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Catching up, and finally watched New Years and I noticed the change on this episode with the scenes at Julie's Luncheonette Restaurant for New Years and again with Eli & Gabi showing up at Kristen/Lani's door. I agree it looks better aesthetically and takes away from the overall cheap, cardboard wobbly look of the sets. 

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Cutting the Jack/Adrienne scene was a big mistake.  There's a deemphasis on the Johnson family that's particularly damaging to Jack and Steve... instead of having them as a family with their own special place on the canvas, their roles become very tethered to Jenn and Kayla, respectively.  (Which has been very problematic for the actors, esp. Matt Ashford.)

And Kayla is missing a point of view here, as she was just as close to Adrienne as she is, say, Hope.


Which segues into your point about friendships and broader interactions.  They're sorely missing or only shown for the plot (Marlena with Kayla and Kate right now).  But connecting Will and Ciara through Ben is about the only cool thing to come out of this "situation."  And even JJ/Lani/Eli/Gabi are in story together again and they are not tapping into their very rich (and recent!) history; that whole age group has such unrealized potential as a "crew."  And Jack & Jenn should be ALL over this Stevano & Gina nonsense.  (Until Missy left in '06, Hope & Jenn felt like the most important relationship on the show to me.)


Backstage bias sucks, but as "Days" fans, we don't have it nearly as bad as GH or B&B, lol.  I remember during TomSell, there was definitely real J&M hate and it didn't feel like just the writing.  I would love to see J&M together with Carrie, Eric, Sami, Brady, and Belle (and all the grandkids lol).  We've gotten so close a handful of times!  It's been since 1999!  Lol.

They shouldn't always be filming several feet away from the actors in spaces that are supposed to be small.  This is so much better, and adds variation and layering.  And I hate that they always film in the middle of a room, esp. places with lots of nooks like Brady Pub and K mansion.  I get that they can plow through hella scenes that way, but it looks like cheap theater, and not in a self aware way lol.  I remember when EJ died in 2014 (when production was MUCH worse than now), they made it a special episode by filming in places on the sets they never do.  For this cheap ass show, it was amazing.  And it was great to see the action and camera move from multiple characters/areas last week in the hospital (with JJ/Will and Victor/Xander).  That used to be normal.


And I agree that Julie's Place looks like it's one of those places that closes after lunch lol.  They did a nice job redressing it for the app series, though.

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I know alot of fans love to whine about Sarah getting much focus but in this case it wasn't uncalled for since she was in the car with Adrienne.


What annoys me with all the cutting of scenes is how they waste minutes of every episode replaying scenes from the previous day. Replaying the last cliffhanger scene is one thing. But sometimes the whole opening act before the hourglass is just a repeat of the episode before.

Guess or not, this is the spoiler section of the board. Why would it be a problem to post it?

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I will say that I never put Sarah's "terrible night" and Adrienne's "accident" together.  I was pleasantly shocked when the promo aired.  Even though the logistics still baffle me, I love a good multi-character car crash.  I just wish it had been staged differently.  Hopefully we'll get another, complete sequence if there's another twist.

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Because I like to cover my ass and it felt like the DAYS weekly discussion thread so ...

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I agree about the flashbacks. 


I mean, we all have our gripes. You have things that bother you, others have things that bother them  I do think they tend to cut the wrong scenes and we get long scenes of other people. It's not like I'm making it up, lol. And we know some folks on the show have an agenda. I love Linsey Godfrey, actually, but I do think Sarah has been forced and on way too much. JMO. They do it everytime and sabotage any new hire they get from another soap. 

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@KMan101 Do we have any concept of how long TJ is supposed to last? Unless they have some hidden aka random s/l planned, don’t we basically know everything important that happened during the ‘year’? 


If DAYS is so budget constrained, how are they still overfilming? I thought that stopped years ago. Why don’t they add those scenes to the online version of the show? I get the OTA version has no flexibility, but giving viewers even more incentive to seek out the digital version seems smart (and good business). Unlike Nielsen, NBC knows exactly how many viewers, which stuff is FF, etc. The more people stream, the longer DAYS will last. 

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Instead of making shady snide comments. You should have told me. In a nice way. Since the time jump . I thought it would be better to lump all the previews. Anyway i made a new thread. 26 pages since Nov. That's SO MUCH. Plus most importantly it didn't bother the admins. I had a really bad day. That was snotty as hell. People should treat others the way they want to be treated. My anxiety disorder is really bad. None of you people care. Feel alone on here just like i do in the real world.


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What do you mean with how long it's supposed to last? They're not gonna jump back to Nov 8, 2019 when the missing pieces have been filled in. They jumped a year ahead, that's it. Business as usual, the show goes on.


I don't think they are "overfiliming" as in working late hours like in the past. But they tape important scenes that end up being cut, yet have time for long, unnecessary flashbacks.




I have no idea what you're talking about. My comment wasn't aimed at you or anyone else in particular. It was a general comment. We're all still posting in this thread.


Drama queen much?

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I don't think that with the budget cuts they would be working late. I think maybe the fact that there are taping scenes on different days due to actor and set availability and then having to edit it into one episode means that it's sometimes hard to track everything.

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