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Y&R May Sweeps

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The Traci novel fantasy thing ...shoot me now...how will this have any impact on the characters/story?


Are they hoping that CK will return at some point full time? They need to write out Lily( or recast) and the twins (SORASED too soon for no reason) and if DG has to stay then turn Cane into the sleaze he always should have been.


Refocus on Devon, Nate, Ana. Make Jet (ugh) a viable character who can mix it up outside the current group. Bring back Harmony/Yolanda?

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Yesss to all of the above!! (and SO MANY of us have said Cane was better as a sleaze; I really thought Sussman had him down well and she wrote him how he should be, he was far more interesting that way and so was Victoria during her brief period where she was as cold as a frozen popsicle)


Jett could have been paired with Olivia or Yolanda (I wasn't the biggest fan of Debbi Morgan's stint, and I love her, no particular reason but I just remember feeling it was a bit of an overload on AMC cast members, who I do love and was glad to see working, but I'd take her back in an instant at this point) or and I'll keep saying, an alive Drucilla. But alas, I have no hope in them bringing Rowell back. If the demand for her following the Neil memorial didn't start the ball rolling ... heck, why isn't Leslie recurring or still even on the show? (They have brought her back a few times to fill the lawyer role; Brittany filled that part this last year) Another with potential they had no interest in (I'm sensing a pattern ...)


And instead of Jordi Vilasuso, why hasn't the show bothered to bring David Lago back for more than just a visit? He's clearly willing to be on a soap (The Bay ... meh) ... yet let's force Rosales down everyone's throats ...


I also imagine Jaime Lyn Bauer and Janice Lynde would have been willing to appear more. 


Where's Nina? Chance? (John Driscoll is great but Chance is recastable)


They have no interest in Noah. Fans are literally begging for Zach Tinker to come back as Fen yet crickets chirp ... fans are begging for Rowell ... crickets chirp ... she speaks out about Steve Kent basically keeping her from the show and crickets chirp ...


So much needs to be fixed on this show but they seem to focus on the last 10 years and the fans who watched then, the ones who are actually excited to have Adam, Kevin and Chelsea back (the best thing Mal did was dump Kevin and Chelsea ... that was NOT a mistake ... and I liked Mal basically ignoring the idea of bringing Adam back ... he was a travesty but I appreciate some things, but then again, I can usually find a few things from most hacks that I can appreciate I guess ...)

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I wouldn't mind seeing Jett fleshed out more and seeing Olivia and/or Harmony returning.


Also, I do remember Soapcentral reporting in the past year during one of Britany's short term stints that Raul was supposed to return to town with her. (This was after he initially came back with her for the Glo by Jabot's kids HS reunion.) But he never showed up on screen again after that. I wouldn't mind seeing him again. I have always liked Raul.

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Chance should definitely be back.

I like the idea of Paul being ousted from GCPD and going back to running a PI firm. Maybe Chance goes to work for him.


I also think Esther should more present. She's a link to Katherine and the past. Esther could have been a shoulder for Cane to lean on.

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I wonder if she's Iris or another character in her novel that is trying to get Flynn and Iris (if played by CK) back together. It would be something if she was Iris/a love interest of Flynn in the novel. IMO, Traci comes off of more like a big sister to Cane. I do wonder if they would try and have her be a love interest to him, if only through her imagination for the novel. I have seen a few people speculate if they would have Cane/Traci ( even without the novel stuff) actually take a romantic interest in each other. 



I think they were supposed to do more with Kelly Krueger's Mac too. I seem to remember reading somewhere that she was supposed to be hanging around more during the JT storyline. I believe she was supposed to have more of an impact in the JT storyline than she did. It was strange how she really wasn't around, during the trial or when it was revealed he was alive.


It was extra odd that Noah was nowhere to be seen (I don't even think he was even or if so barely mentioned) when the women were on trial and sentenced. He should have around if only for a short term visit while the trial was going on and his mother/grandmother/Aunt were sentenced to time in prison. I think it was a missed opportunity not to have him be around then, showing support for his family when that was going on.


Reed came back towards the end of JT storyline which made sense, but they also should have had Noah come back.

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All true! Good points. There's no reason he wouldn't have been there for Nikki and Sharon. I know Victoria's his aunt but they never really shared much screentime that I can remember, but still, he'd be there. They have such little interest in Noah. And it can't be because they don't want Morrow and Case to have young adults for kids when they have Summer and Cassiah running around town ... lol


And they seemed to forget about Reed for a hot minute and then he suddenly popped back up when Victoria was having nightmares about JT (I'd scream too if I woke up and saw that mop of hair on Reed's head ... LOL)

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Yes it can. Y&R doesn't view female characters the way they do male characters. They see no value in the female Newmans beyond their romantic pairings.


With male Newmans (and male Y&R characters in general) they are expected to drive story & with Y&R still unable to admit Morrow can't carry major story on his own there's no way the show is gonna seriously invest in the next generation of male Newmans.

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I am pretty sure it aint Lily (nor have I heard she is currently taping, cept for Neils will reading  last will), DG would've hsd no issue letting the Lane fans know, and it kinda explains his tweet bout "moving on", we will see .  Griffith has written noir novels In the past, so this is up his alley!

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Sharon Case just posted a picture of her and Mark Grossman introducing him as the New Adam (And I will say that they don't look bad together):



Also, I just saw some spoilers from one of Lynda Hirsch's soap columns that said that Adam and Nick will indeed both want to be a father to Christian. Her article also said they will both be vying for Victor's approval and that Chelsea's return will add to the plotlines.



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Yeah, he looks much younger than Nick and Sharon. This story sounds real dumb. If they wanted to show Nick and Adam fighting over Christian, why didn't they SORAS him into a precocious 8 year old instead of the mute toddler they trot out whenever we need a reminder that there's an extra Newman around?

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