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LATEST RATINGS: June 24-28, 2019


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It's beyond me why they thought Chelsea would rake 'em in. Missy Egan is talented, but lives or dies by material; that's why Annie turning into a bitch on AMC was a hit, while normal Annie sucked. Chelsea has always been too milquetoast a character to succeed without Adam, and playing her as the reformed heroine never works, same with original Annie.

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The show has way too much Adam. Mark Grossman is a talented actor and he started out bringing some nice energy to the show. But Adam is simply featured too much and IMO his character is already starting to feel a bit stale. The storylines he's getting are not interesting either, outside of him having a connection to Chance. 


A lot of the storylines on this show are not interesting. They are boring and don't feel soapy .The plots that are being written for Kyle and Lola and their storyline in particular are very boring. There is some hope with something like an Ana/Theo/Summer triangle, but the young characters as whole haven't been getting good storylines or been written well. Kyle and Lola are awful together and Mariah is attached to the hip with Tessa, who is not very likeable. Ana has been written and treated like a teenager as of late. Nate is also being neglected as a character and so has his potential romance for Abby.


Some of the older characters potential storylines have also been pushed to aside since Adam has come on the show. Jack and Michael were both supposed to get storylines that were supposed to happen this summer. But it seems they have been derailed a bit because of Adam's return. (Though, I did see some spoilers that indicate they might start to pick up back on those storylines.)

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Poor DAYS...three episodes under two million. This does not bode well at all. They have about half of the audience of Y&R....which is struggling itself. The show has certainly been worse in my opinion, but I still can't seem to get myself invested in it. It's just sort of middle of the road blah.  I might watch half an episode a week where I used to watch every day. Between the budget and actors' minimum appearances stories are hard to build any sort of momentum with and characters who should interact don't. It feels like everyone is in their own little storyline islands that don't intersect, so we don't get that sense of Salem being a community.


That being said, I know a lot of this is due to the budget and the restraints put on the show. I'm not sure what the answer is...if there is one at this point. Since they're already shooting April of next year...almost a year in advance...there isn't time to turn the ship around. By the time renewal talks usually happen in January, the show will probably be shooting November. Maybe NBC will give us one last Christmas in Salem in 2020?


I wish I even had suggestions at this point on what I would think could help, but I just don't anymore. Nothing is "popping" story-wise. I'm tired of latex masks and back from the dead people and Trump Jack and a serial killer being the hero. I was intrigued by Maggie's falling off the wagon which should be a HUGE umbrella story, but SR is only getting her minimum....so there's no real build up or pay off. I mean I could watch Xander in those running shorts every day, but after a while, even that is not enough.


The ONLY thing I can think of is they need to get on their knees and beg Allison Sweeny to come back (even for a year). Sami has never been my favorite character, but it's true that DAYS feels like DAYS more when she's on. I miss the great rivalries the show used to have (Kate/Vivian, Kate/Sami, Sami/Carrie, Kate/Laura, Marlena and ED's Kristen). They helped keep the show fun. Right now, if we're lucky, we get a Julie/Gabi scene. RC was one of many writers who understood how important the Viki/Dorian rivalry was to OLTL as a whole. 


I'm just randomly throwing out thoughts, but it's just sad to see the show slowly slipping away.

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