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Oh no, ANOTHER Mass Shooting in the U.S. SMH

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I saw a bit of a news segment on Daniel Ashton. I believe he moved to Colorado Springs from Oklahoma. He identified as transgender and was also a bartender and entertainer at Club Q. What drives me to the brink of insanity is that here are some of the mass shootings that come to mind that have occurred in the state of Colorado since 1999:

  • Columbine (1999)
  • Aurora (2012)
  • Highlands Ranch (2017)
  • Boulder (2021)
  • Colorado Springs (2021)
  • Denver (2021)
  • Colorado Springs (2022)


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Thanks for posing, @I Am A Swede. Apparently (as of now), they cannot reveal the name of the shooter until they are able to reach the next of kin. I think he was an employee at that Wal-Mart location?

Chesapeake Police update on mass shooting at Virginia WalMart | ABC News


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I'm just making a general statement, and not specific to any of these shootings.

Whenever *any* of these mass shootings happen, I respect it when the news media honors the names and lives of the people who were killed or injured -- and gives very little attention/focus to the shooter's name and life.  The shooters seek attention, so I appreciate it when they are denied attention.

The news must be reported about the name of the shooter, but I don't want to see the shooter's name in the headline or their face on the front page.

It's fine if the shooter is called out as a bigot or an extremist -- as a part of the general problem in society -- because that needs to be discussed. But I don't want the person's name getting headlines.

Edited by janea4old
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I posted this on the Media/Journalism thread, and now posting here, too:

The Colorado Springs Gazette seems to be doing a decent job of reporting on the mass shooting at the Club Q, including articles about support for the victims.
Here is the index of all their articles on the topic:

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I suppose the Half Moon Bay incident was a copy cat given the demographics of the shooters. I don't have cable, so I haven't heard the talking heads explanation. The most disturbing part to me is that the killers were seniors. It tends to be younger men who commit this type of crime. What is the motive?

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I was just reading an article talking about the rise of copycat shooting sprees. 

The Half Moon Bay shootings are being described as a being the result of a “workplace” grievance.

It’s really the result of the wide availability of guns. 
So much gun violence that, by reports, there have already been 69 spree shootings this year (we are still in the first month of the year) and about half are regarded as mass shootings, most of which don’t make the national news. It’s worrying, wearying and tragic.

Americans comprise 5% of the population yet hold almost half of the world’s firearms. So many people fail to see cause and effect. Deeply disturbing.


Right-wingers are trying to diminish the seriousness of the shootings at the dance studio and the farms in California because the shooter and victims shared the same ethnicity is callous and absurd, also because they love to mock California, which is said to have some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, which tbh, isn’t all that strict compared to, say, New Zealand or Japan, just stricter than Virginia or Florida, where anything goes.

And if you are one of the states that border Virginia, or a short car ride from the state, regardless of whether you live in a state that has relatively strict gun control laws, there is always the risk of someone smuggling guns along the I-95 and distributing smuggled firearms that will eventually wreak havoc in your state.

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Not to sound like a Debbie Downer or anything, but I think Republicans will project this as a mental health issue, feeble-minded age, and in the most f*cked up way possible, somehow associate their ethnic affilaion background and bring up the subject of COVID. You know ... Chinese virus

Huh? Yeah? See where I'm getting at here? Mmm-hmmm. 

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Not to mention the “responsible gun owners” who buy semiautomatic weapons for their teenage kids before they can even legally drink.

What about the other 67 spree shootings? That’s such a narrow focus to make it about only two shootings.

It’s so unfortunate that most Americans seem to look at these shootings in such narrow terms, instead of as part of a larger problem.

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