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Days: December 2018 Discussion Thread βŒ›πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸŽ

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I always knew he'd be a good fit at DAYS. He still has his massive flaws but his camp works better on DAYS. It's not at all perfect but I never feel any hidden agenda. I think they're trying.


I agree. It's hard to invest when we've been burned so many times. Big returns hyped and then they're gone. Hi, Louise Sorel

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Β (Christie Clark twice ...)




But nah, he looks pretty darn good for his age.

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Kassie seems like a sweetheart. But I just have to disagree where Eve is concerned. For me, Eve is still owned by Charlotte Ross, even with her being looooooooooooong gone. Kassie's Eve just is not Eve, to me. But tomato, tomahto.

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LOL I grew up with CR's Eve, and I NEVER thought the character would come back. I'm glad they at least got a power house like Kassie for a recast.


MA is looking FINE as hell. Days really has some good looking men on the show. Silver foxes like Drake to boot

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Yeah, but maybe that is because she knows J&J is her ticket back to the front burner than any real affection for the pairing. She certainly didn't give much of a schitt the last time MA was on and Jenn was dry humping Dan's leg.

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Bless them for making the best out of that crappy coffe shop set that also mysteriously doubles as a bar.


But Eve was written great - as a pure villain!

"Jack... you're alive - how is that possible?"


Bored writers in search for a ratings boost, Jen.

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It also was all around the time of her Chick-Fil-A debacle.


But yeah, I think she learned her lesson. I feel like she always sort of fought against it at times. But in some ways I don't blame her because for years it was wash/rinse/repeat with Jack and Jenn. He'd leave or die or dump her and she'd be mad, find someone else, berate Jack, they'd reunite, wash/rinse/repeat. Kristian seemed desperate for Hope to be with anyone else too.

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I will agree Jennifer is being written more like how Jennifer used to be in the 80s and the first half of the 90s.Β  Supercouples practically hold characters hostage, and I actualy thought Hope/Aidan were a great pairing

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Say what you will about the Salem Stalker and James Reilly, but I believe his original intetion with that storyline was to free up characters stuck in "super couples" stories before !@#$%^&*]-ing out.

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