hotel and when she talked to Chris Hughes he offered her the job as temporary receptionist at the law firm to see if she wanted to stay in Oakdale and get a regular job.


Dr. Bob Hughes was trying to find out who was in Norman Garrison's room when he had a fatal heart attack. His son Tom was helping him to fight the reprimand. Although Bob pretended not to be hurt several patients had found new doctors, he had been replaced for nursing lectures and a paper he was to have read had been cancelled. Bob remembered that a girl with a young voice called Norman. Tom asked questions, but got no results. Nurse Pat Holland took a call from a young girl asking about Garrison. John asked her to get the name and number and he would call her later. Bob accidentally picked this up off John's desk, but returned it not knowing its significance. John called Tina Richards in New York to tell her that Norman died. She told John that she argued with him on December 10th - the day Norman died -, but John assured her that he died later in the month. Pat mentioned the call to Bob who asked John about it. John said that she was a secretary for one of Garrison's creditors. Tom incorporated Nurse Connely's help in getting the New York number from the operator. When Bob called the number it had been disconnected. This lead Tom to believe more than ever that John was lying because all the creditors were large companies and wouldn't disconnect their phones. When John was told by Pat that Nurse Connely had gotten the number, Susan advised John to tell Bob about the call and hoped that he would be so happy to be cleared that he wouldn’t tell the Board or Kim that he kept this information for two weeks. John was afraid of losing Kim forever and damaging his professional reputation. John was interrupted when Dr. Prescott informed Bob that under the circumstances he wouldn't be representing Memorial at cardiac conference. John's problems were solved when he heard that the number was disconnected.


Kim found out from Dr. Gilmore at St. Joseph's that she was pregnant. A friend of Pat Holland's, an OB resident at St. Joseph's, told Pat that Mrs. Dixon saw Dr. Gilmore. Pat confided this to Susan, wondering if John should know. Susan told John that she had it from a very reliable source that Kim was pregnant and assured him that Kim would tell him before anyone else. John was with Bob when Kim called asking Bob to meet her for lunch. She told Bob that she was pregnant and couldn’t sort out her feelings. She dreaded telling John, but he woull have to know. She was not going to make anymore compromises in her life. It made no difference what John wanted because she had been a mess since she married him. Bob warned her that John could be very persuasive.


Although Susan Stewart had tried to throw herself into her work she was being pursued by an attractive patient. Mr. Kevin Thompson hadn't been able to make much headway, but he refused to give up.


Natalie felt that the Hughes family didn’t really like her. She changed her mind when Lisa asked them to dinner and Nancy, Tom's grandmother, brought her a present for no reason. The gift gave her such a good feeling that she took Lisa a gift explaining how Nancy's gift made her feel.


Carol Stallings was working in her husband Jay's construction office when Mrs. Oliver Carson came to ask Jay for more time to repay their loan. Jay was so ruthless that his secretary Lori, one of many in the past few months, could no longer take the harrassment. Carol was afraid that Jay didn't have a human side. Carol was thrilled when she found out from Mrs. Carson that Jay not only extended their loan, but suggested Carson for a job. After asking Lori to come back, Jay had made an effort to be nice to her. Carol gave a dinner party asking Tom, Carol's ex-husband, and Natalie. Carol was an excellent cook and Jay spent the evening bragging about everything he could afford. Natalie felt they should repay the invitation, but was relieved when it was declined. Circumstances changed and Carol called to accept. Natalie, a novice cook and very nervous, fixed a meal where only the cookies and ice cream were edible. One reason Natalie was so nervous is that she felt Jay was making a play for her and she was afraid that Tom would catch on. Lisa got the wrong idea and thought Sandy Garrison had caught Jay's eye.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Dr. Laura Horton went into her ex-husband Mickey's cell at the mental facility. She removes his restraint, telling him she could hear his cries for help. Laura told Mickey she wanted to be with him and to help him. Tears floe from Mickey's eyes. Laura asked, "Dear God, what have I done to you?" Laura asked Mickey to talk to her. Mickey daw Laura in her wedding dress. He daw them lying on a beach during their honeymoon, planning children and their future. "Why, Laura? Why?" Laura tried to explain, saying she did it out of love. “Love? Lo … Lo … lies. (Laughter) I'll have you behind bars. (Laughter.)” Realizing her moment of contact was lost, Laura left. Meanwhile, Dr. Powell had told Bill that Mickey couldn't live in both worlds, and memories of the past kept flooding back. Laura told Dr. Powell that Mickey was catatonic. Dr. Powell refused to change his mind about commitment and went in to give Mickey a shot to relax him. Mickey knocked the syringe across the room. Dr. Powell asked Mrs. Carr. a nurse, to bring in another. She waited as he prepared it. and Mickey noticed her blonde hair. Screaming "Laura" he tried to strangle her. Dr. Powell and attendants subdued him. Laura was shocked.


Mickey’s sanity hearing was the following day. Linda Phillips refused to testify regarding Mickey's strangling her, saying the whole commitment thing was just to protect Laura. Linda went to the Horton house to try to influence Alice to dissuade Tom from committing their son. Julie was there. Maggie arrived, walking. Linda observed that it was the Horton women against the Horton men. Linda and Maggie met in the kitchen. Linda snidely told Maggie there was no Marty Hansen any more and she felt Mickey would choose his old life in Salem as a lawyer. Linda asked who Maggie thought he would choose. Maggie replied maybe neither of them — as Mickey he could choose Laura! Linda couldn’t accept that, exclaiming, "Mickey's always loved me." She continued that she could have had Mickey any time. could have taken him from a silly, little farm girl like you." Maggie observed, "You haven't yet!" Linda slapped her. "Thank you, Linda. That's the first time you've treated me like a woman." Maggie walked from the room.


Laura and Bill began their drive to Salem in a severe snowstorm that had knocked out all phone lines in Salem. Laura went into labor. The road became steadily worse, so when Bill spotted a light, he and Laura headed for it. They had to walk part of the way, but finally reached a farmhouse. Nobody answered his knock, so Bill broke in. He made Laura a bed on the kitchen table. He was worried when her contractions lessened. Upon examination, he found the baby was coming breech, and worse, rumped first. He worried that he might lose his wife and child because of his injured right arm. He couldn’t do a C-section, either. Bill managed to turn the baby to present feet first. Both were relieved at the arrival of the farm owner, Rosie, who assisted Bill in delivering a perfect baby girl — Jennifer Rose. Laura and Bill worried about getting to Mickey's hearing.


Alice insisted to Don that she could handle Mickey at home. Don told her about Mrs. Carr. Alice realized Mickey was ill. Tom began to worry about the legal implications of not reporting the gun shot wound for him and for Bill! The following morning, Mickey was read the patients' bill of rights at Bayview, including the right to refuse shock treatment and lobotomy “... Shock treatment ... shock treatment... lobotomy ... lobotomy”. Tears streamed from Mickey's eyes. Dr. Powell entered and read Mickey the court petition for commitment. Mickey fantasized creeping up behind Dr. Powell and strangled him. Dr. Powell left Mickey alone to dress for court.


Linda resigned as Don Craig's secretary and hired Alan Quinn, a top criminal lawyer, to represent Mickey. As Linda explains this, Mickey laughed at her, saying he could tool her and everybody. Mickey was calm and rational. Linda asks Dr. Powell to withdraw his part of the petition. He refuses, telling Linda about the incident with Mrs. Carr. Linda refused to believe it. Dr. Powell's called to Mickey's room. Completely self-absorbed, Mickey rhythmically lifted and dropped a corner of his cot.


At the courthouse, Mickey asked Maggie to testify for him. He imagines Maggie as a tramp who laughed at him. He couldn’t trust her either! Mickey accused Don of wanting him put away so Don could take over his law practice. When the Hortons arrived, Mickey reminded himself to beware of them because they weren't on his side. Alice observed how rational Mickey was. Tom painfully explained, "It's the seeming sanity of the totally insane”.


Julie didn’t want to testify, not wanting the responsibility of putting Mickey away. Julie asked Mickey how he was. He replied, "Sane or insane?" He thanked Julie for being there to testify for him. He told her he had a good defense. Julie reminds him he wasn't on trial. Bitterly, Mickey retorted he had been on trial ever since the affair with Linda. When Mickey saw Tom, he regressed to Julie's custody trial. Tom commented that it was the moment of truth for everyone. Each of them could tell only the truth. He wondered what would happen to Alice if he was forced to do what he had to. Court began.


Bill started for town in Rosie's truck. The roads werare being plowed and the telephone linemen were out working. Judge Gelson reminded everyone that this was a closed hearing and that it would be informal. He didn’t like the idea of Mickey's defending himself, but permitted it because he knew and was fond of Mickey. The attorneys were seated. Mickey wondered where Laura was. He felt he never should have trusted Laura. He crumbled a piece of paper, standed and screamed, "I'm sane!" — to an empty courtroom. Mickey blinked and the court was full again. Don read the petition. Gelson said the petition alleged an attack on Bill Horton. He asked why Bill isn't there. Were his injuries such that he was prevented from attending? Don explained that nobody had been able to reach Bill because of the storm. Mickey waived his opening statement. Don called Tom. Tom explained that he was at Bill's house “Bill's house? My house” because Laura called to say that Mickey had found Mike was not his son. Tom admitted he couldn't see inside the house, but when he heard "sounds of violence" he broke in and found Bill injured. Tom, with great reluctance, concurred with Dr. Powell about the need for Mickey's commitment. Mickey reserved cross-examination.


Alice asked Tom how he could destroy Mickey's life this way. Tom said Mickey wanted to kill Bill. Alice insisted it was an accident. Tom asked how Alice would feel if Mickey were let go and harmed Laura or Bill or himself. Julie testified to her meeting with Mic-key at Bayview. She told how Mickey was living an incident that occurred 15 years ago. Mickey again reserved cross-examination. Mickey recalled Tom. He asked the nature of the physical attack on Bill. Was a weapon used? He asked Tom to tell the full details. Don objected. Tom didn't see what happened. Gelson sustained the objection, suggesting Tom could testify to the aftermath. Tom had to testify that Bill was not hospitalized and could drive. Mickey concluded that the injury couldn't have been too severe. He continued that the injury was the result of severe trauma to himself and Tom wanted him out of the way to protect Bill and Laura's reputation. Tom became visibly shaken and Don requested a recess. Don demanded Tom tell him everything. Alice told Tom that if he told the truth, Mickey would be behind bars for the rest of his life! Tom reminded her that the shooting was premeditated. She rejoined that if her love and marriage mean anything, he couldn’t tell. Tom replied that he had already committed a misdemeanor. "How far must a man go to protect his son?"


Linda told Julie that if Mickey was put away, she would tell Mike everything, she would get even. Don told Tom that if he didn't get the whole truth about that night, Mickey could leave the courtroom a free man. Tom told him. Don said the only thing he could do was throw himself on the mercy of the court. As court resumed, Don interrupted Mickey's questioning of Tom so Tom could tell the judge what happened off the record. As they headed for the judge's chambers, Mickey told Tom it was too late, that telling the judge would cast doubt on his testimony. "Thanks to you, I'm going to walk out of here a free man."


Maggie asked Mickey if the hearing made him feel like a Horton? He said he was Mickey Horton. "The present must wait until the past can be avenged." She reminded him of their past together. He replied that it was a matter of record, like Mike was his by record. Maggie reminded him that no son could love a father any more than Mike loved him. She said that Mike was theirs out of love. Like Janice, the little girl they were going to adopt. He told Maggie there would be no more children.


Mickey told Don the gunshot was an accident. Bill jumped him and he still had 5 bullets to finish him but didn't. Don asked if Mickey knew Bill was still alive. Mickey felt Laura was his only hope. When Gelson suggested Tom would no longer be helpful, Mickey called Alice. Alice testified that when she arrived, Mickey was quiet, not violent. Mickey asked what happened to the gun? Judge said there was no certain knowledge of the gun. Don asked Alice her opinion of commitment. She wanted him home with people who understanded.


Bill arrived! He testified that the shooting was an accident, there was no premeditation. “Thanks, Bill, for giving me another chance. Next time won't miss”. Bill produced a letter from Laura. She cited the "emotional devastation" Mickey suffered upon learning Mike wasn't his son as the reason for the attack on Bill. However, she and Bill felt no further need for protection from Mickey. "Now is the time for healing." Laura suggested Mickey remain at home in Tom's custody and be treated on an outpatient basis.


Gelson took Bill into chambers and asked why he and Laura are asking for Mickey's release? Bill felt responsible for pushing Mickey to the brink. Later, Bill told Mickey he and Laura would give their lives if it hadn't happened. “Would you?” Bill reminded Mickey that Mike, Mickey's son in every way that counted, needed him. Mickey imagines Laura on the stand and vilified her, damning her. She disappeared. He called out to her.


Tom was on the verge of withdrawing his petition, but Don urged him to let the judge decide the matter, because nobody in the family was objective enough. Dr. Powell gave his testimony. Don called Mrs. Carr. Mickey recalled Powell asking if what he construed as ravings might simply have been misinterpreted by him? No. Mickey asked, "what is sanity?" He admitted at the moment he bought the gun he was insane. But he asked if it was sane for a family to hide a lie for years. He demanded what the family would tell Mike. Increasingly emotional, Mickey admitted he could have killed Bill and Laura and Tom and Alice! Alice fainted.


Tom didn’t want Mickey under Alice's care because it would be too great a strain. Gelson asked Tom, in chambers, if he would do the same thing again. Tom said yes. Bill was worried about what might happen to his marriage if Mickey was committed. Maggie warned Bill he would lose Mike with the truth, but it had to end. Judge Gelson asked Mickey to rise —several times. Gelson remarked that everyone was interested only in what was best for Mickey.


Mickey began hallucinating. He saw Bill's face. Mickey screamed he would have another chance and he would kill Bill. Bill’s face faded into Tom's. "You've always been easily taken in. We must protect Laura and Bill. To keep the Horton name safe, we'll lock you up forever ... We've left you nothing." Julie asked him how it felt "You took my son away from me and now your son's been taken away from you!" Gelson said the question is where would Mickey be better off? Mickey felt he was confronted by 6 black-robed people. They all gave "reasons" for wanting Mickey confined. Tom: to protect the family name; Linda: to get money and power elsewhere; Bill: so Mickey couldn’t hurt Laura, the baby, or him; Julie: Mickey took her son away; Maggie: so he wouldn’t know she duped him into thinking she was a cripple; Don: to take over his law practice. Gelson negated Laura's letter as "irrelevant and invalid." Mickey imagined he saw Bill and shot him 6 times. Bill was still alive. "My brother has to die. Why can't I make him die? I'm only looking for justice ... Bill and Laura deserve to die ... Nobody loves me." Maggie and Linda appeared in his fantasy. Linda told him he was a loser and she had no time for him. Maggie didn’t want to spend the rest of her life caring for an emotional cripple. "He's as good as dead to me." Linda replied, "Then bury your dead."


Gelson committed Mickey. Mickey then turned on his family and friends. He suggested the court had been bought off by Tom. In listing what all the others had to gain from his commitment, Mickey eventually got to Bill. He damned Bill and tried to kill him. Attendants straightjacketed him. Calmed down, Mickey told Tom he had no father, no one. Tom accompanied Mickey to Bayview. Mickey asked him to stay. Tom assured him everyone loved him, that they were only trying to protect him. They recalled childhood days, and real resentment of Bill creeped in, as well as a deep sense of guilt on Mickey's part for trying to kill Bill. Tom alerted Powell, who assured him they would take precautions to make sure Mickey didn’t harm himself. Maggie went to see him. He asked who she was. Maggie replied that she was his wife. He saw Laura's face and called her Laura. He did not remember his life with Maggie. Bill's expression told Laura of Mickey's commitment. She wanted to leave the next day, pick up Mike, and start a family life with Jennifer and him. Linda went to see Mike. She told him Mickey couldn’t be there because he was not feeling well. Mike asked Linda if she knew about his new baby sister. He said he had two little sisters. Linda was upset.


Robert LeClair, upset that Johnny Collins had rejected Rebecca North, whom Robert believed was carrying Johnny's child, told Don Craig about it. Don asked Rebecca if she was still letting Johnny believe the baby was his. She didn't know what else to do - Rebecca was carrying Doug Williams' child through artificial insemination. - Johnny arrived. He said he figured if the baby were his, she would have had an abortion or told him. Since she did neither, the baby Wasn't his. Therefore, she probably had been fooling around with Doug. Johnny accused Doug, saying they were playing house. Doug denied it. Johnny slugged him. Don held him back. Robert told Johnny off, saying Johnny could go back to Paris and shirk his responsibilities because he – Robert - would take care of Rebecca. Rebecca could stay where there were people who loved her and cared about her. Later, Robert told Rebecca that getting a woman pregnant didn’t make a man a father. He suggested they marry to give the baby a name and get a divorce after the baby was born. Rebecca was moved.


Trish Clayton, accompanied by Brooke Hamilton, was in Phoenix to see her father, James Stanhope, who never married her mom. Having met Stanhope, loan officer of a bank, through applying for a loan, Trish was determined to tell him her identity. She and Brooke found his home and waited outside for a glimpse of Trish's half-brothers or sisters. They met 15-year old Ginny. Trishwais pained by Ginny's glowing descriptions of her family's life.


Susan Peters returned to Salem after a devastating attempt at lovemaking with ex-brother-in-law, Eric Peters. Susan confided to ex-husband Greg that she knew she was frigid, that she never had a satisfactory sexual relationship with any man. Greg suggested she return to therapy with Laura. Susan considered it. When she learned of Mickey's sanity hearing, Susan went, to lend support, but was devastated when Mickey regressed to her trial for murdering her first husband, David Martin. All the old wounds broke open, and Susan couldn’t stay. She returned to the clinic, determined to begin seeing Laura. Susan was haunted by memories of her disastrous marriage to David Martin. especially since she used his money to build the clinic in his memory, a daily reminder. Susan became aware of how deep her problems went. Amanda Howard arrived with plans for the surgical wing she was donating. Everyone was delighted. Amanda asked only one favor — a small plaque dedicated to her late husband, Jason Howard, whose money she was using to add the surgical wing.


When Brooke Hamilton couldn't reach her mother, Adele, from Phoenix, she called Helen Grant and asked her to check on her. Adele had been drinking and was really ill. David called Brooke, who was upset he was involved. He asked her to come right home. Helen felt Adele needed a doctor. David suggested Neil Curtis, since his family was unavailable and their involvement might embarrass Brooke. Phyllis accompanied Neil and volunteered to stay with Adele until Brooke arrived. Phyl was a nurse. Neil did some tests, particularly a liver function test. He told Helen that Adele would kill herself, if she kept drinking. Helen told this to David, adding Adele could be helped only if she wanted it, but Adele didn’t think anyone cared. Adele hallucinated. She saw Brooke and askEd her not to tell Bob the truth. David didn’t understand and was frightened by it all. When Brooke arrived, Adele told her she just had the flu. Neil told Brooke Adele had liver involvement and would die if she didn't stop drinking. Adele realized she couldn't fool anyone any more, but she couldn’'t kick it alone. Helen offered support, reminding Adele of the church group that helped problem drinkers. Paul Grant, also an alcoholic – recovered -, went to see Adele. She told him she had the flu. He asked if she wants him to play games or give it to her straight. He said she had to begin to admit she was an alcoholic. Graphically, he described the awful effect alcohol had for him. He asked if Adele really wanted to kill herself. Paul told Brooke she, too, had to admit Adele was an alcoholic, and it would help Adele if Brooke went to meetings with her, so Brooke would understand. Adele retrieved a bottle from inside the toilet tank. But every time she started to open the bottle, Brooke came in. Adele decided to go to the church meeting with the Grants. Brooke was going with her, assuring Adele nobody expected her to do it alone. Adele resisted a drink. She couldn't embarrass Brooke.


Amanda Howard, depressed after telling Greg she couldn’t make a commitment to him, called Neil Curtis at home. Neil rushed to her. Mary Anderson, Neil's wife Phyllis's daughter, wass visiting when the call came. Mary was suspicious that Neil was having an affair with Amanda. When Phyl left the room, Mary called Neil's service and got the number where he was — Amanda's number. Mary began to point out the loneliness of Phyl's life with Neil compared to the life she had with Bob. Phyl was puzzled, so Mary told her she didn’t trust Neil. Phyl asked Mary to respect her as Mrs. Neil Curtis. Phyl had Mary stay the night because of a snowstorm. The following morning, Neil deliberately flirted with Mary to upset her.


At work at the clinic, Mary asked Greg if Neil was playing around. Greg assured her Neil was playing it straight. Mary said he was still seeing Amanda. Greg told her she was as a friend. Greg asked if Mary wasn't hoping Phyl and Neil would split and Phyl would go back to Bob. At the Boutique, Mary told Phyl that Julie did the portrait of Amanda to remind Phyl of the old affair between Amanda and Neil. Phyl reminded Mary that Bob brought the portrait of Amanda to her, without Julie's knowledge, to sell.


Mary went to confront Neil. He asked why she thought he stayed with Phyl. Mary said money. He reminded her he hadn't taken any money. Mary demanded the truth. Was Neil having an affair with Amanda or not? "No comment," was Neil's reply. Mary went to Phyl and told her Neil couldn't deny he was having an affair with Amanda. Mary paraded her proof: she had seen Neil at Amanda's apartment, and she had called Neil at Amanda's when he was supposed to be with a terminal patient. Phyllis went to Neil. She said Mary had no right to say such things. Neil asked why she was there then. Neil refused to defend himself. Phyl said she was not going to let anyone interfere with their marriage. Greg again told Mary there was nothing between Neil and Amanda except an old friendship. Alone with the files, Mary pulled Amanda's and learned the truth. Neil stormed in and told Mary that Phyl took him knowing it was on the rebound. He refused to report to anyone on how he spent his time, and he intended to spend as much time as possible with Amanda. Mary told him she would stay out of their lives and tell Phyl how wrong she was. Neil was speechless.


Amanda Howard, desperate for some key to help her through her last days, finally read the diary her mother, who also died of a brain tumor, left her. Amanda was deeply moved. Her mother regretted keeping her condition from Amanda because she denied Amanda counsel that might help her. Her last words to Amanda were to trust in God. Amanda met with Susan and Greg about the plans for the surgical wing. Greg and Susan were pleased with the new-found ease they had with each other.


Julie was guilt-ridden about her part in Mickey's commitment. Don assured her she had to tell the truth and Mickey would get the care he needed. Mary told Julie she didn’t like her being at Doug's because she was meeting Bob for dinner. Julie asked if she was still trying to run her parents' lives.


The Doctors


Written by: Robert Cenedella / Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Jeff Young


Stacy Wells, affected by witnessing Carolee's unhappiness the night before, was reassured by Dr. Matt Powers that love and marriage had survived thousands of years. She responded to his efforts to cheer her by agreeing, “After all, there's still you and Maggie, right?" When Stacy left, Matt sent for his wife Dr. Maggie Powers who, being summoned, said she felt a harangue coming on. Matt then told his wife "I love you." When she replied that she knew that, he went on to say, “After the last couple of weeks and my yelling at you, I thought you might have some doubts in your mind.” Carolee Aldrich came in to Matt's office and showed Matt and Maggie a letter that she had received that morning offering her a position as Chief of Nurses in a New York Hospital at a raise in salary of $5,000 per year. Maggie said the offer was very flattering and Matt said, "Oh, those people" - Carolee had been offered this position before and turned it down -. When he questioned her about seriously considering the offer she said that she wasn't really and Matt said curtly, "Don't. If that's all, I have work to do — thanks for coming by."


Steve told her that she would be silly to consider the offer as "My practice is here, the children are here, you're here." Ann Larimer, Steve's partner told her there was no right time because she, Carolee, was not going to leave her family and not going to "drag them along while you seek your fame and fortune in the big city." - Ann herself was a single professional woman who was married for a brief few hours when young to Carolee's husband. Her father had the marriage annulled. - Carolee told Ann that she had realized that of the five people she had spoken to today, only one gave her any kind of encouragement — Mona, Steve's mother. - When Mona at breakfast suggested that she check out the offer and take advantage of the free trip, Carolee said she couldn't consider leaving her home for a few thousand dollars more a year, Mona asked: "Why not? Because you're a woman? Steve, if he'd gotten such an offer, would discuss it with you, fly to New York and look around."


Steve asked Ann to stop for a drink on the way home from the office and told her that he couldn’t believe that Carolee was taking the offer seriously and referred to it as ludicrous. Ann assured him that she was on his side. When she offered him her shoulder to cry on, Steve backed off saying that he had grown to depend on her sympathy, "Maybe more than I should." He complained "what a disgusting way to live" and she said, "Then don't Steve, make it change. You can!"


When Steve came home home to find that Carolee had made no preparations for dinner and wanted to discuss the letter, he said that discussion was beyond the point, her taking the job was impossible, out of the question and she would be wrong to waste the hospital's time and money on a job she was not going to take. Carolee, reacting to his language, said, "You have no respect for my life, my mind, my career, anything!" He said that an absurd wife was exactly what she had grown to be. Carolee replied, "I'm going to New York. I deserve the right to explore this." He told her to explore New York, “the moon for all I care! I'm gonna join the saner members of the family." He left and Carolee picked up the phone, started to dial and then hung up.


The following day, Carolee arranged to take five days off if she decided to go. When she told Steve he condescendingly told her it wasn't as though he wouldn't like to let her have a few days in New York. Later after they both attempted to lighten the atmosphere with some joking, Steve told Carolee "The only joke you'll find in Manhattan is yourself.” Once again he characterized her as "hysterical." She countered that perhaps the treatment for that was a slap in the face: "But then I've just gotten that haven't I?" When she pointed out that Steve was always telling her she shouldn't take herself seriously, that he didn't take her seriously, he replied, "That's ridiculous." When he pleaded, "Carolee be reasonable" she said, "I'm bloody sick and tired of being reasonable, for a change I'm going to do what I want to do." When he accused her of being a "trifle" selfish, she said they needed time to allow themselves to find out what they wanted. As her taxi came Steve turned away from her with his arms folded. She picked up her suitcase and left.


During the days that Carolee was gone Ann and Steve sought each other out, taking advantage of opportunities and excuses to be together. Finally at Steve and Carolee's home, Ann told Steve she loved him, that Carolee's jealousy probably had been because she sensed something. Steve answered it might be a wise thing if they dropped this but Ann went on to say that she always had loved him. They kissed as Steve's young son Erich watched. - Erich had been restless and upset the past few days and Mona, instead of contacting Carolee as the boy asked, had called in Anne. –


At breakfast the following day Erich was sullen and said he was sick. When Mona suggested they call Ann, his pediatrician, he said he hated Dr. Larrimer. Although Mona tried to short-circuit any more talk from Erich, Billy Aldrich, Erich's teen-age step brother, insisted that she let him finish. Mona ordered Billy to "stay out of this" and told Ann that she had always been on her side but that she was "astonished at your lack of style."


Billy, determined to put a stop to a situation the grown-ups didn’t seem to be facing, callsedCarolee in New York. He planned to get her back home without letting her know what was going on and in the meantime confront Steve and get him to straighten up. After Erich lied on the phone that he really was ill a puzzled Carolee promised to take the first available flight back. When Billy got to his father's office he found his father and Ann embracing. Ann left the room and Steve told his son he was acting like a big shot hurling accusations. He admitted to kissing Anne but insisted that there was nothing between them. Steve promised never to let anything like that happen again and Billy left. Ann then returned to the office, and as they commiserated with each other and Steve held her Billy, who had forgotten to tell his father that Carolee was on her way home, rushed back into the room and saw them. He checked, turned and slamed out of the room.


Eleanor Conrad heard her husband Scott and her daughter Wendy talk about her and then about Althea. Scott offered to take Wendy and Althea to lunch and cancel an appointment he had with Judge Rodman to do so. Eleanor came into the room and asked to see Dr. Wilson as soon as possible. Scott tried to dissuade her and then annoyed, agreed. At the hospital coffee shop waiting for Eleanor's appointment, Eleanor told Scott that she loved him and he said that he knew that. When she asked him if he still loved her even a little. Scott replied, "I love you. Eleanor.” She told him that he needed her too and reminded him that he forgot to call Judge Rodman. Eleanor assured Scott that she would be all right alone while he phoned. Eleanor went to see Althea and told her that she overheard Scott and Wendy's conversation - "I wasn't eavesdropping, I'm a nice person too" -. She asked Althea to be her friend - Althea and Scott were lovers. Scott had assured Althea that Eleanor understood that they had no future together. - When Scott found Eleanor in Althea's office, he was angry and at home he insisted that Eleanor go back to the sanitarium. Some days later, he told Althea that he had decided to have Eleanor legally committed for the sake of his daughter Wendy's peace of mind.


When Michael Paul became ill, Toni Powers called Dr. Alan Stewart to see him when she was unable to reach Dr. Ann Larimer. Alan was with nurse M.J. Match but went to Toni's refusing M.J.'s offer to go with him. When Mike Powers heard that Alan attended his son he was once again angry and jealous. - Toni and Mike were married but when Mike was reported killed in an explosion at sea, Alan, Mike's cousin, and Toni were married. Alan had raised Michael Paul as his son. When Mike returned, Toni was torn between both men. After miscarrying Alan's child, Tony broke with both of them. -


Michael Paul was admitted to the hospital the following night suffering from viral meningitis – Dr. Alan Stewart had misdiagnosed his illness as flu -. When Greta Powers, Mike's young sister called Alan to tell him, he was with M.J. and they had just made love. Alan left to go to the hospital though Greta told him that her father Matt Powers had made it clear that he did not want either Alan or Mike at the hospital - Both doctors had been quarreling at the hospital and had made a number of scenes. - The following day, M.J. accepted the job of special nurse to Michael Paul. Seeing Alan as he watched Mike and Toni together, M.J. told him that the fact that he still loved Toni was written all over his face. M.J. contrived to get Mike out of the way and Alan took the opportunity to tell Toni that he loved her and asked her to marry him.


Toni told Mike later that night that Alan had asked her to marry him but Mike insisted that Toni face the fact that she was still sexually attracted to him. The following day he visited her and told her that he couldn't bear the thought of losing her and, when Alan called, he took off for the hospital saying he was determined to get Alan Stewart out of their lives. As Toni and Matt got to the hospital Matt had Alan paged. Mike appeared and swung at him, but Alan knocked Mike down. Matt told Toni angrily to: "Get your husband on his feet and get him out of this hospital."


Carolee came home and was told by Erich and Billy what had happened. She tried to get in touch with Steve and finally called Ann's home number.


Matt Powers and Hank Iverson didn’t know much about their coma patient. Jerry, her neighbour, shared some information about the woman being allergic to bee stings and he also mentioned she did use drugs on occasion.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


Tiffany Douglas was told by Dr. Clay Jordan that Geraldine Whitney had spoken - Geraldine had been in a comatose state since she was supposedly pushed down the stairs by Tracy Dallas Micelli. - Jordan told Tiffany that Mrs. Whitney had had her mind triggered which enabled her to speak. She kept repeating the names Tracy Dallas and Nbel Douglas. Tiffany said she had never given up hope that Geraldine would once again regain consciousness. As Tiffany cried at Mrs. Whitney's bedside. Geraldine Whitney reached over and touched Tiffany's shoulder. Dr. Lacey advised Tiffany to not come to early conclusions about Dr. Jordan's work with Geraldine. He believed it was science not meditation - Dr. Jordan's method of therapy - that was aiding Geraldine's recovery.


When Tiffany found out that Noel was also with Geraldine at the time of her "accident" and was having an affair with Tracy, she told him he was a man of weak character. He played on her sympathies and said he was so sorry, then asked her if she wanted him to leave. She was confused and hurt and couldn't make up her mind. In further endeavor to win over Tiffany, he told her "if only you could love me with all my afflictions as I loves you with all your virtues." Tiffany then asked him to stay and forgave him. Tiffany later told Nicole that she had faith in her husband and after eight months of marriage she knew he loved her and their marriage was more solid than it had ever been. Police Chief Bill Marceau visited the Douglases and told Tiffany that Noel could be charged with "aggravated assault." She quickly rusheed to her husband's defense. Chief Marceau asked Tiffany to release a document of Geraldine Whitney's which revealed the prior relationship between Tracy Dallas Micelli and Noel Douglas in Chicago. As it was vital evidence to the police, she gave them the documented evidence.


While Tiffany was out of the house, Noel, alone with houseguest Nicole, made a pass at her which she coldly ignored, further proving his character faults. In discussion with Bill Marceau and law partner Adam Drake, Mike Karr, Tracy's attorney, then knew Tracy Dallas's motive to kill Geraldine was Geraldine's threat to expose Tracy's past and her connection with Noel Douglas. Mike truly believed the fall as accidental, but without concrete evidence against Noel, he couldn’t prove this. Chief Marceau further confirmed Tracy's guilt by suggesting Tracy risked her life on the documented evidence that Geraldine possessed, and that document alone was motive enough to kill for.


Chief Marceau questioned Mike's doubts about the fall as to how and when the bruise was inflicted. Adam Drake noted that Geraldine was conscious after the fall, as Tracy confessed, because she was groaning for help when Tracy left. However, he and Marceau agreed it had to be confirmed medically whether Geraldine could have lapsed into a coma after the fall occurred. Dr. Lacey reported that Geraldine had to be unconscious immediately upon falling and it was impossible for her to call out for help and then lapse into a coma. There could only be one conclusion to this according to Adam — he believed if Tracy did hear Geraldine's cry for help, then Geraldine was hit later, causing the bruise and her immediate state of unconsciousness.


In an attempt to force Noel to reveal the truth about Geraldine's accident, Kevin Jamison and Adam Drake set up a bluff to trick Noel. They had the editor of the “Monticello News” print a false copy of the front page in which the headlines accused Noel of attempted homicide. Kevin read to Noel that Geraldine Whitney had regained consciousness and had spoken to the police. He went on to read that Geraldine reported "Tracy was not responsible for my injury. Noel Douglas was.”  Noel, becoming very nervous, was about to admit to the truth in these statements when Tiffany arrived home from a visit to the hospital and reported that Geraldine was still in a coma. Noel quickly regained his composure realizing he had come very close to admitting his guilt. He convinced Tiffany they needed to get away for a second honeymoon, and they planned to leave the following day.


Taking advantage of the Douglases' absence from the Whitney mansion, and Geraldine's progressive recovery, Kevin and Adam convinced Dr. Lacey to release Geraldine from the hospital and let her recuperate in the familiar surroundings of her own home. Dr. Lacey signed the release form and Adam advised the staff at the Whitney mansion to not inform Tiffany or Noel about Mrs. Whitney's return. When she arrived home and upon entering the front door, Geraldine saw the stairway and reacted sharply, as if frightened by it.


Adam’s theory to "confront the criminal with the victim" was about to be exposed as Tiffany and Noel arrived home from their shortvac-ation and as Noel still denied Kevin's accusations of the murder attempt Geraldine Whitney was wheeled into the living room and into a rather shocked Noel Douglas's presence!


Adam Drake and Mike Karr were continuing with the long and tedious task of selecting a jury for the Serena Faraday trial. Adam commented to Mike that "this murder was a catharsis for Serena and quite a price to pay for a cure." He fears that young Tim Faraday, Serena's son, would be called as a witness at his mother's trial. Finally the first day of the trial arrived. Serena showed up at Dr. Quentin Henderson's office very nervous and admitted to him she was afraid she was going to lose control. Both Draper Scott and Adam Drake gave their opening statements to the jury and relay each side of the case as it happened that tragic day of December 1, 1975 when "Josie" shot down her husband on the courthouse stepped.


Nicole Travis Drake and Adam Drake had a meeting upon Nicole's return from Paris - Adam assumed his wife dead after an explosion on their honeymoon yacht trip and had since become engaged to Assistant District Attorney Brandy Henderson -. Their meeting did not go well, as Adam later told Mike Karr, the words just didn't come to him or Nicole when trying to talk out their problems. Nicole decided to surprise Adam for lunch one day during jury selection for the Faraday trial and just missed him, but was not too late to see him leave with Brandy. She then told Mike she would start divorce proceedings as it seemed to be the only solution to the mess everyone was in. Nancy Karr, upon hearing Nicole talk of divorce, advised her to give Adam a chance and let him get used to her. Dr. Clay Jordan visited Nicole and admitted that he hoped Mrs. Whitney's recovery was delayed if only to allow him to remain in the United States and be able to see Nicole. He then tried to convince Nicole to return to Paris with him, but she refused. Dr. Jordan then saw Adam Drake over their “mutual interest" Nicole and told Adam he was showing ambivalence towards Nicole and should set her free.


Adam warned Dr. Jordan to respect his privacy when it came to his wife. In further attempts to free Nicole from Adam. Clay informed Nicole of the "Enoch Arden Law" which allowed an immediate divorce due to the loss of one partner assumed dead, even upon their later return. He set up an appointment for Nicole to see a lawyer, Warren Hubbell, but Nicole thought it was unfair to Adam to go ahead with divorce proceedings without letting him know of it first. She told Adam about the divorce plans and the reason — so she and Brandy could start on equal grounds. Mike had already told Adam that Nicole felt if Adam was free of her legally, he could make a clear decision about which woman he wanted. Nicole then told Brandy Henderson of her divorce plans and made yet another appointment with Warren Hubbell, and proceeded to petition Adam for a divorce. Brandy, sensing Adam's confusion about the two women in his life, contemplated going out of town and putting "space" between herself and Adam. Upon hearing that Phoebe Smith and Kevin Jamison had told Mrs. Whitney of their definite plans to marry within a few weeks, Brandy advised Phoebe to not wait a minute longer to marry the man she loved. In an attempt to become independent of Adam, Nicole accepted a job from Danny Micelli as hostess at the New Moon Restaurant and also had mentioned to Mike and Nancy her plans to move out of the Whitney mansion and get a place of her own.


At the opening of the New Moon Restaurant, Laurie Dallas appeared to be ill. Johnny leaves the opening and took his wife to the hospital where she went into advanced labor. Within a left hours she gave birth to a baby boy, John Victor Dallas. Danny and Tracy Micelli were at the hospital to receive the good news, and Johnny relaid the joyous event to his in-laws Mike and Nancy Karr.


With the documented evidence of Tracy's past, Chief Marceau and his assistant, Lt. Luke Chandler took a copy to Tracy at the New Moon Restaurant. Seeing this information in print tremendously upset and scared Tracy. She later called Mrs. Armstrong, her former "boss" in Chicago and requested that she be sent two hundred dollars to enable her to fly to Chicago and return to work for Mrs. Armstrong. When the money arrived and her brother Johnny saw Tracy open the letter, she made an excuse that it was an old debt being paid back. With much hesitation Tracy left for Chicago. Danny suspected she had left him, not finding her home and her clothes and luggage gone, and reported this to Johnny. Johnny told Mike Karr, who suggested they find her before the police find out she had jumped bail, the act itself admitting to guilt. In Chicago, Tracy was discouraged by Mrs. Armstrong to take on the job, as Mrs. Armstrong noticed Tracy's wedding ring and advised her to go back home. At her hotel room, Tracy phoned Danny only to hang up before speaking to him.


General Hospital


Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland / Robert & Eileen Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Sammi Chandler was disillusioned after her visit with Dr. Steve Hardy. She cried to him that he and Bobby, her husband, were being unfair to her. She knew something was seriously wrong and they didn’t give her credit for having the maturity to accept Bobby's illness and to be able to cope with the situation - Bobby Chandler had Malenkov's disease, a terminal blood disease and had forbidden the people who know of his condition to tell his wife Sammi or his mother Caroline. - During a romantic dinner, Sammi managed to conceal her distressed emotional state and suggested to Bobby they begin to start a family. Lawyer Lee Baldwin, on Dr. Steve Hardy's advice, tried once again to convince Bobby to tell Sammi of his illness. Bobby refused. He said he would like to plan to initiate a seminar for terminal patients, where they could learn and get help from each other's experiences.


In final desperation, Sammi went to Dr. Henderson and begged him to tell her the truth about Bobby. When she cried out that she "feels like a wounded animal no one would put out of its misery," Dr. Henderson told her of the Malenkov's disease and that Bobby had perhaps only three to four months of life left. She then saw Lee and lashed out at him for not telling her or Caroline. She convinced Lee to talk to Bobby again and try to get him to tell his mother. She remembered how badly she had treated her own mother and never did tell her of the love she felt for her and when she died it was too late. She didn’t want Bobby to die not knowing or hearing the words of the love his family had for him, or for Caroline to regret not having expressed her feelings openly to him while he was alive. She told Lee that there was a chance she is pregnant!


On her wedding day, Caroline Chandler gave her daughter-in-law Sammi, a bracelet that belonged to Caroline's mother in which she had placed a picture of Sammi and Bobby. Lee Baldwin and Caroline were married. Bobby Chandler gave his mother away in a family ceremony. Caroline's newlywed happiness was soon shattered, however, when upon Lee's strong advice to allow him to protect Bobby's mother, Bobby told his mother about his illness. Unknown to all but Lee, Dr. Steve Hardy just received news from London that a new breakthrough in chemotherapy for Leukemia might help save Bobby's life. Through a quotation from "Camelot" which was playing on an album Bobby had bought, Bobby told Sammi he might soon die, and she, finishing the quote, let him know that she already knew. Sammi told Bobby she was pregnant, news that a dying man took with mixed emotions. Two days after they had lived with each of them knowing of Bobby's short future, he admitted to Sammi that he feared his remission stage was over.


Judge Morsey interviewed Laura Vining after one month's custody with her real mother, Dr. Lesley Faulkner - Lesley had had custody of Laura, age 13, for one month in order for Laura to decide if she wanted to live with Lesley, her natural mother, whom she had known for only a short period of time, or to continue to be raised by Jason and Barbara Vining who had been the only parents she had known since birth. - As Laura seemed to be undecided, Judge Morsey extended the custody period for one more month. Laura was most elated with the decision, but was torn between the new "jet set" life she was experiencing with Cameron and Lesley Faulkner, and the normal upbringing she had with the Vinings. Lesley was spending more time with Laura, and, as a result, missed rounds one day at the hospital. This resulted in risking the life of one of her patients. Dr. Steve Hardy warned Lesley that her efficiency as a doctor was being affected by her devotion to her daughter.


Lesley was confident she would gain Laura's custody but Cameron warned her "not to count her chickens before they hatch." She couldn't control her anticipation of the final decision and told Dr. Peter Taylor that she was ready to give up her private practice so she would have more time for Laura. He advised her not to make any hasty decision about dropping the practice as the judge had not yet passed judgement. Lesley continued to overindulge Laura with material things and truly believed Laura would choose to be with her. Cameron again warned Lesley that she was seducing Laura with the lifestyle she was giving her. Leslie countered by accusing Cameron of wanting to lose Laura so that he could keep the selfish, comfortable life he had before Laura came to them. He convinced her how senseless that was since he loved Lesley and did not want her unhappy, as would be the case if she lost custody of Laura. He tried, in vain, to bring Lesley to the realization that she might not win Laura. When Laura came down with a 105 degree temperature and called out for her "Mommy," Lesley answered "I'm here" ... but Laura cried "No, I want my real mommy, not you."


As Lesley and Dr. Hydell - Laura's pediatrician - diagnosed, Laura had Influenza Meningitis. Dr. Steve Hardy was attempting to console Lesley when Barbara Vining stormed into his office demanding to see her daughter. Lesley coolly reminded Barbara of the court order forbidding her to see Laura. Barbara then informed Lesley that Cameron had called her and told her the news and that Laura had been calling for her "real mother" — a request not even a court order could forbid. Lesley broke down to Steve that, "I'm going to lose her and Cameron is the one who is taking her away from me."


Against her husband Dr. Peter Taylor's warnings to not become personally involved with Pat Lambert, his psychiatric patient, Diana Taylor invited Pat to lunch. They discussed plans for Pat to do a sculpture of Diana's daughter Martha. Caroline Chandler accompanied Diana to Pat's studio and silently observed Pat's personal questions to Diana about Peter's interests at home. After they left, Pat unveiled an abstract painting she had slashed, revealing her unstable condition still existed after her attempted suicide. She went to Peter to "clear the air" about her personal crisis with the slashed painting. Peter told her this confession was a sign of improvement, but she didn’t think a symbolic second attempt at suicide - the painting was an abstract self-representation - even to save herself from misery was an improvement. When he tried to reassure her she would learn to love others, she said the only man who could love her was her psychiatrist.


Kyle Bradley had moved into Beth Maynard's apartment, and continued to conceal the fact that he was married, a fact only Kate Marshall knew. He confirmed Diana's doubts about his character when she saw him out for drinks with Kate. Diana had sensed his insincerity with regard to her sister Beth and had been worried that he would hurt Beth emotionally. Kate who dated Kyle occasionally and, unknown to Beth, had caused a suicide due to her involvement with a married doctor - a fact only Kyle knew -, admitted to her Godmother, Jessie Brewer, that Cameron Faulkner was the man she is after.


Audrey Hobart, becoming more distraught with her failing marriage to Dr. Jim Hobart, broke down in tears before Dr. Steve Hardy. He consoled her by saying "concepts of love change as does love change." Upon his return from a two week seminar, Jim still reacted with no emotion to Audrey, further hurting her. When his pupil, young and beautiful Sally Grimes came to the apartment to drive him to class and Audrey saw his interests changed to liveliness, she called Steve Hardy and accepted a previous offer to have dinner with him.


Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg / Allen M. Potter


After much anxiety, Dr. Ed Bauer's neuroma operation was finally started by Dr. Steve Jackson and assisted by Dr. Tim Ryan. Dr. Jackson, upon reviewing an excessive amount of scar tissue, refused to continue with the delicate surgery, fearing he could sever healthy nerve root endings and permanently paralyze Dr. Bauer. Against Dr. Ryan's protests, Dr. Jackson concluded the operation uncompleted. They argued later and Steve told Tim his arrogance was becoming detrimental to his career as a doctor at Cedars' Hospital. As Ed was coming out of the anesthetic, he believed the operation was a success, as he told Rita Stapleton the recovery room nurse, he could move his hand. Steve rushed to Ed and informed him that the neuroma was not performed and detailed his reasons for not completing it. Ed became very depressed when he thought of his future without neurosurgery — the position of Chief-of-Staff at Cedars Hospital just wasn't fulfilling enough for him - After learning that Christina Bauer was not his child, and subsequently separating from his wife Holly as a result of this news, Ed Bauer was determined to devote his life to neurosurgery. - Ed forced Tim Ryan to give his own opinion of the surgery — Tim honestly admitted to Ed that if he were in charge, the operation would have been completed and that Steve's approach was more conservative than his own. Almost as if in defense of his decision Steve offered to get another medical opinion about the operation from Dr. Graham. Ed agreed to the second analysis and informed Dr. Joe Werner if Dr. Graham agreed that the surgery can be successfully done then he would have it done! Unfortunately Dr. Graham's report was yet another disappointing blow to Ed —Graham agreed with Steve's decision all the way.


Ed’s mother, Bert Bauer, stood by and saw the depression her son was feeling. She was shocked however, to find out he was released from the hospital by Joe Werner upon Ed's request, earlier than was expected. When she visited Ed at home the following day, she was appalled to see an empty liquor bottle and feared that Ed had returned to drinking as a comforter to his extreme depression. Adding to her concern, Bert heard from Dr. Joe Werner that Ed had missed his last two appointments at the hospital. Joe Werner visited Ed at his apartment and examineed him thoroughly. Physically Ed's health was excellent however emotionally he was failing. Joe claimed that Ed was feeling sorry for himself and he should return to work as soon as possible. When Bert Bauer came for a visit, she told Ed he was not very good company. He told her of Holly's intentions to move, and her encouragement to keep Christina close to him seemed to spark an interest in Ed and might pull him out of his depression.

Following Ed’s release, Rita Stapleton, RN, drove him home and helped him get settled. She had offered to buy his groceries and was proving to be not only a conscientious nurse but a consoling friend as well. Rita and Tim's relationship was growing deeper with more frequent dating, much to Pam Chandler's disappointment. Pam also had strong romantic feelings toward young Dr. Ryan, especially since he saved her and her daughter Samantha's lives from extreme toxemia a year ago. She told Tim that she disliked Rita's methods of using Dr. Bauer's illness as a means to improve her own job position. She was further upset when at the birthday dinner celebrating her daughter's first year, Tim seemed very disinterested in her case of toxemia. He just labelled it as another obstetrical crisis, nothing out of the ordinary, as Pam thought her case was to Tim.


Lawyer Mike Bauer visited Ann Jeffers, his client and now part-time clerk in his law office, at the Metro where she also worked as hostess. He had information about the location of her son whom Ann had been trying to track down. At the Metro, Mike also talked to his daughter Hope, working there as a waitress. He once again tried to convince her to return to college. She wouldn't listen to him and retorted that she was enjoying earning her own living and taking the first step toward independence for herself. Mike seemed upset by his wife Leslie's restlessness, feeling her life as his wife was not satisfaction enough for her. They discussed the possibility of another child, one of their own, but Leslie showed negativism to the thought "at this time." However, the following day she had sec-ond thoughts about it, and told Mike that maybe she really did need to fill a gap with a child. On one of Leslie's night school evenings, Mike went to the Metro for dinner. There he sat and talked to Ann Jeffers, and Leslie, finished with classes early, went to the Metro to join him. She noted how deeply engrossed Mike and Ann were in their conversation.


Roger Thorpe, shattered by his broken engagement from Peggy Fletcher; visited her one last time to tell her he was leaving Springfield because of all the people he had hurt, especially her - Roger was the natural father of Holly's daughter Christina, and unwilling to enter marriage with Peggy dishonestly, he told her the truth. Peggy was shocked and hurt by this news and refused to marry Roger because of it. - Peggy's son Billy - by a previous marriage -, was very upset with the news that Roger would not become his stepfather. He had grown to love him and told his mother of his unhappiness. Peggy was having second thoughts and realized she truly loved Roger and even more for his honesty to her. She went to the Metro and asked him to come to her apartment so they could talk. She told Roger that even though it hurt to know about Christina, it hurt more to be without him. They agreed to try again and planned to get married the following day.


Holly’s mother, Barbara Thorpe, completely read the story Holly's brother Andy wrote, entitled “Valerie's Story." She had come to realize the story was in actuality, Holly's story. She was overcome with distress when she fit the pieces together and figured out that Christina was Roger's child, not Ed Bauer's. She couldn’t conceal her emotional state any longer and confronted Holly about the truth. Holly finally admitted that the story was about her, and that Roger was Christina's natural father. She pleaded with her mother to not tell anyone of this. Barbara promised her daughter she would keep the secret but in her heart she felt her husband Adam Thorpe - Roger's father - should be told.


Peggy and Roger were married in a ceremony on February 12, with Bert Bauer and Adam Thorpe as witnesses. Earlier in the day, Barbara still sickened by the news about Holly and Roger, refused to go to the wedding, making the excuse that she had a headache. After a brief weekend together, Peggy and Roger dropped by Adam's home to thank him for the wedding gift, a honeymoon trip in Europe. Adam asked them to stay for dinner, but Barbara refused to have them. Adam, embarrassed by Barbara's rudeness, couldn’t understand her actions and questioned her on her recent discontentment. She couldn’t tell him what was wrong and to Holly confessed that she would not allow Roger into her house after what he had done to hurt not only his father, but Holly.


Realizing the torture she was causing her mother, and the problems arising between Adam and Barbara Thorpe because of Barbara's silence to Adam, Holly decided she had just in the way and it would be better for all if she were to take Christina and leave Springfield permanently. She told Ed Bauer of her plans, also Adam and Roger. Roger dropped by Holly's residence at her mother's home to give her a debt payment and to say goodbye to her and Christina. Just as Roger tookd little Christina into his arms the doorbell rang and Holly opened the door to Ed Bauer who found himself facing Roger holding Christina.


Love Of Life


Written by: Paul & Margaret Schneider

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


Diana Lamont’s depression over her hysterectomy had reminded her friend Vanessa Sterling that she couldn’t give her husband Bruce a child. Bruce told her that Cal Aleata, Van’s niece, finding an apartment of her own gave Van too much time to think.


Di was feeling very sorry for herself until an old school friend, Dave Flood, recognized her and spent some time every day talking to her. Dave's wife was dying and even though she no longer knew who he was, he hoped that his sitting by her bed every day helped. Di asked why he didn't give up, but he replied that this was what hope was all about. Some of his courage was transmitted to Di. Once Di was home, Jamie Rollins suggested that they apply for adoption as soon as his divorce was final and they were married. Di refused on the grounds that she had Johnny Prentiss, her step-grandson and her son was dead.


Meg Hart disapproved of her daughter Cal taking an apartment by herself and since she was paying, she wanted her to move out. When Cal said that her trust fund provided her income, Meg retorted that she had instructed her bank to supplement her allowance by two hundred dollars a month. Cal wrote Meg a check for the amount and later Meg called the bank asking for an accounting of the trust fund. When Rick mentionned that it was his son Hank's eleventh birthday, Cal decided to plan a surprise party. While Van knitted Hank a ski sweater, Meg arrived with an expensive ski sweater and skis. Rick haD given him a pair of ice skates. The gift that impressed Hank the most was a special delivery birthday card from his mother, Barbara, in California.


Cal was putting in a lot of time at Joe Cusack's clinic. One evening when Rick Latimer picked up Cal they were having a little party to celebrate their handiwork at painting the rooms. After Rick saw Cal with Joe and the other young doctors and nurses he told her that he was awfully old for her. Cal admitted that she might have fallen in love with Joe, but she was in love with him then. Rick planned a skiing trip to break in Hank's new skis. When Hank found that Cal was going too, he was a little let down. He asked Rick if he could ever see his mother and said he was afraid to like Cal too much because that might mean he couldn’t like his mother. Rick explained that you could like many people and the love you had for one didn’t detract from loving another. Cal could see that Hank needed to be with Rick and explained that she understood and that they could be together another time.


When Arlene Lovett heard that Ben Harper had gone to Las Vegas, she was packing to go there too when her mother, Carrie, the Hart housekeeper, stopped her. Meg arrived to accuse Arlene of arranging the blackmail scheme that Ben and Arlene used on Jamie Rollins which eventually upset Diana enough that she lost her baby. Arlene tried to defend herself by telling Meg that she was sure Jamie said that it was Ben's idea. Meg told Arlene to stay. out of things; that she and Betsy, Ben's wife. would find Ben. Jamie told Betsy that a hood who left Rosehill about the same time that Ben disappeared had been picked up in Chicago with a Beaver Ridge check made out to Ben in his possession. He claimed to have won it gambling. Jamie convinced Betsy that she might be needed in Rosehill if Ben was found, but he was really concerned about her traveling to Chicago when she was pregnant.


Meg tried to get Rick to go to Chicago with her and when he refused, she asked him to cancel Arlene's contract as singer-pianist at Beaver Ridge. Rick said that he would decide that and warned Arlene. Meg told Arlene that she wanted her out of town before Betsy found out that Ben was having an affair with her - Arlene and Ben were married and Ben married Betsy to get the five hundred thousand dollars that his mother promised him. Meg had refused him the money and finally had put it in trust for the baby. There was then no way Ben could leave with Arlene and the money. – Meg told loan shark Ray Slater who accepted her check for nine thousand dollars for Ben's gambling debts that she expected to hear from Ben. She also asked her brother-in-law, Bruce Sterling, to use his influence as mayor to instruct the Rosehill police to put all their efforts into finding Ben. Bruce considered that a misuse of his power.


The Connecticut stat Police contacted Dr. Reed for a description of his John Doe and because they had reason to believe that he was the missing Ben Harper, they called Jamie to identify him. Arlene overheard Cal tell Rick about Ben, but when she arrived, Meg refused to let her see Ben until Betsy stepped into the argument. As Ben awoke after his brain surgery which relieved the pressure he called for Betsy. Hurt that when semi-conscious Ben would call for Betsy, Arlene rushed from the room. When Meg got home, Arlene arrived drunk demanding that she be heard. Carrie ushered Arlene into the kitchen to sober her up before she could tell Meg that she and Ben were married.


When Meg suggested that she would tell the police about Ray Slater's private gambling club, Jamie warned her that Slater probably had syndicate connections and it could be dangerous to tangle with them. Slater paid Meg a visit to tell her that it might be best for everyone if she forgot about it because he could tell people about Ben and Arlene and he would start with Betsy. Claiming that Ben’s accident was a personal matter between Ben and someone else, Slater said that the money Meg paid him was only for Ben's gambling debt. Meg was angered when Ben refused to refute anything Slater said. Jamie refused to have anything to do with Slater and felt that Ben got what he deserved. He only tried to find Ben for Betsy and thought Betsy should know about Ben, but refused to hurt her during her pregnancy. If Meg wanted to go after Slater she had to find another lawyer.


Ben seemed to be truly sorry for the way he had treated Betsy. When he talked about the bad thing he had done, Betsy misunderstood and thought he was talking about his gambling debt. When he was brought home, Betsy took a very hard line with Meg, telling her that if she continued to belittle Ben, she would take him elsewhere to recover. Meg tried to use her power while Rick was gone to fire Arlene, but Arlene refused to take orders from her saying that she only held the purse-strings even though everyone knew that she and Rick used to be lovers.


After Charles Lamont admitted his jealousy of Edourd Aleata's offer to take Felicia Lamont into his new import-export business as an art consultant and Felicia turned him down, they discussed it and Felicia called Eddie to tell him she had reconsidered his offer. She found the work very stimulating and what she needed to take her mind off Arnie Logan, the hood who attempted to rape her and had since harrassed her.


Because Charles was already jealous. Arnie's suggestion through notes telling Charles that Felicia was being unfaithful to him with Eddie, was very believable. Many times he found them together, usually in public places, and Felicia always seemed so gay. This fed fuel to the fire. Finally Felicia and Charles both agreed that a week apart to think things through would do them both some good. Eddie visited Felicia in her studio where they discovered, through her paintings, that the child in her whom Charles tried to protect was receding and the woman was emerging. Eddie told her that “you can very often find yourself by giving love to another without expecting any in return”. Felicia called Charles over and explained that she no longer wanted to be his child virgin, but a real wife to him. She asked Sarah Caldwell to care for Johnny, Charles' grandson who lived with him, and planned to meet Charles at home.


Thinking that Charles had come back, Felicia went to the door and was forced into the room by Arnie. He ripped out the phone and decided to take Felicia somewhere else when she said someone might come by. He took her to his truck, forcing her to the floor while holding a knife to her throat. Stunning him momentarily, she managed to escape and ran up the stairs to her studio where after locating her gun she waited for Arnie to appear. Hearing the footsteps on the stairs, she fired the gun when they reached the top. Cautiously she edged her way to the door to find Charles lying on the floor. A policeman and doctor arrived in moments and after the doctor had assessed that the bullet was probably lodged in Charles' spine and they could only treat him at the hospital he turned his attention to Felicia. She was trying to explain, but was in such a state of shock that the officer's questioning was confusing her. The doctor noticed the cut on her throat. Arnie was picked up.


Charles was stable and could live with the bullet in his spine, but he would remain paralyzed. Van remembered that when he was recovering from his heart attack he could take anything life handed him except being helpless orcrippled. Felicia was having terrible nightmares. Eddie told her she was strong enough to deal with the fact that shooting Charles was an accident. Felicia said Charles was dead and they were afraid to tell her. Eddie said they would go to the hospital so that she could see for herself. When Arnie was taken to his room the police found photos of Felicia and the lingerie he stole from her bedroom. Arnie said that he and Felicia had been intimate for some time. Bruce repeated this to Charles saying that he might have to disclose that Felicia was a virgin. Bruce agreed to find another method to clear her.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


When Viki Lord Riley met with Dr. Jim Craig, it was to ask her to consider taking on a position on the hospital board which he hoped would keep Dorian from interfering. When she declined, saying that she had to devote her time to keeping her husband Joe happy and mentionned that they had resumed marital relations - Viki had had a long recovery from physical and psychological ills brought on by her guilt over the death of Megan, Joe and Cathy Craig's infant daughter, in an automobile accident in which Viki was herself injured. Her guilt stemed from the fact that she had been withholding from Joe her knowledge that Megan was the victim of a serious heart ailment inherited from Joe and would not have survived beyond childhood. - When Viki told her doctor that she had been back on the pill two days although she and her husband had made love for the first time again two weeks before, Jim suggested that she have a pregnancy test. Shaken, Viki agreed to come back to the office the following day but told Joe her appointment would be to discuss the offer of a position on the board.


When Viki’s brother-in-law, Dr. Larry Wolek, told Viki that her tests were positive, he urged her to sit down with Joe and tell him the full truth so they might decide together what to do. He told her she had gone too far already —that the moment of truth existed. Viki said that she would tell Joe about the pregnancy and have faith that their baby would be healthy. Viki reminded Larry that he knew her sister, Meredith Lord Wolek would not get well and kept the knowledge from her, but Larry insisted that that was his mistake and it shortened their time together. When Viki told Joe he said he was the happiest man in the world, but Viki said a lot could happen in eight months. When he asked her why she was saying that, she replied she thought that they should be prepared for anything that might happen. When he noted that all she seemed to be doing was thinking about what could go wrong, she backed off and said she was being foolish. He told her that he had to treat her like a delicate little flower for a few months at least, and that after that she would go right back to scrubbing floors - This, to the daughter of Victor Lord! - "So enjoy it while you can."


Anna Wolek Craig, puzzled by Viki's attitude since she told her that she was pregnant, asked her brother Larry what cpimd be wrong with Viki and if he couldn’t do anything to help if he knew. Larry told Anna that some things were no one else's business. He added that he was not saying “don't care”, but that he and she were better off out of it, and that was all he could say on the matter.


Once more, though, Larry appealed to Viki, saying that he knew how ugly it was. He warned her that she had to tell Joe: "Because if Joe should find out in the future some other way, he will never forgive you. Not for the rest of his life." When she cried out "Our baby is going to be born with a perfectly good heart," Larry shaked his head and said that he didn't understand how she could say that Joe and she were so close and not have told him about it. Again, Anna asked Larry if Viki was alright and Larry said that his concern was just for the fact that "You never know how a pregnancy is going to affect a marriage, even the best.” Anna asked what that meant, but Larry refused to elaborate.


After Joe was awakened by Viki's having a nightmare - having to do with the baby's birth - she told him that she didn’t remember it other than that Dorian - Dr. Dorian Cramer Lord, Viki's new and much resented step mother - was the attending physician. She told him that the dream might mean that she was affected by her relationship with Dorian far more than she had realized. To change the subject, she mentioned how happy her father Victor Lord was that she was pregnant and Joe told her that he would like to name the baby after Victor if it was a boy. Viki was touched and Joe went on to say that he believed Victor, with whom he had had some stormy times, was a good man and that he was proud to be his son-in-law. Viki said to herself: "I can't tell you, Joe, I'm sorry, I've got to take this chance by myself." Viki had told Larry that she was not sleeping well. She told him that she planned to wait at least another month to tell Joe about the possibility of the baby's being a victim of the hereditary heart ailment he carried. "He won't insist on an abortion," she said, "not when we explain the risks in the second trimester."


When Pat Kendall asks Tony – Harris - Lord, if she could interview him for a series she was writing about single parents and their children, he told her that he would think about it. She promised that if he agreed to the interview she would not use his true name and would disguise the circumstances of his childhood. - Tony was the illegitimate son of Victor Lord, then acknowledged by, but not reconciled to Victor. He was raised by his mother in poverty. Victor's offer to Tony's mother after seeing that she was ill and in need was rejected as coming too late and out of fear that the powerful Victor Lord might try to take her son from her. Tony's mother, although telling Victor of the existence of his son, would not divulge where they were living. Over the years Victor attempted to find them but was unsuccessful until Tony himself put the pieces together. - Pat speculated that the fact that he had been deserted by his father might account for his never having gotten married. - Tony backed away from his own relationship with Pat when they knew each other ten years ago. - Tony said vehemently "If I ever so make a commitment, I certainly won't cop out by walking out as my father did on my mother." Pat sat quietly after hearing this and didn’t say anything further.


With his plans for a single's bar - the site, the house Dorian had been living in before her marriage to Victor - seeming to be going forward smoothly, Tony told Cathy Craig, "When I get some kind of a decent bank account, you and I are gonna have to sit down and have a serious talk, I have plans for us." But Cathy replied that they were having fun as they were. "It's free, it's easy, why don't we just let it flow." Later Tony, sputtering in outrage, told Cathy that his request for a liquor license had been turned down. He confronted Victor who admitted that he was behind Tony's failure to secure the license and told him that he did it out of a desire to preserve the Lord name and reputation —that he was not going to stand idly by and see Tony desolate it out of his bitterness. Tony threatened to retaliate by circulating a story about how Victor sabotaged Tony's offer of a job on a rival newspaper - Lord Enterprises controlled the Banner where Pat was employed and Joe Riley was managing editor. - However, on reflection, Victor decided to withdraw his objection and Tony's license would be granted. His future looking up once again, Tony asked Cathy Craig to marry him. After turning down Tony, Cathy went into the living room of her father's house and heard Larry talking about Viki's pregnancy.


Wanda and Vince Wolek visited Jenny in the hospital. When Vinnie saw Tim there he said he thought Tim was going to school nights. When he saw the engagement ring Jenny had accepted from Tim he refused to believe it. Jenny told him that she was leaving the Order - Jenny was a novice in a religious order - to marry Tim. When he insisted that she was still sick she told him she haf made her deci-sion. Outside Jenny's room he told Tim, "You two will never be happy — because God will punish you."


Josh, who had lied to his adoptive parents about still working at the diner, asked his boss Nick to reconsider but Nick said he had got to have someone he could depend on. He also reminded Josh that he owed Nick $300. Hubcap came in and offered to pay the money but Josh told him he didn’t need him to pay his debts. Nick said “I don't care who pays me and takes the money”. Josh told Hubcap, "I don't want you to do me another favor 'cause every time you do I'm the one that winds up in trouble." Josh went to the gas station where Hubcap was working. Hubcap asked Josh, "You think this is my job? How I make a livin in this crummy world?" When Josh asked, "So, what you doin' then?" Hubcap showed him a watch. He muttered "Dealin' again?" Just then Hubcap spotted Vinnie Wolek and another patrolman coming into the garage and he told Josh to hide. He didn’t want Vinnie to see Josh with him. When Vinnie told Hubcap to stay away from Josh, Hubcap told Vinnie that since Josh's daddy was some Police Lt. he could do him a favor by telling Josh to stay away from him. When Josh came out after Vince left, he asked why Hubcap gave him a hard time since he knew that Vinnie was going be after him. Hubcap answered: "So what? I'm a lot smarter — no one's gonna catch me this time!"


At home, Josh asked Ed to lend him twenty dollars to buy his friend Bernice a birthday present saying that he had still got his job but he just hadn't been saving his money. Ed turned him down. When Carla told Ed he had been awfully easy on Josh, Ed bragged that he did not lend him the twenty and Carla said "Hooray." Wanda and Vinnie stopped by and to distract Vinnie from hearing about the beauty products Wanda was selling, Wanda told Carla that she was sorry about Josh losing his job. They learned that Josh had been goofing off and did it one time too many. When they left, Ed and Carla wondered how long Josh had been lying to them. When Josh got home he accused them of trying to look good with the interview they granted to Pat Kendall some time ago. "Getting their picture in the papers because they took in a kid off the streets and brought him up to be a straight dude." When they told him that they were there to help he said he didn't need any help. He sullenly asked to be excused to wash up and Ed told him not until they had finished talking but then immediately after said, "O.K., go." Carla accused Ed of again putting off dealing with the problem.


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


Lab technician Kenneth Castle explained to a puzzled patient who had spotted Faiths note for help pinned to the back of his coat that this didn’t mean anything ... someone was playing a joke on him. The woman, whose command of English appeared to be limited, nodded and smiled and walked away. He told Faith that he considered her note, “A very serious betrayal." - Faith Coleridge was a virtual prisoner, her leg broken as she attempted to run from the underground room at Riverside Hospital where Kenneth had prepared a "sanctuary for her". - He insisted that they had to make a pact, a solemn convenant that she not try to leave the room again until she was well and he would bring her what she needed. She promised. However in his absence she again tried to leave, pushing a chair, and fell. When Ken found her she told him she couldn’t move her head, that she had double vision and feared a concussion and internal bleeding. "You'll kill me," she told Ken and added that if he were to take her upstairs he could be a hero, but he said if she got sick he would be in worse trouble than he was already. When she begged for her father or Pat Ryan and told him of her fear that she might be bleeding inside her skull and was in need of a neurological examination he fed her chicken soup and told her she had nothing to fear as he had consulted with Dr. Ryan – Pat - about her symptoms referring to his "poor old maiden aunt's head injury."


As the investigation into Faith's disappearance proceeded, directed by Police Det. Lt. Bob Reid, the fact that Kenneth was the first to suggest calling in the police began to carry less weight in ruling him out. Bob told Pat Ryan that he intended to keep an eye on Kenneth. He had seen so-called "gentle souls" go completely haywire before.


Tests on Nell Beaulac showed no cortical wave patterns. Her husband, neurosurgeon Seneca Beaulac, told Nell's nephew Bucky Carter that he blamed his own vanity in thinking he could pull off a miracle for the fact that Nell lived on with no higher brain functions, no thoughts, no sensibilities. Dr. Ed Coleridge extended his sympathy to Seneca saying: "Twelve years since my wife died and I've never gotten over the terrible sense of loss." Seneca replied that it was not the same thing, "Your wife was dead." Nell's sister Diana begged: "Please Seneca, if there really is no help for her, oh please, let her die." After specialist Dr. Walter Hagen was consulted he gave his opinion that there was nothing to be done but that Nell was in superb physical condition and could live on for years on life support.


Seneca told Dr. Clem Moultrie that he wanted Clem, as Nell's doctor of record, to take her off life support, but Clem replied that as Nell's and Seneca's friend he sympathized, but as Nell's doctor he couldn’t. "I can respect her definition of life and yours, but I can't make it mine." Seneca’s mother, Margaret, remarked to Seneca that when she was a child she was told by her Indian elders that one should never express fear, that words turn fear into body and substance. She said that she didn't believe in that theory but she couldn't help thinking that Nell's fear had become a fact. She said to the form on the bed: "Nell dear, I am so sorry." Later she asked Seneca who had told her that he wanted to let Nell go, -If you were to release Nell, to take away the machine and let her die. what would happen to you?" Seneca told her, possibly prison. But he would never be allowed to practice medicine again. Margaret said: “I think you should ask yourself if Nell would want that. Seneca."


Delia Ryan came home to the rooms she and her husband shared at Ryan's Place - They were living there so that Frank could more easily recover from the injuries he sustained when Delia pushed him down the stairs at Riverside Hospital after an argument over his affair with Jill Coleridge. - After Delia saved his political career, Frank promised never to see Jill again - with a wok, a Chinese cookbook and an invitation to lunch at Lem's Restaurant so that Mrs. Lem couln give the councilman and his wife a cook's tour and Delia lessons. Frank declined in favor of a meeting and suggested that she find someone else to go with. When Delia mentioned the lost opportunity to Roger Coleridge at Riverside Hospital, Roger told Dee that he had asked repeatedly for Mrs. Lem to give him a cooking lesson as he had an avid interest in cooking and was something of a gourmet cook himself. Dee suggested that they go together and when Roger told her that he was not sure her family - the Ryans - would approve, she suggested that they only be a little discrete - Roger upon finding out about his sister's affair was blackmailing Frank to the tune of $6,000.00 to cover his gambling debts. - After the luncheon date they prepared a meal together at Roger's father Ed's apartment and another time, Roger and Dee dined at Roger's own apartment on the ground floor of the same building. Returning home Delia told Maeve Ryan, Frank's mother, that she kept on hoping that Frank would touch her but that their pretense of taking up their marriage was a farce. After Maeve reassured her that she and Frank would find their way back together if she kept on trying, Delia called Roger to thank him for making her feel important in the time they spent together.


Bob Reid and Pat having checked out the rooming house where Kenneth lived were convinced that he might well have something to do with Faith's disappearance. When Kenneth found Faith suffering the effects of gas fumes - Faith had been in the gas lit room for hours after the flames had been extinguished by a cut off and then turned on again at the mains. -, he was frightened into agreeing to go to her father and tell him where she was, but when he arrived upstairs at Riverside he was stopped, questioned and finally informed of his rights by Bob Reid, preparatory to being taken in for questioning. When Bob was interrupted by an emergency call at the desk of the hospital, Kenneth disappeared. Bob, convinced that Kenneth could not have left the hospital, told Pat to be on the lookout for him. Later Pat was told that Kenneth had been seen on the stairs and following him, Pat discovered Faith. Kenneth disappeared, frightened and Faith had to be alone one more time as Pat went for help for her but her fears that Castle would return prove groundless and she was soon safe with her father, Pat, and attendants to see that she would be examined and cared for up in the hospital proper.


Mary Ryan, Pat’s sister was herself a patient at Riverside suffering from a disease recognized by Seneca as having come from her tour of the sewers with Sam Crowley in her capacity as his assistant at TV station Channel R." In her delirium she spoke of herself as being married to Jack Fenelli the investigating reporter with whom she was living. Jack chose to interpret her words to mean that she considered them married but Maeve insisted that whether she knew it or not, Mary was waiting for Jack to love her the way she – Mary - loved him. “She is devoted herself to you and she expects a future with you." Jack insisted that it was only the feverish little girl in her that wanted a nice safe, cozy marriage but Maeve countered: “What's grown-up? Living for the moment?"


Nick Szabo received a call from a young man calling himself Leo, from the Welcome Inn on Cove Road in Newport. His daughter Serena, planning to elope with the young man that day, was unable to move her legs. Nick chartered a plane and with a special nurse in attendance arrived to find his daughter alone in the motel room. She insisted that Leo was a beautiful sensitive person and asked her father to find him. Nick told her that finding himself with a sick girl on his hands the situation was too hot to handle and he split. But Nick did promise to try to trace him and take his daughter back to Riverside where Bucky ordered a complete neurological workup done on her. Seneca told Nick that his daughter appeared to have a serious illness and ordered complete rest and no visitors outside the family. Serena again asked her father to find Leo insisting that she needed him.


When Frank returned home late, the fact that he came in by a different way than usual frightened Delia who had heard about Faith and Ken and told Frank about it. She said that Kenneth was at large and her brother Bob was looking for him. Frank said “let’s not worry about that tonight” but she was frightened with the hospital right across the street. When she heard a noise outside Frank looked out and exclaimed, "It's Kenneth! He's frozen solid!" When she realized what was going on she said "Frank that was mean." He apologized saying "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He held her by way of apology for his shabby trick and then pulled away saying “maybe tomorrow”. He walked out on her when she said she was waiting for him. Maeve was awakened by Delia breaking dishes and when her son wouldn’t go to her, she told Delia to stop. First she scolded Delia, then told her that it was hard for both of them. But Delia said not for him, he didn’t feel anything. She gave but he didn’t want to take anything. She asked "Am I the only person in this family who sees anything bad about Frank?" When she told Maeve that Frank turned her away every night she realized that Maeve didn't want to hear Delia telling her this and she said she was sorry. Maeve softened and said that Frank didn’t mean it. Delia pushed, said, "I'm gonna show him how it feels. I'm gonna pay him back."


Seneca went back to the hospital. He kissed Nell, then turned off switch and pulled out the plug on the life support apparatus. Hearing in his mind Nell say: “I trust you as the person who knows me best”. As he was holding her body in his arms Roger Coleridge came into the room and Seneca yelled: "Get the hell out of here, ... now!"


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Mike Kaslo convinced himself that his tissue would be a good match so that his brother, Steve, could have the bone marrow transplant that could cure Steve's leukemia. Michael cried on Dr. Gary Walton's shoulder to let out the frustration he felt. They decided not to tell Amy, Mike's sister, until after she graduated from medical school that afternoon. Steve was mad at Mike when he left because he thought that Mike couldn’t face the fact that his brother was dying - Steve didn't know about the transplant or the tests Mike had taken. He thought Mike came because Amy was pregnant and refused to marry the baby's father.-


Amy interviewed with the Phillipses and when Eric found that she was interested in electric trains and would try her hand at chocolate chip cookies he was won over, she would live with them as babysitter for Eric afternoons. Mike was happy that Amy wouldn’t be alone through her pregnancy. Bruce Carson, news reporter and father of Amy's child, did an article on Dr. Luria, the famous surgeon who was at Henderson Hospital. Dr. Luria told Bruce that the donor they were testing was incompatible and he would be leaving. Bruce saw Amy visit Dr. Luria. Amy asked that she be given the tests even though she had been told that she couldn’t be a donor as long as she was pregnant. She felt she had to know if she was capable of saving Steve's life. If she was also incompatible she wouldn’t spend the rest of her life wondering if she could have saved him if it weren't for her child. Gary tried to tell her that she wasn't capable of aborting her baby after fighting everyone to keep it. Dr. Pettit, Dr. Luria's female assistant, understood how Amy felt. Amy said that she would be able to make the decision between Steve and her child if it should become necessary.


Jennifer Pace Phillips asked lawyer John Wyatt to come to her apartment to explain her trust allowance. John said she would have to learn to live within its bounds. John tried to spend some time alone with Eunice, but she seemed to be too busy or too worried about their five year old daughter, Suzi, whom John felt ran the house. When Jennifer asked John over again he went eagerly. Jennifer said she was through feeling guilty because men chose her and she couldn’t return the feeling. When she said she chose him, John said that although he was afraid of her, he was more afraid of himself and wouldn’t be seeing her except in public.


Lonely, Jennifer went to Bruce's apartment, asking if they could be friends. He asked her to have dinner the following night, but realized that it would be the grand opening of Hartford House and he couldn't take the chance of Amy being there and being offended by his showing up with Jennifer. Jennifer said she would enjoy it and she and Amy had made up.


Jo Vincente had moved into Hartford House and found having a chef fix her meals a little strange. A premature guest, writer Christopher Miller, showed up asking for a room. When Jo gave in and let him have a room the new bartender, David Sloan, said he would move in also. The night of the opening found Steve and Liza, waiters, and David dressed in colonial costumes to match the decor. They were crowded beyond expectation and everyone seemed to be pleased. Scott and Kathy insisted that Amy go to the opening where she was crushed to see Bruce escorting Jennifer. Gary asked her to dance letting her regain her composure. Dr. Pettit told Gary that Amy was compatible. but he decided to tell her later.


John Wyatt was also bothered at seeing Jennifer there with Bruce. Later that night he dreamed that he was dancing with Jennifer. Stu tried juggling his time and attention between Connie Schultz and Ellie Harper. Although he was bone tired at the end of the evening he really enjoyed being pursued by two women.


Eunice tried hard to be light. After they made love, Eunice said that he was right about her just relaxing so that things would be natural. John replied that he knew she was only pretending and that someday they would have to face the fact that they were no longer close. John and Jennifer both felt a need to see each other, but circumstances got in their way. Finally John and Eunice were dining at Hartford House with Wade and Janet when Jennifer was there with a date. She met him in the bar where they agreed to meet at her apartment late the following afternoon. After an intimate evening John was late starting for home. This lead to harsh words not only at Jennifer's but when John arrived home. John and Jennifer made up with Jennifer deciding she would take whatever time John could give her.


Things at John’s law office had got very busy. John said that Kathy was doing so much work that he offered her a full partnership, but they still needed an extra lawyer in the office. John asked if Scott would be interested in coming in as a junior partner. Scott was so disappointed in the district attorney's office because DA Zolar spent all his time campaigning rather than expediting cases that he resigned. John wondered if Scott would resent taking orders from his wife. Kathy discussed the offer with Scott and although they both decided that they could work together very well, Scott was concerned that the offer might be charity. Kathy asked John to assure Scott that it wasn't.


Stephanie Walkins Collins had asked John to intercede with Wade for her. She would like to take an active part in the Collins Corporation. Since Wade held the control of the company she has appealed to him. She was very lonely since Clay's death and her ex-husband Dave's departure from Henderson. She found herself with a glass of alcohol more often these days, but found it made good company. Her daughter, Wendy, had become good friends with Eric Leshinski, Scott Phillip's step-son. Stephanie assured Scott that she enjoyed their company after school. Amy had explained that she was doing something very important, but couldn’t tell the Phillipses what it was.


Gary told Amy that she was compatible and she had to make up her mind. Amy said it would take a little time and Gary reminded her that Dr. Luria was very important and couldn't sit around waiting. When Bruce found out that Dr. Luria hadn't left he intended to do a follow-up. Gary tried to tell him that there wasn't any story. Bruce put everything together and visited Amy to tell her that he had figured out that Steve had leukemia. Amy begged Bruce not to say anything because Steve didn’t have to find out until she had made the decision. Bruce said she would never be able to live with herself if she gave this child up.


Amy had made her decision. She would abort the baby in order that she might save Steve's live. Gary thought Steve should know all the facts. Amy was sure that Steve would grab at the chance to live, but if he was told that she had to give up her baby that would be unfair, but Gary felt that it was unfair not to let him make his own decision. Gary told Steve and Liza about the operation. Steve was ecstatic as Amy said he would be with a chance to live a normal life. Liza asked about the operation. Gary told them that if the bone marrow transplant didn’t take, Steve would die. Liza asked him not to do this. She was upset that he made the decision without asking Gary about all the risks and the fact that he didn't consult her before he said he'd do it hurt her. She broke down refusing to, discuss it. She sobbed herself to sleep and spent the following morning away from Steve. Steve went to Gary and asked for a few more facts. The fact that he only had a twenty percent chance of surviving didn’t bother him. Liza asked her mother what she should do - Liza's father died of leukemia several years ago and Janet was hurt because he wouldn't discuss his feelings. - Janet told Liza that it was a decision that only Steve could make. Liza felt that Steve's remission would last forever, but Steve realized that he could die anytime and the transplant wasn't that much of a risk. Liza pleaded with Amy to talk Steve out of the operation because she only wanted to be with Steve.


Amy walked into Dr. Gary Walton's office as Bruce was telling Gary that he would tell Steve that Amy had to abort the baby. Amy said she would never forgive him if he did and Bruce said she would never be able to forgive herself if she gave up the child. Steve felt rotten about the way he and Mike parted so he placed a call to him. When Steve told him that he knew about the transplant and the tests Mike took while he was in Henderson, Mike was angry that he had to keep everything a secret if Gary was going to tell him. Steve told him that Amy took the tests and was compatible. Mike said that seemed unnecessary since it had been explained to him that he was the only donor because they couldn’t take bone marrow from a pregnant woman.




Written by: A.J. Russell

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Ellen Grant’s young lover, Dale Robinson, unable to account for his whereabouts on several occasions and admitting he was in Florence's apartment building dressed as Santa the night Florence was mugged by a Santa, was under suspicion as the Somerset mugger. Lt. Will Price obtained a search warrant and went over Dale's room. He found nothing but a pair of boots with a star imprint on the heel, similar to that found outside Lena Andrews’ home. Price had the boots checked. Greg Mercer, covering the story for the paper, was delighted when the boots didn’t match the imprint, but was worried when he found out the boots had recently been reheeled. Greg went to see Ellen and told her Price was instigating a full scale investigation of Dale. Greg suggested Dale might need a lawyer. Ellen informed Greg that Dale was innocent and had nothing to hide. However, Ellen contacted Tom Conway. She explained the evidence Price had and Dale's two previous arrests — once as a teenager and once as a young adult, both for theft. Despite Ellen's optimism, Tom felt Price had a case and Dale needed a lawyer. Ellen asked Tom to take the case. He was wary but agreed for Ellen's sake.


Dale searched for the "student" who sold him the half coin that was stolen from Jack Wheeler's body. No luck. Dale wanted to run away to save Ellen from any breath of scandal. Ellen refused that kind of protection. Besides, his running would make more trouble for her than his staying.


Vic Kirby’s isolated mountain cabin was broken into by a young man with a switchblade. Vic was ecstatic to find the intruder was his son Chris, whom Vic hdsn't seen in years. Vic's happiness soon turned to horror, however, as Chris explained he was the mugger-murderer. Chris did it to convince Vic he was a man, not the sissy Vic used to call him in childhood. Meanwhile, Price arrested Dale on suspicion of robbery and murder. Ellen called Tom. Vic, aware of the awful damage he did to his son's psyche through a lack of understanding when Chris was a boy, told Chris that it was all his fault. He suggested the two of them go to Canada. Tom visited Dale in jail, and agreed to take his case only after making sure Dale was not out to take advantage of Ellen. Ellen and Stan Kurtz were quoted as very supportive of Dale in the news story of his arrest. Stan was reprimanded by the hospital board - bad publicity - and Ellen received a series of unpleasant crank calls. While Vic and Chris packed, Chris showed Vic the paper. Vic told Chris to go ahead while he stayed and cleared Dale. Chris threatened his father. Vic jumped for the knife but was unsuccessful. Afraid of hurting his father, Chris reconsidered not turning himself in. He said he would do whatever Vic wanted because Vic was his father and was never wrong. Vic cried in pain for his son.


Dale was taken to Detroit to be shown to Sarah Brisken, Chris’ latest victim. Sarah was recovering from being pushed down stairs by Chris. She Was being hovered over by her son Dan, a millionaire widower, who planned to settle in Somerset. Sarah said Dale was not her attacker. Price received a call from Sgt. Evans. Chris had confessed. Chris told the police he wanted people to be afraid of him and he wanted lots of publicity so people would know what a man Vic Kirby's son was.


Heather Kane and Bobby Hansen offered to give a benefit concert for Dale's defense fund. Ellen was grateful, but, unaware of Chris's confession, refused, certain it wouldn’t be neces-sary. Ellen was ecstatic when Dale was released. Dale was upset over the crank calls. Stan and Terri Kurtz were pleased at Ellen and Dale's happiness, but Stan feared Ellen would get hurt when the affair ended. Stan was unable, as Terri forsaw, to accept the idea of marriage for them. At dinner in the Hayloft, Ellen was snubbed by old acquaintances. Tony Cooper and Vicky Paisley arrived for dinner. As Vicky probed for gossip, Ellen proudly announced she and Dale would be married!


Ellen’s daughter, Jill didn't like the idea of Ellen's impending marriage and rushed home from Hong Kong, ignoring "sister-in-law" Lai Ling's caution to "Tread with care ... It is not by the gray of the hair that one measures the age of the heart." Greg Mercer was convinced Dale was only after Ellen's money. Dale told him it was none of his business. Jill told Ellen she thought Dale was an opportunist, citing the age difference between them. Ellen pointed out that Jill, although, much younger than Jack Wheeler, felt true love for him. Jill said that was different because she was younger than Jack. Dale couldn’t move Jill either. Dale asked Tom why Jill was so hostile. Tom said it was probably because she didn’t know herself very well and had had two disastrous relationships with men. Jill begged Carrie to take an apartment with her. Lena didn’t like the idea of Carrie's moving out, till Carrie explained. Lena felt Ellen was making a mistake. She was going to "counsel" Ellen.


Heather Kane, after an unsuccessful try at reconciliation with husband Jerry, filed for divorce. She drew closer to Bobby Hansen. Heather and Bobby had a philosophical difference: Heather felt one had to make peace with reality; Bobby felt it was more fun to create fantasy. Heather asked for more information about his mother, a much-married former movie actress, who gave Bobby money instead of love. She had offered him a wing of her Mediterranean villa, cars, servants, etc., but Bobby refused because it wouldn't be a home. Heather told him she was not ready for a home right now. The only thing she was sure of was he wanted her, so she would share his trailer with him. Bobby didn’t push his advantage, telling Heather he won't touch her before marriage. Heather refused to discuss marriage.


Heather and Bobby took Vic Kirby to the airport. Chris was being committed to a state hospital and Vic was moving to be near his son. Jerry arrived to say goodbye. Jerry told Heather he wouldn't contest the divorce and offered her the cabin. She refused it. They parted amicably. Heather and Bobby’s act was such a hit at the coffeehouse that Mac Wells, the owner, was having trouble finding room for all the customers. Bobby showed Mac sketched for redecorating the place as a 20's speakeasy, Bogey's Place. Intrigued, Mac looked into it, but found he couldn't afford the refurbishing without a partner. Dan Brisken dropped by to meet Mac. Mac offered Dan a partnership. Dan said his forte was publishing, so he wouldn't be interested. But he offered to promote the place for free if Mac got it done.


Tony Cooper, chastened by his son Joey's rejection of him for neglecting him for his career, broke off his affair with Vicky Paisley and promised wife Ginger he would be home on time. Tony brought Joey a new sled, but Joey rejected him. Ginger urged patience. Ginger took Joey to the hospital for a check-up. Julian was there after an unsuccessful visit with his ex-wife Kate, who was suffering a nervous breakdown. Joey, who made no secret of his affection for Julian, greeted him enthusiastically. When Ginger explained the situation between Tony and Joey, Julian tried to persuade Joey that Tony loved him, to no avail. When Tony arrived home, Joey was in bed. Tony' was upset, saying sarcastically, that maybe Julian could put in a good word for him. Ginger, trying to placate Tony, who was having heart problems due to stress, said Julian tried. Tony was furious. He wondered aloud if Julian's fondness was for Joey or for Ginger. Tony stormed out, going to Vicky with his troubles. She took him to bed. The following day, Tony told Vickie he had had it with his family; he would keep his own hours. He had chest pains again.


Joey ran away from school to Julian. Julian told Joey he was not being fair to his parents. He tried to explain to Joey that he was living proof of his parents' love for each other and him. Joey disagreed. He asked Julian to be his father. Ginger had Julian to dinner and told him of Tony's accusations. Tony, meanwhile, having told Ginger he was having dinner with a buyer, told Vicky he wanted to move in with her. She refused, saying his family had to come first. Tony had a bad attack. Vicky helped him to the bedroom and called an ambulance. Stan called Ginger at home. She became hysterical, so Julian took over. They left for town immediately. Stan urged a distraught Vicky to leave before Ginger arrived. It was too late. Vicky explained to Ginger what happened. Ginger said Tony was out with a buyer, all right —Vicky. Vicky had bought Tony with a promotion and personal gifts. Bitterly, Ginger demanded if money was the only way Vickie could get a man. Vicky told Julian that her efforts were what kept Tony from leaving Ginger.


Tony survived, but he had to remain in the hospital for 2-3 weeks. Vicky assured Stan all the medical bills would be paid and Tony would continue to receive his salary. Stan asked Julian to lend support to Ginger and he agreed, having admitted to Carrie Wheeler that he loved Joey like the son he never had. Joey knew about heart attacks from TV and asked Ginger if the reason for Tony's attack was worry because he was mad at Tony. Reluctantly, Ginger admitted that was partly true, but she reminded Joey Tony loved him. Joey disagreed, but asked Ginger to tell Tony he was not mad any more so Tony would get well.


Ginger didn’t believe Vickie's account of how Tony got into her bedroom, but couldn’t confront Tony for the moment. Julian asked Ellen to find Ginger some kind of work at the hospital to take her mind off her problems. Ellen agreed. Ginger and Joey visited Julian at work. Joey told Julian he wanted Tony to get well soon so he could tell him he wanted to live with Julian. Stunned, Julian recovered, asking why Joey didn’t tell Tony at the moment. He suggested Joey knew deep down that Tony really loved him. Joey didn’t want to talk about it. Ginger thanked Julian for all he had done. Julian tried to back out of a dinner. Ginger told him not to worry, that she loved him, but only as a dear friend. Joey saw them hugging.


Vicky Paisley consulted, assistant general manager, about whether to call her brother Ned about Tony's attack. Powell told Vicky he had been running things, not Tony, anyhow, so let things continue. Stan told Ginger that Tony could go home in ten days, but he had to not keep late hours, drink, or have any stress. Joey told Stan he wantsed to live with Julian and Ginger loved Julian, too. Vicky told Julian she would leave Tony alone, if Julian would take his place. Julian was incredulous. Vicky said it would make the Coopers happy, her happy, and it wouldn’t do Julian any harm. Tony confessed his affair to Ginger.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Liz Foster had convinced her seriously ill husband. Bill, that their daughter, Jill, was only thinking of her new baby and him when she decided to let Mrs. Chancellor have the child she conceived by Phillip Chancellor - Phillip Chancellor divorced Kay and married Jill who was pregnant with his child. Phillip died from injuries received in an auto accident which Kay caused. Kay later had the marriage ruled invalid and voided Jill's marriage. Kay at first refused to acknowledge that this was Phillip's child, but had finally agreed to give Jill one million dollars if she allowed Kay to adopt the child. - Bill was resting when Jill arrived home from the hospital with her son whom she found she couldn't give away at the last moment. Bill was filled with despair at the idea of going to Arizona for his health with the money Jill would receive from Mrs. Chancellor, but was thrilled beyond words when Jill showed him that she had brought his grandson home.


In thinking over the situation Kay became so angered that she went to the Foster home demanding her baby. Kay refused to take the check back reminding Jill of their agreement and her father's poor health. Kay went home to find her son, Brock there with workmen turning the large upstairs bedrooms into smaller ones for the use of the senior citizens who were moving in later. Kay informed them that her plans had been changed and since she wouldn’t be leaving for Europe they could no longer have her home.


Jill’s brothers Greg and Dr. Snapper, paid Kay a visit to return the check and Greg explained that if she started proceedings to claim the child she could be charged with trying to buy a baby. Van Richmond, Kay's lawyer, returned her call and explained that the agreement was only valid as long as Jill was willing to give up the child. Kay was deflated for the moment.


The bills were piling up in the Foster home and when they got a notice that the heat would be shut off if the bill wasn't paid within three days, Jill and Liz both became desperate. Although she only received fifteen hundred dollars for three fine pieces of jewelry Phillip gave her including her wedding ring, Jill pawned everything and then told Greg that she was ready to petition the court for Phillip Jr.'s share of the Chancellor estate. Greg explained that it wouldn't be easy, but he drew up the petition.


Liz tried to get her job back at Mrs. Chancellor's factory but the waiting list was very long. Liz told Mrs. Chancellor that she was desperate and asked her to call the personnel manager so that she could start work in order to keep the heat on. Kay refused to do that, but told Liz that she needed a housekeeper since she let her staff go when she thought she was leaving for Europe. Liz couldn’t refuse and Kay paid the heating bill. Kay was feeling that everyone was against her when Brock checked on her. He told her that if she truly had changed she could still provide for the child. She could send Mr. and Mrs. Foster to Arizona and provide for the baby out of love. She saw that she could be the child's godmother and visit him. She started to make plans for a trust fund when a process server arrived with a petition stating that Phillip Chancellor Foster was a rightful heir and was claiming his share of Phillip Chancellor's estate. Brock told the Fosters that the petition arrived when Kay was making plans to take care of them all and Jill promised to see her in the morning.


Jill explained to Kay that she was only doing this for the baby and that her family could use none of the money he would inherit from the estate. She would be willing to drop the suit if Kay would put in writing that she would provide for them. The estate would be probated within a couple of weeks and she had to make sure that her child was provided for. If she dropped the suit and Mrs. Chancellor didn't set up a trust fund, her baby would have missed out on what was rightfully his. Kay said that Jill was the one who couldn’t be trusted because after she signed their agreement she refused to give up the baby. Kay wanted the suit dropped and refused to sign anything.


Brock and Snapper knew that both Jill and Mrs. Chancellor wanted to come to a settlement, but were afraid to trust each other. Brock set up a meeting with Greg, Jill, his mother, and himself. Kay wanted Jill to drop the suit and sign a paper saying that she would not reinstate the proceedings before she would even discuss the terms of a settlement. Jill wanted to be sure that the terms were fair before she dropped the suit. Greg told Mrs. Chancellor that if it was taken to court that they would win because buying children wais illegal in this state and there was no way she could get around the fact that at the time she got Jill to sign the adoption papers she gave her a check for a million dollars. The fact that she wanted the baby proved that she thought he was Phillip's child. Brock asked Jill and Kay if they were willing to ruin both their names as well as Phillip's and the baby's. In discussing the case, Greg told Brock that his mother's lawyers would bring up the time he and Jill lived together. Brock said he would swear that they didn't live as man and wife.


Leslie Brooks Elliot arrived home from her concert in Paris. She told Brad about Lance Prentiss, the wealthy industrialist who had been in several of her concert cities, and that she had invited him to Genoa City to meet her sister Lorie feeling that she was Lance's type and that he might be very good for Lorie since her heartbreak over Mark Henderson - Jennifer Brooks, Lorie's mother, told Mark that she suspected that Mark and Lorie were half brother and sister when Mark and Lorie became engaged. She had spent a week with Mark's father, Bruce, when she had a fight with her husband, Stuart. A blood test taken secretly proved that Stuart could not be Lorie's father, but Bruce could. With this knowledge kept to himself Mark broke their engagement and left town. Lorie confronted her mother with the pieces of information she had and Jennifer finally told her the truth.-


Lorie finally called Stuart from Chicago, telling him that she was short on cash, but would be home in a few days. Stuart mentioned to Les the hotel Lorie was staying at in Chicago and since that was Lance's home town she called him to ask if he could cheer Lorie up. He found Lorie in a very rotten mood and wasn't at all sure that she would be there when he arrived to take her to dinner. When he took charge and didn’t let her mood get to him she stopped feeling so sorry for herself.


When she arrived in Genoa City she found a letter from Mark that, while intended to make her feel better, opened up all the wounds she had been trying to heal. Les tried to help her. but when Lorie called Stuart Leslie's father, Leslie demanded an explanation. Lorie told her the whole story. After a trip to think things through. Jennifer told Brad that she would like to return home to Stuart - Feeling unloved, Jennifer had turned to Bruce and moved out of the Brooks’ home. Following her mastectomy Stuart had asked her to come home. Jennifer was about to do this when Lorie found out the truth. - Jennifer wondered what Lorie would think and do if she returned to Stuart. She called Lorie to say she would be right over even though Lorie had said she never wanted to see her again.


Lorie left her apartment so when Jennifer arrives she found Leslie waiting for her. Leslie told her that Lorie was in such bad shape after reading a letter from Mark that the truth spilled. Leslie was so concerned about Lorie that she could feel no sympathy for her mother. Jennifer told Les that she wanted to return to Stuart and thinking that Lorie is calling, Jennifer answered the phone. It was Stuart and when Jennifer said she was coming over to see him, Leslie suggested that she speak to Lorie first. Lorie found it contemptible that her mother would return home, but Brad told Laurie that if she continued this way, Stuart would be hurt because he would demand an explanation. Stuart made Jennifer's homecoming very easy even though she was self-conscious of her mastectomy.


Peggy Brooks was told by her friend that Jack Curtis gave out A's as a come on. Peggy said she would only get a B or a C. When Jack showed Peggy her graded exam paper with a A-she got very upset. When Jack finally found out what was wrong, he told her that Dr. Abbott graded the paper and she could ask him why she got an A. Peggy admitted that she had fallen in love with him even after he asked her not to because his life was so complex. Because having lunch with Peg's father seemed so important to her, Jack agreed. He found out at the last minute that her sister's restaurant was the Allegro where his wife Joann Cryzyski worked. When he saw her there he explained that he was lunching with a student whose father was grateful that he helped her pass exams.


On Joann’s birthday, Brock gave her a pendant inscribed "I am beautiful" because she had to feel beautiful herself before other people could see it. Johnny – Jack - brought Joanne flowers and took her to a movie. Several days later when she told Johnny about Brock's gift, Johnny asked why she gained all that weight. She told him that after they had been married a year she went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. Since they hadn't discussed children she asked him and he said they couldn't have any until he finished school. She had an abortion which left her feeling so empty that she ate to fill the emptiness. For the first time in a long time Johnny put his arms around her and kissed her.

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@will81 I checked the "Let's gossip" you mentioned. It seemed to be a newsletter called "Soap opera review" quite similar from Bryna Laub but I never heard about it. It ran from 1973 to late 1976 / early 1977 (I found an article in Syracuse journal saying it was dismissed). 

Matt (he owned soapoperahistory I think and scanned all the SODs from 1975 to 1991 but he vanished a year ago or so) posted a few issues on another soap forum (Don't know if I can post the link of another forum but this is stuff from 1975-1976, not the older stuff we are looking for mostly). Maybe @JAS0N47 know more as he used some on his website I think.


To finish, the two "We're glad you asked" from the DNS January and February 1976. One is very interesting as it chronicles 1973 Y&R with Jill's involvement with Gwen Sherman.

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@FrenchFan Thank you for looking into Let's Gossip and finding out more. I am just going to keep looking around for it and hopefully something will pop up. Also Soap Bubble Magazine (which is also hard to find) was another mag that had synopsis and Lynda Hirsch was a contributer (or maybe editor??) Until we get episodes trying to track these synopsis down is our best bet.


Also thanks for DSN Q&A. I knew Gwen and Jill had a story in 1973, just didn't know the exact details. Glad to have the details more confirmed. All of this is great stuff to have and really appreciate your effort with all this.

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Search for tomorrow:

looks like the seeds of Jennifer/john/Eunice were starting at this point.  Peggy o'shea is often under rated.  She did good work on Capitol & OLTL in the 80s.


Guiding Light:


I have a feeling had Lynne Adam's opted not to leave GL...that the Dobson's would have continued with writing Leslie.  I'm sending a hint of a Mike/Leslie/Ann triangle in the Feb 1976 synopsis.


I like the show is slowly working Rita into the mix with being a friendly ear to Ed, being ambitious at work, while making eyes at Dr Tim Ryan..making Pam jealous.


I'm seeing a redemption of Holly is continuing (the original actress playing her was unhappy with the change I recall)..while it appeared at this point that Holly/ed and roger/peggy were the end game couples...and having Christina in the mix would have caused years of complications.


Love of Life:  a head writer change is evident..it isn't as interesting to read as 1975 was with Labine/Avila & Depriest in charge.


The Doctors:  I watched the reruns on Retro..candella's stint was boring...Depriest's stint was more interesting, if a little too plot driven.

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So Lance and Prentiss Industries were precursors to Victor and Newman Enterprises.  Later in 1976 is the arrival of Vanessa Prentiss. Can't wait to read about her storyline in detail.

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I don't think Victor interacted on screen with Vanessa/Lance/Lucas at all. 


Even if Victor did interact w/ Vanessa, I'm sure he would recognize her as someone not to mess with.


Side note, I think John McCook was already gone from Y&R when Eric Braeden joined the cast.

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