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Brenda Dickson in VANITY FAIR

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“I have been blessed with great beauty,” she said. “This is a gift. And I have maintained it, through my research into the fountain of youth—the science of youth. I have worked with cutting-edge people in the industry of beauty, health, and exercise all my life. I look 25 years—or more—younger than my age because of this. I feel 40 most of the time.”


This is i c o n i c


Here are some other 80s classics in a similar vein (or vain if you will)



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Joan's is far less forced than the other two.

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I had to laugh at the part at the top about how she was in 156 episodes of Y&R. Was someone using IMDB to do research again?


This also made me laugh, because these days, it's likely true:


“It started a different kind of television, [leading to] an interest in celebrities’ personal lives, but also fashion, diet and exercise, [and] being glamorous. It’s probably more popular than The Young and the Restless. It definitely had as many viewers [as the soap] after it went downhill.”

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Brenda said she would love to do a 2018 version. omg please please please make this happen!


Dickson was made for 80s Daytime and, by God, if she was still around the genre, how she would spice that joint up! But whatever diva antics a network will put up with from male stars like Steve Burton, Maurice Benard or Eric Braeden (and FYI I love EB), it would NEVER up with from a woman. Shame. The genre desperately needs fabulous divas like this. That's why millions of people devoured Welcome To My Home on YT.

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And why they eat up every version of The Housewives franchise.  There is an audience for this, and everyone on TV but soaps decided to go in on complicated women, especially those past 25.


She would have made an amazing cast member of Housewives.  Can you imagine her at one of those dinner parties, or hosting one in her home?

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