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Y&R: RIP Kristoff St John

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Regarding Kristoff and Victoria Rowell’s relationship. Did they get closer in recent years?


I do remember when VR left the last time, she did make some comments about not feeling supported by Kristoff and though she felt they had chemistry on-screen, they weren’t friends off-screen. 


I know they they did those TV movies in recent years. Whatever it is, it’s nice they got closer again before he died.

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Oh they’re absolutely scrambling. The thing is, they had the data to back up the popularity of these characters they just don’t care. Do y’all remember when I believe Shemar Moore left and the ratings plunged and an internal report about the cause of the ratings drop leaked. In respond they brought on a flood of black characters and Victoria Rowell came back. Also, when she left during LML’s stint the ratings fell around half a million if I remember correctly. Dru, Neil and Lily were as important as the Newman’s and the Abbott’s during her time on the show so it isn’t surprising that happened. But again, they know this and they don’t care. 

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They've worked together at least twice since then on projects at VR's request.  It's clear that they enjoyed working together.  Perhaps once they were free of the politics and confines of the machinations at Y&R, they might have developed an appreciation for each other and a true bond.  There are certain things that the public are just not privy to when it comes to relationships.



Probably business as usual.  Y&R is a machine.



Studies have also shown that television shows and movies with multi-ethnic and diverse casts that drive story are box office and ratings gold.  On the surface, Y&R (and most daytime soaps) may look diverse on the surface, but in terms of equity of story, it appears far from that


Part of me thinks that shows like Y&R cling to the myth (outmoded, though it may be) of the mid-western housewife, who will somehow clutch her pearls in revulsion at characterizations that actually reflect the world that we currently live in. 

It's crazy that CBS/Sony/Y&R and daytime soaps in general are willing to leave all that money on the table, rather than adapt.  Fear can breed irrationality though and I say fear because the other part of me also thinks that Y&R/Sony/CBS have a fear of being labeled a "Black show" if they give their black characters actual agency and consistent front-burner storylines, so they desperately cling to the status quo, even if it costs them an exodus of viewers.  

None of this makes sense to any of us but somehow there is a rationale for this, in their minds.

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His work is still onscreen but Mal's already gone, isn't he?



I wish people in the comments section on Instagram and social media, in general would stop saying things like "...if only he would've had the strength to ask for help..." or "if only he would've asked for help...".  Well, people who pay attention realize that he did ask for help, he checked himself into a facility on more than one occasion.



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