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Star Trek: Picard

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I think them waiting to mid February makes no sense… beyond wanting it to run  into the second quarter of 2023… not having any new live action Trek for this many months is motivation to unsubscribe until next year. I hope the issues with international rights don’t make people have to wait to view it. 

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I said live action, I know Lower Decks is on and then Prodigy. Spending five dollars a month for about 2 hours of entertainment through the end of the year unless they take off time over the holidays and then having another hiatus is not worth keeping a subscription to me. Might as well wait to binge as it will only take a weekend to catch up on the animation. And unlike the live action shows, if I get spoiled I don’t get upset by it. 

when they announced unofficially that Picard was only going to be on in 2023, I was annoyed as they made the episodes so long ago. Doing two seasons back to back can mess up the quality, and it felt like the second season suffered from that. 

I have lost interest in so many things due to too long hiatuses, mistrust in the powers that be etc. And I am getting that way with Trek after what happened to the international viewers with Discovery and how some still haven’t gotten any Prodigy or all of Strange New Worlds due to the rollout of Paramount Plus. When you own your shows why are you geoblocking yourself?

If they announced that Strange New Worlds was slated for Spring 2023, my reaction would be more positive as they may have wanted jt to air right after or concurrently with Picard like this year. I would hope by now it wouldn’t take more than six months to do post production on 10 episodes of SNW. It sounded like they weren’t far into the next season of Discovery, so will that even be streaming in 2023? 

Unless there is another movie with TNG cast this would probably be the last time Patrick would be on stage promoting something Star Trek on September 8, and I was disappointed that there was little made of the 35th anniversary of TNG being this month with Patrick being on stage, without anyone from TNG was everyone else out of town other than Q. John DeLancie was there, so why was he not in the panel as he was on season 2. 

Having Tawny and Paul host was fine,  as it meant we got things off script. And even if the Generations joke probably made sense to very few people though the show Paul described was Passions with the doll. That said their podcast being on hiatus for 18 months again was a weird decision, as it wasn’t tied into current episodes.

basically I miss getting excited about new Trek coming and Star Trek day didn’t provide that for me. And isn’t it the point of the event to get people excited for upcoming shows or to buy merch. There was nothing that made me think oh wow I can’t wait to see that in many months from now or nostalgic not counting the short clip package on Nichelle. 

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I don't know what to tell you, dude. They are running new Trek practically year round and have greenlit new seasons of most of these shows a year to two years in. First Picard/DSC then SNW and now Lower Decks. Their Trek schedule is fast and hectic enough that I am still catching up on the last season of DSC and Picard. Adding more live action shows right now would turn it into a meat grinder for quality just like Enterprise or a lot of Voyager.

If the animated shows aren't to your liking, another show is coming soon enough. And that's even with COVID delays. What more can you want? Just stop the subscription til one comes back.

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It’s not as if Star Trek is the only property Paramount Plus has.  I’m sure they take way more subscription losses when a season of Drag Race ends than any of their Star Trek shows.

Im really looking forward to this season of Picard.  It will be especially nice to see Dr.Crusher again, hopefully with something real to do.

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Yes I bet they churn memberships when new Drag Race that is exclusive to their streamer is out of season, like the yearly departures after Big Brother live feeds end.

I want to be optimistic about new Picard but season 2 was disappointing to me and getting excited and then it getting dashed again would be awful especially with the return of beloved characters.

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I figured Lore would be back since Brent Spiner was announced to be involved but my jaw dropped when I saw Moriarty. I haven't really been following the tea for this season but I don't think anyone had that on their radar.

Really intrigued about what the plot line here is though. I wonder if this is some thing where Amanda Plummer's character sends various TNG villains after them or something in the vein. Crusher says they're being hunted. Isn't Denise Crosby involved in this season too somehow? 

I guess there's also the possibility that they activate Moriarty to try and defeat Lore since he was supposed to be the only one who could defeat Data.

Also, I don't think we got a glimpse of her in the teaser, but I think it's sweet that Levar Burton's daughter is playing one of Geordi's daughters.

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Quite fitting too as Christopher Plummer played General Chang, the last villain that the TOS crew faced. Which makes her literally "the next generation" lol


I gasped when I saw Moriarty and again a few seconds later with Lore (but of course that should've been obvious to me since as you say Brent Spiner was announced to be involved).

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I think you did, Picard mentions "LaForge" and the young Black woman at the helm responds.

I'm very pleased this season is apparently focused on Beverly Crusher at first, as I always felt the character was underutilized and the relationship with Picard not fully explored in favor of a series of revolving love interests late in the series and in the movies. They had considered marrying off Picard and Crusher in the final season but didn't do it. It sounds like they intend to give Gates a major role here. The first two seasons of Picard are very up and down at best, but I'm glad they've culled most of the new cast in favor of Stewart and the originals and as there is a new showrunner I have high hopes. (I love Michelle Hurd and Jeri Ryan on the show, even if I still don't buy their sudden romance; I suspect a rumored spinoff would showcase them as the leads.) Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks continue to lead the pack for as much improved Trek content, but Discovery has improved a considerable amount.

Moriarty returning reminds me that I believe Bev McKinsey pushed for Daniel Davis to play Alan Spaulding on GL when Chris Bernau passed away.

A lot of people wondered if Sela would be back, but tbh Sela was never very interesting or successful as a character. I do think Denise may appear as her to close that story out since they also had Wil Wheaton appear as Wesley last season, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she genuinely appeared as Tasha Yar, alive and well. We only have Sela's word that Tasha died in a Romulan prison.

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The actress in the promo isn't LeVar's daughter Mica Burton.  That's Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut who plays LaForge's other daughter.

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"In the new trailer ...
Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut at the helm of the USS Titan as Ensign Sidney La Forge.

During the panel, it was revealed that Mica Burton would be playing her younger sister Ensign Alandra La Forge.

Sharpe Chestnut's Sidney is listed as Geordi La Forge's eldest daughter and the helmsman of the USS Titan, a ship that was once captained by Geordi's friend and shipmate, Will Riker.

Mica Burton's Alandra is Geordi's youngest daughter and she works alongside her father — which likely means she's following in his footsteps as an engineer, or possibly that the pair work together on another ship."


Mica Burton does some hosting and interviewing -- she was one of the hosts of the 2021 Star Trek Day (a virtual conference via zoom on youtube)

Here's Mica interviewing LeVar in 2019 at a video game thing.

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