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Offbeat Soap Facts/News bits/Anecdotes you still remember

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Once on TEON, Ann Flood (Nancy Karr) was speaking to her husband Mike about her sister Cookie: "I'm going to go downtown and help Picky cook out a dress." ROTF! Live TV was amusing.


On the short-lived soap First Love, which was also broadcast live, Val Dufour was supposed to announce some terrible news, that a friend had just crashed his airplane. Dufour rushed into the room and cried, "Paul has crapped...!" Horrified at his error, he stopped dead instead of finishing the sentence. He might have been able to minimize the damage by continuing, "Paul has crapped...I mean CRASHED his plane!" But no. He just...stopped. Upon hearing the breathtaking news that Paul had "crapped," the other actors in the scene, including Patricia Barry, gagged to hold back their laughter.

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Mary Stuart recounts a few live tales in her book.


Once,there was supposed to be a phone call,but the show (live)  was running late so in the commercial break they cut it from the next scene.

When the show resumed,the phone rang(the message did not get through to the sound effects guy.)


Larry Haines and Melba Rae were in the scene and the phone kept ringing so Melba picked it up and immediately handed it to Larry saying 'it's for you'. Larry responded "wrong number',hung up and continued the scene.


Another time Mary was in a scene with Lynn Loring,her young daughter Patti.

They were in the kitchen and were supposed to move onto the porch to peel vegetables,or some such thing.

Loring then piped up that she wanted to stay inside,confusing Mary, who disagreed in an attempt to keep to the script.

Lynn then said something about it looks like rain.

Mary then saw the crew telling her to stay where they were.

Seems the porch set had collapsed and Lynn had spotted it and ad-libbed to save the scene.

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When I was little, watching Love of Life with my grandmother, there was a scene with Veleka Gray in bed. She had to get up to answer the door and her boob kind of fell out to the side and was clearly visible. My grandmother nearly had a heart attack.  I don't think the show was live, or maybe it was, but it was not edited out.  


Not many older soap fans realize that Edge of Night exec producer, Nick Nicholson, was sort of a Frank Valentini of daytime.  He hired many gay and lesbian actors (Lois Kibbee, Joel Crothers, Dennis Parker, Irving Allen Lee, the guy who played Damien, the first Kelly).  

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Thank you! I remember in the 70s my mom, aunt, and mom's best friend would get together every week to dish their favorite soaps. My uncle Jimmy joined in the conversation one day and mentioned the scene where Veleka Gray's boob popped out.


If I remember correctly, Dennis Parker and the first Kelly (Joey Alan Phipps) were lovers at one point. I recall reading that in a fascinating bio about Parker.

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The difference was he hired gay and lesbian performers that could act... and didn't parade around half-naked all the time... just on special occasions (hence the gasps when it did happen since it was something new and interesting.... I think nowadays, if a soap featured the male characters with their shirts and never without them on.. it would illicit the same gasp..imho).

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