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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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John's been dead for a decade. It's Jack's house. Billy was acting like an entitled jackass not two months after his brother found out he was screwing his wife. You can like Traci all you want but I know lopsided writing when I see it.

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Jack is mid 60's. A rivalry with his brother whose young enough to be his son is a non-starter.  Didn't like it with Victor and adam either. If they want Billy to have an in-family rival, they need to recast Keemo. PB will just have to deal. 

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They continue to give them love story after love story on top of it.  In the past 2 viewer/fan surveys (they never listen) - I said in both - Victor and Jack need a rest.  Congratulate both actors for a job well done and either have them take a REAL back seat or reward them each with a 3 to 6 month hiatus from the show and see what you can do with some of these other characters.  They're dying on the vine for the sake of Jack and Victor.  Either balance it out naturally or remove them from the equation so that they're not a choice for the writers. 


I don't know what the ratings were when Eric B. was gone before but given right now when the ratings are released there have been * asterisks next to most key data that says, "All time low - 8th straight week".  So....while things have changed he can't be that big of a ratings draw to keep him front and center 24/7 when the ratings are where they are right now. 

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