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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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So these people, who dropped their other "Lost Cause", after it flopped, have latched onto conspiracy theory mongering over the vaccines. Someone needs to start following the money because, guaranteed, there are people making money from this, as they were with the other Lost Cause.

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I managed to get my first shot today, although the roll out here is a mess due to govonor Ricketts. The county program is only doing 55 plus. The clinic I went to had hundreds of open appointments. So I waited until just before the cutoff time and made an appointment, even though I'm only 47. I half expected to be turned away, but no one even questioned it even though there were like 5 check points.


What a waste of resources. They had everything set up and staff there. They should have opened it up to people with a comorbidity or younger people. Instead about 400 appointments went to waste. When I first signed up I had some ethical reservations about jumping the line. I'm still not sure it was right, but I volunteer at a residential home helping elderly folk with family visits. Right or wrong I'm happy I got it, both for myself and the residents, some of whom can't get get a vaccine due to their conditions.

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For some reason I thought you had already gotten your vaccine. Glad you did!


My parents were in lines for hours for the vaccine. I tried going to the same local as them but no way was I waiting 8 plus hours to get vaccinated. I was able to go to my local clinic and was done in about 30 minutes. The clinic was better coordinated than where my folks went.

Edited by Soapsuds
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I have to say that out here on the north left coast, things have been run extremely well.  My grandson is fully vaccinated as he is an educator.   All teachers jumped the line here by order of our governor.  People were clamoring to reopen schools, but got a bit testy when teachers got extraordinary treatment.  Some people only know how to bitch!

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Thank you! I'm glad you were able to get it without much waiting.


I walked in the building and within 5 minutes I had the shot. There was no waiting until the 15 minute period where they watch for reactions.  Unfortunately I live in a state where a lot of people are completely convinced this is a bad vaccine. It's incredibly frustrating.

So true! Teachers absolutely should be prioritized.

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